/swg/ - Alternate fighter design edition

Previous thread: Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada Miniatures Games

Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)

Shipfag's Starship Combat Fixes for EotE/AoR/FaD

Other Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Tabletop (Imperial Assault, Star Wars: Destiny and the Star Wars LCG)

Fantasy Flight Games Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the Star Wars RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older Star Wars Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)

Reference Materials & Misc. Resources

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)

Just What IS Canon Anyways?

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide


Shipfag's hangar


Another players character concept for a roll20 game I'm applying to. I think they look like a swell bunch.

A boy of many talents who is force sensitive and follows the ways of the mandalorians, jedi, a little bit of sith, the way of revan and was the youngest ever imperial grand admiral when the emperor first employed him he was 10 years old and extremely intelligent and a good military tactician he served for a 5 year period after his promotion and was rivaled in military prowess only by grand admiral thrawn himself he hid his force sensitiveness well from the emperor and soon was put in charge of training anti force troops and was gifted with 2 super star destroyers the basilisk and the 5 justices his troops were loyal to him alone he even had a few force sensitives in his ranks. he was of mandalorian decent and is directly related to revan himself as well as several great mandalore's. he was hailed by his men and many others as Grand Admiral Master Darth Mandalore the Revanchist. when the emperor finally found out about his heritage and force sensitivity he ordered his termination by lord vader thrawn and the inquisitors themselves but they failed miserably the last words heard from him for the next few decades was " Don't follow or you may wish the emperors punishment itself upon yourself. after that he was not seen data records recovered upon his return data record reveals that for 5 years after his departure he headed for his home planet that no one but him knew about known as garrison and spent those years training his soldiers to the peek of their ability


What this, an H-Wing?

after that they put themselves in stasis and waited to be awakened by the droids taking care of the ships when awoken he sent out stealth craft to seek the knowledge of current events he discovered and decided to join with both the mandalorians and the jedi remnant as well as root out the remaining traces of the emperor among the empire assisting them occasionally but focused down on devastating the one sith order. this great man unlike other high military commanders joins his troops upon the field of battle in his mandalorian renovated neo crusader/ crusader mandalorian armor equipped with many surprises he wields a modified light saber pike and both of his ships are loaded with custom troop made basilisk war droid mounts in innumerable amounts no tie fighters are aboard these ships. after his attempted termination he became known as Cabur or Guardian/ protector he is a human age 20


No, this is.

>not creamsicle wing

There's only room for one frozen treat in this hangar, bucko.

Do we have an I-Wing yet?

What kind of game is this? Are you starting with an assload of bonus xp or does he think that this is good for a starting character?

I eat pickles with ice cream

It's a LEVEL 1 GAME!

But do you eat them with the Porkchop Express?

I unironically like that

See OP

yes put them on my plate

...I recommend whisky. Lots of it.

Has this player never heard of punctuation or paragraphing?

There's no lack of motivations for joining the rebel alliance, but I got stuck on how you join the rebel alliance. Do you just blow up imperial shit untill someone takes notice? What would be a normal recruitment channel for entry level rebels?

That's one way. Rebels often have contacts among the galactic smuggling community, too, so a character can get hooked up through a smuggling contact or doing business with a Rebel agent. Wedge got his start in Legends thanks to Booster hooking him up with a Rebel piloting job. Alternately, a party of Scum PCs might be scouted by a johnson who is secretly a Reb and he sends them on secretly pro-Reb missions. If they're reliable enough, maybe he reveals his power level and hands them a job offer.

You mean you eat a big turd.

MC ships give the whole rebel fleet a feel that they should actually be circling a drain.

Did you advertise your game on deviantart or something? Jesus wept

Alternate fighters? I created the 'Cudgel' design when I was twelve for a forum roleplay. A few months ago, a kind user illustrated this pic for me. The body of a Y-wing with 4 A-wing engines bolted to the sides and TIE-bomber/interceptor wings on the sides.

Have you accepted Raith Sienar as your lord and savior yet?

Looks more like an !-wing.

I expect this general is excited about the new AoR Engineer book.
Shipwright talent tree, and star ship crafting. You finally get to build your favorite Ugly shipfu.

If you turn that upside down, Jar-Jar, you get... an i. Whoa!

Of course. The Bizarro TIE is my favorite.

Is this your all's?

Nah, it' not smooth, rounded and plastic enough to be an iWing.

Plus, think of all the proprietary bullshit they'd put into it. Instead of standard proton torpedoes you'd get proprietary "thunderbolt" torpedoes and need to pay an extra 20,000 CR for a standard torpedo adapter.

Raith Sienar would approve.

All Terrain Twin Ion Engine

Latest result of Sienar and KDY cooperation. Before shipping, Sienar was heard screaming that war has changed

Hey in the ff star wars rpg do minions that are grouped up do they all still make individual attacks?

The grunts just call it the TIE Hollander. Or TIElander. Still waiting on the Mandalorian Clan Invasion, though.

Oi! You can keep your shitty Mandos and Karen Traviss. We can trade technology, but not shitty writers.

Traviss Mandos a shit. The pre-Traviss cunts who shitposted the Cathar to death are alright, though. Combine them with the Battletech Clans and you've got a recipe for fun enemies. Except for Clan Smoke Jaguar. Smoke Faguar need not apply.

Karin traviss was still better than the Dark Age writers, though

>Except for Clan Smoke Jaguar. Smoke Faguar need not apply.
But the jags were easily the clan most like the KoToR mandos
You're not a ghost bear, are you?

>Ghost Bear
No. Awoooo

They make a single attack I believe, but the more of them there are the better their dice pool is.

Sure, but then if we let Traviss in, that means Anderson follows. And that's combo is worse than the Dark Age. It'd take Jedi Prince to tip the scales to almost even.

Coyote a best.

A minion group only ever does a single check, regardless of the size of the group.

As an example, a squad of four stormtroopers would be a single minion group, so would only roll one attack if shooting someone.

>But the jags were easily the clan most like the KoToR mandos
I think you're forgetting the Ice Helleons, m8

You are completely right, I did.
I don't really like the clans much and especially don't know much about the homeworlders beyond the blood spirits

>Still waiting on the Mandalorian Clan Invasion, though.
Clanners are way too magical a realm for star wars, and without FASAnomics on their side they wouldn't be an actual issue on a galactic scale anyway

Loving this X-Wing errata. I want to play swarms action.

Expertise Rexler and mini swarm coming soon!

I mean when you think about it the First Order is basically just the Star Wars equivalent of the clans but at an compressed timescale and not furry

Superweapons seem kind of not clannish though. Didn't they sperg out when the Wobbies used nukes on them?

>Superweapons seem kind of not clannish though.
Tell that to the bears and their SSDs


And nothing they have looks anywhere near as stylish.

Lancer or Firespray?

What's better as a hero ride?

As an antagonist ride?


Lancer. No, not that one, this one. Great way to scare a bunch of hotshot fighter pilot PCs early in their adventures.

To be fair, the MadCat is literally the only really good looking 3050 clan omni, most of the others are pretty fucking dire

>most of the others are pretty fucking dire
Only one was pretty fucking dire, m8

Uh, guys, you know BT has it's own general, right?

>lancer frigate
It's like you want the players to all die second session

How nerfed is the defender now? I haven't bought the imperial veterans pack yet but should I hold off on it?

Essential buys for scum & villainy?

It's still one of the most efficient jousters in the game, it's just not ez mode for meta shitters. Vets is baller as fuck, go buy it.

Most Wanted, HWK, Jumpmaster, Protectorate, Shadowcaster, Mist Hunter, Houndstooth

Nah, go for it. It's vital to run one of the titles on Defenders otherwise they're just too overpriced, Ryad is still amazing, and it has other useful kit in it.

The x7 nerf is still -2, just that it means it's not a no-brainer to fly anymore. You need to not be stressed, and you can't bump when you do it so just fly careful. Might want to invest in a punisher for Mk II engines to get more green, and so your opponent can't go "Gee I wonder if he's going straight or K-Turning?"

Defender is basically identical if you can fly properly.

Only thing that really changed is that the x7 title doesn't guarentee a evade token, meaning there is room for counter play (it's for the best) and stress becomes a bigger hazard.

Given that the best pilots (Ryad and Vess) don't have exceptional pilot skill anyway. Bumping isn't as much of a problem as it could be anyway.

How to not get murdered against Ackbar + swarm of cheap ships with 2x VSD, Gladiator and Raider in Corellian Conflict?

that has to be a troll

i know because i wrote it

not really but you wanted to believe and that's how the best trolling is done

If you could be any species in the star wars universe, what would it be?
>Culture like mandos are fine as well

Human Corellian.

Zeltron, for obvious reasons

tsk tsk. As always.


Would a Rebels squad be viable? I.E., a squad consisting of the Ghost, the Phantom, and the custom TIE? Or do they just synergize too poorly for that?

Hera/Zeb and Ahsoka got 2nd at the Yavin (?) Open, so yes.

The Real Star Wars from earlier.
>The Original guys character pitch

>Another guys response to the greatest hero the star wars have ever seen.

>The autism responses

>The true hero of this story pushes the insentive

>it took me three weeks to come up with that idea

>Alas the Autistic Hero is clearly correct and his character has to born to save the universe

>Decided I need to get involves and be the Yin to his Yang

>He can't comprehend my character as I don't register on his power levels

>Time to turn the tables


>master of the saber pike
Well, looks like my favorite saber has been thrown away. Morgukai staff for life bitches.
>150 years
Is this a legacy game?
>named himself revanchist not revanchrist
>P.S. both my super star destroyers where we found a deserted planet while in cryo
>give me feedback to make him less overpowered and god-modded
Ditch everything. EVERYTHING.
I like this, a Loth.

>Reeling him in

>got battlefront for $10
>really fucking fun (for the price)

Now if only I could get an actual active FFGRPG game.

that's amazing

>he was a 14 year old's power fantasy
>she was a waste disposal technician
>together, they were

On the one hand I wonder what possible technological or design requirements would result in these designs, on the other hand I look at the ships I've built in space engineers and they all look like big boring bricks.

I would never pay full price for it but 10 bucks (I dropped another ten for all the dlc) was totally worth it.
I wasn't a big rogue one fan but the rogue one missions are tons of fun

plus shore troopers #1

>The orginal acuser chimes in and blows my ploy

>I have only one option and put it all on Double 0

>he's literally taking the mick
Haha oh wow

I feel like you may have jumped the shark

desu, I'm fully convinced he's that autistic that he might go along with this back story. I'm betting on double 00s right now though

>I have no words.....
This may keep going tomorrow


>Step 1 Demonstrate Value

>scouts meeting
wow he really is 12

Do you know how old this kid is? He said scouts so I'd imagine 12-18, but I hope he's on the younger end of that.

No idea, Its a large universe game on roll 20 with like 30 people in it. I hadn't even bothered to make a character then I read his pitch and it peaked my interest.