>You're an ordinary soldier on the battlefield.
>You meet this guy.
What do you do next?
>You're an ordinary soldier on the battlefield.
>You meet this guy.
What do you do next?
Go notify our team's super big guy, so they can duke it out? We have our own big guy, right?
Be confused about why he is double our size and out of scale with everything.
Circle strafe, light attacks, roll sideways.
Double tap to the chest ? ... that or if we are soldiers on the same techlevel try to attack the back of his knees
>Stay a safe distance away
>Sometimes wave my sword in his general direction so nobody suspects me
>Once my army routs, I make like a train and get out of there
>I'll probably be hailed a hero for facing off against that beast and living to tell the tale
>They'll probably call me "user the Brave" for it
You're an ordinary soldier. Only named squads get to have their very own big guy.
Kill yourself and deny him the little bit of super meter he gets from slaying you.
Offer him a steamed ham of course
1)Shoot him
2)Leave for another part of the battlefield were I'll be more useful.
3)If there really is not other option. Close as fast as possible and start daggering into holes.
Just stand in front of him and tech his guardbreaks, while laughing in his face. A broken ladle is more dangerous than a lawbringer, at least you can kill someone with a ladle.
Cease and desist, most certainly I was in the wrong side all along if I'm opposing the law.
I roll for senpai to notice me.
>Me and the people next to me fire our arquebuses at him.
>Me and the people next to me fires our crossbows at him.
>Me and the ten people closest to me in our formation stab him to death.
Are those Star Wars saxons in the background?
Oh look, it's the "I think battles are about individual duels" thread again!
It would be interesting to know how many people actually believe this and to what percentage hollywood etc is to blame.
Get my buddies, their buddies, and their buddy's grandmas together, and dog pile the fucker.
Then stab him in the joints and eye holes before his buddies notice.
Go find a named squad? Surely this is SOME important person's problem.
I don't get the Yankeeper meme.
>be warrior
>signed up for adventure and glory
>just chopping farmboy spearmen all day
>finally see interesting enemies
>have to escalate them to management
>people thinking they can close in with a halberd user, the most versatile weapon ever created by human hands
It's exactly how it works in a world where 1 guy can mow down a hundred troops.
>your death in battle is very important to us
>please hold the line while I contact our supervisor
>elevator minstrels
>we're sorry, your battle can't be connected right now. Please hold position, your death is very important to us
This is about For Honor where there are some 7-9 foot giants who can slaughter soldiers by the dozens. Unless you are a retard you won't be killed by mooks in the game meaning the only way to kill a lawbringer or something is by sending in your own giant guy with a giant weapon to fight him (another player).
Of course the most efficient way to play For Honor is to have no honor and gang up on enemies or stab them in the back, so make of that what you will.
I'll just disconnect when the fight turns against me.
>Elevator minstrels
>watching your men get massacred
>run screaming to the general's tent for a powerful warrior
>a dude strumming his guitar outside the general's tent while you wait for him
>after a minute or two, you realize the minstrel is repeating the same tired melody
>more people die needlessly
>he stops playing for a moment
>"thine inquest is most important to us. Please hold the line for the next available representative"
>he starts playing again
you bastard
>Fall on own sword to deny enemy XP.
>Make sure to leave a diary or other obvious plot hooks.
She kills for hot Viking cock.
Well, we've obviously hit it off so I guess we go get some coffee or something.
Not necessarily.
Also, that wasn't OP's question, nor was it mine.
Yeah, the dude with the flaming sword is probably supposed to be Vader
I've been in firefights and I don't get "melee" fighting like that. I'd shit my pants in that situation.
Find the youngest merc with the biggest sword and offer him a bonus to fuck this guy's shit up.
I hit F1 and then F3.
Only true butter-munchers will get this reference.
And in the end, it turns out the minstrel is a devilishly clever enemy plot. He isn't supposed to be there.
The entire time, the general is waiting in his tent, wondering why no one is bringing him information or updates on the battle.
Strictly speaking one of the few advantages the romans had over some of their neighbors was that they rejected this to the point of forbidding their troops from getting goaded into single duels.
Otherwise even their technological edge wasn't particularly impressive, they went from fighting like italians to fighting like greek-influenced etruscans to fighting like gauls in terms of equipment.
I disconnect because the netcode is fucking shit.
Which people would this be and at what time period?
Don't forget grappling and throwing your enemy off convenient small drops.
Yield and ask to be escorted behind the lines.
Time to smash weebs and savages.
Get stabbed in the gut by the tip of the halberd, then tossed over his shoulder.
Walk away and wait for his knees to explode under his own gargantuan mass.
Underrated post
Gauls primarily, I'd assume.
>minstrel using performances to disrupt chain of command
I like it. It's a very fantastical kind of tactic. The kind of thing I'd expect to find in some old song or myth.
Or in the head of a PC.
It's Bazuso!! The Grey Knight, Bazuso...!! You mean the Bazuso who killed thirty men once? I heard he killed a bear unarmed!
>We have our own big guy, right?
Sadly, it turns out he's only a big guy relative to the person, in this case you, regarding him
Medieval style takedown:
smear crossbowbolt with poop, hit center of mass, drop everything and run very far very fast.
die like a guardsman facing angron
"Legend! A worthy kill!"
Well, yeah, but even so, duels were common between legionaries and barbarians. You have the example of Titus Manlius Torquatus and his duel against a Gaul champion in the battle of Vesubius, or Scipio Aemilianus against the warrior from Intercatia.
True, during the Empire the duels seem to stop, but that doesn't mean they didn't happen.