Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Muscles, and why you need them Edition:

Tell me about your strength builds /pfg/! Tell me about the characters attached to those strength builds. WHY DON'T MORE PEOPLE WORSHIP KURGESS!?

Unified /pfg/ link repository:

Avowed Playtest 1:
Avowed Playtest 2:
PS: Avowed is getting big changes soon(ish).

Spheres of Might previews:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Bloodforge Infusions updated playtest:

Old Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

>Tell me about your strength builds /pfg/!


Because my swole dudes/ladies tend to be too chaotic, self-interested, or focused on things other than fitness and sportsmanship to be Kurgess followers.

Your right hemisphere begins to acts independently from your left hemisphere.

There's a fair few in Curse of the Crimson Throne. Thousand Bones, One-Life, Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills, Berak, Tekra'Kai--there doesn't seem to be much of a pattern besides a lot of consonants, a lot of guttural terms, and a lot of cheesy "indian" sounding names.

Might try stealing from Tauren naming conventions if you can stomach looking up Warcraft lore.

Does that mean I get two mental actions now?

Yes, but they often disagree with each other.

M-maybe if they both write up characters i'll have someone to play with!

The one that can cast magic charms the other, and the other willingly submits to it. Then the other side charms the first.

The first action to be suggested each time by either hemisphere will be taken since the two halves of myself are friends.

Well, that can happen when you have a guy like Charles Townshend as Chancellor of the Exchequer.

>kind of want an archetype that trades away sneak attack
>don't think Phantom Thief is quite what I want, but don't know what else there is
>also wary as fuck about looking at 3pp since I'm already looking at Legendary+Unchained Rogue

what do
If someone says they're using SoP, do they usually use other DDS content?

>building a fighter
>want to do some dex/int/cha/wis skills
>considering 14 in every stat
No, this feels wrong.

What is you're favorite Swole adventurer set up?

What happens if I'm a psion and both halves cast schism?

Unkindled boobs probably get super gross when they become beef jerky.

Time for the daily shilling of my game. An E8/P8 Noiralog/Eberron game, that is!

That's because it is. The +3 bonus from a class skill turns an 8 into a 14.

That's only if they willingly trade it for more power. they can have normal flesh no matter how many times they die.

Any games coming up?

Then the more recent one goes on top because spells don't stack with themselves.

I was a strength build, plays well with synth summoner going large. But gestalt ac stacking got the better of me.

hi Aisha

Aisha is a filthy dumb slut and probably into dragons being into her!

There's mine that I just posted about, user. The four weeks away is merely just the deadline for character applications.

What is your favorite god, or favorite gods?
Trying to figure out who to follow as a halfling, and since they tend to favor gods of luck and travel I'm thinking about going for Sinashakti. Not really their normal luck god, but I think it'd work fine.
I think there may still be a week for Dragon 2 but I don't have the link to that one.

Con Master Race

That is not con, she does not look healthy.


that's not too bad, she looks like a provincial girl.

There's no need to be so mean about someone wanting to get romanced by a dragon! It's a perfectly normal desire!

Linking the previous old thread because the last thread didn't.


Dragons are hot.

And the Princess/Princesses get a bonus to charisma, they're universally better-looking and more attractive.

you're a good person, have a copious amount of booty for your trouble

Copious is accurate.

Girls can't have intercourse with dragons, it will ruin their bodies and maybe even kill them! It's unnatural!

Her boobs aren't big enough to be a provincial.

There's magic for that, user. Enlarge Person for example or a custom version to enlarge the dragon

Thats why she's still a virgin at 18!

But shouldn't true follower of Bahamut do anything in their power to please their draconic patron?


Haha, can you imagine still being a virgin at 18? What is she doing with her life to be that hopeless!

Depends on the size of the dragon!

Considering that the majority of the PC dragons are around small size.

Its more likely that /ss/ is going to take place.

Are there vampire dragons?

Are there any fighter archetypes that are nature theme'd? Or theme'd around being primitive?

It seems like mostly a Barbarian thing but I need those sweet sweet bonus feats.

>dragonboy /ss/

Maybe the Viking?

Viking isn't really "primitive", it just gets Barbarian class features. Probably gonna satisfy that with VMC barbarian.

All of those except Atolm are gonna get bigger though. I think.

And Freyda's already about as big as you can get without going Large.

>TFW SotJR returns from time skip with all characters attending the dedication of Seht and Shayliss' second child to Desna.

Human women can handle up to a large-sized creature before issues crop up.

This means any dragon size above large is a no-go.

Problem is, most large dragons are very young, which might be illegal!

[Audible Oni tears]

I also looked into Savage Warrior, but it is more for using natural weapons than just being primitive. I'm looking for stuff like Animal Companion, Favored Terrain, etc. Poaching some ranger class features to be more "outdoorsman" than "soldier".

>needing muscles
>needing a physical body
>not being incorporeal

this is around the time Onryou reminds Shayliss who used to rip out her hair when they were younger.

See, that's the thing though, any dragon related to Purple Queenie is a mutant, so they can be whatever you want!

At least there's the crossover scenes

Oh and for 3pp the GM says he'll look them over and give a yes or no, so if there is a 3pp archetype that fits I'll at least run it by them.

What's the best enemy to simulate a Cloaker?

Enjoy some yandere cloaker mod in the meantime.

I've been playing a Two-Handed Fighter, we're pretty low level but his hit bonus feels pretty crazy compared to other characters I've built.

Not that it matters, since fucking roll20 has been giving me shit rolls ever since my friends and I started Kingmaker. I've never felt so fucking useless in combat...

Can you use Awesome Blow straight up?

Well Cloakers aren't very stealthy, ironically. At least during the actual attack. What with all the high-pitched whistling.


Stalker Vigilante would do, I think. Stealthy when they need to be, terrifying as fuck otherwise. Then take the One Punch and One Punch Master talents that Jolly made for their boot to the head.

How lovely I decided to apply as one. The new "hot ticket item."

if you can't, you should.

Thanks. I don't intend to use them often but I do want my players to shit themselves every time they see THAT marker on the map.

Aren't those the tacticool assholes?

Are there going to be crossover scenes? I want to see what sorts of interactions crop up!

All honesty Seht's next step is asking Casimir for advice.

If by tacticool you mean I once saw a cloaker take out an entire heist in one fell drop kick cause like morans we were all bunched into the vault chokepoint at Go Bank, then yes. They're tacticool as fuck.

You think the girls have it bad? Imagine being a man and having to handle an 8 foot dragon woman with tits as large as your head and legs like tree trunks, with the personality of an excitable 5 foot Taldan girl?

Even Lameeka's a handful!

Don't tease me so, I've already put my desires to rest and now you're making me want stuff again.

But what a great handful it is!

Thank god for Shapeshifters

Yeah. Cloakers instill fear in Payday people, since they attempt to stay out of sight until they're close enough then beeline for you, make a steadily increasing in pitch whistling noise the closer they get, and then spin-kick you in the head, instantly downing you regardless of literally anything. They will then proceed to continue beating your downed self with a truncheon while mocking you and laughing.

"Go cry about it on the forums like the little bitch you are!"

Some kinda method to let them flatfoot or otherwise get their target vulnerable to Hidden Strike would be good. Hunter's Surprise is the name of the Rogue Talent I think? Just 1/day 'I'm going to Sneak Attack you now'


Approach with caution.

Well, it's better to avoid entirely.


the one thing i like about Demesnian females is all their tummies are deliciously exposed.

I am considering it.

Eh, so are computers, yet here we are.

No without DM approval because it's a monster feat, but there's a few ways to get it. The only downside is that it's a unique type of combat maneuver and it only moves the target 10 feet, so you need Greater Awesome Blow to make it really good.

Who are the hottest bachelors in Dragons, anyway?

Man, fuck Cloakers. I had a character tanking bullets from a small army and one of those fuckers stopped it immediately. It's half the reason I prefer doing pure stealth runs.

Why does it matter their tummies are exposed? Are you going to blow surprise raspberries on them?


I mean. I might if they don't.

>35 apps now

yes, maybe some oiling with light caressing.

The hottest ones? Probably... Ulfric is definitely on top, followed closely by Raine, Rory Carihem, and Samar. Kardzaros is adorably chuuni, all the other guys aren't that interesting!

S-sorry user... But I stayed up all night finalizing the character sheet and I wasn't just gonna let it go to waste...

For Curse of the Lazy Throne, I honestly think I have what I need already. I might pick a 5th player by the weekend if an app really blows me out of the water, but these last few really were the kind of characters and players I was looking for.

What are you even talking about right now?

It's okay. I had already moved my character's character sheet into my "Rejected" folder on Myth Weavers long ago.

Lewdfaggots are back. Wait till tomorrow if you want mechanics discussion.

What do you wanna talk about

Jesus Christ, I've been using Mythweaver for years and it never occurred to me that I could make folders, even though the option is right there every time I make a new sheet.

I have two. A Graveyard folder for characters that have died, and a Rejected folder for all the apps I've made since coming to this irredeemable hell hole.

Need a hug

You're not supposed to say that out loud, people might stop applying. You keep them rolling in so you can shop around and read them for fun even if you have no intention of picking them, no one will ever know!

Fuck if I knowwhat that user wants to talk about, but here. Tell me how shit this hot mess is, and whether or not you would allow it in your game, doubly so if you were allowing SoP in your game, which is the same publisher.