Tolkien must be spinning in his grave right now
Jesus Christ, is there nothing sacred left in the world?

Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 this is not Veeky Forums
Tolkien was and always will be Veeky Forums.

If it upsets you you are free to ignore it.
You might even be happier for doing so.

None of it is canon though, That makes me want to play it.

The world becomes a darker and sadder place every day.


It looks pretty fun actually.

Numenorians vs the emperor, What happens?

A bunch of slightly above average dudes with spears and mail against the most powerdul psyker evar?
Depends on the BL author.

Ancient Numenorians though....

Laser guns weren not a thing in the Simarillion, we've been over this.

Guys were just a bunch of goodie two shoes who got their entire civilization wrecked by a trap.

>I deliberately sought out something I don't like and now I am upset! How could this have happened?

>the constant threads bitching about the hobbit movies that reach bumplimit
>but this is where we draw the line

EA shills pls...

i think it looks pretty sweet...

i know its assrape of canon, but just call it a spinoff or smth

>another rpg that isn't an roleplaying game

thats because the hobbit had many flaws beyond being an unfaithful adaptation - namely being boring and generic shlock

I watched End Times take WHFB and toss it out the window.

I watch ESO take the Big Book o' Lore and burn it.

This? This means nothing to me.

>get made fun of for being a whiny baby on Veeky Forums
>This must be the work of an enemy shill!

>Non-Tolkeinfags: Meh

I don't really see what the problem is, I can only assume you are using fake outrage to do some viral marketing.

Did you forgot that LoTR has an MMO?

>Hey, remember those eldritch abominations under moria that even a primordial demon of fire was spooked by? Let's make them a enemy for your ranger to grind.

to their credit, Sauron had to put some effort into it
and on this point, Numenor definitely can't fight the Imperium, but seeing as mortal numenoreans (and elves) could hold against Sauron in personal combat and Sauron is a fallen angelic entity that predates their universe and knows the finer points of its laws and nature in detail, there is a presumably some number of Numenorean soldiers that is sufficient to kill the emperor. It might be Elendil and all his sons and huscarls piling on him with first age swords straight from siegfried, or the great armament running him down in a dingy, but with enough numenoreans you can threaten God, so emps better watch out.

You're full on retarded.

One fucking Landraider could reduce the whole of Mordor to laser-molten slag.

Fucking retard.

>hurr durr a bunch of fantasy fucks without guns with armour that can't even survive warhammers could take on a bunch of fantasy fucks with guns with armour that can take laser guns

This actually looks pretty fun

I''m a Tolkienfag and i couldn't give a shit about this. It's just a throw away game that'll be forgotten about in six months. Nothing to get so worked up about you fag.

you're clearly bigger on 40k than Tolkien, so I'm just gonna note that inflating LOTR power levels to folkloric, mythic proportions is supported by the core conceit of books, and I hope you stay upset.

And also
>One fucking Landraider could reduce the whole of Mordor to laser-molten slag
It could do that to everything but the Black Gates and Barad-Dur, which literally cannot be dismantled unless Sauron's wills it or his power is dispelled. 40k kills things with biggatons, and LOTR includes plenty of things that require specific providence to destroy. Similar to this, whereas power swords cut through armor because technobabble, Narsil cuts through armor because Narsil cuts fucking everything.

And here we see the reason whfags are the fucking worst

Age Of Sigmar, What happens now?

>Narsil cuts through armor because Narsil cuts fucking everything.
Is this ever specifically stated?

>gameplay seems fine judging from the trailer
What is the problem? If the game is good, I'm completely willing to forgive it being unfaithful to the original lore.
I mean, personally, I don't like this kind of games, but then again, I'm an autistic retrograde who likes his games fun, even if they aren't cinematic.

>Narsil cuts through armor because Narsil cuts fucking everything.

That sounds pretty edgy user.

no, more like
>Shill B: Meh
>gullible idiot that opens the thread still gets exposure to there being a new game out, may eventually purchase it
>EA execs happy that Chad from Chad and Olivia from Bolivia are finally pulling their weight in the marketing department
This has nothing to do with table top board games, it's a video game which can remain in the cesspool of /v/. There's already two different threads up for it there, showing that they're hard at work getting that 'word of mouth' going.

Wipe EA from the face of the earth.

>Implying EA gives a shit about a handful of Grognards and Autists on a traditional games board on a Combodian mud drawing wiki.

The outside world's knowledge on Veeky Forums consists of /b/, /v/, and /pol/. Otherwise it might as well not even exist.

Serious question: do you actually think anyone outside of Veeky Forums, or even most channers, know Veeky Forums exists and what it talks about? Even to most of the sites userbase Veeky Forums is like /asp/ or /gd/; it's one of those boards you see in the top bar and go 'wait, how long have we had that?'

What is this from?

you will die before you find something in the silmarillion that is unequivocally correct or definitive in describing the properties of a magical item. The dagger made as a mate to Narsil by the same smith is shown to cut Morgoth's personally wrought iron crown like 'green wood', Aragorn is described chopping straight through armor while the sword flashes with white flame, and it took the fingers off a demigod whose body was an unnatural physical construct meant for combat, but all of that is frequently passed off as just poetic description and in-universe folklore.

Also in the first age is a sentient, black bladed sword of similarly nebulous power. Some of the description makes it seem like Gurthang is incapable of failing to kill stuff, some of it makes it seem like Turin is just a fuck-up.

Umbar Ministry of Historical Truth

Sounds trustworthy.

Looks like these two strips are all there are.
The artist's page is here:

This so much. This "Tolkien's writing is sacred and perfect and only Normie plebians who just don't understand his genius can't like it. Any changes or deviations are Heresy" attitude is why Tolkienfags are as bad as 40kids.

A lot of people make the argument that Tolkien is "different" and needs to be treated differently. I won't argue the former point - he's already on the way to being a staple of English literature, mentioned in the same breath as Chaucer and Shakespeare. But a lot of his fans use that as the point for their ire when they encounter adaptations they don't like.

However, looking at all the adaptations of Shakespeare's works makes one wonder if that isn't a sign of just how well-loved something is. It's been a few centuries now and Shakespeare is a household name and his stories keep being retold, sometimes in new ways sometimes in traditional ways. His work hasn't been compromised and reading, say, King Lear is still a rewarding experience.

So despite being a Tolkienfag, I say have at it. Tolkien's original writings are cemented in place. No one is under the impression that these games are canonical, so let's enjoy them for what they are and appreciate that the games will probably spur at least a small portion of people to seek out the books and engage with the established lore.

Hobbit is just bad, Shadow is at least fun and entertaining

You know, thematically speaking, they could do a whole lot with Celebrimbor being an arrogant prick literally following in Sauron's footsteps to try to beat him at his own game, and of course he's doomed to lose because Sauron lives on to be defeated in the War of the Ring.

It's the players who go "wow I'm Sauron but a good guy, this is so cool" who miss the point.

>"...using the new Ring of Power to forge an army and conquer Mordor from within"

I think you're giving th developers too much credits.

That's probably the best attitude, especially because being angry about flawed adaptions and spin-offs achieves next to nothing for most of us. We already weren't buying them, and we certainly don't have the power to stop their development. There's no zero-sum value for culture really, and these adaptions don't hurt or destroy the original it really is best to just ignore them when they have no longevity compared to their parent work.

>mad that someone else is mad

You can try to hide behind your affected casual smugness, but if your jimmies weren't rustled you wouldn't have posted. Stay mad.

And yeah, I mad. Mad for the same reasons as OP.

>a staple of English literature, mentioned in the same breath as Chaucer and Shakespeare

Something that's rather depressing.

Tolkien shouldn't be denigrated by being lumped together with an idiot peasant who stole the plots of everything he write, filed off the names, then filled it with dick jokes, nor a guy who couldn't finish a single fucking story.

Damn, that's savage. In b4 Veeky Forums gets mad.

Tolkien wasted his talents on silly fairytales so he fits right in with them, really.

That is actually the general tactics I seen people used when making viral threads in /v/.

Making the thread on Veeky Forums instead of /v/ is pretty savvy for alleged viral marketers.

You also don't see why a bunch of grognards might have a problem with turning Tolkien into a shallow action romp?

If you think that's bad, you should see the other guy! You actually can't because the "other guy" was too shit to be remembered.

>makes it seem like Gurthang is incapable of failing to kill stuff, some of it makes it seem like Turin is just a fuck-up.
You know, those are not mutually exclusive...

What else would have Tolkien write? Non-fiction?

Real literature.

what is that?

If you don't know, it ain't for you to know sweetie

I'm sad you have no taste, and post opinions contrary to the mainstream opinion to feel superior.

He probably reads Ayn Rand and think it's literary genius.

That's a low hanging fruit. I'd recommend some Valla to you, but I doubt they teach you how to read it right in that peasant hole you come from.

Well I'm not the one shilling for Tolkien here, am I?

>i'll reference a literally who, that way they know im a true patrician

>Lorenzo Valla
>one of THE most famous critics of late scholasticism and a great introduction into its teachings at the same time
>"""literal who"""

Just stick with your elves and boglins my dude.

I'm so sorry for criticizing your perfect taste in literature, master.
May I lick your boots clean now, o lord of literary treasures?

>Lorenzo Valla

So again, you're arguing that Tolkien should be writing non-fiction?

He was a professor, so he did write a lot of non fiction.

So I'm a shill? Cause I called you out? For having little to no taste?
Valla and Tolkien are exactly comparable.
Could you give us what you consider literature in the genre of fantasy? I'll accept sci-fi and mythology as well.

Are should have been aren't
English is my only language. I still butcher that bitch every day.

>"Got Ya."

My dick

Is there a reason it should be sacred?

He also wrote the foremost translation of Beowulf until Heany's more evocative verse version got picked up because it sounds more archaic. It counts for nothing that Heany admits in the introduction that his goal was to make everyone sound like the old Irish fishermen from his home town, with little regard to fidelity in translation.

>no decent LotR games

Battle for Middle Earth (1 and 2), and Shadow of Mordor (while non-canon) is still fun.

The most fun LotR game I've played were the custom warcraft 3 maps of the fellowship in Moira. Was a Frodo main.

Don't forget the Two Towers and RoTK games for Xbox/PS2, those were fun as shit.

>What are these, towers for ants?

>Enough numenorians can take down God.

The entire numenorian civilization tried that when they were corrupted. It didn't work out.

I said threaten, not defeat. It's rather like real life. Sure, God is omnipotent, and definitionally above harm, but that doesn't stop garments woven from two different sorts of fiber from throwing him into a boundless terror at the threat to his authority.

We won the thread war.
Praise ErĂș.

>Lorenzo Valla
I bet you only read him in modern scripts.

Only plebs do that.

>Depends on the BL author.

I still think they should have called the game Second Degree Mordor.

Well, that's a new conspiracy theory I haven't heard of.

You really think EA would use their money to shill on Veeky Forums?

>Caring about or having interest in tolkien's deltora quest but shit.



Oh user, when will you kill yourself?


The things that as far as I know can be fucked over by an especially smelly, fat and tall obese person? Mate Twatkiens books are basically jam packed with greater daemons and "One thing will beat all the stuff!" is unfathomably stupid an opinion.

More like 100 marines with armored and Ariel support, and a heavy guard contingent in order to actually hold any ground for any length of time without inevitably being overwhelmed by tyranid-spiders or flaming bloodthisters of el-fag-danunieldanash or whatever the fuck the big fucker in the caves in the film is called.

Stay mad though, keep reminding me why I play AOS and Kings of War and not 40k or 9th age/fantasy.

>Ariel support
I doubt they would be willing to bring a wizard, and If they did Prospero would definitely fall to Sauron

Well yeah, he's obviously a Veeky Forumsfag