Hey guys
It's a bee-holder
Hey guys
It's a bee-holder
God damn it.
It's a bit of a shame, because I don't think this thread could get any more perfect beyond these two posts.
I see what you did there
Didn't the not-beholders in the Ultima series literally hold bees?
it's a
it's a
I think you might be lost, friend
Damnit kid, look, I know your lifelong goal is to be an adventurer... but you sure you want to thwack that 'bee-holder' down when you don't have the right equipment? A good adventurer should be prepared. So trade that kitchen knife with a longer stick, and ask Uncle Mel the Beekeeper for one of his suits. Maybe ask him for some herbs to burn so you'll hit that 'bee-holder' with a status effect.
Someone PLEASE screencap the first two posts. Make this a thing.
65 million years in paint.
out fucking standing user.
"On rare occasion, when a Beholders lair is plagued by an infestation of bees, magical or otherwise, the Beholder's dreams may turn it into a Bee-holder. It gains control of all bees in the region, and also gains the honeycomb ray and the beeswarm ray abilities."
It's not a regular bee-holder. This one is filled with zombees
The only thing this thread is missing now is someone who backlinks every single reaction post in the thread and states that they're all samefag, despite the poster counter.
Now post it to /r/Veeky Forums.
Sorry mate, I don't use reddit outside of when the odd google search turns up something relevant. Feel free to do it yourself.
The karma is MINE!
But what do its other eyes do? Cast giant vermin? Ray of pollination? An eyestalk that's purely for waggle dancing?!
>An eyestalk that's purely for waggle dancing?!
That one casts Otto's irresistible Dance on non-bees.
>Fill my game with puns
>Love stupid wordplay
>Somehow this never occurred to me.
I'm using it and no one can stop me.
First post was best post.
(i'm proud of this)
I'm tempted to post it there just so I can downvote it.
...I can't beelieve I never thought of that before.
Who would comb through the thread to do that?
Goddamn samefags, here's your (((You)))
I'm sure someone will bee bothered.
You're not the hero Veeky Forums wants or needs, but the one it gets. Godspeed user.
Man, such a drama Queen.
You're really killing the buzz!
/pol/ pls go
>starting a /pol/ shitfest when none existed
No annonaru, you are the shitposter.
Like clockwork
Man, why you buggin?
This reminds me, I had this concept for a boss in a Paper Mario styled campaign
>Pic related
Basically a big evil tree monster with a beehive dangling from one of its branches.
Every turn the tree monster would use root attacks or branch strikes on the PCs, and then the hive would spawn a bee that would kamikaze to deal extra damage to someone.
So you could take extra damage per turn the whole fight, but if you were clever and prepared you could also hit the beehive, causing it to drop on the ground, break and spawn a dozen confused bees.
Then, you could use a weak multiple-target attack to wipe them all out and continue the fight unhampered.
Substitute bee for wasps that don't die after attacking and quickly fill the battlefield, if you're feeling nasty.
Thanks, sport!
post results after you do it my dude
if you ever planned to do it that is
>player brings new character
>it's some sort of thorny plant-like race
>apparently there's a caste system for this race based on what kind of thorns you have
>PC is of the snooty noble caste
>"he's a barb-aryan"
10 minutes later, having collected my sides... How would we stat this? Is there some kind of bee-swarm template we could add to a beholder?
Beholder with a permanent aura of bees. Each bee has a big beholder eye on it.
The bee-holder can disguise itself perfectly as an ordinary bee-hive, and often uses that disguise to ambush tresspassers.
When slain or subdued, a bee-holder can be harvested for magical honey. Some accounts claim that bee-holders may willingly donate their honey to mortals who outmatch it in a spelling competition.
This is a good thread.
Well clearly its main eye causes bees to swarm over whatever its looking at.
>Player makes a homebrew magical user
>Naturally born with a wellspring of mana that other magic users can tap into
>Calls it the 'Source-erer'
I'm still some what in awe of this and the fact it never fucking occurred to me.
No, the Source-erer's power is to know the names of pornstars.
I'm going to need both of you to leave. You may come back when you've read sufficient Terry Pratchet.
I read the first two sentences on a Wikipedia page about Sourcery, can I stay now?
But what about the flying saucer-er?
Holy shit, they did do that. I could never figure out why! Was it a nod to them being bee-holders?
>This strange creature is found mostly in dungeons. It hovers about, looking for victims to mesmerize with its multiple eyes. Upon being killed, the body of a gazer will break up into a tiny swarming colony of insects.
>Homebrew magic user based on flying
>Homebrew magic user based on causing painful skin irritation
>Homebrew magic user based on burn damage
>Homebrew magic user based on cooking soups and stews
>Homebrew magic user based on weather manipulation
>Homebrew magic user based on gooey marshmallow, chocolate and cracker confections
There is no end to these.
>It gains control of all bees in the region,
Oh shit.