I'll soon be throwing my party against Tiamat, Mother of Dragons. I need your best "oh shit, this is the final boss fight" music.
Also, general tabletop battle music thread.
I would recommend the following songs by Two Steps From Hell for anyone's battle list: Armada, Wrath of the Sea, Clash of Empires, Archangel, Road to Revelation, Nemesis, Sons of War, The Colonels, and Freefall.
>I need your best "oh shit, this is the final boss fight" music. Assuming your crew is a professional as mine, this wil be perfect: youtube.com/watch?v=6-a0vRxdDdA
So kind of off topic but still related to music- I'm revisiting Phantom of the Opera but the Sara Brightman kind of sings like miss piggy. Whats another good recording? I'm listening to the canadian on and this guy took the whole 'opera ghost' thing a little too seriously.
Sorry, I'd ask /mu/ but its an awful board and I figure there would be some musical theater buffs here.