You and your fellow adventurers are braving a dungeon when you suddenly stumble on this sight

You and your fellow adventurers are braving a dungeon when you suddenly stumble on this sight.

What do you do in this situation?

Tell the paedo shitposter to fuck off.

a better question might be.

"WHY do they encounter this?"

start slapping them with my dick.


>GM Vult

"Sorry, wrong dungeon."


Fuck off.

as a GM I reject your justification and demand another.

Give the players a morale dilemma? The loot and glory versus charity and compassion.

Kick the GM in his balls because he's abusing his GM privileges.

You rescue them, make sure they're okay, ensure they're sent to a safe place and then murder every last fucker who indulged in child slavery or worse.

I ask for sauce.

Then I kick him in the shin for bringing this shit to the table.


any party that altruistically starts an orphanage has earned the Xp

Mushoku Tensei

>dominate person, mass.

My Harem now.

Break their chains, blow a hole in the wall/ceiling through which they can run and announce they have exactly 15 seconds to gtfo before the building goes up in a massive fireball. After said time, burn the fucking place to the ground waiting outside to pick off any would be assholes in charge


What this guy does:

Feed burg
Retire early to take care of my seven catgirl/-boy children

Free them and arm them with whatever's lying around. Then we lead them onward, for Honor and Vengeance! They shall taste the glory of revenge and bloodshed!

I check my map, because we must've gotten turned around somewhere.

Releasing a bunch of beaten and unwashed slaves into the world without any help doesn't seem like it would really be good for anyone in the long term. It would probably be more efficient to kill their captors and let the slaves take their stuff



This better be about fixing an edgy fantasy world and burning slavers at the stake. I'll hold you personally responsible if it ends up being a Japanese teen living out his inner edgehog fantasies while smirking constantly about keikaku doori.

Save them of course.
These niggas got it right.

Kill them all, for surely evil has tainted them already without hope for return. Let God sort out those that lived by His name.

>Break shackles
>Rally undercaste demihumans
>Seize the means of production

[People's Army Intensifies]

Bayonet charge.

Goddamn Kriegfags! Go back to your containment board!

Why are you bayonet charging innocent Felinids? They are imperial citizens the same as you, Kriega-kun,

I'd check my map again. Clearly I'm walking in circles.

I don't even want to know what the fuck, but I'm going to have to ask anyway. That's the only way a lot of very bad people are going to get what's coming to them.

These three understand the virtues of mercy and charity (Although the last guy isn't beavy enough). This asshole: is just a marauder with purge fantasies.

As a cleric of the Goddess of Goodness, Light, and Life, give them spare clothing, blankets, anything to cover them up with, and lead them back to the church, where they can take refuge and hopefully recover from any injuries they may have.

When they're ready and willing to speak, we ask them about their captors so we can hopefully locate them and properly bring them to justice, and try to locate their families so they can hopefully return to some semblance of a normal life.

Let me guess, this is from GATE right?

Gods that manga/anime is Edgelordy.

We kill the hostages, they might be chechens in disguise


Secure the hostages, clear the dungeon, then try to return them home to their village of sexy animal babes who are all so grateful for this big hero to show up

Detect Evil

Slay Oppressors

Dump the Oppressed on the Church

Find the next group of Oppressors to slay


>playing a naval captain from the West Africa Squadron stuck a fantasy world
>Between 1808 and 1860 the West Africa Squadron captured or sank 1,600 slave ships

Time to do Her Majesty's will.


Free them and then set them up in a nice forest. I mean, that's what beastfolk like, right?

I don't support the abuse of animals.

Sell them

So what manga is this from? It's not actually CP, is it?




Call in Chris Orksen to settle whoever caused this.

>It's not actually CP, is it?

Worse, it's isekai...

I cast fireball

Well free them I sup...
>Not human
I mean put them out of their misery.

>Party keeps saving children
>Won't let me adopt them to clean my house and pick up after my messes
Truly my life is suffering.

Not sure if the manga is different but in the web novel he has all the slavers killed and the children are returned. It's still about a japanese teen living out his fantasies though.

I raise an army.

I become mouse grandpa

I find the slavers, and do as Illithids do, just with less cannibalism.

This is a nice comic series......

I would watch a show about this party.

I'm pretty sure it would collapse in the first episode with everyone killing each other, leaving only the Korps who then kills himself because the Grimdark finally got to him.

Or he pushes on and realizes he has no way to get off this planet.

Rescues, baths, and dinner.

Then gently petting ears and tails until they fall asleep.

I punch my DM for being a shithead

The angry looking one has the will to survive.

That one will make a fine warrior.

Wait, since when does this setting have catfolk?

>Start an orphanage
>Party educates orphans with what they know
>Accidentally creates a mercenary army
>get paid by local cities to not attack them.

>Good try, mimic!

They are clearly prisoners of some sort, and if the foul lord we are battling wants them locked up then surely it would better suit us for them to run free.

strike their chains off, point them to the exit, and carry on.

The only legitimate response.

Realize that druid was right, our sorceress really is a dogfucker.

Kill th Xeno scum!

>Inspect and catalog the new inventory to determine market value
>Sell above market value.
The adventurous merchant doesn't simply limit his risk taking to battle after all!

I dunno, they all seem driven by JUSTICE in different ways.

The Korpsman is something they point at people.

>10.5 ships a year
Sounds a lot less impressive when phrased that way.

I'm not joking about my party saving orphaned children. We have saved like 10 children who either didn't have parents or had terrible parents but the party keeps dropping them off with town guards or some shit. All I need is one small child to clean my gear.

Also me and another party member in a previous campaign once planned to start our own mercenary army. We had like 4k gold total, and using hireling rules could hire and equip like a company of soldiers. The plan kind of fell apart when both our characters were killed a couple sessions later due to the party being bad at executing plans.

May want to check your math there user.


If you're playing a warrior, tell them you want a squire.

Interesting, so let's recap. We've got:

> A hulking, axe-crazy, plate armored, fanatical paladin of a forgotten God of light, he's likely insane and hell-bent on purging the darkness at all costs, but apart from that is a bombastic, heavily drinking individual who truly cares for his companions, but doesn't often show it.


> A Krieger guardsmen with an obsolete bolt action mosin nagant, a gas mask, a long coat, and undoubtedly some bigass knife hidden somewhere. He's almost certainly mute and struggling with PTSD and a sense of loss because he doesn't know where he is, or what to fight anymore, and the only thing he has to fall back on is his faith in the Emperor.

> A charismatic, rougish british soldier of antiquity, somehow transported into a fantasy world. He's a rogue, a scoundrel, and at times, a thief, but he's a gentleman, and proud of it, he's the adaptable sort, and he quickly picked up on a few magical tricks and twists to augment his already impressive swordsmanship. He's devoted to his Queen and Country, and doesn't know when he'll see them again, but he's certain he'll get home sooner or later. He has very refined tastes, and while he isn't law-abiding by any means, he follows his own code of honor and values freedom above all else.

> And Mike Pence with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire, a leather motorcycle jacket, and a red bandanna, whose time travel machine malfunctioned, bringing him into the fantasy world. He's a very traditional, quiet but eloquent man, who stands up for what he believes is right, and won't compromise or falter in the face of adversity. He might have devastating electrical powers, which he uses only sparingly, and only against the most dangerous, and degenerate foes. Apart from that, he swings a damn good home run for a man in his late fifties.


One of these is not like the others.

(the shit, do you not like 40k or something?)

I think this would be an interesting party, there's a lot of diversity, and potential for character development and shenanigans. Everyone is human, which appeases certain Veeky Forums autists, and fundamentally a righteous person without it seeming forced.

> I give it a 10/10, and I might start writing short stories about them because this is such an amazing idea I can't let it go to waste.

Flip a coin. Heads the orphanage tails the pound

>Wood Elf Fighter/Rogue

Offer one of them to join the party as a gatherer/forager send the rest to a nearby hunter's band who is in shortage of children in return for favors.


Take to my clan as part of our pack. Keep several who is of my blood as future wives after my return from the campaign


Take them to a brothel/tavern where I am a regular to earn their keep as housekeepers. Use it to make nice with the bar wench as a "I love children" act

>Chaotic evil

Whats their is mine now. Should be a wonderful bang or sacrifice to my deity.

>Lawful Evil

Sell them.

I free them of course. The fierce looking one appears ready to fight even if he(she?) doesn't stand a chance against me. This one, especially, will become the captain of my personal guard and the rest will become my adopted children/bodyguards.

>when you suddenly stumble on this sight.
Child slavery? Pretty bad. Well we'd free them of course, but we are likely already in a dungeon to slay evil or some shit, so not much of a change in course.

Kill the big bad.
Free the kids.
Probably take them to their homes? Parents? or nearest orphanage.

Woo, free minions! I free them, take them onto our party's boat, feed them, let them recover, then pick out the ones with arcane magical talent to train and let the rest of the party figure out what to do with the rest.
Maybe one of them can handle my fucking sword.
...No not that sword you fools, the scimitar that talks! We in the name of the shadow plane do I put up with you people.

The fantasy world isnt a nice place son. Can your wages as an adventurer feed a small litter of humanlike animals? The churches are hard pressed to maintained their charity and most smallfolks cant feed another mouth. I say put them to work as urchins and pickpockets pr just sell them to a slaver.

And finding their family is a foolish notion. Most of these kids are here because the slavers slaughtered their family. If you are a wood elf will your clan accept an outsider?

Damn the necromancer king, New quest! Open an orphanage!

>This better be about [living out my teenage fantasies] and not [someone living out their teenage fantasies]


First, I disbelieve them.

Then, I make a knowledge check to identify what they are.

If I can't identify them and haven't seen anything like them before and I don't have any reason to expect a load bearing boss at the end of the dungeon, I leave them some food and water, and come back for them after clearing the rest of the dungeon. If I don't find any further information in the rest of the dungeon, I take them back to the local temple of somebody lawful good.

It's like you people have never encountered prisoners before.

Pedophiles should be burned alive.

You know what they say.

Old enough to bleed. Old enough to be sacrificed to the blood god.

God damn it.


No, please don't Morsov. Go kill some worthy opponent or something.

Son. It's not my problem to figure out anything for found slave kids when they get back home.

Probably pretty damn universal slavery suck (to be a slave that is). So get them out drop them off at the nearest town. Do the best I can.
I don't care about the economics. I'm a murder hobo.

Amen brother.

Find out who's responsible for this. Render them unconscious. Then get the kids to somewhere safe- church, orphanage, their home tribe, wherever.

Then deal with their captor, painfully and slowly. In the event they have a home tribe, turn the captor over to whoever seems the meanest of the tribes, with full detail of what they've done.

Failing that, catheters and acid time.

>Ah, there's the goods I've been sent to retrieve!
>"Stay where you are, slaves. We'll make quick work of these filthy thieving bandits, and it's back to the caravan with you!"

I thought it was about a NEET turning into a normie?

Side quests activated: Find the families.
Failing that, we've already got a well funded and trustworthy orphanage our party set up a couple adventures back specifically to deal with the DM's attempted moral quandary of Orc women/children, what do?
We're rich. We buy everyone a shot at a good life.

>Think about purging them because of their demonic looking affliction
>Realize I've purged a lot from the dungeon already, more than enough for one day
>Turn on my detect evil purge-o-meter radar and see if they ping as demonic

Then let em go I guess, hand em a couple spare swords and hand crossbows I got tucked away in my backpack, a few days worth of rations and put the strongest looking one in chainmail and a helmet and tell them to get trucking back to town where my good friend from the temple will help them.

>defending standard isekai
>implying anyone on this board had teen fantasies that weren't tits and more tits
>maybe some ass too

Orphanages and gay marriage! Gay orphans!