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You have arms, user.
You don't need the high ground.
AP3 sword vs Terminator Armour
Horatio, wrong game dude.
You are still the most beautiful thing in the universe thou
But no arms....
More like the high crown
All these topknots must be a sign that Abaddon's chosen to rule the galaxy.
Or simply that Jes Goodwin and John Blanche have a ponygirl fetish.
so it looks like all the stories about eldar whores giving head so good that it could wake up the dead were true
who would have thought
>have a ponygirl fetish.
More like Blizzard fetish
I just can't stand that atrocious head attire.
Real talk though, it's stupid as FUCK that they did a whole campaign focusing on Abbadon and didn't update his model
Warhammer top knots predate blizzard by decades user
I'm sorry but blizzard invented all hairstyles
>Starcraft came out in 1994
retarded troll or just plain retarded?
I'm willing to entertain the idea that topknots was a thing in the 2000AD comics back in the day.
What is that stupid thing in her right hand and why is it there, anyway?
Bladed fan. It was the Asian refined lady's weapon of choice back then.
Think Kitana.
>why is it there, anyway?
If you have to ask you will not understand
>mfw abbadon gets hit by cadians handling an autocannon
To be honest, only Fall of Cadia really seems to focus on him.
This fucking cat
Kek, and good taste to go with it
so Bubastis didn't get killed by that machine, just got zapped forty thousand years into the future.
literally none of the nids that share a resemblance with zerg existed until 3rd edition.
Looks like the ultralisk borrowed a lot from this fella to me.
Both borrow from Geiger's alien, but GW still made the scary alien monster race for a scifi setting before Blizzard, still making Blizzard a ripoff of a ripoff.
>those eyes
>i've seen them before
>literally none of the nids that share a resemblance with zerg existed until 3rd edition.
That misleading memeshit pic implied that Tyranids "borrowed" the mantis style slicing talons from the Zerg, but those were already present in the Tyranids range long before Starcraft came out.
In the end both GW and Blizzard were both heavily inspired by nature and existing SF concepts, which I'm sure are so well known no one needs to have them spelled out.
>Rowboat Girlyman was Sigmar all along
Finally AoS and W40K can merge as one
Finally the full image without text
Been looking for this.
Starcraft 1 had such amazing designs.
Sucks SC2 killed it. Well, other than Kerrigan, she kind of got better aesthetically.
Sigmar was born of woman.
Gillymong was born from borosilicate.
It's a case of an imitation inspiring the original. Warhammer came first. No doubt about that. But warhammer itself borrows heavily from other sources, and has NEVER BEEN SHY ABOUT THAT, ever. You can't swing a dead guardsman in 40k without running into a completely obvious and unapologetic pop culture/literary/biblical/film reference.
Blizzard ripped off Warhammer for their scifi and fantasy settings because their lead designer was a huge Warhammer nerd, Warhammer ripped off Blizzard for their scifi and fantasy settings because their designers are huge Warcraft/Starcraft nerds.
There's nothing insidious about it, its just nerds stealing what they think is cool and not giving a fuck.
Fucks sake, Grom Hellscream has a literal wheel of Chaos in his first art and there's absolutely no way you can't say AoS isn't just Burning Crusade without the space goat Jews.
SC2 kerrigan just looks like a black woman with green skin.
>AoS isn't just Burning Crusade without the space goat Jews.
All her art just kind of looked Arab.
Other than spider vagina face?
>because their designers are huge Warcraft/Starcraft nerds.
Or because Iron Horde more popular than waagh
Women are the vaginal borosilicate user
But Cataclysm was the worst expansion.
Abby has his arms back. He'll simply shoot.
Hair, headdress, and sword are impractical for combat. I pull her by hair and break her neck. It doesn't matter if she has exotic blessed blades of windseekers and shiet.
11th century Rhineland monk-peasant with a literal warhammer would be able to kill most of the Warhammer characters.
This is why I can't take modern fantasy seriously.
>that eight pointed star of Chaos though
Actually, that's from the science fiction Warhammer.
She kills stuff with her mind mostly.
Ynnead is Slaanesh 2.0, which means all Eldar will be Chaos Eldar. Also the God Emperor has Daemons now too.
All is Chaos, just not the Chaos everyone expected.
If she's in the high ground, that most likely makes her a nice target for artillery. Is Abby cool headed enough to ignore the challenge and just bomb her to shit?
Yes, but shes is Marry Sue so...
Chaos' eight-pointed star came from Moorcock, not warhammer.
Checkmate atheists.
But yeah, Alien and starship troopers inspired tyranids, tyranids inspired zerg and zerg inspired tyranids back.
Like, literally all fantasy settings since WHFB have stolen green orks from it, and warcraft build a billion dollar industry from making green orks into dindus, but people don't call that shit out nearly as often.
>Chaos' eight-pointed star came from Moorcock,
Moorcock is tha reel MVP.
Virt, have you returned to us?
Hell no, in this codex all Chaos knows is one-on-one kung-fu deathmatches, whether they're up against a tau squad leader or a character knight.
WHo gives a fuck about metzens autistic tier shit art?
In the end it should be the in-game portrait you should compare to.
Sc1 kerrigan had dreadlock and a long rat face
sc2 kerrigan is some generic conventional attractive woman.
Nigger if that pic had been labeled "the Zerg" I would have assumed it was an early design document.
>forgetting that Alien and Aliens is the progenitor of both things.
>implying Blizzard ever came up with any original ideas
Also look up the 2nd edition Tyranids codex. The modern hive tyrant is just a streamlined version of the original. Then gw decided that the entire army being created of the same biomass, should look similarly to their commander.
>Calgar just standing there, jacking off to the fact that Guilliman's sitting in his chair.
Man i cant understand why SC2 dropped slimy spider vagina face. It was more menacing than the stupid world of warcraft-esque bigjaw monster
Greyfax: Behold, for it is the miracle of a primarch in front of your eyes.
Calgar: The heart of the Ultramarines, reborn, to fight for the Imperium once more.
Celestine: The Son of the Emperor himself, bestow upon us your guidance.
Custodes: Direct our blade, wherever it might be needed.
Cassius: And it is with His holy-
I think this is the first non-SoB picture made by GW that has more than two women in it at once.
>Roboute is trying his absolute fucking hardest to sleep in that picture
God dammit, can't unsee.
Ad mech big boss is so big I love it.
I love how Roubute got nagged by Celestine to be declared a Saint.
Celestine confirmed for very pragmatic saint, I love this new slightly competent Imperium now.
He is rumored to be in next triumvirate. Again, rumored.
Celestine a cute.
Guillistine otp
I "watched" what you did there.
All I hear is that Warcraft Orcs are dindus and that the Alliance needs to get some actual story spotlight
Nah Roboute doesn't seem to even notice flying harlot but has an eye on that eldar booty.
Precived narm? As I kid it didn't feel menacing to me, it felt like something to make fun of
>tfw it's true
SJW, please
>however, I would caution you against removing your war-plate
Does Guilliman have a soulstone now or some shit?
I see you Rabbi
Who is that in the shadow behind Greyfax?
His armor is an AdMech life support system.
Who is Kyrinov?
Her face got more detail, but her body is stupid. Nothing about her character says "I want to wear skin-tight chitin and high heels", but there she is, tottering around the battlefield when she should be strutting, striding, or possibly floating. I wanted "I'm pretty much the Queen Bitch of the Universe" Kerrigan to come back after the last mission of Brood War, but she never did. Instead we got angst. So much pointless fucking angst. And then space jesus, because fuck you.
Duh, that's because he knows that the moment he asks celestine to "sheath his sword ;^)" she will jump on it hard enough to make the eye of terror crawl back to a nut size with the shockwaves.
But the eldar booty is harder to get
>those hips
What's this, Wakfu?
That's a lot of hair for a bald person.
I like this model
all those years of stasis
the blue balls he has is the real reason they're called the smurfs.
The star of Chaos was made by Michael Moorcock, which GW artists and writers stole from (by their own admission mind). Moorcock was practically standard fantasy reading for anyone who was a nerd in the 60s all the way to the 80s.
Dunno, I actually think Metzen's art, while terrible is kind of endearing. It's like the enthusiastic scribbles of the high school metal head who was bored in class and just drawing stuff for the weekend's D&D game.
>swing a dead guardsmen
One of my mom's sayings is "this room isn't big enough to swing a dead cat in". No one else I knew had ever heard that saying lol, it's nice to see I'm not the only one
Sigmar has a mom? Is she hot?
Where were you when celestine got cast aside like the plan b girl on prom night? Seeing her emotional devastation at being rejected by a primarch, greyfax finally mustered the courage to declare her love for the saint
I thought the rat face was qt
I found the initial slimyness of sc1 zerg to be more in line with cosmic horror than the new WoW in space crap. The way the ultralisk is just completely alien with an unintelligible mouth and bug eyes i guess helps to eliminate any indication of malevolence. Pure instinctual predator with no emotion or soul. Imagine staring at a giant mantis, how it maintains no expression as it hunts you down...
That or some Freudian bullshit about creating vaginas or something could also explain it. W/e you pick
I wish.
She has to go back.
So much. I only got half way through heart of the swarm, stopped when kerrigan went super saiyan. I play starcraft because I want a 40K expy, not a fucking one-woman-against-the-universe edgefest with space jesus.