Filename thread! ASSEMBLE!!
I don't get it, you get admech females anyway
it's a betufiul day-yay
You know this board is going to shit when even the file name threads have hit rock bottom.
Man these suck.
At least post some funny webms or something.
Agreed. This is basically the file name thread equivalent of a female ""comedian""
So /co/ filename thread?
(You) didn't even make a filename, cunt.
Needs a name
>BBEG challenges you to a dance off.
Perform (dance) to distract
what the hell is this ?
I don't even fucking know. This idiot has no fucking idea what comedy is. It should be a rule violation to sully file name threads like this.
hey, I'd be interested in seeing a slice of live about a bard dad and his onii/orcish daughter
The hell did I just watch?
>"Sweetie you're only 14 years old, you don't need to drink five gallons of liquor."
>"Shut up dad, its who i am!"
Looks like a thing about the playable characters in 100% Orange Juice, it's some online weeb boardgame with cards.
Oh shit did he die?
Nah he's good
Just because something original doesn't mean it's good, fuck off Max Landis
>Original work
>That art style
Well, if you want to be pedantic, there hasn't really been anything truly original for what, 5000 years?
Source/Any good?
Dwarf, hands down.
Was interested in reading until
>both have a fetlife account
Why do degenerates need to stick their fetishes in everything?
it's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye...
Going to go with Dwarf.nGot pics of either girl?
I would that crow.
I remember hearing on a Veeky Forums thread (it might actually have been a filename thread, iirc) where some janitor anons said that the opposite was true; that the female bathroom is really the one that's disgusting. Or, at least more disgusting
You can't just post something like that without giving the sauce.
Same here.
Chances are, she's the smartest girl around too.
I post the janitor one regularly - every time 3+ anons have said something like 'I used to clean places/worked on a janitorial staff/hang around womens bathrooms and that picture is so fucking wrong...'
So I renamed it
Holy shit I would buy like 5 or 6 of these things on the spot.
How do they make pics like that?