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Seems a BAD END is all that remains for cyoa authors who try to rip off Fate/.
Rest in hell, Quiet.
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>assuming Quiet was ever going to finish his cyoa anyway
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i dont know if this is at me, but im sorry for being an inept fuckwit - havent ever made one before
Isn't Quiet still alive? He was posting about progress to his CYOA right before New Year's anyway.
Nope. Trust me, he's dead.
>no grimbright world
>no comfydark world
Worthless cyoa into the trash it goes.
Whatever happened to the Sex Magic user
Did he finally post a version the mods wouldn't delete or is he forever exiled to the betentacled realms of /d/
>Did he finally post a version the mods wouldn't delete
That seems to be the case.
To bad he also removed the reference picture for Mage+.
> >no grimbright world
> >no comfydark world
>Worthless cyoa into the trash it goes.
Where's your CYOA with those options?
It's best not to respond to obvious bait user.
>you are not allowed to criticize something unless you can create something better yourself
Theoretical knowledge =/= practical knowledge, you adorable idiot.
Thanks I am a big fan of the lewd cyoas
I'll go ahead and revise my question, then.
Is there even a CYOA with those options?
If not, why don't you make one?
>Thanks I am a big fan of the lewd cyoas
then... why aren't you in the /d/ thread?
>then... why aren't you in the /d/ thread?
What makes you think they aren't?
Because I like normal cyoas just as much And becuse I have already jacked it twice today and if I get on /d/ I wont be able to stop myself
because he's asking for a censored version of a /d/ cyoa?
Daily reminder that "aesthetics over content" CYOA fans are the worst
Daily reminder that content and asthetics are subjective. Just because that piece of shit tickles your autism, it doesn't suddenly become good. I'm sure that paragraph describing a fucking desert, or the one describing a really big ocean, totally make this CYOA deserving of such praise
Daily reminder anyone that tries to start shit needs to go the fuck away.
What are you even talking about?
Not your hugbox, fuckface.
One of my favorites, and it's fun to apply it to different settings
Of course not, you fucking baboon. Who the hell takes my nonsense seriously. Wtf would a comfydark or grimbright world even be?! Holy shit, how much of an idiot can someone be.
>Venus touch
>Sudden information
>Mind swap
You do realize that Tongues can permanently teach you 7 languages, right?
>Mind trick
>Time stop
>Mind swap
>Summon meal
>Lucis Gladis
Are the blades visible? Can I make them not hurt humans? I would like to minimize being ganked by other wizards.
A shame Portal is a permanent link. I would like a temporary version to teleport.
Really, that "PvP is encouraged" note is crap.
>he doesn't know about grimbright
Fucking newfags and crossboarders
>Wtf would a comfydark
Addams Family
>or grimbright world even be?
Not your toilet either, shitstain.
>Blended World (Land of Steel/Country in the sky)
>A World of Myths Unbound
>The Gifted One
>The Fantasy Magnet
Just fly around meeting dragons, unicorns, and fairies while exploring and learning magic.
Sup angel.
Actually I don't think you're angel. That filename's only been used twice before but she's posted the picture multiple times.
What gives?
Just checking out thread hoping different people are on now then yesterday evening. That fantasy adventure cyoa is a nice short one.
Is it the same 12 points for all the pages? It is, right?
I probably deleted it and looked it up again or didn't move it to my new computer. Idk.
I've been hoping to catch you, you're one of the few that still try to start RP. Sadly I don't have the time right now.
>Is it the same 12 points for all the pages? It is, right?
Pretty sure it is, yeah.
Operator maid cyoa when?
Is that a real rifle?
Its a drawing you moron
fucking lel
The first page uses those 12 points, then you have 100 pi-symbol points to spend on oufits, ships and companions.
So it is. Guess that's what I get for not remembering how it works and only looking at the first page while checking.
Lewd has been made here and will continue to be made here, whiny bitch.
You know damn well what I meant.
>Gothic Parish
Gimme dat creepy-church town vibe.
Having four distinct seasons is something I'll never be able to live without.
>Mountains, Marshlands, Volcano, Rock formations, and cave systems.
This place is going to be hella fun to explore.
>Tower Lodge
I'd take the old mansion but im a bit of a lazy cunt, would never bring myself to work hard enough to polish that place up.
>A Strange place.
I'd like to imagine these are re-purposed ruins from below the earth, inside the rock formations/caverns.
>Pale Ring, Rusty Dagger, and Shiny marble.
To give me that extra confidence, as well as making exploring easier.
>The high walls
The only option that might mean their is something to discover on the other side.
Sounds like a fun job, if not super stressful.
>Cloud Tower, Old castle, siren overlook, and healing springs.
That combination seems like the most fun.
>Lonely monster.
Shamelessly choosing the potential demihuman waifu.
>Catacomb depths, ruined cathedral, wandering god, endless abyss, nature sprite, and decay city ruins.
This'll lead to a lifetime's worth of entertainment, granted that life might not last long.
As for things i choose after picking them. I don't mind some of them going to waste, all I really want to add is...
>Nostalgic Chief
>Primeval Forest / Floating islands
>Inviting Pendant / Yellowed Book / Ragged Doll
>Rivers / Waterfalls
You compleeetely missed the point of that post.
I was just doing one for simplicity's sake. So basically out of the Primary Sector thing, I can choose one of Inbound Logistics/Outbound Logistics/etc.?
Also perhaps some kind of bonus if your brands can supply your other brands with product, representing you owning the supply chain and thus giving you discounts? Like, in my example, if I had Animals and Medical branches. The Animals branch uses slaves and animals to R&D medicine, the results of the research which is then passed on to the medical department. Meaning I end up saving money.
And I just read the vertical integration part.
Yeah, that's pretty much the vertical integration mechanic which is already in place.
This seems like there should be a good deal more to this...
>Computer Use
Class: Future Coordinator
Sooo business as usual for me then? Cool?
OKAY. So, now I have a new question. With the introduction to the Primary Sector of the Capture equation, how would my Animal Research thing work? Would I need another branch/brand to do the capturing, then vertically integrate their stock into the research brand?
If you don't vertically integrate any way to procure te slaves you just end up buying them from a third party.
Honestly, I think you could just take a medical research and fluff it as using slaves for test subjects without having to say it's the animal market. Just like you can do it in a building without it being in the construction market.
Well I was going to have a 'capture' branch, then a 'research' branch, and finally a 'medical' branch. The only problem is Research doesn't get a bonus from buyer power score, so vertical integration is useless.
Maybe some other time then.
why does buyer power negatively impact profit
shit if both supplier and buyer power negatively impact profit why would you ever vertically integrate, all it does it negatively impact the bottom line of your product
The power represents where they stand in the negotions and how good a deal they can get off you.
If the supplier power of the buying product makes a bigger proportional impact than the buying power of the supplying product taking away the first and adding it to the second gives you a net gain in profit.
>Hardmode: 22, 54.
Hypnotist Watch seems OP, especially since most people don't believe in that hokey sort of hypnosis anymore. The trick to making it big with this power is subtlety, human nature, and preparation. Gum Gum Fruit is okay I guess.
>Normal mode: Lucky Horseshoe, Hypnotist Watch, Fountain of Youth, Starman.
Invincibility+eternal youth seems simple enough. Hypnotist watch because it's the best remaining item I can still afford. Lucky Horseshoe because it's the best .25 item.
I'm tempted by the Destiny Compass, but not the point I'll give up eternal youth for it.
That wouldn't be in a /d/ thread in the first place.
Anyone else feel like ranting about the current state of cyoag?
Let me start. What the hell is up with all the waifu cyoas? Every cyoa hands them out like candy nowadays. Back in the day you were lucky if a cyoa had any potential female love interest at all. And they didn't pursue you. Oh no, you had to court them like a proper gentleman. Course I never had any problem with that. "user," they used to say "how do you get all them young lasses?" and I'd say "why friend, nowadays you might find yourself a young lass to court but back in the day there weren't any at all. No sirree. Bears we used to court. Gave 'em a mackerel or a salmon, and they'd be eating right outta your hand." Anyway, that's why you cyoa youngsters are all so braindead these days. You're not eating enough salmon. Like they said back in the day, a salmon a day keeps the doctor away. Talking about doctors, why haven't any of you earned your medical degree yet? Can't be that hard. You should be grateful you aren't working in the mines like I was at your age. Didn't see a cyoa until I was 72. By then my teeth were so rotten I couldn't even chew a proper salmon. Course nowadays you have those fancy wooden teeth but they make a salmon taste differently I tell you.
I didn't read anything. tl,dr?
Nicely done. Amusing/10.
Can someone post the latest "Most Wanted" cyoa please?
Thanks much in advance.
>addam's family
Damn. Damn. Damn. Now I really want this.
Doing research, my senpaitachi.
Please post your favourite cyoa and explain why it is your favourite.
It's still 3 right?
Fire in the Sky, Chrysalis, Concordance of Self.
Let's see what I get!
>World: The Country in the Sky
>Theme: Sing It Out
>Boons: Fortunate Son, Geared Up to Go
>Alluring Mirage
>Carnal Sustenance
What's the worst that could happen?
Democracy, Concordance of Self, Carnal Sustenance.
>Indomitable spirit
>cute shota husbando
I don't get it, I need an example.
Do you prefer to be evil or a sissy faggot moralfag in cyoas?
What: Why: I made it.
Hope it helps, Mr. NSAFBICIA.
Yeah there's no fucking way I'm playing this one, too many of the options sound vaguely ominous for me to feel comfortable accepting these "wishes" blindly.
Depends on the options provided.
How dare you speak to me, degenerate. Please do not respond to my posts any longer.
I pull out my cock and shove it down your throat.
You try gasping, but end up choking on it. It doesn't make me flinch. I keep pushing it down until the whole thing is in your mouth. Your tongue runs all over it, I can feel it pressing against the underside of my dong in all the right veins. At some point you stop resisting it, and start sucking it like a vacuum instead, your wet tongue massaging my shaft as I feel my glans in your tight, moist throat. I pull it out for a minute.
>"More... please, put it back in..."
>"Please what?"
>"Please, sir, treat my mouth as a filthy fleshlight! I am nothing but your slutty cum dumpster!"
I immediately shove it back in, and your tongue goes all over it as if you desperately craved it. Every inch of my cock is fitting snugly in your mouth, and I don't even pull it out - I can feel your tongue wrapped around the side of it, going up and down, and I know you're more than happy to finish me off by yourself. Soon, the vacuum sucking does me in. I cum deep into your throat, pull it out, and finish my load on your face.
>"P-please... more..."
, you say, still swallowing the remains of my cum.
Bond of the Brofist
Concordance of Self
Quit being such a colossal coward.
I guess it is, since you'll have to put up with my shit, cumrag.
>3 and a half hours for a shitty comeback
I'm not even them, but that's sad.
Did you think I was in this thread the whole time?
I went out, had dinner, pissed on a homeless man. What did YOU do today?
Is it me or have these threads become even more pathetic than usual this week?
I usually like to read along as people play cyoas while I'm working on my own but during this last project it seems like there's been only shit flinging and that one weird guy, I hope it's only one, unable to keep his pants on at the mention of Angel.
Also ideas for a mechanical edge for polearms would be nice. So far they just get kinda everything that isn't a big explosions.
As long as it makes her quit the thread, I'm fine with it. I think we should pay the man, even.
>Is it me or have these threads become even more pathetic than usual this week?
There has been a noticeable decrease in post quality over the last few weeks yes.
Who the fuck cares about pole arms. Add some bigtitted waifus and these morons will lick it up like butter.
World: blended world -land of steel/the streets (we nasuverse now)
Themes: a world of myths unbound
Boons: The unstoppable, the companion ( they receive That thing is important)
we Gilgamesh now (if he was summoned by the MC)
I think they were referring to how pathetic it was of you to respond with a comeback after that amount of time, regardless of where you were in the interim.
There's always a huge dip in post quality around March and April.
Have you guys seriously forgot what happened at last year' around this time?
It was just a never ending shitstorm of paranoid waifufags shouting cuck at every opportunity.
shut up your not my dad