stat me Veeky Forums
Stat me Veeky Forums
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Would throw into a planet/10
What is that, 6 maybe 7 polygons?
Death by 150 ion frigates/10
>had to beat the fleet surrounding the asteroid, then the asteroid itself
> That pic is making me rock hard OP...
Maud pls
Rocks are NOT free, citizen.
story behind .gif?
Not that user, but...
*Mention of Grineer. Warframe's involved.
* "sorry, giys" thefnordist seems to have written this while occupied by something, and it's when the panic started. Immediately before that, the redtext "Don't panic." appears, preceded by thefnordest saying ">77".
*"let me gus, the evn is still on because of the counter going negative." This is one of the precious few comments during the PANIC that isn't panicking or bemusedly observing the panic.
*Topics I noticed were discussed before the PANIC: Grinding around some sort of event, drone kills, and something about hitting 100%
*During the panic, some people were talking about something being preventable and that 'you' didn't listen-not in the tone of 'you're a dumbass' but more like an otherwise reliable or unnoticeable someone fucked up big time. There's also talk about there having been only one chance.
My theory? There was a competitive event of some sort involving drone kill scores in Warframe, with major consequences for the future, and someone screwed the pooch. Might've been thefnordest, might not. Might have been more than one person, too.
>tfw my username is on that list.
despite what said, it was just them saying "Sorry guys, we've had a problem with the server and we're going to restart. Don't panic"
of course everyone panics.
Rossieu did nothing wrong
Ah, Homeworld. The game where the only response to genocide is more genocide
Genocide is rather fun.
>Ah, Homeworld. The game where the only response to genocide is theft on a scale that would make Carmen Sandiego weep tears of joy
No, there's genocide too. Remember the Kadeshi?
Isn't the point of proper genocide that NOBODY will remember?
Don't be ridiculous. If nobody remembers it, how will other know to fear your wrath and never cross you?
Oh they will know, for a short while at least.
My vast fleet of obviously stolen warships no one is coming to claim.
They're just lost Kushans. Can you really genocide yourself?
Of course you can! If you can't, you're not trying hard enough.