Sigmar likes moe, edition.
>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE
>army builder
Old thread:
Steamhead Duardin coming up next.
Sigmar likes moe, edition.
>General's Handbook pdf!DxRGmTZL!x_L0eobCjr4qrF7enhVlZ2DffTtRa3hdDrc5RctcAbE
>army builder
Old thread:
Steamhead Duardin coming up next.
Other urls found in this thread:
first for elves
it's a pdf. i refuse to look at it.
if it's a list that i can't see just by mousing over it, then it's not worth my time
I knew this waifu shit wouldn't have vanished with the other thread.
An army of Sigmarine, Lizardmen and Dwarfs could be possibile/playable?
Sure. Just make sure you have a hero for each race because this game is all about the buffing and hero and unit synergy.
But I doubt it may be as strong as a mono faction build.
Remember if you like loli you are just a pedo in denial you disgusting subhuman
Newfag here
Thought Id try building a list for me to get
Avoiding the black orc dudes, im nust not a fan of the models, love the brutes tho
Gordrakk The Fist of Gork (700)
- General
Orruk Warchanter (80)
- Artefact : Talisman of Protection
Orruk Warchanter (80)
- Artefact : Collar of Domination
10 x Orruk Brutes (360)
- Jagged Gore Hackas
- 2 x Gore Choppa
- Ironjawz Battleline
5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
- Pair of Brute Choppas
- 1 x Gore Choppa
- Ironjawz Battleline
5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
- Pair of Brute Choppas
- 1 x Gore Choppa
- Ironjawz Battleline
6 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (360)
- Jagged Gore Hackas
- Ironjawz Battleline
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (180)
- Pig Iron Choppas
- Ironjawz Battleline
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (180)
- Pig Iron Choppas
- Ironjawz Battleline
Gorefist (120)
Brute Fist (80)
Total: 2500
Yes, but good luck finding loli lizardmen minis.
It looks to be a pretty standard chaos dwarfs list. But the centaur renders are going to be pretty useless without the taur'uk
But yeah, as other user said, PDFs are pretty annoying for list judging. Please stick to images or copy-pasted
ultimate Veeky Forums faction
>getting this triggered over something that's a common occurrence on Veeky Forums
Relax guys, it's just an OP. As is the tradition there's just about a new OP image every thread. I just did this one because I thought it was funny.
I ordered a spire of dawn set, my friend and I are splitting, I am using Skaven.
Is there any specific tactic to use?
So far all I see is maybe kite infantry with magic/ranged and attack or defend units with my blobs.
So on a tangent, which forums do you think have active AoS communities? I know TGA (by the way guys, we have surpassed T9A in the alexa rank-woo!) and Dakkadakka have fairly active followings. Anywhere else, though?
Whineseer of course not, even the AoS is filled with turds that barely understand the setting.
Mono is stronger?
I thought lizarmen could be a good dps addiction to sigmarine(tank but low in dmg)
What was wrong with scrollbuilder? Lets just keep using that
If you want high damage then don't look at Seraphon. They require full Seraphon army full of specific synergy units to do any kind of meaningful damage.
Scroll builder doesn't show whether a list is legal or not. I still like scroll builder and don't wanna knock it, but it's a damn nice feature that the app has with that
>he thinks stormcast are low in damage
Oh look another forced meme. This one is just as funny as oiled gryph hounds
>by the way guys, we have surpassed T9A in the alexa rank-woo!
I apologize for being stupid but could you explain this to me?
You broke my dreams of Beefy Saurian Temple Guards who smash everything, protected my Sigmar's might :(
Thx for the advices
Btw old Dwarfs(with a hero ofc) could be good in a sigmarine army?
I'm a knup and my source of infos is 1d4chan
That means that TGA has more activity than the T9A site (poor wording my bad).
There's a great sense of irony when the thing you wanted to become an alternative of surpasses you badly after a solid advantage.
>Beefy Saurian Temple Guards
Saurus Guard are a defensive unit, not an aggressive unit
Seraphon offense units are stuff like Salamanders and Stegadons
Thanks again.
I though they were attack units, like Saurus Warriors
is that site any good? I heard the mods are fascists that ban anyone at the slightest provocation.
Haven't seen a ban yet. What I've seen is that the mods politely asked a guy to calm down. There was one case of ban but because the dude in question was an unrepentant asshole and went to play victim here.
With my limited knowledge on AoS from the few games I've played, stormcast are basically space marines in 40k. You out damage and out armour everything but you lack numbers and casualties hurt you a lot. I'm going to assume that stormcast are vulnerable to magic and ranged attacks, so I would recommend mixing them with something that can protect agaisnt that. I don't think you need to worry at all about melee damage
*the only one that thought it was funny
There's next to no lore discussion, which seems to be common with most wargame boards outside of Veeky Forums. Which disappoints me, since it's the main thing I like to talk about.
I thought it was funny too. people should lighten up. all the armies are fair game to make fun of, god knows it happens to everyone.
Thanks for the advices: which faction i could pick to "protect" the sigmarine from their weakness?
if you're worried about magic they have one of most effective anti-magic characters in the game to more than cover you in that area.
I don't agree about them being weak to ranged attacks since SC get access to some of the best movement trickery in the game. Those "appear on any table edge any turn" guys and the "teleport a unit anywhere" guy make trying to shoot SC to death a terrible strategy.
Alright, I picked up the SC for Slaves to Darkness a little while ago.
What would be a good direction to branch out in from there?
I like it. Super easy to view at home, or on the phone
If you feel like getting some magic then a pair of human/empire/freeguild wizards wouldn't hurt. Since you get 2 in one box you can make one focus on offencive spells, while the other one does defencive spells
Too many good advices: thx guys.
Which is the best hero for sigmarine?
Lord Celestant on Star Drake or Celestant Prime?
If you start a discussion there a guy named shinros will give you talk, there's another named Killagore-Faceslasha who may participate but he's pretty erratic when it comes to posting times. There's talk of lore, but you need to break the ice.
>most effective
Not anymore, sadly.
Well, when I built my army I built it around "my dudes", e.g: My chaos warband is lead by Frekror the Bloated, a lord of Plagues that has many maruader followers with him, along with some chaos spawns and his pet Blubbermaw, a beast of Nurgle that just want to play. So I started by getting a Lord of Plagues, and made him the way I wanted, then I got the StD Start Collecting, and after that I got the spawns and the beast of nurgle
Smile once in awhile, sourpuss.
All i'm saying is; get what you think is cool. Don't focus so much on what is the flavour of the month, becuase in the long run it wouldn't make your army as fun
Chose what you want to branch out into.
Khorne adds more hitting power
Nurgle with add survivability
Tzeentch will add magic
Slaneesh will add speed and attacks
Stick with slaves and you can keep chaos knights as battleline, useful with a chaos lord on mount. Sorcerer on manticore is also good.
Keep in mind that you can also summon in daemons if you want, you just have to leave the reinforcement points aside, and you can chose during the game what daemons would perform best for the task.
Lastly, you can also use Skaven to pump the enemy full of mortal wounds.
Last thing, Sayl from forgeworld has been in almost every tournament list so far. If you're looking to be super competitive, he's a good pick.
Never prime, he never starts on the board
>Not anymore, sadly.
What changed? Did they update the FAQ that said you can take any version of any warscroll? If they didn't update it then you can still have the unlimited unbind version, total legit. For the points he costs, and him being pretty niche I think its fair to have that anyways.
Misread the question. Celestiant prime cannot use a command ability since he doesn't start on the board. He does dish out mortal wounds, and can smack down anything with his 3 rend, but he is a glass cannon. Likely to die soon after he lands.
Right? Also I updated it to be more artillery heavy
>that op
You guys are gonna end up like the pathfinder general fags
Dont let that happen to your game man
I dont like so much as model: Stardrake is way more cool
I'm going to ask the original madman to share his full collection
including the lewds
Small question, when the lizard men did their planetary evac, what killed off all the skinks, saurus and krox? Assuming they had the ships they must have held the data to make new spawning pools
No lewds, sadly.
Which is kinda weird, since the artist does a shitload of porn.
Ah, was meamt for . Sorry.
during the end times of the old world
unmentioned reasons, may be time, starvation or ritual sacrifice
if they did they never showed it
Incidentally, I've been looking through this guy's gallery, his gamestore looks comfy as fuck.
>No lewds, sadly.
As if I believe someone commissioned numerous arts from a porn artist and didn't ask for lewd ones to keep for his private self.
Last thread there was a lot of arguing about a video some guy put up about balance. aside from it being probably the most boring hour of my life and the guy sounding like he had a runny nose it was actually the most comprehensive deep look at balancing the game I have ever seen anywhere. Any idea where there is anything else similar out there on the interwebs?
this video
not that guy please don't start arguing again.
Well, if true that is a shame, since the guy does pretty okay tentacle porn and bondage stuff. just had to bring it up again anyway, huh?
only to ask for similar stuff. I don't think he made any other videos.
While I agree that the prime is hardly the best hero, that's for totally different reasons, namely his shitty melee, his poor durability and his large price tag.
He's also a garbage general, yes, but then again he is a very poweful cannon capable of putting pressure on large parts of the enemy army.
What games you want to play? Open or point ones? If point - how many?
The only people who think that's funny are liberals who force politics into everything they do and associate any military force with facism and Hitler. The same kind of people that drop bits of politics into their conversations so that they can bait people into listening to their rants and about how much they hate Trump
Sure, make it political, you moron.
Too forced, man. A for effort, but there's a thing called going overboard.
Man, I hope not. The world is not yet prepared for that.
>Man, I hope not. The world is not yet prepared for that.
it doesn't have to be by that guy. is anyone else trying to do content about similar subject?
What's the name of the artist please?
Also, anyone got any experience with the Dark Elves? I'm hoping to start them off.
>make it political
>joke itself is about associating Stormcasts with a former political party in Germany
>former political party
see this kind of triggered reaction is why its funny. no one would seriously call SC hitler, its a joke.
It wasn't about that, you idiot. Nice selective observation. The more you post the more you prove how much of a nimrod you are. So by all means, keep posting.
stop posting pedo weeb shit
You know, the more you guys point it out and try to fight it, the more it becomes a meme.
Could you spoonfeed me the source? I can't seem to find anything.
CatstudioInc. It's a Thai artists; just google the name and facebook. The guy who commissioned this is named Chayuth Pirotesak.
As, for Dark Elves, Executioners are wonderful, as are War Hydras, but you'll want a solid foundation of Dreadspears and Darkshards.
there;s also his deviantart page, but it doesnt have anything of note
I refuse.
Yeah, neiter pixiv nor deviantart host any of the interesting stuff, it's all buried in the facebook gallery, under a shitload of vocaloid memes, generic anime girls and porn.
If you're looking for more stormcast shit, don't bother, we've already seen everything of note the guy produced.
Even this is just a shop of one of his OC's with the Celestant-Prime's wings from .
Which army has the best synergy??
All armies have a pretty good synergy. Maybe the 'best' would be the one with the most options, in which case any of them with a modern battletome would fit that, like beastlcaw, stormcasts, tzeentch, sylvaneth, and bonesplitters.
some more than others. I think that the Shadow Blades faction with its roster of two units (one light cavalry and one assassin hero) must have some synergy, somewhere.
Which armies team up best for those who love mixed forces?
Ironjawz are "worst" than bonesplitters?
Bonesplitterz took top one of UKs tournaments when their battletome first came out. Arrer boys spam is potent.
Don't forget about nurgle
Aren't beast claws the only one of those that don't really use their battletome? They just stick with destruction all day
so im trying to start with TGA community because there is a new edition of hinterlands and I want to give the guy some feedback
but when i try logging in with facebook i get this error message. anyone know what that's about? does anyone else have a problem logging into TGA with facebook?
hey guys i am new to the game and got the skaven units from the boxed set dawn of spire. could someone please recommend additional units which are mandatory for any decent skaven army?
Get Doomwheels and you can team up with some Chaos units and profit with the Chaos allegiance rules.
Tzeentch doesn't seem to be particularly synergistic. Most of their stuff seem to do their own thing, and the only really good command ability is the Lord of Change's and widespread buffs aside from some xenophobic things like Tzaangors and their Shaman are rare.
But I might be doing it wrong, or not understanding what you mean by synergy
>Bring my freshly painted Diaz Daemonettes
>Turn 1
>Get one-shotted by a Bastiladon
Proceed to win anyway
Is it me or the Bastiladon is insane? I get that it does extra damage to Daemons, but still, it is a lot of firepower.
- Warplightning Cannon. Always useful to have and gives a nice bit of ranged bite.
- Stormvermin. Fairly tough and very fighty elite medium infantry. A unit of 20 will never do you wrong.
- Stormfiends. Flexible, powerful and undercosted.
- Clanrats. You'll need more anyway. Always give them spears.