Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

Memes a shit edition
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Second Great Crusade when?


You forgot the dank daily Duncan you fag

Duncan is just a meme, no one cares.


I built the pasta, fuck if i'll lower the quality with memes, he comes back when he does a new video.

Besides it's /WIP/ content.

Now there's something i forgot.

WIP General
40k roleplay General

Let me guess, you're yet another in a line of endless losers who are willing to invest hundreds of dollars in models but are too lazy to paint them.

Maybe if you spent more time watching painting tutorials instead of bitching about them your army wouldn't look like a pile of gray shit.

fresh from /hhg/

What's the best xcom team?
I know its cliche as fuck but I really want to play some kill team with a kitted out six-man deathwatch vet squad, anyone tried this before?

You'll get killed by the first horde army you play against. Killteam is a ton of fun, but it's grossly unbalanced towards higher model count armies.

It doesn't matter how beefy your DW dudes are, if you're looking at you firing (at max) six times a turn and some IG/Ork/whatever player firing 30 times a turn you'll lose on dice rolls alone.

Empa wasn't even very fond about the other foundings after the "properly namend only founding" what would he thinks about another GC?

Yeah, Killteam really needs a different system entirely to work properly. Maybe something based on the Infinity system so you can have your big badass as an option, not just hordes.

But I love xcom and want to have fun and am also really enjoying painting my xenos hunters so far.
Is it really all hordes?

Emperor wan't conscious for the second founding.

Fallen gear/formation info FUCKING WHEN?

Not all hordes, but you dudes are costly as is, and gets immensely costly with special gear while still dyeing like common marines.

Zone Mortalis is way better for small killteams.

Does Mortalis have any special rules other than the specific board and mission types? I think the tight hallways and confines of Zone Mortalis better recreate xcom anyway...

Reminder to bully all Nid players

They're your dudes, you can do whatever you want with them, just know that you'll be handicapped if you go up against certain armies.

Deathwatch Marines are tough but you could theoretically be facing an opponent with 5 times the amount of potential shooting units that you have.

The amount of people who play horde armies in Killteam just depends on your local meta. It's never a bad idea to have a conversation with your opponent beforehand or to try and find someone who is running a similar model count army.

When someone who gives a fuck about them buys the set instead of the billion ultra-autists.

If I have a storm shield I cant qualify for +1 attack from 2 melee weapons but do pistols still give me an extra attack?

So why does everyone speak so highly of shit like markerlights and lowly of nids and such when (from my experience at least), boards have so much multi-layered cover and TrueLoS hindering stuff that a full squad of dudes is almost never fully visible?

I've played friends whose pathfinders and such literally did not do shit all game. Can't see target and if you move, you snap shot making them just as useless. I've also played friends who have orks, nids and the like and they have given me and other terrible losses simply from moving through cover until 3/4 of his army is within charge range.

Sisters actually, they fit in the sweet spot of not to low model count and not ork/IG model count.

Bonus points they are T3 so they actually feel like humans in power armour fighting ayy imao like xcom.

Yeah, flamers and blasts get shred because of funnel effect and shrapnel
Doors than can be opened closed, locked or broken down
Bike-types at risk from narrows corridors so always in dangerous terrain.
Only teleporters can deep-strike
Better overwatch for "reactive" weapons Pistol, Assault and Rapid Fire
Hazardous areas with ammo, fuel-drums, vacuum or poison gas

Laser-pointers go through terrain, no cover from markerlights.

Ignores Cover but not Line of Sight, which is what I'm saying. You can't be marking things that are huddling behind a wall or in a building.

Good to know, thanks user.
I've never played kill team before but my FLGS has a sunday league apparently, I'll give it a shot when I get my xcom team painted. And if its all green tides and hordes of guardsmen I'll know to stick to normal games.
Thanks user, I'll have to try it out.

Don't be a moron.

Hiding an entire unit 100% from LOS for the majority of a game is all but impossible unless you're using insanely large pieces of terrain.

If it's any consolation the idea of an X-Com styled Deathwatch team is pretty cool.

Put them in a Stormraven Gunship and call it a Skyranger for your next fullsize game.

>reading is hard

>can't benefit from two melee weapons
>pistols explicitly count as melee weapons
What do you think?

Sure, a ranged one.

So, between Guilliman's revealed rules, Cypher's 'straight-from-the-dataslate' rules and Voldus' rumored rules, who is actually the best choice of the three?

If somebody doesn't know the Voldus stuff, he's a GK Grandmaster with Mastery3, Adamantium Will, one additional Sanctic power and a Daemonhammer that isn't Unwieldy for 240pts.

Well most of my games use big piece of ground-level terrain and a lot of my opponents uncluding myself use smaller-sized squads and few MCs/vehicles.

So yeah, I rarely get to shoot a squad with my whole squad as well.

Skaven replacing Orks when?

Has cyphers stuff even been confirmed yet? all I've seen is the faction info and pic related. we still dont know war gear or formation

Multiple sources have claimed it to be the case, so until we actually see pics, we may as well assume it to be true.

Battlewagon in a 500 point game: dick move or not?

there's no dick move in ork play, only stupid one. (like warboss with 2+ and LK in 500pts game)

>playing orks

I'm sure the move is stupid, but that doesn't worry me.

I have an idea to head fluff my army as I build it, so I was either bringing a couple trucks or a battlewagon in my fledgling list and I figured this was the better of 2 turds.

>melee race

Any chaos players here. If so (why the fuck do you bother) what list do you usually bring?

I can't believe Slaanesh is getting squatted.

She will become god of LGBT+ Liberal Democrats.

But it's not

I play TS and I usually bring this list. Lower points involves making the Rubrics MSU and maybe reducing a mastery level from somewhere. It's pretty effective for me and I get to use all my models.

This is my 500 point list, I hope it's not a dick move

my main problem is i usually face crons, so i have to bring every fucking thing i can to leave a mark, thousand sons dont help me much from decurion in my experience

>there's no dick move in ork play
Big mek, 2x grots all riding in Buzzgobs stompa.

An ExSorc with Seer's Bane can be great considering he attacks leadership AND IDs to reduce Reanimation rolls. Can wrap him up on a disc with spawn to have a small speedy deathstar.

I need context for that image.

CSM Death Guard Vectorium (1836pts)

* Chaos Warband
* Chaos Bikers

2x Chaos Bikers: MoN, 2x Meltagun, VotlW
* Chaos Biker Champion: Combi-melta, Gift of Mutation, Power Fist

* Chaos Space Marines
10x Chaos Marines: 8x Boltgun, 2x Plasma Gun, 9x extra CCW, VotlW
* Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Combi-plasma, Gift of Mutation, Power Fist
* Chaos Rhino: Combi-plasma, Dozer Blades

* Chaos Space Marines
10x Chaos Marines: 8x Boltgun, 2x Plasma Gun, 9x extra CCW, VotlW
* Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Combi-plasma, Gift of Mutation, Power Fist
* Chaos Rhino: Combi-plasma, Dozer Blades

* Chaos Terminators
MoN, VotlW
2x Chaos Terminator: Combi-melta, Power Axe
* Terminator Champion: Combi-melta, Gift of Mutation, Power Axe

* Chaos Havocs
4x Havocs, 4x Autocannon, MoN, VotlW
* Aspiring Champion: Boltgun

* Typhus

* Lord of the Legion
* Sorcerer: 2x Additional Mastery Level, Bike, Gift of Mutation, MoN, Power Armour, Sigil of corruption, Spell familiar, VotlW

* The Lost and the Damned
* Dark Apostle: Gift of Mutation, MoN, Power Maul, VotlW

9x Plague Zombie, Plague Zombie Champion

9x Plague Zombie, Plague Zombie Champion

9x Plague Zombie, Plague Zombie Champion

9x Plague Zombie, Plague Zombie Champion

Have they revealed Cypher's rules yet?

I don't know. Something about new mass effect.

I'd fight that

Has it been posted in the thread yet?

my opponent is a cunt so the AV13 spam is real, unless i want to gimp myself on the heretech or go a heavy support based list

I wouldn't know, which is why I asked.

Have you stopped being a namefag yet? Answer's the same.

You're not gimping yourself that way. Last opponent I faced was a BT vehiclespam friend using Castellans who revived his LRC and several others. I faced about 400 extra points in vehicles with 200 extra infantry. I STILL kicked his ass using Heretech on every psyker.

Do not underestimate the rape that is Scrapcode Curse/Flayerstorm.

>namefag is too lazy to look over a short thread

The answer is the same, if it's revealed it'll be in every general thread plus two independents for a week.

Like every other reveal ever.

How playable is a knights-only list?

Or at least a mostly knights with skitarii/guardsmen swarming around their feet?


Are the 55 posts in the thread too much for you to glance over?
Ah, sorry. I didn't notice.

Little bitch.

Playable, but the hard part would be getting anyone to play against you.

>Mass Effect
>Fat people in the picture
I see what you did there.

I liked the time when unhealthy people where treated instead of praised

Playable sure, but it's an all or nothing list, either the opponent will have enough anti-armour to win or they won't.

time to do something dick, thanks user

As a knight-fag I must say: Not very. Any competent opponent will either pack enough anti-tank to wreck our shit or will find a way to make each knight useless. For a enemy facing knights it will be a very daunting task, but that won't hold for long.
Unless you manage to cripple the foe over your first two shooting phases you have very little hope to pull off a victory.

You can beat up Orks and Nids easily

That's disappointing.

How could I took the list to feature knights as the center piece without going all in?
I don't know shit about IG or AsMech rules, Ive been so focused on 30k

Primary formation - Hellforged warpack
x3 Helbrutes with Plasma cannons and Powerfists and Mark of Nurgle 390 points.
x2 forge/ maulerfiends.
Forgefiends will have x3 plasma cannons. 200 points.
Maulerfiends have x2 powerfists. 125 points.
X1 Warpsmith with Mark of Nurgle. 125
Total = 840.
Secondary Formations - x 2 Helcult
x1 Helbrute with Multi-Melta and powerfist. 115 points.
x2 10 Man cultist squads with Mark of Nurgle, plague zombies. 140 points.
Total = 510.

This is my base so far

Yea, go, kill bully boys with armorbane.

>mfw gauss weapons

*stomps it's points to death every turn, and on death then blows up slaying any still in melee*

You can do an Oathsworn Detachment (1-3 Knights) as an addon to any army.

As a SoB player lots of armour value and/or low save high model count make me moist.
I enjoy it way too much to the point of almost Heresy.

But they attack before stomp and can easy kill 1 knight.

Neat, thanks.

My formation doesnt specify if I can take a dedicated transport or not, does it need to?

Not him, but why would he ever even engage them? Shoot transport to shit and just stay out of range thanks to 12" movement. Occasionally hose down the waddling meganobs with a thremal cannon and the thing soon ceases to be an issue.

this is the most op bullshit i've seen in the current edition. poor magnus in comparison...

>20pts marines
Hoo boooy. Even 13pts marines suck unless they get free transports, obsec, gravcannons and hit&run.

If orks have 1st turn - they move 12", then boost 12" and wait. 3 trukks with MANs and 1-2 with tankbusters. 4-5 Knights can kill all transporks but can't kill all MANs and on turn 2 orks will charge.
ps - i play orks.

>we were just pretending to be in dire straits
How does the return of Guilliman suddenly put the Imperium in the position to be able to steamroll the galaxy again?

Generally in 40K you assume the answer is no unless the rules say yes.

Which formation is it?

Magnus is better. Guilliman is glorified dakkafex. Magnus actually has power to win games.

Holy fuck that is broken.

At least you can't spam it for 180 points.

And if, I don't know, the Knights just...move 12" away?

>How does the return of Guilliman suddenly put the Imperium in the position to be able to steamroll the galaxy again?

Guilliman can actual lead the Imperium well.

Magnus is costed like woah, but he's also just plain better. Goblinman has to waddle all over the place while getting shot at by everybody and their mother while Magnus can fly and apply psychic dakka as needed.

He can but Imperium is also in position of bending over to its enemies. Guilliman might tip the scales now to Imperium's favor but it wont be walk in the park nor fast process.

>20 point marines
>only has +1 attack over normal marines
>melee is still shit

Yes. This is my favourite thing about my Necrons. I may get totally shit on by Tau and Eldar, but I can rape knights all day long.

>marines player looks at the chaos dex for the first time