>play a thief
>dm won't let you name your character Nick Stuff
Play a thief
Other urls found in this thread:
>play a gunslinger
>dm wont let you name your character Hans Gunn
>Won't let you name him Lars Enny either
>Rob Things isn't allowed either
Actually, why doesn't he?
It's your name, you can be silly.
Of course, looking like a rogue and having a name of "Nick Stuff" could draw WAY more attention to you and make it more difficult to steal stuff.
>play a hacker
>GM lets me name him Norton
Stolen for my own nefarious purposes.
>Nab Errythin is also vetoed.
This one would actually slip by me tqbhwyf
>play a marmot rogue
>can't be called Snatch Beaver
>Play a detective
>Can't name him Justin Case
Found the names for my campaign's quirky villain squad
>Play Cleric
>dm won't let you name your character By-Pelor's-Light-We-Are-Guarded-From-The-Ever-Creeping-Darkness Barebone.
give him a thing for disguises and see if he'll let "friar take" fly
>play a thief
>dm won't let you name your character Lute Schitt
One of my players named his character Sharon Eadle. Elf warlock—nothing to do with drugs or anything—and he just wanted his name to be Sharon Eadle.
>play an archer ranger
>DM won't let you name him Bart Clinton
>play a thief
>gm won't let you name your character Ste LeOrnaments
>can't name my Face 'Rando Nubuddy'
>play a bard
>dm won't let you name your character Feal d'Oss
Have you tried Pick Pocket?
1737 canting dictionary, you can put together some names with this, like Zad Foist.
I don't get it
Larceny user.
Is a crime.
>play a gay female wizard
>DM won't let you name your character Magic Dyke
Run the words together and close the pronunciation on the to a schwa
>play a gay druid
>DM won't let you make bear jokes
fecking typos, the "e"
jesus, enough dewars for me
>play a gunslinger
>GM won't let you name your character Gun Gho
>Nick Stuff
>Lars Enny
>Rob Things
And their trusted fence Sel Toomey.
> play a gunslinger
> GM won't let you name your character Smith Wessen
>play rogue
>DM won't let you name your character Enka Gnito
>Play Healslut
>dm won't let me name her Amelia Rate
>play a gunslinger
>GM won't let me name him Manny Schutz
>dm won't let my character's first name be 'prince' because I abused it last time.
>play a barbarian
>dm vetoes Skip Legday
>play a ruthless mercenary willing to perform underhanded or even vile acts for gold
>dm won't let you name your character Dirt E. Deeds (Done for Cheap)
>play a rogue
>DM won't let you name your character Hugh Jass
>character has a big dick
>can't call him Big Dick
Piq P. Oket?
Play a time traveler.
Can't name him Justin Time
>Playing a half orc babarian that has the grappler feat and wrestles people
>dm wont let me call him Micky Rorc
>play a paladin
>dm won't let you name your character Wright Chuss
>play a thief
>dm won't let you name your character Jimmy Locke
bigus dickus
>Not naming him Ian Cognito
>Play Paladin
>DM won't okay any of the following
>Leon Hans
>Plenius Mighty
>Deuce Volt
>Cruz Adar
>Laufey Allgood
Name him Lo Wang.
Would you let someone play a masked warrior, Telmia of House Bautbain?
>play a gunslinger
>Gm won't let you name your character Aimy McKillin
>play a gunslinger
>DM won't let you name your character Rudy McShooty
>Barbarian named Foryuu the Big
>play a gunslinger
>DM won't let you name your character Sonny McGunny
>Ty Aardmeme
>play a wizard who messes with corpses
>DM won't let you name your character Nick Rolph Elia
>play a goblin merchant
>dm won't let you name your character Orr D. Jweef.
Pho Kyew
>play a gay person
>DM won't let you name your character Ho Mo
>play as asian bard/thief
>dm won't allow Lu Ting
>play a male elf
>dm won't let you name your character Melf
>Jor Mahm
Guy Foryu the Big is a legend, user. You'd have your character be confused for you.
I mean him.
>Lu Ting
fucking kek
>Robin Graves the Body Snatcher not allowed
>Play SKT with group online
>brother of dm is playing halfling paladin with 18 strength named Jack
>he was raised by dwarves and another player is playing is brother
>they keep us all so distracted by their constant bickering the GM doesnt notice that he made "jack the giant slayer"
>after he finally kills a giant he drops "Im jack, jack the giant slayer" into conversation with an npc
>gm "...you son of a bitch!"
>Play a Gladiator with the short disadvantage
>GM throws you out when you suggest Minimus as character name
>play a cleric
>DM won't let you call them Hee Ling
Miles Long.
My first time ever playing a tabletop game I had a rogue with this name. Good times.
>not playing a eunuch named Peter Graves
well that's probably because there's an extremely famous wizard by the same name
Samurai named Hah Rakiri
>not playing a eunuch called Snips
I like new Lo Wang better, mostly because he's an actual character and not just a quip slinging stereotype, I mean he's still quip slinging but he's got more of a character to him.
>not playing a eunuch called Sin Wavos
>not playing a eunuch named Richard Chop
>not playing a eunuch named
Nohan Ging
So? It's not like Albert went off the naming table after Einstein.
I have an NPC that my players really dont trust just because he's kind of a sleazy businessman (he's pretty much totally clean in actuality) and his first name is larz and now i wish i had thought to have enny be his last name just to fuck with the players even more
I don't get it, not a native speaker though
> Dirt E. Deeds (Done for Cheap)
> for
>play a bard
>dm wont let you name your character Jack Doff
>Play an assassian
>Dm won't let me name her 'Anne Assia Ann'
>Play a rouge
>Dm lets name him 'honest McTrustworthy"
>regrets it imediately
Hung Wei Lo.
I gave up a long time ago on trying to prevent joke names, regardless of the campaign. It's hilarious when they become legitimate characters with backstories and personalities. It's hard to not have fun playing Duke Dongdarius.
Hung Yun Gai.
>playing a campaign where we only know each-others Codes names at the start
>Half-ogre who wields two spiked tow shields, but also int 8
>He comes from the Ironwall clan of ogres
>His home town? IronWall
>Code name that the gm choose before he looked at the character sheet and learned the real name? Ironwall
>Title the gaurdian Knights of the kingdom earn? Ironwall
>The name that people gave him when they heard tales of his actions? Fucking Ironwall
Eventualy he established his own school of fighting.
Full final title on my Character sheet? Sir Ironwall The Ironwall of Ironwall, The legendary Ironwall, Ironwall.
I've also had a character named Buffalo go too far...
Play a Shadowrunner. GM won't let you play this nigger.
Did anyone make a cap with the final version?
>play a merchant
>dm won't let you name your character Komm Ander
This is all I got
>play a merchant
>dm wont let you play a merchant
>Play a bard
>won't let me call him Phil McKraken
What about Rob Anybody?