Is smoking weed considered a chaotic act, or could a lawful good character do it?
Is smoking weed considered a chaotic act, or could a lawful good character do it?
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Depends on the laws of the setting I guess...
the act itself seems pretty neutral.
If it's permitted by the laws of the setting, or the character's personal moral code, then it should be fine? Also, lawful good characters would tend to ignore an unjust law, so something like "don't smoke this minor drug with fairly few ill effects" could easily be ignored without making them neutral good.
As for the act of smoking weed itself, I'm with the first reply; it's a fairly neutral thing both law-axis and good-axis-wise.
It shifts your alignment to true neutral because like dude who gives a fuck just blaze it.
Gandalf does it and hes considered "good"
Millions of people today do it and there is nothing chaotic about their activities while under the influence.
The effect of marijuana is more of a dissociative than a stimulant.
Depends on the settings 'law'.
For instance the Rastafari use it as they believe it frees the mind and brings them closer to God. This ritualisation of it makes it (To me at least) Lawful.
Though the real answer is Alignment is a shitty system and you're better defining your PCs Morality and Ethics yourself.
This is a poorly disguised /pol/ troll thread.
If you want to discuss weed, do so on that board. At least you had enough shame not to just say "stat me", but this is little different.
>weed is /pol/
lol liberalism is a mental disorder
All psychoactives are inherently unlawful.
Remove druggies.
If you want to further discuss politics, I'll be glad to follow you to /pol/, but let's not carry that conversation here.
Yeah, you go first and I'll follow you.
You forgot to REEEEEEEE
Drugs are evil, so smoking weed should count towards your bad boy score.
Drugs are used by evil characters but evil character don't use them themselves. I'd say they're neutral, boarding on unlawful, but definitely not lawful. I always say if you can't imagine superman doing it then it's not lawful or good.
Perfectly lawful where I live.
I can see Clark trying it once in college, maybe even high school. There was also that time he got stoned from a magical amulet made of silver kryptonite.
So abusing time travel for selfish reasons is Lawful Good?
It's tobbaco, not pot
weed is so weak it doesn't ping as any alignment at all, not even neutral.
You gotta get pretty deep into the hard shit if you want things pinging as an alignment.
Does smoking weed somehow align the character with the Cosmic Order of the universe? Then it's a Lawful act.
Does it constitute a tribute to the Lords of Chaos and Destruction? Then it would be Chaotic.
Does weed smoking do neither of these things, and simply gets a character stoned? Then the question itself is stupid, and OP is a literalist fuckhead who reads way too much into Alignment as a concept.
The real question, how big of a deal is weed and other drugs in a world of magic when religious ad "magic" rituals in the real world frequently involve drugs.
Is cannabis a important ingredient in spells? Maybe it ACTUALLY helps you communicate with the gods since gods tend to be real entities in fantasy land?
And in a world where magic is real are there MAGIC recreational drugs? Just imagine what an alchemist or wizard could make.
the concept of controlled substances is a fairly recent invention. The closest I could see controlled use of cannabis or its fantasy equivalent was if it was of religious importance, which most psychotropic plants were and still are. Wanton use by anyone not a priest/shaman would probably be vilified as a waste of precious gifts of the gods at the worst and seen or seen as straight up substance addiction. In either case it has very little to do with law, chaos, good, or evil unless your character smoked a bunch of weed with the express intent of offending a shaman.
Elves tend to be creatures of vices, so they have the best wine and kush.
>smoking the herbal jew
lawful goy
Ask yourself, is drinking considered a chaotic act?
what did he mean by this