What if a space marine has to poop and is wearing his armor?
What if a space marine has to poop and is wearing his armor?
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What did knights do when they had to poop
Power armor is like a Stillsuit; it recycles the vast majority of your waste (including urine and feces).
Or they're all wearing diapers under those suits
Spess Muhrene don't poop
There are two possibilities. One they don't poop. They are Space Marines, that are super warriors, meaning their metabolism and given food could have been so heavily enhanced that there is no waste. There is even a possibility they do not require direct food and gain sustenance in a different form.
The second possibility is toilets in the armor. I shit (ha) you not, they could just have toilets in their armor. In fact, I may have read somewhere that they do, but don't quote me on that.
space marines have complete conscious control over all of their bodily functions, including those that are normally not conscious ones
they can hold it until they ditch the armour after the mission/campaign ends
Space Marines do eat people food, usually in the form of gigantic feasts to celebrate one thing or another. Space Wolves are especially fond of them (and lots of drinking).
Astronauts already solved this problem.
Then toilet armor it is.
Though I suspect there might be one chapter running around without a need for food.
"your guys" I suppose, but that does awfully sound like a fetish now that I think about it.
An Astartes would never poop, for pooping is the work of Nurgle.
The power armor recycles. The suit can salvage nutrients from space marine waste, and can replenish lost nutrients to the marine.
But not pooping could be a fetish.
And fetishes are the work of Slaneesh.
>Pooping is the work of Nurgle
>Not Pooping is the work of Slaanesh
I bet Tzeentch did this
And by giving into your rage, you serve Khorne.
Can't argue with that, I worship chaos now
Whatever happens to it, chapter serfs end up cleaning it up afterward.
Great question, what did they do?
Further proof that the Vylka Fenryka is best
Using that argument literally anything empowers Slaanesh
>just as planned
The sad, disgusting answer is, they just went. Right there. Look, it takes well over an hour to get into the damn armor, they aren't taking it off just to shit. It's what Holy Grail got wrong. EVERYBODY smelled like, and was covered in, shit back in those days, even the knights and kings.
It's one of the reasons knights tried not to wear armor until it was necessary. Would you? Because that's how you get cholera, and I played enough Oregon Trail back in the day to know that Cholera is fucking lethal as shit.
Surely most of them made sure to shit beforehand? How many times a day do most people need to shit?
And that's why the Eldar are boned.
3 or 4 is pretty normal, right?
no. the normal range spans three times a day to once every three days, meaning the average person poops approximately once a day—about 1 ounce of stool for each 12 pounds of her or his body weight.
>the Eldar are boned
Not anymore, buddy. There's a new sheriff in town.
Space marines literally eat shit every day lel
Who literally only exists to revive the Spiritual Liege then fuck off.
>Space Wolves are especially fond of them (and lots of drinking).
anyone know how Space Wolves get drunk??
Tank fuel.
Pathetic human! Glorious members of my chapter shit through their mouth.
Guess the chapter
You don't know what you're talking about. The ass and groin were nearly always only protected by chain and padded undergarmants. This wasn't just for shitting, but because you NEED the freedom of movement. But for practical reasons, it also meant shitting wasn't too much of an issue unless you were wearing highly ornate late 16th C armor (see Maximilian).
You also usually have some prep-time before a battle, and one of the major pre-battle steps for everyone is to take a shit, so it's less likely you'll shit yourself during the fight.
word bearers? for surely such vile heresys spill from mouth like shit from ass.
>back in medieval times everything was disgusting and smelled of shit
Oh come on ! You have to be pretty stupid to believe that taking a dump was so hard and NOBODY thought it would be a problem for a marching army.
With early medieval armor which was usally just mail armor you could just go whenever since the bottom part was not closed off and popping would be as simple as lifting your shirt and removing your pants.
As for late medieval plate armor you usally just had to have one person help you (the squire's job) remove the bottom plate of the armor which does not take so much time. Or the armor itself was so well made and agile (armored skirt) that the one wearing the armor could still urinate/defecate with enough ease by yourself while still in your armor.
Plus most soldiers did not have butt plates, instead opting for armored skirts which can be lifted or moved which where a must have for mounted knights.
The Emperor wasted a lot of perfectly good assholes by putting teeth in the WBs mouths.
but user, everybody poops
Shit thread imo
An armoured version of this?
Fuck you with your low quality bait
for an overweight american, sure
>Implying the 'eldar' or 'aeldari' or 'whatever bullshit copyright phrase GW has comes up with this week' won't job and fuck things up yet again.
15th century plate armour re-enactor here. Most suits of armour have unarmoured arses, sometimes only covered by a skirt of mail or overlapping metal hoops. It is quit easy to go for a shit, once you have raised your armoured skirt and undone the clothing (usualy woolen leggings and linen pants) you are wearing under the armour. The difficult thing is not to drop your turds onto the cloth that you have lowered to bare your arse and later tucking/tying all the cloth back into place afterwards, because you cant usually see what you are doing with a raised mail or plate skirt.
Even the Emperor poops. That's why he has been sat on that 'throne' for 10,000 years.
Would explain why they want to kill things all the time. "I HAVNT POOPED SINCE THE HORUS HERESY! AAAAAGH!"
>implying you cant just shit in your suit and carry on with your day
my dick is diamonds rn
not right now you don't
>brown carapace