>Matt Ward returns to 40k
>Roboute Guilliman practically becomes new Emperor
I'm not surprised.
>Matt Ward returns to 40k
>Roboute Guilliman practically becomes new Emperor
I'm not surprised.
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't have anything productive to contribute.
I know like almost nothing about 40k. Tell me about how this rowboat guy isn't dead anymore and why that is slightly important.
Imagine there were 20 Jesuses, now imagine half of those fucked off to worship the devil and the other half were either dead or disappeared.
Now imagine one of those came back. That's about it.
Well in all fairness, the stuff is planned out years in advance so Matt could not have decided on this.....
By the way, I'm reserving judgment primarily cause it is not over. There is even more stuff appearing that makes it seem like Roboute gonna go pout out like Horus did.
So the dude could actually get screwed over in-universe hard.
Our payers have been answered
This, but also the one that came back specialized in managing empires.
Gathering Storm is dumb
I just wanna know what Cypher is going to do with the Lion's sword
he was put on life support then they made it so he can move while on life support after ten thousand years because one mechancus guy wasn't crazy enough to try that earlier
why there was never a petition or at least a plead to GW to just fucking get rid of that fuck and never hire him again
ward is one of the worst thing that happened to this setting
I too browse 1d4chan.
ive been there im not gonna lie
but don't beat around the bush and try to strawman this
Ward is a horrible writer and GW isn't know for good decision making
also even if, 1d4 is mostly based around Veeky Forums memes anyway you poor newfag, ive seen people hate this shithead here even before 1d4 was a thing
It's been years since Matt Ward happened.
Why are you still in anyway involved with the hobby if you think it's just a burning shit heap? Sell me your models instead, I'll give you 50%rrp.
>certain specific elements of your hobby ain't just right
>disallowed to have opinion about it and critique, just give up on it entirely
nigga, you serious and retarded or you just high right now
also... he is BACK, so no its not
>been years
anymore brother.
didn't you notice the papa smurf waking up and 40k almost going AoS?
>GW isn't know for good decision making
You obviously have more problems than just Matt Ward.
And at what point did I say you couldn't have an opinion? I just want to know why you haven't quit if you think GW makes shitty decisions constantly?
And do you think things got better in the time he was gone? Honest answer.
Fair enough. I don't think GW makes shitty decision constantly and i never wanted to imply that.
Its not about if i think it was better or not after him. Honestly i think W40k is a bumpy ride, from beginning. Sometimes for better, sometimes for worse.
Post was about me thinking that Ward is one of these people who put W40 in the worse bucket all the time.
really glad I stopped playing 40k
Don't forget that the new sisters characters were immediately killed off in the process after existing for an entire 2 months.
fucking Ward.
what did she use her last rez on Gulliman?
Bullshit, they revive easily, plus they appear on Battle of Luna here.
It was his new eldar waifu who brought him back.
Good taste doggos
I'm sure Rawbutt Girlyman isn't going to be the only loyalist primarch returning. The Khan and Leman Russ are still fucking about in the warp, they'll probably show up near the end too.
I had a dream...
Girlyman is turning traitor and the Russ shows up to hunt him down.
How the fuck do you day his name? Roh-boot guy-ill-i-man?
Robot Girly-man
What exactly is the lore for him coming back? if he is horribly wounded and stuck in stasis on Ultramar then how did he suddenly pop back into life?
I want the Khan to take over because he's equally unknowable as the Emperor.
but also, Corax and Vulkan can come back easily. hell, with a little creative fuckery with the Void Dragon on Mars, Ferrus could too.
Roboute is the best Primarch to sort things out in the Imperium.
eldar sucked out the poison and chaos bs, cawl made him a life support (think dreadnought 2.0) suit,
I was going for a serious answer...
>implying that any other loyal primarch could have done a better job
Not even blessed Sangüinius had an expanding galactic empire when the Emperor arrived, he's the man we needed and this is coming from an SW player.
Dorn had an expanding space empire when the Emperor found him.
Fine. Rowboat Girly-man.
Something like this:
/rɒbu:t gJləmn/
just read the letters and pronounce like that
or gill-i-man
We can't survive another era of Games Wardshop, he almost took the entire IP down with him last time.
Hello, 1d4chan. How are your dated memes and false information treating you? Just a reminder that the entire 40k community (yes, that includes Veeky Forums, and even shit like Reddit) is laughing at you. Carry on now.
Can someone please spoil all the fluff for me?
Pronounce it like you would expect a Jamaican to pronounce those words, then drop the accent.
Raw-boot gully-mon.
you don't
english language was a mistake
Learn French, it's pathetically easy to pronounce.
dude I too browse 1d4 lmao
>and even shit like Reddit
But those fuckers actually treated 1d4 as the fucking bible.
So did Veeky Forums, about five years ago. But the community has moved on.
Robert William.
The way they seem to be doing it its not as bad as i thought it would be, so i'm pretty happy with the plot development.
Even if we don't have any Imperial Guard character and its all Space Marines with a bit of Sisters and sparkle of Eldar.
>community moved on
>still have Fantasy Skub vs Age of Skub shitposting
His lore writing sucks but thankfully lore other than the basics of each factionis the worst thing about 40k, HOWEVER he is actually really good at writing balanced codices. He could really balance out the game or bring some semblance of balance.
Dorn's empire wasn't as big as ultramar, not even the tau empire is as big as ultramar.
Dorn and Guilliman had expanding interplanetary empires when they were found, and Alpharius was flying around with a bunch of pirates. Did any of the other primarchs leave their homeworld?
I don't think so, probably Corax due the moon prison of oppression that the slavers had, but other aside from that I don't think so, what I found most weird is how the fuck did the Emperor got Intel about Russ, he went to Fenris when legends about the Wolf King reach him and unless Fenris had space ships it is just super weird.
>Magnus leads his Thousand Sons vs the Wolves and loses many
>Immediately comes back for Round 2, but instead of a small chapter, he goes after one of the largest chapters, Mars, Custodes, Sisters (of Silence), and the Orphans of the Storm
At this rate he best be renaming his Legion the Hundred Sons
The World Spirit of Fenris probably reached out and notified the Emperor. Or the Big E came to Fenris because it is a source of Clean Magic
So why DOES papa smurf have big E's sword? Shouldn't that be the tippity top of sacred relics and vehemently guarded by the custodes alongside the Emperor?
When someone dies they usually leave their stuff to next of kin.
Finally the end of the wretched Imperium has arrive. It cannot collapse any sooner. Long live to Imperium Secundus. Long live Ultramar.
But he's not really DEAD.
Plus, for all we know he could have left everything in his will to his golden boys or an Eldar whore instead of papa smurf, a certain furry, Dorn, or Khan.
Lion legitimately looks like a better candidate for the huge fiery sword than Guilliman.
>Lion legitimately looks like a better candidate for the huge fiery sword than Guilliman.
You snooze, you lose.
The guy who let half of his force join Chaos, couldn't beat normal human in 1 vs 1 fight, or retake a planet from some chaos marines without wrecking it a better candidate.
He really needs to wake his ass up already.
It's fucking what? I must have missed something
Can you imagine any of these guys running the Imperium? Could you imagine any of these behind a desk all day? The closest one is a strategist like the Lion, some who is likely to be a traitor.
Yeah, annoyingly Wrath of Magnus implies the Fenrisian deities are all real and provide actual magic and very little is made of this...and the Emperor apparently didn't bother to ever comment or think about the fact that there was just a bunch of actual good gods running around on Fenris. Could ahve just made them the Imperium's religion and turbo-charged them to be stronger than the Chaos Gods.
Wrath of Magnus
Summary is:
Wolves were right all along. Their Rune Priests never violated the Edict of Nikaea as they draw their power from Fenris, which is 100% Daemon-free power and NOT of the Warp.
>Yes Space Wolves got even more snowflaky
Will Guilliman be behind a desk all day? There is little to no mention of bureaucracy, Guilliman even shuts down a library and explicitly states that this will 'not be a time for learning or knowledge' and seems to pretty much just be a frontline warleader 24/7
On the contrary, he's well known to be an Empire-builder not mention writing his own book of war.
>the stuff is planned out years in advance
You are giving GW way too much credit.
Magnus should have killed those gods for shits n giggles.
Yeah but in the book he doesn't much. I mean you can say 'he should' but does he actually do it in the book?
Could he even? I mean the Fenrisian Gods seem stronger than the Ynnead considering what they can pull off.
Well that makes me feel a bit sick. Who fucking wrote that bollocks?
>20 jesuses
>implying Matt Ward won't Make Humanity Mary Sue again by making all the astartes primarch tier or just have all loyalisy humans become Draigo/Emperor clones in terms of power level.
Chaos is about to be relegated to 'target practice' tier.
nigger 1d4chan was written by what became Veeky Forums of course we used it, that doesn not mean it cannot turn into complete shit, since it's a wiki and anyone is free to change it into LOL MEEMSXD
What kind of autistic manchild gets riled up over stupid fucking memes in the first place?
Well what's Big E gonna do? Get off his throne.
They literally battled chaos into submission and are one of the reasons the SW survived Magnus wrath, they also purged chaos corruption in the aftermath of the battle.
>HOWEVER he is actually really good at writing balanced codices. He could really balance out the game or bring some semblance of balance.
i don't remmber warhammer ever being even close to almost balanced, the nearest i can think to balance was 4th edition, but that's mostly because everything was streamlined and it wasn't close to balanced anyway.
What was his name again
He yoinked it as a symbol of office after the Heresy.
Blood Ravens confirmed Ultramarine successors after all.
Wait is his name supposed to be said with French pronunciation?
Just watched the vid on Warhammer TV and was a bit boggled.
Re-boot-ay, apparently.
and its best jesus that came back also
Franz Joseph
so he is basically darth vader without the bondage leather and breathing problems? sounds pretty shit for him but i guess a primarch wouldnt really care about any blights or conditions upon their body so long as they can continue fulfilling their duties.
>because one mechancus guy wasn't crazy enough to try that earlier
I mean, are YOU gonna be the guy who accidentally kills the Primarch of the Ultramarines if you fuck it up?
Really best to just let somebody else handle that one if you value your own life, honestly.
>have the skill to pull it off
>no faith in the emprah who will surely be guiding your hand during the operation
>some other fuckwit does the job and messes it up
>you could have prevented the fuckup by doing it yourself
You're screwed either way.
Rah-booty GullEman or Robert Paulson
t. Assmad Transexual Son who is mad that the Vlyka Fenyrka are better at both magic and war than him
Row-boat-a Goo-ill-i-man.
Row-boat Gabagool-i-man
Emps is dead. We've been over this. His body has life signs because of the Throne, and there's a link to his spirit, but the spirit has left (it left during the Heresy) and the Throne is basically just a switch to yank the spirit back.
No one knows if it actually works, and the Emperor is, emphatically, not a god or in any way still moving and working on this plane of existence.