Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Shape Shifters and You, Edition:

Its a well known fact that dragons can choose a human form (more often than not), if you play one or encounter one recently, what was their human form? Have you encountered another shapeshifting species? What was their "default" human form?

Unified /pfg/ link repository:

Avowed Playtest 1:
Avowed Playtest 2:
PS: Avowed is getting big changes soon(ish).

Spheres of Might previews:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Bloodforge Infusions updated playtest:

Old Thread:

>male feet

You know the big Avowed changes have HAPPENED, right? Pretty sure the OP only even added that line after it updated, too...

you care why?

It's just feet.
And it's just a dude.

There's nothing about it beyond "it exists".

Warriors also have D10s and good fort!

Adept has a few interesting spells and good will save

The expert lets you handpick 10 skills as class skill.

Artistocrat is martial + shield proficiency and good will save.

Commoner is comfy

They've only started happening.

There remains itemization to up the optimization floor of the avowed, in particular.

link to newest update here ithink

This picture is gay porn.

Don't forget: Adept also has a familiar. That probably automatically makes it better than Kineticist.

If you're curious, this little faggot was my first Dragon PC, and technicaly only Dragon PC. Taninim Cloud Dragon. Adorable little bastard, didn't make it past level 4 due to real life bullshit.

True form pic related.

i specifically told the drawthread "Don't be afraid to make it a little gay. "

So, after all this talk about lewd pathfinder I kinda want to get in on a game like that myself. But I don't have enough uninterrupted time to sit down for several hours and play a game on roll20.

Anyone know a good forum for PbP that both has an active pathfinder community and also allows R to X rated content?

What are you, twelve? He's got pants on.

he does have a very mild case of Yaoi hands

what the fuck is yaoi hands?
is that like the yaoi hole?
I hear some fujoshi believe there's such a thing as a yaoi hole.

but in the end, it's just an anus.

It's obviously not enough that butthurt masters constantly leak into this thread to call Pathfinder gay, you had to indulge them by posting actual gay art as the opening image. Good lad!

It's more like Clamp noodle limbs, in that lots of gay anime characters tend to get drawn with really exaggerated hands so you can see them holding each other and shit.

nice change of pace. Frankly all the lolis and the thicc was a bit exhausting.


Then how about posting some, you know, actual Pathfinder art instead of sexual content for once?

I... don't understand what you mean. Explain it to me.

Daily reminder that using resurrection spells is dumb and they should be removed from every campaign.

I've been wondering what's even there that you could possibly fail to understand, but, in the end, fuck it. Time to hide the thread.

Cya later!

I have players fight tooth and nail out of the outerplains in order to revive. much more involved.

I don't know if this should give a bonus or a penalty to grapple checks.

Bonus to starting penalty to escaping?

bonus for the initial grapple, however -2 to maintain?

I'm curious now, how hard can you optimise the adept?

So Eagle, if in dragon game someone brings a bard with the intention of sexing up literally everything...what stats do I optimize to maximize the chance of knocking up my partners

those proportions

/pfg/ likes daddies and traps, but all I want is a pretty boy. HMPH.

completely different person...any way to get boosts to that? or other stats? I'd totally burn a trait to boost it!



no escape

That which is posted.
Can not be unposted

The real answer is. If you bring a character like that in. You won't get in

So what do you have to hide? why erase your post

Maybe it was a multilayered falseflagging operation. I think everyone in this general is well aware that Eagle is a filthy degenerate, so I see no reason he'd hide it. The goal here was not to shame him by giving a response, but to shame him by deleting it!

Well it's not like Eagle uses a trip.

That could have been anyone.

It was probably a jani desu

>Paladin in my party has recently been acting like a Leeroy Jenkins-esque, arrogant glory hound in battle
>The other Paladin in my party argues that he's a protector and defender, he should act like it
>said Paladin argues that hes not a knight, nor protector nor defender, and when asked what is he then, he's a Paladin

Did that actually make sense? I thought when people say Paladin, they are most definitely knights in general, among others

Sounds like someone fell and hasn't been caught yet.

Alignment =/= Personality. There's some truth to his statement, strictly speaking, a Paladin's duty is to be lawful and good. However he acts doesn't matter as long as he upholds the right and the righteous.

Granted, an arrogant glory hound isn't as admirable as a disciplined defender, but it's still a completely valid representation as long as he's lawful good. Paladins are allowed to get drunk, flirt inappropriately, and be general assholes. The problem is when they get drunk and violently, push teasing into harassment, or let their temper get the better of them.

Kind of, my GM for that session even told him to go have a talk with another player because the deity he worships is said player's former character who ascended to godhood.

But still, he hasnt exactly fallen due to not having actually committed anything evil, but he sure is becoming more of an arrogant prick, which is the antithesis of what his NG deity stands for(standard stuff like kindness, mercy, etc)

Problem is that, he's not exactly following the tenets of his deity in this case since his deity is all about kindness, mercy, warmth and all that. So it gives a reaaally bad name among others.

Does that still make him a valid Paladin then?

Is Carrion Crown any good? I have convinced a couple of my friends to play an actual campaign, but since I don't have an extensive homebrew campaign up my sleeve, I drop them into Carrion Crown, mostly because I started it once as a player but dropped out of it because of all of the edgelords in my party that started murdering the villagers in session 1.

What I would like to know is if it is an okay AP for beginners and a novice GM, or if I should rather pick up another one.

If he's going against his tenets then there's a problem, but it's a question of if. I don't know about the setting and the god here, so I'm not about to make a guess.

I felt like Carrion Crown was one of the better APs when I played it but I wouldn't recommend it for beginners. It's not particularly hard but it has a lot of puzzle encounters and uses haunt rules, so they could wipe pretty early for being inexperienced, or experienced but with the wrong sort of group.
Rise of the Runelords and Curse of the Crimson Throne are the two very recommended starter APs. They each have a single book rerelease, have relatively straight adventures, and avoid any esoteric rules that you might never use again after the adventure.

Hey /pfg/ quick question

Is leveling up as a prestige class basically the same as multiclassing but the class has requirements?

I'm new to the game

Tell me about Investigators. I want to play an potions and science theme, but the Alchemist class ain't doing it for me with all the best features being flavor I want to avoid.

>mfw Rory exists


Elaborate. No pathfinder 1pp does "science guy well" but alchemist is pretty much as close as your going to get.


I want to be a battlefield medic but bombs and mutagens push me into places I'd rather not be. I thought investigator might work out nicely, I know your body and where to cut it sort of thing, but I have no idea how the class plays or what to avoid.

If PoW is available, try looking at Divergent Paths: Medic

Thank you, I will.

There are archetypes that kill bombs and mutagens. I think there's even a few that focus on healing.

Will you have a friend named Jim?
You probably should.


Adding items isn't a 'big change'.

Magic weapons becoming a thing isn't a big change to fighters either. Guess the devs were really bored!

Who said it was a big change?

Take a look at the archetypes for Chirugeon and Vivisectionist. Also note that despite the fluff, vivi is not evil and can just be a specialist in surgery. Plus, their Cruel Anatamist is more how actual medical doctors work, unlike the heal skill and "trust me, a wreath of witch hazel will totally cure that stab wound"

Are you implying witch hazel does not cure stab wounds?

If they're implemented correctly they will be. It will make for a significant alteration in the range of mechanical capability as well as optimization potential for the class.

How much daddy issues is too much daddy issues for a cute adventuring girl?
>raised by a step dad
>who is a dragon
>because her biological father, a strong adventuror himself, beat her
>because he thought his wife had cheated on him, she doesn't look like him
>she actually is his daughter though, it's just dragon blood coming through
>she left and never looked back, no matter how much he's trying to win back her affection now that he knows better

Certainly not as well as using stitches and knowledge of how bodies actually work.

Hey, I remember that image!

Wouldn't some fairly low-grade divination allow one to know this shit?

>Somebody order a paternity scry?

Like, seriously, that's a fucking moneymaker with the nobility at the very least.


Jerald du Spring.


Shut up Maury. I know you don't remember, but you used to do more stuff with your services than just tell desperate hoes who the father of their baby is. Seriously, that gimmick has seriously worn out its welcome.

Ok, how's this?

>mother is a fae, who ran away from arranged marriage to some noble dickhole who she's never met and never wants to meet, but was destined to marry
>she cheats fate by changing planes and settling down pretending to be a mortal, and marries this pleasant chap, even has a kid with them
>child turns out to be obviously fae-blooded
>father accuses wife of cheating on him with a fae and turns wife out in disgust
>mother is embittered by this and abandons the child who she hates at a young age at an orphanage and returns to the fae realms

>the father was also a fae, who had run away from an arranged prophecized marriage to some heartless bitch, and had shunned the mother and child because he didn't want to be found out

>child grows up hating fae because of all of this

You're only allowed to call Golarion high magic when a he wants to become a she or you want to explain why Ichizu Morimatsu the level 1 Samurai is in Rahadoum.

>HV apps are open again

Are you sure there's no way to make the child and father cold around each other than all this SOMEONE WAS CHEATING ON ME THEREFORE I MUST ABUSE THIS CHILD stuff?

If your fair Human wife gave birth to a half-orc, wouldn't you kind of hate the kid?

Ain't the kid's fault his mum's a whore. I'd just pack my shit, wish the little shit the best, and leave.

That's a little different than 'my kid has blonde hair, therefore I must beat them because they couldn't possibly be mine'.

That being said, what I'm trying to get at is that there are other conflicts in this world!

You've reversed the issue.

The issue isn't "can a child come from infidelity without being hated" it's "can a child be hated without coming from infidelity?"

I do too!

>can a child be hated without coming from infidelity?

Well of course, there's many ways to hate a little blighter without knowing it came from the wrong type of squirt. The most common is you simply didn't want a child in the first place, or maybe the child represents a wasted life or some other door closing in the adult's life (kids from teen moms often become this.)

If you want to get very safe and very, very boring? Just make the kid a disappointment in some aspect the father had hoped she would succeed. Maybe he wanted a smart girl, and she's a huge idiot. Maybe he wanted someone to pull the plow, and she'd rather be the one getting plowed?

The kid's a fightgirl, right? Maybe when she was little, she accidentally injured her father in a way that forced him to give up adventuring, and, while he can't exactly blame her for it because she was a child, he does resent her and has trouble approaching her.

Meanwhile, she was too young to remember all this and has no idea why her father doesn't really seem to want her around.

"The child is not mine" is probably the #1 source of conflict and abuse between a father figure and their child.

I mean, I ain't no expert on this sort of thing, but don't you think it's really suspicious how the vast, VAST majority of news stories featuring a dead kid detail how it was done by the mother's boyfriend or second husband?

The kid is not yours. The kid is not yours. It's a living, breathing sign of both your wife's infidelity and a worthless resource consumer that will grow up and not give two FUCKS about you. You're nothing more than a provider to the thing.

Dude, you have to stop getting your info from shitty daytime television.

>The kid's a fightgirl, right? Maybe when she was little, she accidentally injured her father in a way that forced him to give up adventuring, and, while he can't exactly blame her for it because she was a child, he does resent her and has trouble approaching her.

Oh, this is an easy one.

The girl's got dragon-blood, that means she's got claws and horns. Both these things are recipe for disaster on a rambunctious little tyke playing rough with her father.

All it takes is one slash in the wrong place or a bit of goring. The kid will grow up to despise her draconic bits if it's severe enough.

Wow user, why are you defending actual cucks?

>you have to stop getting your info from shitty daytime television.

The news, actually. I'm just noting trends I see in the news.

Whenever a kid is killed or abused, it always seems to be a step-child or the mother's boyfriend doing it.

No, the #1 source of conflict and abuse between a father figure and their child is that the father figure was abused by their own father figure and is perpetuating the cycle.

Never talk to me or my wife's son ever again.

There's other reasons why there's conflict and abuse. We're not defending cucks, we're saying there's more to life than cucks.

Like a chinese guy wanting a son instead of a daughter to carry on their family line. Daughter can get no end of abuse from that.

But user, gender preferences like that do not exist in Golarion (unless it's female-preference) because that's sexist!

Real talk, Brevoy has a major preference for men (it's the closest thing to a "classic" Western Medieval kingdom you'll get in Avistan) and Taldor has a clear bias.

>Brevoy has a major preference for men

Can I get a source on that?

I my experience having a long backstory has never, ever, ever, ever ,ever helped.

Honestly I am sick of the application system that's popular. spending 20-25 hours a week on an application is 100 times more unreasonable than looking for a fucking job, only to always be turned up no matter how much extra work I put in making additional content to go with it.

>Males lead the house, with the eldest son inheriting his father's titles and estates. Other sons may receive something, but there is no law that requires this to be significant. Women can be regents for male heirs under 15 years old and often work behind the scenes to influence the lord. Noble families are relatively large, with most preferring to ensure at least two sons. Since Brevoy's founding, there have been a lot of marriages of alliance among the major houses

A house with no sons is a house cursed to die, I'm not sure how pervasive this view is in the rest of Brevoy but I can tell you the only "commoner" family from Brevoy you meet in Kingmaker explicitly has Oleg as the head of the household with Svetlana assuming something of a doting housewife role.

Also, King Noleski Surtova is a young bachelor who can't get married because his vicious Cersei of a sister bullies all potential suitors away because they're not good enough for her little brother.

Wow so enlightened!

Wow, a sexist father being a source of parental dislike? It's almost as if that's a source of tensions between parents and children!

You'd get the same thing in Qadira if you've got a family with nothing but sons, you know.

Except if he's an ex adventurer he probably knows someone that can fix an injury like that easily and afford the fee.

There's is no clear evidence one way or another whether non-biological children suffer more abuse than biological children. In some studies, after correcting for income and age of the parents, both of which correlate to abuse and both of which correlate to the chance of one parent being non-biological, the correlation actually goes the opposite way, with non-biological children suffering less abuse than their biological counterparts.

You're right, silly me. There's absolutely no way a daughter can accidentally injure her father and make him give up his adventuring career.

Heck, even being born isn't an issue! Can't he afford a demiplane and have his family there, so he can just Rope Trick to see them?

>durrr kids wont appreciate a father figure that's not genetic
wow, I have never fucking heard of something so stupid in my life.

Who were the 2 former members? Looks like one of them tried fucking with the game.