What could be a good system for playing a gantz campaign?
What could be a good system for playing a gantz campaign?
Judging by those uniforms, something built for ERP.
Maybe this will confuse you then
That is different, They actually have a front half to the armor.
Also what the hell is going on there?
Definitely GURPS, no need to buy the pants expansion book
GURPS and Shadowrun spring to mind.
Fighting aliens disguised as statues.
they're in italy, fighting aliens that were pretending to be statues
They could have just gone to southern italy and fought all the illegal aliens they wanted
mutants and masterminds, low point buy on characters. stat the items as device powers and hand em out.
samefag. The thing with powers in M&M is they're pretty customizable. You can have suits lose strength every hit, have weaknesses, guns that have delayed effects and target anything, etc.
Or just don't be a fag and homebrew your own.
I wanted to laugh at stereotypical fanservice anime and wikipedia'd this. it actually seems neat. is it worth watching?
if you turn your brain off and treat it as Smash TV vs aliens. Or read the manga, just skip the last 70 chapters, trust me.
The manga really is a lot better than the series and movies are, but the live action movies are pretty funny in a cheesy way.
so its a fun watch but not anything to write home about? not *good* per se but still worth watching? should I just download it or is it on crunchyroll or similar site
That aesthetic is disgusting. You should be disgusted in yourself for enjoying it
it has interesting ideas (War vs aliens with gameshow rules, a point system, and fabulous prizes), but is overall pretty dumb. Watch the Gantz:O movie on netflix or online, and if you like that, go read the books. The animated series is terrible.
i enjoyed the movie much more than the manga, which was edgelord as fuck in a lot of places for no real good reason, and it gets old pretty quickly, not to mention the final arc being shitty and the ending being something of an asspull.
the only redeeming factor of the manga vs the movie is you do get a bit more character development, and fucking MUSCLE RIDER
its the perfect manga to read when you're a moody teen
It's pretty good if you still have a functioning and usable dick.
Otherwise, feel free to skip it.
I genuinely want someone who appreciates the original story to rewrite it into a less edgy more thriller style story, fix the pacing but keep pretty much everything the same. Except the vampires, that segment can go.
Agreed. It got me real good as a moody as fuck teenager.
>I genuinely want someone who appreciates the original story to rewrite it into a less edgy more thriller style story, fix the pacing but keep pretty much everything the same. Except the vampires, that segment can go.
i think the first real stumbling block with the series is the temple mission
the author was trying to raise the stakes, but you just dont care about the characters at all yet so its mostly just inconsequential.
and yeah, the vampires were fucking stupid and completely irrelevant
fuck, theres so much good stuff, yet such an ocean of trash, i wish i knew how to write so i could fix it
It's ok.
Imagine a world without GURPSfag ... is easy if you try ...
Gantz:0 was good enough, considering it had nothing to do with the manga plot wise, but close enough to feel like the manga.
The rape or intentions of rape was missing along with the random sex.
Something about the manga felt so unrealistically real how the character react to the situation.
I can't explain it better.
Yep if you see the "big ending" "catastrophic thingy" stop reading.
Overall fun reading but the passing is all over the place. It is edgy as fuck in some places.
>not "I don't know, can you repeat the question?"
Give it a try, avoid the anime like the plague, the movies are cheesy to passable. Gantz:0 is dumb violence with moody teen that is annoying because you want him to snap out of it and do something.
Nothing to brag about, but is good enough to give it a try.
Refugees are protected by international law so there's nothing illegal about it.
Yet if you are white you can't illegally cross a border.
>implying "international law" overrides a countries laws
The fuck? Are you retarded or just deluded?
Just try to enter a country while being white without the proper paper work.
Thats what i said you dumb fuck.
Sorry you twat. I misread
A shitload of jugoslawians did that when their nation was tearing itself appart.
Refugees are. Economic migrants LARPing as refugees aren't.
Aw yeah, animated statues and guro.
Definitely ERP.