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>Is there a better game than Concordia?
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>Is there a better game than Concordia?
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>check it out on BGG
>unexpectedly low rating
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Butthurt libcucks?
You should have seen the outrage when Trains: Rising Sun was released three years ago.
there wasn't any
So, people keep saying this game is reskinned bloodrage, but I'm not seeing it. Bloodrage looked like shit to me, this looks pretty fun.
What am I missing here? Didn't blood rage make heavy use of drafting, which isn't used at all in RS?
I know pretty much nothing about Bloodrage. Would you mind giving me a tl;dr about it? All I know is that it has Viking minis and there's fighting.
Why don't you like it?
Well, whenever I heard it being talked about, and seeing the minis, it looked sort of like chaos in the old world. When I found out how it actually played, which was card drafting, and doing random things for points, I was completely turned off. Felt like a bait and switch that a lot of people didn't have a problem with in the end. Euro game disguising itself as an ameritrash game sort of.
I got a question for you all. When is it okay to use dice for combat? That includes rolling to see if you hit and rolling to see how much damage is dealt and whatever other ways there are to use dice for combat. Or is it never okay?
Lots of dice is better than one or two to make things more predictable
Some sort of gained mitigation should also be there, and preferably not always on mitigation to force a decision points.
The game I'm currently working on resolves combat using 4 different kinds of d6. From worst to best they are: yellow, orange, red, purple
Yellow's sides are 0 0 1 1 2 2
Orange's sides are 0 1 1 2 2 3
Red's sides are 0 1 2 2 3 3
Purple's sides are 1 2 2 3 3 4
For example, using a machine gun gets you a lot of projectiles out there, but isn't as precise and doesn't really do a lot of damage in my setting, so you roll a bunch yellow dice, though upgrades let you add more/better ones later on.
A laser weapon let's you roll purple and red dice because it deals a lot of damage and is very precise, but it's pretty short range and every area beyond it's effective range takes one die away.
Do you think that system is reasonable? I'm sure there are some games out there that use dice for combat like that, but I've never tried one so it's a bit or trial and error for me.
It's always okay user, sales data backs this up. The only people who disagree are the ones who shit their pants over it are euro players who hate ameritrash games, and the only solution for them is to turn the game into a euro.
Use dice wherever you see fit. It makes things random and unpredictable. A lot of people like that. Who cares if some don't?
>no combat
Is Terra Mystica: Gaia Project DOA?
actually sounds pretty cool desu
that looks pretty elegant if kinda mindgamey
could see it pissing off people who dont like bluffing tho
Did you miss the "Terra Mystica" in the games title?
>Lots of dice is better than one or two to make things more predictable
Bullshit. Throwing truckloads of dice isn't fun unless you're dungeon-crawling/TTRPG'ing. Introducing dice directly in the decision-making process (your dice decides how many cases you can move) is also a very bad idea.
However, having a single die in a game prevents it from becoming predictable and solved.
It depends on the implementation.
One die isn't inherently more or less fair than a bunch.
Rolling multiple dice to generate a random number makes the average result more common, thereby making the making it more predictable.
Do they seriously fucking think the only time the Japanese ever used that flag was for nazi memes? Are they seriously fucking telling CMON who couldnt even be bothered to do any fucking research into Japans history or mythology to change the one thing they at least got right? What the fuck??
Also why the hell does bgg even allow fucking ratings before a game is released. You just get chuckle fucks rating it down because """"uuuh its overhyped and I dont like that :((((""""" yeah well neither do I fucker but I'm not gonna cry about it on a fucking boardgame rating and collection manager site
Conan uses a mechanic like that. Works pretty well.
>south Korea
>libshit wall of text
I'm not surprised
What are the alternatives to dice for combat? Especially when it comes to player vs monster/npc?
I don't have many games that involve battle and most of them either involve dice or a direct comparison of power/level/number of units.
Well one option is exactly what you mentioned. Fixed values.
Another option would be different cards with values on them which you play face-down.
player vs monster could use fixed values but incorporate modifiers based on things like positioning and weakness/vulnerability to damage types
BattleCON uses 2 sets of different cards which you can combine together, and have a Priority number on them. The player with a higher Priority does their attacks first, with the following player in danger of getting stunned i.e. not being able to attack.
Fury of Dracula has both sides reveal cards simultaneously, then compare the icons on them. If the icon on Dracula's card is on the Hunter card, which usually has multiple icons, then the Dracula's card gets cancelled. Middle Earth Quest does something similar with simultaneous reveal, except your deck is also your HP, so your options can dwindle.
The Arkham Horror LCG uses a Chaos Bag, which is basically infinitely more customizable dice. The bag has tokens in them, and you can swap tokens around to increase or decrease difficulty, or change the meaning of certain special tokens.
The not-Armored-Core board game has you call out hits, then assign energy to certain weapons to deal damage. It also has an overheat value so you can't just spam attacks.
Just throwing stuff out there, not all of it is probably applicable to what you asked for.
Gloomhaven uses flat damage with a deck of fudge cards (+1, +0, -1) that can be upgraded as the character levels up.
blood rage combined a super easy and uninspired draft mechanic with plastic pushing. casuals can't get enough of it
i say the drafting is easy and uninspired because there aren't combos, there isn't hate drafting, there is nothing to think about other than "does this card do something i wanna do more than the other cards available to me right now?"
I'd love to try concordia but it's really impractical to acquire it where I live.
I've always wondered if people post complete components lists and things for you to print and play the game. Basically piracy for board games.
Is this a thing? am I getting banned?
to my understanding nothing about board games is protectable IP other than the name and art, so you could share the entire ruleset and component list and there's nothing they can do about it unless you are making money on it while simultaneously using the original name and/or art
makes sense. But I assume this isn't a very common thing then? at least not around here?
You could buy tabletop simulator for $20 on steam, it has a bunch of free stuff. There are even some official boardgame dlcs like zombiecide and scythe.
around here as in what? most generals on Veeky Forums have pirated shit in its op...but ya i haven't seen many posts about "here's the info to make a pnp of a game" but that's probably because all the shit you would need is easy to find. lots of publishers put full rulebooks right on their websites for free and some of those contain full component lists...
i don't really get what you're asking, so ill just say this: it's probably not illegal to do, and even if there aren't dedicated places where it's done it's easy to find the information to make games into pnp versions if you so desire. if you are unable to find the info either on the publisher's site or somewhere on board game geek you can probably ask here and someone might be nice enough to make a list for you
Fuck, now I want to back this game.
Still won't, fuck exclusives and Lang is overrated,
How does bgg rank it's games?
I've only played the pandemic base game, but it seems like too much for pandemic legacy to take top spot for adding in a story/campaign system.
Not enough exploding dice.
Scythe and Dune/Rex give you a power dial. You spend points on combat, but the number is hidden until "showdown," and can be modified by cards; I don't know about Dune/Rex but in Scythe the cards range from 2-5, 4 being far rarer than 2, with the power dial going up to 7, so hoarding power and hoarding cards are both valid strategies.
to put it simply it takes into account the overall numeric rating the game gets from people and the number of ratings it gets
lots of people like pandemic so lots of people buy the legacy version so lots of people rate the legacy version and lots of them rate it higher because it adds something to a thing they already like
it makes sense but it has nothing to do with the merit of the game
If you take an unweighted average I think KD:M is #1.
ya but that system isn't great either.
really there is no way to rate games from best to worst in a way that makes sense unless you break it down into really small categories, like "pirate games rated by thematic quality that have a moderate to high level of complexity"
if you don't get specific enough so much of it is just "i like long games so merchants and marauders is better than libertalia" or other stuff like that
but taking bgg seriously is like taking netflix star ratings seriously
Thanks for the answers. I've recently gained (or rather regained) interest in developing my own game and knowing different ways of handling battles is useful.
One idea I had that requires a GM with dexterous hands is a battle system based on the success checks in Hand of Fate.
The main problems I ran into with that one is that battles can take several minutes for stronger enemies and the GM growing tired of having to reveal the cards, turn them face down, push them together and spread them out again for every turn of the battle.
Not anymore, Gloomhaven has passed it
Only if you're a retarded stickerbook collector though.
There's a vidya game called The Banner Saga that I thought had a really neat combat system with no randomness outside of special unit abilities.
Everyone has two stats, strength and armour. Strength is both your damage to other units AND your health. Armour reduces damage to your strength.
Everyone can attack a unit's strength OR armour, ie- reduce their protection from future attacks OR reduce their damage to other units.
(stay away from the cash in board game made by the jesus fags behind Myth, it's shit just like all their other games)
>Jesus fags
Do tell. First I've ever heard of that.
>Not Talismayne
it's just someone who misses their reddit flair
So I just heard the news that Star Wars: Destiny dice game expansions are going to be single print runs.
Asmodee is getting fucking ridiculous.
The end is coming
What did you expect, NOT cancer?
Is pandemic legacy seriously that good ?
is this your first time buying in to a CCG? sure sounds like that sweet sound of regret
if you love pandemic it's a more interesting version but has very little variance from group to group for a legacy game. if you're not crazy about pandemic just wait for a legacy game more your speed to come. being the mainstream-ish legacy game is why it is rated so high, that and people already love pandemic
i will never understand why people play that game. the only appealing thing about it is it's star wars but there are so many good star wars games that that's barely an excuse
They are hardcore christians, not really much to tell.
Have you played it? It's actually a really well designed system with some very modern and unique ideas - small decks, multiple rounds, a first player token you can fight over, lots of pushing your luck and deciding when rolling unrolled dice would put them in harm's way, etc.
But yeah, it was basically DOA just for being a CCG released after 2000 instead of admitting that it needed to be a LCG. Then FFG did just about everything else they could do to fuck it up, too.
Agreed, the core game does some cool stuff. Shame about everything else.
So what does that have to do with the games they make?
>modern and unique
>rolling dice
>multiple decks
>first player token
>pushing luck
Don't worry, after you get a little more exposure into the hobby you'll understand why this is not a well-designed game. Until then have fun! Playing poorly designed games is part of the learning experience as you will have a point of reference for quality games in the future. Great to see new people getting in to board gaming, can't wait to see you offer some quality insight once you get more experience, newfriend!
I was hoping to wait it out for a while and then buy up cheep second-hand stuff. But with there not being additional print runs, that's going to keep the second-hand price higher for longer.
What are some good games to play with a girl that you like? Asking for a friend :^)
Strip poker, naked twister, and hide the cucumber come to mind
Kamasutra :^)
Man, I just want to see the rest of the art for that.
>Is pandemic legacy seriously that good ?
No. It's niche enough that the only people who play it are the ones that already like it, that's why the ratings are so high. (People who don't like Pandemic don't play Pandemic Legacy in the first place and thus don't rate it at all.)
Pocket snake is great.
>there aren't combos
wut? Blood Rage is overrated sure. But its all about short drafts of super-powered-combos and who gets the luck of the starting combo pairs and whether or not the person passing them cards is aware and interested enough to break them.
The butthurt is strong in this one.
I backed KDM the second time. I hope its great. I backed Sword and Sorcery and Folklore and 7th Continent too. I hope theyre all great. I backed Gloomhaven it already is great.
Why do poorfags always have to buy one game and then hate on all the other similar ones? More than one game can be good faggot.
Pandemic Legacy and now Gloomhaven are the first games that have continuing stories that urge you to keep playing to see what happens next.
When you play this new game 20 times instead of the 4-5 times you played the last new game, its hard to say the high ratings arent deserved because the FUN factor is clearly there.
Nope, pure shit. BGG cucks love them some hot garbage.
>When you play this new game 20 times instead of the 4-5 times you played the last new game
Pick one good game and play it, faggot, instead of collecting cardboard. Some people play only chess all their life, and they're having way more ""fun"" than you are.
no theyre not.
Look, I watch a lot of TV shows, I watch some movies, I read some book and comics, I play some video games, I play a lot of board games. I already have "too many hobbies" rather than focus on one thing.
And I do like to collect things and I do like to focus on a game for a bit and I do like to play lots of different games.
But rather than pick ONE game and "i like this game and its the only one I play so its a 10 and your game is shit" I will play a lot of games and if some game is soooo good that it makes me keep going back to it over and over - THATS HOW I KNOW ITS A GREAT GAME.
Gloomhaven has gotten 15 plays in a month while other games have sat on my shelf. That means its better than the other ones I've played that did not call to me the same way.
this post reads like it was written by a 10 year old with ADHD
no wonder you need some built-in mechanic to force you to focus on something for more than one play
also not surprising you don't understand why someone could have fun playing chess for ten years
>He doesn't play a small collective of games to just get really good at them and explore everything they can do
If you want anything else out of this genre why not just play vidya. Don't really understand people who buy a shitload of competetive-style boardgames and never play them enough (if they enjoy them) to see everything
professional players of any game are not having fun. theyre doing a job. competitive players are not having fun if theyre losing.
i just do what i like to do and make sure i have fun.
the fact that you thing its ADHD just because I have more than one hobby is hysterical.
I think youre just too poor to afford more than one game.
well my collection over time HAS shifted from competitive games to co-ops and more thematic stuff. Even my competitive games have luck or enough random events that they are not just won by "best player" . I don't play pure strategy abstracts or "sit to the left of the worst player" games like Puerto Rico.
I'm not sure how my tastes lead to "playing vidya" especially since co-op board games replaced the total lack of couch co-op or couch multiplayer that video games abandoned.
>Competitive players are not having fun if they're losing
>He hasnt played go
>He doesn't play a small collective of games to just get really good at them and explore everything they can do
You could say the same thing about video games.
Why not just spend thousands of hours getting good at Dota instead of playing a wide variety of games? You don't really need to exhaust everything a game has to offer, I think it's fine to just drink your fill and move onto something else. I play Dota on and off, I just played
You're implying I play competitive style videogames user which I don't really at all
I guess it makes sense if you like co-ops more, I don't really like co-ops outside of ones with traitors and SH death angel so from here it's just gonna be arguing over opinion, so I'll concede
>professional players are not having fun if
>competitive players are not having fun if
*citations needed
The grammatical inconsistencies in your hastily formatted posts support my claim of ADHD.
>I think you're just too poor
Why would you think that when you have literally no idea how many games I own? The fact that you jump to conclusions this impulsively again supports my claim of ADHD. I'm not surprised you play this co-op game so often, I'm sure it's hell on earth for your friends to try to keep you focused during a competitive game when you're not involved during every single second of decision making.
>Constantly tried to belittle the other user
>Won't refute any arguments the other side puts up
Hi user, how do you feel about cosmic encounter? ;^) I think it's a very unique game and should be in the top 10 on bgg
>attacking grammar
first sign of a losing internet argument
I'm claiming you're poor the same way you're claiming I have ADHD. Based on your "logic" of focusing on "one thing" at a time and calling people who enjoy "multiple things" as ADHD sufferers.
Also, Gloomhaven prevents alpha-players so your last comment just shows you don't even know what you're talking about
what the hell are you on about with cosmic encounter all the sudden?
How does gloomhaven prevent alpha gaming? Interest to hear how it goes about it (although I have literally no idea how this game works anyway)
>gloomhaven prevents alpha-players
holy shit i should have known, you're that guy who doesn't even own gloomhaven but keeps shitposting about it to be a dick...sorry for responding, i won't make that mistake again
I thought you were the user that screams at anyone that mentions it sorry user :3c
Make yellow 000111.
so you wanted to turn another thread into a shitfest? why?
If its at the expense of chasing that dumb autist away from this general forever I'll do anything
if you think you can chase an autist away by being obnoxious you have a bad thing coming
it doesn't. that's just the claim everyone who shills for a co op game makes
Kickstarter game with loads of minis? Cool, it'll be on clearance within six months of its release.
for what game has that been true?
Almost all of them. You need to get better at sniffing out the deals user.
so what you're really saying is you can't name a single one. got it, duly ignored
Opinions on Great Western Trail? I find it quite interesting, but i'm afraid it is too similar to Marco Polo. Does anyone of you own it?
No, I actually meant most of them. You'll see loads of trash KS games and expansions on clearance at online retailers if you have the patiance to wait.
But hey, you want to get it sooner and with more 'exclusive' plastic shit than you'll even know what to do with, that's your business.
He wasn't saying Gloomhaven is better, he;s saying that it achieved a better raw average score on BGG.