What is Veeky Forums's opinion on the Pinnacle Of Perfection?
Slaanesh Thread
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Slaanesh is my fetish
It's just /d/ personified with a bit of fur shoved in.
Where in Age of Sigmar is he?
Slaanesh a shit
Slaanesh brings the most delightful dreams.
All praise be to Slaanesh, Lord of Hedonistic Ascension and Epicurean Delights beyond all comprehension!
>Slaanesh removed from the fantasy franchise
>40K plot advancing for the first time in decades
>40K likely to get an AoS-like overhaul
>new plot includes Ynnead whose main purpose is to destroy Slaanesh
face it guys, Slaanesh is going the way of the Squats
The people I've seen play Slaanesh have all been former scene kids who are in that weird transitional phase where they're not quite scene but still straighten their hair and wear skinny jeans.
Personally I think Slaanesh is alright but probably the worst chaos god, mostly for his lack of good models
I think Slaanesh is ultimately the least dangerous of all the Gods, and unlike all the other Gods, daemonette harem is a very real possibility. Your ability to survive said daemonette orgy is up to you, but it's totally possible.
You try to stick a cucumber up a Bloodthirster's butt, tell me how it goes.
Kinda ugly. Would not bang.
slaanesh is best god
Degenerate, but better than Nurgle.
I hope not, the 4 Chaos Gods are a cornerstone of the setting.
The 7th Edition Daemon army book actually postulated that he could grow to become the strongest Chaos god and the one most dangerous to each of his brothers since they basically indulge in excess in one way or another.
Dont think this will happen or good for the game.
Slaanesh is the 4part of all directions there is.
Too stagnant.
They've said the Horned Rat might take that place in Fantasy. Possibly something else. Of course, what does the Horned Rat offer that Nurgle doesn't already?
Not sure what might take that place in 40k.
yeah i never understood why the horned rat would take his place, horned rat is basically nugle+tzeench
Worst fanbase that constantly misses the point.
Can't wait for this god to get squatted
>Age of Sigmar: Malerion (Malekith) murders Slaanesh
>W40K: Fulgrim absorbs Slaanesh and becomes the new god, but then gets obliterated by the power of friendship
>>Age of Sigmar: Malerion (Malekith) murders Slaanesh
Why he change his name?
GW scared of Disney/Marvel sueing their asses
Given that they just released a chaos sorceror whose flavour text says he's trying to resurrect slaanesh, and yoi can still fiekd daemonettes, likely not.
>just released a chaos sorceror
It's old WHFB Chaos sorceror.
>he's trying to resurrect slaanesh
Just like all Slaanesh followers in AoS for 2 years.
the gayest chaos god
I thought i read a rumor about Slaanesh making a big return in AoS and managing to survive Ynneads awakening. Cant remember the source though so its probably just moot... but then again there are rumors of Daemon Fulgrim so maybe theres a revival in the process.
I guess it would make sense since Ynnead was meant to awaken after the last Eldar dies. Maybe premature birth meant it isnt as complete as it could have been. I kind of hope its the case. It wouldnt make sense to kill Slaanesh because like someone above said, she brings to the pantheon of dark gods a more unique characteristic than the horned rat (aka: Nurgle jr) whose supposedly going to replace her.
I just wish they realized the potential in Slaanesh. They made a god of excess and sensory bliss. They could create and invent any kind of unit that fits into Slaanesh's realm of ego and vanity, and it doesnt have to be a "bonafide shameless pervert with 10 boobs". They could make mad apothecaries, horrifying marines that get stronger with being wounded, literally anything that would make playing an evil faction of madness fun. I wouldnt even be mad if they pull some bullshit and invent a new legion of Slaanesh with releases that rival the TS
Eugh.. these kinds of Slaaneshi creations just make me cringe
ugh... these kinds of posts make me cringe
What about Noise Marines?
Because Skaven sell ludicrously well, and that is literally all that matters.
Lies. GW did shitty renames no no reason.
Like Aelves, a word that cannot be copyrighted.
>dont like what i dont like
Just write you dislike it. No need to exxagerate it by throwing cringe in.
Cringe. I can't believe you're using it unironically.
Tfw no Loyalist Noise Marines to have glorious guitar solo duels against Chaos Noise Marines.
Best hermaphrodical deity.
The Pinnacle of Perfection is very perfect.
I made one of those.
Called it the choir.
Salamander successor friends with harlequins.
Found uncurropted STC with noise weapons
It's head need to be added to the Skull Throne.
Not enough dakka. Therefore it falls far short of perfection. And is a poncy git. By association, it's followers are poncy gits.
What effects does looking directly at Slaanesh's body have? Do you just instantly cum from every orifice or something?
>doesn't have a dick
It does, and it also doesn't, it has every known thing down there, cucumber, ham sandwiches, a teaspoon.
>GW scared of Disney/Marvel sueing their asses
Thn why they named one of faction are Highborne?
>Mad Apothecaries
Fabius Bile (admittedly not technically slaaneshi anymore, but)
>horrifying marines that get stronger with being wounded
Warlord trait for Emperor's Children
the stuff in Traitor Legions really puts Slaanesh out there more as more than just sex and hurr sex.
I agree with you but only because it looks like shit aesthetically. If it was well done (and preferably also offputting or subtly disturbing in some way) it'd be cool. Slaaneshi daemons should look Slaaneshi, meaning in some way they should be aesthetically pleasing (good proportions, snakeboobs, whatever); as soon as they stop looking good then they're shit.
Like the set of Obliterators which this guy is drawn from actually have a coherent theme and such and therefore are good Slaaneshi daemons. The tit-Defiler there could have been cool if it was done well but the artist just made it look stupid. If the legs were more arachnid and the body more mechanical so as to create continuity, it'd be okay.
tl;dr I agree but not just because they put tits on it, it's because they did a shit job of putting tits on it. This does not please Slaanesh.
>to resurrect slaanesh
I would let Slaanesh have xer way with me. If GW kills Slaanesh all my guitar marines are dead... not that they're a great 40k unit to begin with...
Read Gathering Storm II m8. Ynnead's still sleeping, Eldrad's shenanigans just managed to awaken a fragment of him. Slaanesh isn't going anywhere.
>, Eldrad's shenanigans just managed to awaken a fragment of him.
Yeah all what needed to awake him is find one sword.
Also, even sleeping Ynnead can undo any Chaos shit, Rubric, spores of strongest Nurgle Greater Daemon, oneshot strongest Keeper of Secrets in Slaanesh birthplace
Not as friendly as Nurgle.
Because Highborn exists outside fiction settings, but Malekith doesn't?
By far my favourite chaos god. I just wish people stopped memeing him as sex, drugs and rock'n'roll. The point of Slaanesh is the obsessive pursuit of perfection in one thing. Artists who sacrifice everything for their art are much closer to the mentality of people who would worship Slaanesh than people who get drunk and sleep with a different person every friday night. And I suppose that's the reason i find Slaanesh interesting, unlike - say - Khorne, whose only schtick seems to be killing stuff.
I am not a degenerate nor am I a chaosfag.
You lose your mind and start obsessively worshiping him. You become madly in love, and turn into a slave to his will.
>The point of Slaanesh is the obsessive pursuit of perfection in one thing.
I understand Slaanesh as pursuing everything that makes fun to the excess.
Perfection would be more Tzeentch thing. Like making the perfect plan or something constantly changes to find the perfect form.
But there are always overlaps.
>not knowing that you cannot beat the mouse in court
>the Perfect Prince (one of the names of Slaanesh)
>Just as importantly, Slaanesh is also the god of perfection. The singer striving for the most beautiful song or the warrior who seeks the perfect fighting techniques, both could be devotees of Slaanesh.
>From the earliest days of its service to the Great Crusade, the nascent Legion was recognised for its drive to attain perfection in all its deeds. It was in recognition of this drive that the Emperor granted the warriors of the Legion the right to bear the Imperial eagle upon their chest armour, a unique honour at that time. In recognition that the Emperor was the very pinnacle of the perfection Fulgrim aspired to, the IIIrd Legion was named the Emperor's Children, a title it retained even after the calamitous events of the Horus Heresy. Some would say that it was Fulgrim's impossible desire to attain perfection in all that he did that ultimately led him and his Legion into the service of Slaanesh.
Perfection is definitely Slaanesh. Tzeench couldn't even understand the concept, as he embodies constant change.
This the i think of when I think song of Slaan
>Because Highborn exists outside fiction settings
You mean?
>six instances of "perfect or "perfection" in a single paragraph
I really wish the writers would consult a thesaurus every now and then.
this would look so much better if the upper body was about 1/3 smaller
Slaanesh has a Schrodinger's Schrodinger
too pure to be allowed to exist
They wrote slaanesh out of rage of sigmar, and they will do it too when they reboot 40K...
I heard they like warpfires in the gw HQ
Boring. Boring playstyle, boring miniatures, boring lore.
slaanesh getting chaos squatted confirmed
age of guilliman is upon us
Best Primarch
Best weapons
Best Speeds
I love just about everything in the slaaneshi arsenal from sigvald to sonic blasters, playing the army that kills for what it wants is always fun. Plus having the fastest marines on the table opens up some great advantages on the field
>that comic
>slaaneshi marines facing SoBs
I swear, if it wasn't for the fucking furries we'd actually have a properly-explained magical realm bad end
Sorry, I forgot that these are actual facts.
Khorne-fag spotted.
the concept of people being of higher station through birth
I wish more people had fully painted Warriors of Chaos armies in a slaanesh theme, theres so many good oppurtunities there.
For some reason its always just the daemons, not complaining on that really its just that there's a lot more
But that's social class, not ethnonym
>Yeah all what needed to awake him is find one sword.
A sword that is lost in Space Hell most likely, or Infinite Space Purgatory at the very least.
That is no easy task for anybody.
>not ethnonym
The concept still exists, and cannot be copyrighted Unless you're The Mouse.
An entire race can view themselves as being "highborn," in comparison to other races, though, so it can definitely be an ethnonym.
>The concept still exists, and cannot be copyrighted
Say it to Blizz
>Perfection is definitely Slaanesh.
Because setting™ always looks more interesting if you copyright literally™ all™ things™
the same Veeky Forums that has regular kobold and gnoll threads?
>he still thinks 40k is getting Sigmar'd
>grandalliance Order already formed
>Age of Chaos is over
>Imperium now progreesive multicultural empire and striking Cnaos back
>destruction or death are next
The roundest sphere on Earth is Slaaneshi as fuck. It's perfectly polished and smooth down to the placement of single atoms.