Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Character Generation Edition!
How do you go about making your characters? Walk us through the process!

Unified /pfg/ link repository:

Avowed Playtest 1:
Avowed Playtest 2:
PS: Avowed is getting big changes soon(ish).

Spheres of Might previews:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Bloodforge Infusions updated playtest:

Other urls found in this thread:

We were on page 7.

I don't understand concealment! Someone explain it so a retard could get it.

When making a character, I take a tiiiiny thing and extrapolate on it until it makes sense.

Form a concept. Build around the concept. Develop a backstory informed by the build choices. Revise sheet for thematic or flavour improvements.

Works every time.

which dragons2char do you want to see broken

>Vague character concept, either I want to play $CLASS or I want to play $RACE or I want to play $ARCHETYPE
>Okay, what does $CLASS/$RACE/$ARCHETYPE do to shape their skills? What about their personality? How'd they come to be what they are today?
>Rough draft of backstory
>Run backstory by GM
>Rough draft of mechanics
>during above three, look for character art
>Look at what I've done. Does this fit in the game I'm playing in? Does it make thematic sense? Do the mechanics fit the fluff and vice versa?
>Revise as needed
>Drag feet writing full backstory
>Drag feet writing full backstory
>whine about writing full backstory
>Decide I didn't really want to be in that game, anyway/realize the character concept I have in mind doesn't work as well as I thought, anyway/CAN'T FIND A FUCKING PICTURE
>give up


its so true it hurts

It normally goes one of two ways for me. The first is I have a mechanical concept I want to optimize for, to be the best at, and I build a character around that optimization point. Examples in the past have been Perform (Dance), Diplomacy, Thrown Weapons, Going Fast, and Undead Control. After I find the mechanical parts I see how they fit together into a roughly coherent character, then revise from there. This method generally takes me longer as high end optimization has a lot of back and forth. Most of the time I like to talk through the build with someone as it helps me organize my thoughts. Once the character is roughly coherent I begin revising back numbers to fit the group.

The second way is I simply have a character gimmick or joke I want to build for. Sometimes this is a pun, a funny scene, or even what I considered a "cool" scene. I then bolt on as many flavor appropriate mechanics I can fine. Once I have a complete but dysfunctional character I begin to do trimmings to make them actually effective.

Either way the last step is to revise the character's numbers to be roughly equivalent to the group. If I am defensive focus then having higher defense is fine, or offence, or knowledge skills, or [insert area of specialization here]. Generally it is harder when ALL the numbers are higher.

However it is hard to build a character with others in mind session 0 before I see anything. That's why after session 1 I generally work with the GM on the revisions so as to not be disruptive looking over people's sheets during session.

Firstly, I decide the overarching idea of "what do I want to do, mechanically?"
Maybe I want to learn how guns work, so I'll play a gun-user; maybe the idea of binding is interesting, so I'll play a Medium or a Binder or what-have-you, something that makes deals to get powers.
Then, I decide on a type of character that would be like that; "Well a child of a Chelaxian nobleman would be well-acquainted with magic seals and summoning circles, so she'd learn how to draw something and offer candy to an imp, but accidentally got an Archmage stapled to her soul".
Finally, I combine the two and figure out how to blend the mechanics and the story together; this is where skill ranks, feat choices, personality, and so on come into play.

Method 1
>What kind of build do I want to play?
>What kind of personality would this combination of class, race, etc. have?
>How did this personality come about?
>What kind of characters does this remind me of?
>What parts from them do I like that I can cobble together?
>What sort of backstory, appearance, and personality does this create?
>How can I add a personal touch to this combination?

Method 2
>What kind of schtick/archetype do I want this character to have?
>What characters are already like this, that I like and want to imitate?
>What are the parts of them that I want to use?
>How can I translate those parts into game mechanics?
>Okay, now that I've made a build, how has the character changed?
>How do I fit this character into the campaign setting?
>Time to write the backstory, appearance, and personality out.

And then they both converge at this point for the final step:
>Fffffffuuuuuck, time to go trawling around the internet for some decent character art.

I agree with and Finding art is suffering.

>mfw taught myself very basic Japanese to be able to trawl pixiv better

>when you have to trawl horrifying places like furaffinity because of your choice of races

i pray for death every day.

I mostly stick to gelbooru myself. Sometimes the Veeky Forumsbooru. Occasionally Deviantart.

Happily, I'm pretty much an image hoarder, so there's a good chance that *something* in my Pictures folder will work...just gotta spend a few hours sifting through them. It's like Legos.

/pfg/ I need you!! Any user with some photoshop skill can help me edit a char pic? Please!

have you ever considered not being a furry



how'd that work for you

What're some relevant gods for a CN character other than Calistria?

it didn't


i dunno i tend not to choose one

not every character is godly.

>Gorum, CN god of war
>Besmara, CN goddess of pirates
>Any of the Eldest, mostly CN
>Gozreh, N god of nature
>Nethys, N god of magic
>A lot of azata empyreal lords, all CG
>Hanspur, CN god of waterways and freedom
>Groetus, CN god of madmen and the apocalypse
>Brigh, N goddess of invention and clockwork
>Gyronna, CE goddess of hags and wronged women
>Milani, CG goddess of rebellion and hope

You're right actually. I really like having a deity to roleplay around and was having trouble finding one that suited, but I'm probably much better off playing a non-worshipper. Thank you.

Avowed things that say "your aether pulse's damage", does that mean the minimum? So like, 4 damage at level 8?

Try seeing if there's a CE or CG god that fits your character's interests or profession, and think about how it might work to be a more casual member of the faith, or to worship your god on your own terms apart from their established cult. Playing a heretic can be fun.

Partial concealment (Like Dim Light) is 20% miss chance. Total concealment (Like darkness or invisibility) is 50% miss chance.

Starjammer when?

What's the easiest way to get an animal companion that isn't a level dip? Is there any way to do it via feats or some such?


Uh, something like Inferno Pulse:
Your aether pulse deals fire damage, and any creature damaged by it must succeed at a Reflex save or be ignited for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum 1). At the start of each of your turns, each creature ignited by you takes fire damage equal to 1/2 your aether pulse's base damage, and each of your opponents adjacent to at least one ignited creature them takes half that damage (no save). Multiple ignitions do not stack (they instead extend the duration that a creature burns for), and a creature can only take damage from ignition once per round, whether or not they themselves are ignited. Whenever one of your allies is adjacent to a creature ignited by your inferno pulse, they gain cold resistance 5. Unlike normal flames, it's difficult to put out these fires. As a standard action, an ignited creature can make another Reflex save against the same save DC to end the burning.Otherwise, they continue to burn for the duration, even if they die or are destroyed before it ends.

>1/2 your aether pulse's base damage

Does that mean 1/2 of the damage aether pulse does before any modifiers at a max result, or 1/2 of the minimum?

Base damage is the number of dice before boosters such as Overcharge Modulation or the Cha/Dex bonus of Barrage.

In other words, say you ignite them at level 12 using a 12d8 Rank 3 Aether Blast: Their fire damage is going to be 6d8: Not 12d8 like the shape.

I see. Got it.


I just made the thread.

It's d6s now.
They nerfed it to compensate for people who max out their dex and use both Overcharge and Steel's Betrayal, since that was letting them kill like, CR+3s with a Barrage or Rounds or Channel, but they also nerfed Overcharge and removed Steel's Betrayal at the same time.

People who didn't take at least one of the two had damage trouble, and now with d6s most of the shapes aren't viable even WITH overcharge.

But yeah it's d6s now.

Don't forget those builds were also using one of the nonstandard races for the damage-bonus their favored class bonus gave them - since most of the others are like "you get 1/4th of a new TRAIT, YAY TRAITS". Not really sure what anyone's supposed to do with Aether Cascade now personally. Maybe kill farmers if the farmers are many levels under you - like, well under half?

>Crimson Throne apps picking up
I'd look forward to it after Dragons but I think it's actually going to close first.

>crimson throne

Isn't it usually considered top 3 APs?

Maybe by PFS standards? I dunno

I don't know why, the story is so god damned boring in book 1.

so is RotRL's first two books

>PFS standards

user, be straight with me, are you literally retarded?

>Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Sanctioned Content
>Curse of the Crimson Throne is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild.

How should I play a character if I want to dump cha but make them good looking? Vain and obnoxious?

pretty much, or just totally socially inept

Really hot... But then they open their damn mouth and you go from wanting to stick your dick in to wanting to bash their face in, in about two sentences flat know ever paizo product is PFS sanctioned right?

holy fuck Aqua is the perfect hot but 0 cha.

But also 0 int

Not all of it.

Synthesists aren't.


user pls.

why not both?

You've obviously never actually read the rules for pathfinder society have you. You're calling people on retardation, for something you've

Fucking bible-belt voters.

>The entire technology guide

The dilemma where you don't want to be human, but a single bonus feat outclasses any a whole pool of racials.

grow a pair.

I really like the interview thing that was done for Aurora, I might do something like that, its interesting.

ITT: People not Understanding the difference between Additional Resources, and Sanctioning.

Alright, so, lemme educate you, since it's obvious you've never read the fucking thing.

There are two lists for PFS, the Additional Resources, and the Sanctioned Content list.

Additional Resources are books that have Player Options. Stuff like the Technology Guide (which is legal, btw), the APG, UC, UM, ACG, OA, etc. This is the thing that triggers /pfg/ because it means they can't play a ZS/OD Warder Shota Catfolk Trap. This is the list you two are autistically screeching about.

There's also the Sanctioned Content list. Which says what modules and AP books can be played. All published adventures get considered for sanctioning, and there are plans to sanction all of them, given time.

Also fuck both of you for forcing me to dive into the bowels of the hell-hole that is the PFS ruleset in order to educate you ignorant mother fuckers.

nobody cares user

What're some decent ways for me to get decent concealment in say, the range of level 9?

Define decent.

A wizard with blur gives you concealment 20%.

Fighting in the dark with people with no darkvision gives concealment.

Fighting blind people gives concealment.
If all you do is pick fight with blind people you'll be good.

Blur works. One last question, what's the best fully mundane 1pp Archer?

Zen Archer

The book itself and some of the archetypes are, but most things are banned from the technology guide. Basically all of the useful stuff except if you want some anti-robot feats is banned.

>Archetypes: all archetypes on pages 12–13 are legal for play, except Cyber-Soldier and Techslinger; Equipment: None of the equipment is legal for play; Feats: all feats on pages 6–7 are legal for play, except craft cybernetics, craft pharmaceutical, craft technological arms and armor, and craft technological item; Misc.: Androffan may not be chosen as a known language. It may only be acquired through a Chronicle sheet; Prestige Class: the Technomancer prestige class is not legal for play; Skills: all skills on page 5 are legal for play, except linguistics (Androffan); Spells: all spells on pages 8–11 are legal for play, except irradiate, memory of function, and recharge.

You just admitted not every adventure is currently sanctioned, as an argument against someone claiming
> know ever paizo product is PFS sanctioned right?
was wrong.

>Memory of Function
>Robot Resurrection is banned

I didn't really get spheres until I started thinking about combos today and there's some real neat shit you can do

Heya /pfg/, question for you. I like minmaxing quite a bit, but am concerned on how that affects the party and their fun.

I always start with a cool high concept, then try and optimize the concept the best I can. I integrate the DM early and often, making sure to avoid exploits and get clear rulings on what I plan to do. Most of the time, my characters multiclass heavily because I really enjoy knowing that I'm making something the best it can be.

That said, I started a new campaign yesterday at level 5 and my combat capabilities greatly outclass theirs. As an archer type, I'm outputting pretty constant, reliable damage that the rest of the party can't compete with. I don't like hogging spotlight either in or out of combat, and I'm worried that if I keep going the way I will I'll just continue to grow, and be a murderbot that makes the fights less fun for the group.

Any advice? Should I just tone down my build?

>The entire technology guide

>The book itself and some of the archetypes are, but most things are banned from the technology guide.

Pick one friendo.

>You just admitted not every adventure is currently sanctioned, as an argument against someone claiming

I also said there are plans to sanction every adventure.

That statement is incorrect (and if the user had actually done their goddamn research), would have said something along the lines of "every product is considered for sanctioning, so bitching about CotC by bringing up PFS is asinine."

Regardless, my post was dedicated to educating your anime-addled brain on how this shit actually functions.

Since you obviously care so much about whether or not user reads the PFS rules, I wanted to make sure you understand how they work.

As someone with a degree of system mastery it's on you to tone down your optimization. try making weird shit work rather than making something strong

I always start strong and adjust myself down. Having a bad level 1 can bar you off from effective builds, but a good level 1 means you can scale down and take fun feats if you don't need the power.

So if you're you're really worried, scale down. Pick up Weapon Versatility and describe your slashing arrow shots, take Antagonize and taunt your enemies from your sniping spot.

>Any advice? Should I just tone down my build?

Find different things to do rather than just full attacking every thing.

Stop using RS/DA.

Talk to the DM about possibly switching around your PC so you're a better team player.

The list of options goes on; you're only a fun-destroying murderbot if you play the PC that way.

This entire post started with someone calling someone else retarded for saying an AP was in PFS.

I'm not sure how you fuckwits descended into arguing whether or not things are sanctioned, but it seems to have been as a result of
(likely himself)
Now can we get back to arguing over waifus instead of whether the worst roleplaying society on the fucking planet has allowed their own materials or not?

Which waifu do you want to make cry user

How about this one, user?

Thank you. Truth be told most of my experience is in 3.5 and this is my first PF character so I wasn't quite sure how I'd hit on the mark, especially since this DM has run previous games with the rest of the group. It started out as a weird thing (Archer from F/SN) then kinda grew from there.
I'll try and go for this approach; called shots seem pretty neat and a way to be relevant without being overpowered in the party. I'll poke around to see what other more creative ways I can tackle combat.
I actually already pulled DA from my build, replaced it with two crafting feats to help make items for the group. I'm also focusing on using ally-boosting maneuvers and buffs on the rest of the party, yet it seems like since the DM is aware of what I'm able to do he's balancing the encounters accordingly. In the last fight, I was disposed for a few rounds and had to tree token and snipe from unoptimal ranges in order to do combat; even with me dropping people each round we came very close to having a few deaths just due to the sheer strength of the enemies.

It feels like I'm in a bit of an arms race with the DM, where he wants to make sure I feel challenged but that in turn requires me to FA most of the rounds. Like you said, I think I'll ask him to tone down stuff and continue to specialize a bit more in 'interesting' standard actions rather than FAs.

Thank you very much for your advice, user! This really clears up what I should do.


I prefer my waifus in a textual format

How obscene

Are there items that give *different* stat bonuses? Like, is there a belt that gives +6 CON, +4 DEX and +2 STR or other such combinations? Like, I don't really need +6 strength, but +2 wouldn't be bad.

I believe that the multistat belts are all priced using the Combining Magic Items rules.

I think it's all effects except the most expensive are 50% more expensive?

Generally I start with a singular core concept. Could be "he likes to bake" or could be "I've never specialized in fear spells, I'll try that."

Next I try to find the most convincing reason for this. Anyone can enjoy baking, it doesn't require justification, but adding that in makes the character feel more like a living breathing person.

Lastly there's the fault. This can be an actual fault, like being overly stubborn or prejudiced or anything like that. Alternatively it could be a past mistake, or an unfortunate disaster. Usually the fault drives them to adventure.

Lastly lastly, fill in the blanks. If I made good choices in all the above steps there should be very few blanks. Never go with the first answer, it makes characters feel like shallow clichés. I actually feel like giving and example in a little while, after I make some food.

>review user last threaddeducted points for using a macguffin quest

I will be running a Spheres of Might playtest game once the full playtest is released. However, I would like for potential players to contact me even before then.

This'll you be fun. Step one I to start with a core concept. Let's call him a compulsive gambler and a complete cheater. He will take a fun risk over a certain thing, even in a life or death situation. He cheats using illusions and enchantments, and he's a wizard.

Step two is the justification. The easy thing would be to say he's just an asshole, or feeding an addiction, or owes a debt, but never go for the first thing. Let's say he's a Gnome, and he's particularly terrified of the bleaching. He'll do anything to keep his life interesting and new, even if it means exploiting those around him or risking his safety.

And the fault. This is awkward because step 2 makes a decent fault anyways. More faults are fun though, so lets go. He doesn't make friends because getting sad when he inevitably has to leave them to pursue new fun things risks bringing himself closer to the bleaching. This gives him a sort of disconnect that makes cheating people easier, morally.

The blanks now... He completely dodged schooling, opting into magical school instead. He was a regular Fred-and-George, and was booted out soon. He lever learned many schools of magic because of this. The rest of his skills are learned through practice and application, so he's always testing out new tricks. He fled from home, it was too familiar and that risks bleaching. He has spoken to his family or childhood friends in years because of this. The more rediculous, impossible, or exotic the task, the more likely he is to take it on. This makes him easy to add into any adventure, and work with any party.

How's that?

Completely hypothetically, but

What's the next group of class templates y'all would like to see? What about archetypes, class options (stalker arts, rogue talents, etc.), and other such things?

More to do with alchemy that isn't just normal spellcasting with different fluff.

Some form of mundane medicine that can compete with at least low level spellcasting. At present the best you can do is give someone 2xHD healing over a full day.

Specialized spirit binding, almost like a warlock.

>The aesthetic under which I GM places a heavy emphasis on cute anime girls, as well as cute and effeminate anime boys. To that end, you can safely expect all humanoid-shaped NPCs to be cute anime girls and cute and effeminate anime boys, and for many monsters to take on the appearances of cute anime monstergirls and cute and effeminate anime monsterboys. I would like for all players to create PCs who are, in fact, cute anime girls or cute and effeminate anime boys.

Calculate DPR for reasonable optimization floor - ie without FCBs or damnation feats or other things - and show how it holds up.

You don't convince people that numbers are too low just by saying it feels too low, you do it by getting hard data.

This surprises nobody.
I think touhou has advertised their campaign well and anyone who joins it will do it entirely aware of what they're getting into.

At least they made it clear AND they said ecchi will be the lewdest it gets.

>Reading the Reviewanon's criteria for quality has made me rethink my app


And that's why I decided to learn how to draw my own goddamn stuff. Fuck searching google for hours on end for a single piece of art that /kind of/ fits what I have in mind.

I like of like the challenge.

Also I have IRL DEX 6.

I draw most of my characters.
It takes a while and what it's led to is that for oneshots or applications for bigger campaigns where I might not get in, and I therefore don't feel like drawing, I end up with way higher standards because I'm too used to pictures fitting exactly.

I'm in a level 1 3-man group with a warpriest and a synthesist summoner

What should I play? I figure tier 3 is where I should aim

Occultist, Alchemist or Investigator.
Rounds off the group perfectly.

I've found that you kind of need to put limits on yourself if you don't want to go insane when drawing your stuff. For example, as my personal rule; I'll will only make a token, a portrait, and maybe like 3-4 icons for r20 macros. Nothing more, because otherwise I get fucking addicted to drawing piles upon piles of shit of something I may not even be able to play for very long and it just consumes my life.