A new challenger appears edition
Spicy sideboard tech?
Thoughts on the current meta?
Prediction for the 13th?
Current Modern Metagame
A new challenger appears edition
Spicy sideboard tech?
Thoughts on the current meta?
Prediction for the 13th?
Current Modern Metagame
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>Spicy sideboard tech?
>Thoughts on the current meta?
It's shit
Playing UR Gifts storm
Hating burn, cause it's just such a brain dead meme, thank god for fastlands
Brewing Abzan Coco with Rallier
Sideboard tech is blood moon. Every deck that can should run 3 in the sideboard, if you're not you're putting yourself at a disadvantage desu, it shuts down so many decks.
I think the current meta is fine, still wish they would give some shit to combo and control.
No bans, hopefully they unban something.
Shit OP desu, we're not fucking children waiting to answer these same questions 30 times a day. Think up some actual questions for once you autist.
10/10 post, friendo. We're off to a great start. Let's make it even better by bitching about the secondary market and arguing on whether or not Tron is a control deck.
Don't forget mox opal's vintage level brokenness and inevitable ban
Might as Well.
Tron starts as a Combo deck, plays Control for a turn or two, and then does Aggro till you die. It does all three, one stage at a time. That's why it's fun to play, You get to be all 3 decks.
G/B Tron, Esper Draw-Go
I fought hatebears and wanted to cry because of how bored I was
BW Eldrazi Processor, also thinking about what to do with Eldritch Evolution
>Spicy sideboard tech?
>>>pic related
Merfolk, Valakut and Blood Moon decks can all suck my left nut
>Thoughts on the current meta?
it's ok
>Prediction for the 13th?
Preordain would be nice, realistically nothing happens
Snek Affinity
Path on my hangerback walker
Spicy sideboard tech?
Nothing in particular
Thoughts on the current meta?
It's ok. Death's Shadow gets more popular constantly (online at least) and I'll be interested to see if modern players are alright with a definite top deck as long as it's perceived to be 'fair', a la miracles in legacy.
kill yourself legacyfag, no reason to shit up the thread you humongous faggot
desu I find that meme somewhat amusing
>Tron starts as a Combo deck
If it's not the win condition then that's just synergy.
>plays Control for a turn or two
That's just interaction/being on the back foot.
>and then does Aggro till you die
So it's an aggro deck that usually starts on the back foot.
If tron lands are used to cast a wurmcoil and win is that a win condition? Or is that a control strat? Or is that aggro now?
>aggro deck
>starts on the back foot
well then it isnt aggro, because aggro is fast. we call that midrange, which survives for a few turns and slams higher costed/efficient threats.
Can't be control because control isn't proactive and isn't defined by using a "finisher." It's about grinding the opponent to dust, removing all their resources.
It's why lantern "control" isn't actually control by any real means. It's a prison deck like owling mine.
Fast mana doesn't seem enough to be a "combo" to me but that I'm less certain of, sure.
>Snek Affinity
How well does this deck perform nowadays?
I was brainstorming some ideas for an abzan/GB snakefinity considering I pulled a foil snek recently and I thought that I could integrate energy somewhat in the gameplay.
What I came up with used Glint-Sleeve Siphoner, Attune with Aether, and Snek to generate some heavy energy and create some sort of pseudo-dark confidant synergy which more often than not generated at least 1 extra card per turn.
I saw other variants sticking in Traverse and Bob but I thought to myself that traverse would almost never attain delirium unless hardened scales found its way to the graveyard and that Bob wouldn't be as good a beater as a buffed siphoner. I could be thinking wrong but that's my ideology so far.
Wanna post a list?
Tron is a turbo-aggro deck
Just run bob, playing bad cards to enable bad cards isn't a good idea and Bob is straight gas in the deck no strings attached.
I thought the same. Bob requires no setup so that's a major advantage on that end.
However, what about traverse? I feel like that would rarely come in handy because consistently proc-ing would require too much setup.
I think Death Shadow might be my favorite looking card.
unless you're running a build that can consistently enable delirium I would advise against it. Traverse is a nice payoff card but it's hard to get working in a lot of decks which is why it sees play in ~2 decks right now.
This is my list right now. I'm probably going to go down a mimic and get another bob. If I can find anything else that works well I'll probably replace all the mimics.
I tried the list on channelfireball with traverse but it was almost never able to search up a creature. It had dromoka's command in it as well and that was just straight garbage every match.
I think bob is super good in this list actually. The average CMC of my build at least is around half per draw so even when I'm low on life I don't have any troubles playing them. I think it's good in such a synergy focused deck to have a card that can just win you games on its own when your opponent has used all their removal.
I've also got ancient stirrings which I haven't seen in any other list. The list is very 2 (or for XX creatures it can be 4, 6, etc) drop heavy, so having a 1 drop that can always be cast on turn 1 or 3 instead of wasting that extra mana is useful. Being able to more easily find sideboard silver bullets is nice too.
>Think up some actual questions for once you autist.
If you're gonna make the OP at least start off with a semi unique discussion. Give us something like
>What does [card pic related deck] need to succeed in the current meta? (my thought was living end)
>What would be your dream MM2017 draft promo?
>if you could choose what archetype to draft in mm2017 what would it be?
>what shell/support would [card] need to be a force in the format? (thikning about trinisphere)
>do you think online magic has more longevity than paper?
etc. just think of something.
As a grixis delver player (mostly stock, still need to buy one more fatal push) . What should my list be looking like in a shop meta of mainly midrange and tron?
Should I just bite the bullet and switch to control?
Sup fellow BW Eldrazi bro, what's your list looking like these days?
I was tempted to just build Eldrazi Tron but it's fucking boring. At least I get to play magic if I don't find the lands I need with Processors.
Alot of people seem to be on Delver with the ability to go full control using sideboard by taking out Delvers for Ancestral Visions or Painful Truths. But I would think Delver would stay in against Tron since you want to race them.
Looking for some feedback on my budget Elves List.
I know elves only shows up rarely in top 8s, but I'm a filthy tribal player and the deck performs surprisingly well in my meta.
I'm not 100% sold on Fauna Shaman, but it's not as bad as I thought. It can grab another one of my lords usually and help me close out the game, and there's often better targets for removal on board when I play it, but time will tell if it's worth the slot.
Definitely going to switch to G/B at some point, though. I just wanted to have a deck that was finished and ready to play.
Sideboard help is appreciated as well. Dwynen is there because of burn, but even then I think it's just too slow and it comes down to who draws better,
G/W Enchantress
Jund and/or Naya.
G/W Enchantress. It's just a hair under being an effective pillowfort for Modern Aggro decks, but it's getting there.
Spicy Sideboard tech?
Dovescape, to blank out cards like Fracturing Gust and Back to Nature.
>Thoughts on the current meta?
It's fine-ish. People at my shop have gotten far too boring with their Jund, Abzan, and Naya "Three-color goodstuff" decks. I'd prefer to see people bring in more off-the-walls homebrews/combos like that Slumbering Tora deck that was mentioned 3 generals ago.
excuse me for poor english for i am china
where were you when through the breach buyout?
i was sit at home watching cartoons
'breach not reprint'
and you????
Poor English? Its perfect.
Veeky Forums what's your options against death shadow deck?
Lalor did nothing wrong
Grixis Delver and U tron
Any fast aggro deck
Marchesa EDH and looking for a budget junk token abzan list
Spicy sideboard tech?
Tree of Perdition to kill DS kek
But really fatal push and surgical extraction a bitch, also applies to tron when paired with any land destruction
Thoughts on the current meta? I like the amount of decks that could actually compete. I've done better with U tron recently so thats a plus. Overall i'm a little annoyed with DS being put everywhere, it was fine in one deck but its a bitch to see all over the place.
Condemn, Path, and just trying to kill them before they kill me.
is this a haiku?
The old art on that is so much better.
my guy
Pretty much running the same list that 5-0'd a league recently. Been trying out 23 land and 1 Elspeth K-T. I've got blight herder over reality smasher since a lot of decks in my area don't have board wipes
I've had Elspeth and a Blight herder out together twice and it seemed pretty much impossible for my opponents to deal with. I want to try 2 herder/2 displacer but I feel like that might be going for to much spice
fuck Eldrazi Tron, I respect it even less than normal Gx Tron
is this a haiku?
In referring to your post
perhaps to my own
excuse but i am see breachfast buyout and now mcdonafs has all day breach
it isn't fsir, why can not buy mcgriddle? ban dimian spirit guide
Wurmcoil is in the deck to be a colorless wall that unanswered will deny your opponent profitable attacks, its function is identical to Moat in The Deck. No one ever won by swinging with Wurmcoil unless the game was otherwise completely locked up by Oblivion Stone and/or Karn taking over the board.
Playing Living End.
ban it
roses are red
violets are blue
your haiku a shit
so is youre waifu
but user
your my waifu ;_;
What a twist!
>Tron is fun to play
Nice meme
Literally the most cancer deck in modern currently. I'm not saying it's too good I'm just saying it's just a fucking terrible deck to have in the format. It's matchups are always like 20-80 or 80-20. If it's like a slow midrange "fair" deck you win most of the time and if it's fast or has land destruction you can't win.
>or has land destruction
Boom/Bust Blue Moon and Ponza are among Tron's best matchups because besides their gimmick they don't do much and just fold to a Oblivion Stone and/or hardcast Wurmcoil/Karn. DNT variants aren't good vs Tron because they a set of Ghost Quarters but because white has access to Stony Silence and they have a reasonable clock with disruption (Mindcensor, Arbiter, Revoker)
best basic forest art?
19 or 20 lands for GB tron?
1-of Walking Ballista or Spellskite?
This and mirrodin or new phyrexia block imo. I'm a weeb tho.
Speaking of weeb, what's the most competitive shell for Ninja of the Deep Hours?
>Wizards of the Coast seems to have decided to stop keeping that scale balanced in the middle, preferring to tilt it all the way towards letting people play Modern instead of propping up an artificially inflated secondary market.
>There will never be another Modern Pro Tour. Modern isn’t meant for the highest levels of competition. It’s meant for the most casual of Magic players. Those who have no desire to invest in Legacy, no desire to compete in Standard, no desire to spend a fortune on Magic.
How does it feel to read such bullshit Veeky Forums.
>Speaking of weeb, what's the most competitive shell for Ninja of the Deep Hours?
pauper mono U delver
You think I'm not already playing that my guy?
2x Gaddock Teeg as sideboard tech against Big Mana in Bant spirits/Infect
Yes or no an why?
>Big Mana in Bant spirits
I thought top curve for bant spirits is 4 for coco,
Beta the one with the path or foil Unhinged.
19 lands, tron+3 fast+1 llanowar+2 forest+sanctum or a flex of your choice (Urza's Factory is dank af)
Neither, Infect is dead and neither does much vs the matchups you care about. Grim Poppet in the sb is better pinger "on curve".
>no desire to spend a fortune on Magic
Aren't some decks costing over a grand these days?
Currently have no deck atm because of infect but brewing up BGX. My country is rife with burn and bad zoo decks.
Tron is the only beast I truly fear now.
Meta is pretty diverse right now in terms of actual decks although control is really lacking besides prison decks.
My spicy sideboard tech is Blood Baron of Vizkopa for the mirror. Thrun is too much of a meme machine.
Man this article flows like shit. Each paragraph only feels tangentially related the previous one.
>thinking casuals even know what formats are
uh wizards is making availability for people who can't afford but want to play competitively. ritard author
>they slam o-stone
To be fair bant spirits runs some counters and spell queller. Limiting your opponent's outs to spells you can possibly deal with is far better than being fucked by ugin. Ulamog is the real problem with Gaddock Teeg.
>being this pedantic
shit deck is still shit tho
you'll still get shafted by tron, just get ceremonious rejection for your SB if they're that numerous
It's not the only tech I will have. I will run 3x Stony Silence and maybe 1x Kataki, plus Negates. Between all of them and quellers for eggs/stirrings, here's hoping it will make the matchup manageable. I still expect to get shat on game 1 though.
I fuucking love this land, it won me so many games on my aristocrats build.
I'm working on 8rack and I can't quite decide if I want to go with or without ensnaring bridge any advice?
If you dont want to pack bridges, pack a metric fuckton of removal as a cheaper option.
Collective brutality as a minimum of 3 or 4 would be a good start.
Bridge is the best card in the deck. Make of that what you will.
>control isn't proactive
Incorrect. Control can be both proactive or reactive.
It's actually just a really big midrange deck. Bigrange if you will.
>Twin puts up results
>twin is reprinted
>twin is banned
>Gifts storm puts uo results
>gifts ungiven is reprinted
I see the ban comming, stormfags on suicide just watch
you've got a pretty wide definition of results.
Keep on denying.
Magic online.
You won't even have to go out to play
xmage to play for free with a functioning rules engine
Cockatrice to play for free with cocksuckers who try to bullshit on rules
>Anything online
>In China
I fucking wish. In a time it will take my browser to make this post I could've downloaded an episode of a TV series in the West.
explain the mimics to me? i don't get em here.
I'm sure there's an LGS in Shanghai.
has anyone tried brewing with this with good results? I liked the blasphemous act+hornest nest+this deck but its too janky.
adds counter niqqa
skred red uses him as a blocker and soaks damage from act
mainboard four manaleak and three spreading seas.
go after THEM.
Playing Budget UR Kiln Fiend storm thing and BW Tokens
Hating Infect even though I respect it. Kinda wish Twin was around for some reason.
Brewing 8Rack and 8Whack Im a janky guy I know.
Spicy sideboard tech? I don't know I like that Extirpate card and shit like Turn Aside and Fog. I'm not too fancy.
Thoughts on the current meta? Like i said I don't think Twin coming back would hurt. Unbanning Jace seems fine too. I'd like to see abit more hate for planeswalkers and combo as a result printed at uncommon type level.
:/ sure
How badly do you hate Sphinx's Tutelage?
Spoken like someone who has never played the deck.
Bogles and Tokens, I feel like I'm from a different time in Magic. Took a few years off.
Tron, Affinity and Infect even though I like the decks I just don't like how commonly I feel like I am playing against them.
Thought about working on UR Thing In the Ice/Kiln Fiend but I'm not sure I like Thing in The Ice so I might not make this deck at all. I definitely want to build a tribal Spirit shit deck simply because I've been gone awhlie and now theres a few spirits that actually look good.
>Spicy sideboard tech?
I've been using 2 Holy Day/Fogs to fuck Infect decks. Love the new Blossoming Defense card. Sometimes I sideboard extra protection like Dispel or Rebuff the Wicked.
>Thoughts on the current meta?
It's kind of meh, could use a few more decks to shake things up and add variety. I'd love more support for older classic modern decks that have fallen around the 1% area of the meta. Unban Twin and Jace. Print more tron, graveyard, planeswalker and colorless creature hate at common and uncommon in the next set.
>Prediction for the 13th?
Ideally they would unban Jace, Twin, Bloodbraid, Deathrite Shaman and Stoneforge and ban nothing. I just want more
Sphincters tutelage is fucking evil but I don't actually hate it.
>Rebuff the Wicked
>on fucking bogles
Should have clarified I use Rebuff in a Janky Soldier Equipment list's sideboard.
Bogles Sideboard is pretty much cookie cutter. I'm honestly not sure what else to do with that deck at the moment.
Win a GP, a local went 10-5 but can't remember in which.
Unban Pod
I haven't seen Skred run this since Eternal Scourge/Chandra Flamesculptor came out.
That doesn't seem terribly good in an elves list. Because of how many lords you run, wouldn't you be often sacrificing more power to get out Ormendahl?
Maybe I'll consider it for a one of, though. It might work a lot better than I think.
Sigarda is better
LOL storm is still less of the meta than infect
>Unban BBE and DRS
I personally would rather not play against Legacy Jund
I can't wait
Unban Seething Song