Fixing D&D 3.5

> Live in a little town (so little that there is no fucking traffic light)
> Really good friends and me start using microcospe to create our own setting
> They all want to play D&D 3.5
> I Can't deal with 3.5 anymore, not the way that it really is, with favored class, 1/2 cross class skills, unbalaced tiers and shit.

How do i fix the game? What house rule do you guys use?

5e or 2e LoTFP.
Fixing something that's broken when there's an abundance of alternatives available is just stupid.

Don't play with them if you can't stand 3.5.

Ban everything, including core, except for ToB, XPH and MoI.
Still not good, but tolerable.

Play Legend d20 instead.

Tell them to graduate up to DnD 5e with the rest of the big boys.

>No favored classes.
>No 1/2 class skills (whatever the fuck those are)
>No unbalanced class tiers (there are still broken builds, and some of the Unearthed Arcana expansion content is broken, but it's not built into the game like with 3.5).
>Easier character building with less crunch and no 3.5 bloat where 98% of the options are "traps" that demand autistic system-mastery to avoid.
>Not swamped with weeaboos and shitty anime-inspired third-party content like Kitsunes and Time Wizards (avoid anything from DandDwiki though. It's not official content, despite the name).
>Much easier to learn than 3.5, if you players could master the autismal mess that is 3.5, they should be able to master 5e in an hour.

In short, 3.5 is too broken to "fix", just play 5e.

>No 1/2 class skills (whatever the fuck those are)

If your class is untrained in a skill, it takes double the points to raise it, and maxes out at half of the class's level.

I.e. fighter has climb as a class skill and listen as a non-class skill. Raising Climb when you level up costs 1 point, raising Listen costs 2.

Thank fucking god we left that shit behind, even 3.PF is better

>pretending to follow the rules

do you get anxiety attacks if you don't follow that obscure rule from table 237 on page 600

Once my DM told me I can't do something because there is no rule of dice rolling for that type of action in the books. I told him to fuck off with his Stalinist politics and proceeded to do what I wanted.

#1 core book only, allow other feats and spells on a case by case basis. Herolab can make the fiddly junk less of a pain.

# 2 Use Mutants & Masterminds 2ed, it really cleans up 3.5 rules and is quite good. (all 3.5 players owe it to themselves to go look at it.)

#3 Try 5th Ed.

>#1 core book only, allow other feats and spells on a case by case basis.

I threw up a little in my mouth.

Arguably some of the completes are fine. Especually in this case complete psionic for ardents as actual healers. But yeah, Bo9S, psionics, and incarnum is a solid set of rules that are not agressively broken.

Play 5e, it's 3.5 the way it was supposed to be.

> They all want to play D&D 3.5

Option 1: Don't play. Just taking a break will refocus you. If you're playing with "good friends", you'll be able to jump right back in. Alternatively, it might bring your point forward.

Option 2: Propose to DM whatever the fuck you want. If you are willing to put in the GM's share of the work, you should get to choose the system and setting. Keep it collaborative tho. A nice way to shift to 5th Ed, or to a non-DnD game.

Option 3: Break the game. Play a wizard, don't overdo it, don't be passive aggressive about it, just make sure you have solutions to just about any problem and turn encounters and other challenges to non-issue until everyone gets bored.

Drawback: might now work, depending on what people LIKE about the game.

Since "don't play 3.5" isn't an option, I direct you to . It's pretty okay.

Seconding this. Finding a core spell on a scroll or a wand should be grounds for starting war.

>How do I fix 3.5?

By playing something else. Not Pathfinder, because that's basically just 3.5.

> No traffic light

That's not a town. I don't even know if you qualify for hamlet. You might just be

OP is an old Scottish woman in Kansas.

Well... I'm the DM but, the players come first to me, so if the 3.5 it's what they want...

Actually i'm from Brazil, my state it's porr even to Brazil, and my city it's even worse xD

Thanks you all, but i was looking for something like:
"Ban Tier 2 and 1" or "Weapon Finesse it's free"
If someone have a tip like that, or a list of tips i will be really grateful.

I'd point out that giving your players what they want is a noble goal, but if what they truly want is to play 3.5 DMed by someone who enjoys DMing 3.5, it's just something you aren't going to be able to give them.

What do they want out of playing 3.5 anyway? Is it the familiarity of the system/fear of change? The character optimization experience? Do they just want to dungeon crawl and don't know anything else?

So magic missile is overpowered?

1. Ban all summon spells


2. Ban all 8th-9th level spells.


5e fixes a lot of it, if you're not bothered by its asymmetrical math and limited character content and bounded accuracy.

Pathfinder fixes most of the specific issues you mention, while still being mostly 3.5. Its also got All the character options freely available on

>Pathfinder fixes most of the specific issues you mention
The only thing it "fixes" is the cross-class skill debauchery which simply gets slightly less worse at higher levels, but at first level that +3 bonus for having a rank in a class skill is actually even worse than how it would be in 3.X.

Caster dominance is still there, grossly unbalanced tiers are still there, magic items are still priced by people that love taking dumps on martials, the CR system is still near useless.

>All the character options freely available on
That's really the only thing it has in its favour. Most people that insist on playing 3.PF to the exclusion of everything else under the sun do so because they're blinded by the dazzling shiny that is its bloat of grossly unbalanced options, and some are specifically attracted at how putting together grossly unbalanced options from supplements from different sources and different authors with different degrees of system mastery ("different" ranges from "very low" to "none" in this case) results in shit that breaks campaigns if you don't physically break the player first.

>I'd point out that giving your players what they want is a noble goal, but if what they truly want is to play 3.5 DMed by someone who enjoys DMing 3.5, it's just something you aren't going to be able to give them.
Agreed. I'd suggest trying 5e too, it allows old school dungeon crawling without problems while remaining similar enough to """"true"""" D&D that most people shouldn't have autistic screeching reactions like with 4e.

If that fails, I'm afraid you're out of options.

>unbalanced tiers

found the faggot

>favored class, 1/2 cross class skills

wait, seriously? those are your biggest problems? favored classes can br dropped with 0 effect. 1/2 skills being dropped might give some classes a tiny power bump but ill bet you a dollar that if you removed skill restrictions players would take mostly class skills ANYWAY

and this is the bigges faggot of all. suggesting to purposely break a game instead of putting the effort into a wizard having solutiong for everything, why not make one who DOESNT or who buffs other players. or has a flaw like being a total coward.

Fuck all of you.

>Pathfinder doesn't fix 3.x character balance or the CR system or magic items.
I never said it did. I said it fixed the main issues the OP complained about in 3.x, while still being the same basic system, and with all the character options better organized.

Though I don't share the common opinion that 5e is "fixed 3.x". IMO it traded one set of system issues for a different set. It's easier for newbies, though. But if I were forced to choose one to play (not to GM) I'd pick Pathfinder. I'd generally rather work around 3.x bad balance than play 5e and deal with its shortage of character options, and limited character customization opportunities.

Ideally I'd be playing a different game entirely, like mythras + classic fantasy, or gurps dungeon fantasy, or unisystem (ghosts of Albion + dungeons and zombies + angel).

Everstone. Point-buy 3.x. Addresses most of your mentioned gripes while still being essentiality 3.x in terms of core gameplay.

>Herolab can make the fiddly junk less of a pain.
only problem with Herolab is that it's expensive as all hell

Thank you all, i gonna have a talk with my players and try to change it to 5e. 3.5 was they first system so they are attached to you. Anyway thank you all, even the mean of you.