EDH/Commander General /EDHG/

"Fools! I'll show them all!" Edition

Old thread:

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Threadly question
Have you ever designed a deck around a theme tangentally related to Magic (like "Mad Scientist") or even totally unrelated (like a tribute to another franchise)? If so, what was it and how did it play?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Have you ever designed a deck around a theme tangentally related to Magic (like "Mad Scientist") or even totally unrelated (like a tribute to another franchise)? If so, what was it and how did it play?

Yes. I built an Orkz deck.

It's explosive, unpredictable, loses a lot, and is goofy as shit.

I built Numot America Matters, it was boardwipes, kill spells, and land destruction. It was actually pretty good, since it's so easy to grab Sunforger (and by extension, Faith's Reward).

And funnily enough, I got btfo just as badly sometimes as I btfo of others. My roommate was playing Reveillark/Karmic Guide and had an altar of dementia out, and I was out of removal targets with sunforger. and I only had Numot. So I proceeded to keep topdecking lands, and got nicked down from 16 fucking life to a loss.

No one cares.

It's literally the thread question, fuckmouth.

It's the thread topic, you twat. It generates discussion, or at least allows others to see what some chucklefucks on the internet have done with their decks.

Well done. No one cares.

Glad to see you contributing, bud. Keep it up.

Not an argument :^)

Thanks for stopping by, Sean.

Well this is off to a great start

Explain your joke

Just another day. Don't feed the dickweeds, any of em.

That's a great story, Mark.

I care. Deck list please.

Don't you have a reddit thread to post in?

Incredible samefaggotry.


It needs some work (I should really trim a few of the shittier cards for some ramp), but this is basically version 1.1.


Oh, so you're that faggot.

>ebin uhsthetic song meme
Fuck off.

>OP leaves off title text and question, autists sperg about it
>OP includes title text and question, autists sperg about it.

It's almost like we're all autists here.

Back in my early days with EDH, I tried to make Legend of Zelda tribute decks. Link was never finished partially on account of never having a satisfactory commander. Zelda (Hanna) was a mess due to me being a noob at the time. Ganondorf (Kaervek) though was fairly mean, at least for my noob meta.

I am indeed that faggot.

You are aware that some people actually enjoy ideas like that, right? Especially since that's fucking gA.

Careful man. They'll just say you inspected elements, this is typically shitpost derailing.

Wasn't really the entire theme because I wanted to be somewhat competitive but I wanted a deck with a Vampire Counts themed deck, basically a few vampires leading a bunch of zombies and other spooky shit. Turned out really fun, and still kinda has that feeling

>posts decklist

>less than a minute later posts a screenshot that claims he's the guy with the deck

Really makes you think.

You got a list?

Post timers don't add up. You fucked up, samefag.

Not for you, bitch.

Have a (You) for your troubles, I farmed it myself.

Someone in my local EDH club relies on this infinite 0-cost artifact combo that starts with them using ad nauseum. They've been able to win on turn 3 a few times now.

Would it be a good or bad idea to use Pithing needle to counter this? I just say "Ad nauseum" and it should at least buy me time?

Phone and laptop posting doesn't count as a samefag.

>Activated Abilities
>Ad Nauseam
It's a pretty bad idea


Sounds like eggs combo. My understanding is grave hate and cards like Nevermore are what you want (pithing needle doesn't work, that's for activated abilities of permanents and ad nauseam is a spell). Nevermore will do the job you're looking for!

Not on hand unfortunately. It's a mono black with Kalitas as the general to spawn zombies, grave pact, dictate of erebos, butcher of Malakir to mulch enemy boards into zombies. Endless ranks of the dead, army of darkness, zombie Titan to spawn more of them. I tried to win using smokestack because it's evil enough to fit the theme, but I also have the sanguine bond/exquisite blood combo because I play with guys who have like 4 infinite combos per deck.

Neat, that's actually pretty cool.

Dude, you need a hobby.

Gotta use Meddling Mage/Nevermore/Null Chamber/etc to lock out Ad Naus, Needle and Revoker do shit.

Considering Pithing Needle will do literally nothing to stop that, I'd advise against it.

This second guy coming in clutch. Also low cost gravehate like Tormod's Crypt, Rest in Peace, and Grafdiggers Cage will help hose the combo while also keeping your deck strong against grave shenanigans.

It's called Magic the Gathering. :^)

Yeah, it is right?


Question: When you overload a spell, replacing "target" with "each" still means that the spell targets each individual permanent, right?

NOPE, hexproof get fucked

No. "Destroy each creature" targets nothing.

Well all the overload cards have a specific trait that it targets (nonland, artifact etc) so instead of hitting one of those targets it hit every available target. You are technically correct but it doesn't hit every permanent.

jojo man what would you name an ezuri deck and marath deck?

Nope, so it gets around things like hexproof and protection.

Nope. An Overloaded Cyclonic Rift does not target anything, just like a Wrath of God does not target anything. It replaces the word 'target' with the word 'each'. Spells that do not say 'target' do not target anything (with the weird exception of Aura spells, but that's because the targeting bit is baked into the rules for Auras)

Nope. Overloading makes it non targeting.

Oh I missed the target part. Nah unless it says target it won't target.

>you are technically correct
No he isn't. The spell doesn't target at all. An overloaded Vandalblast will hit artifacts with pro-red, or Shroud, or Hexproof, specifically because it doesn't target them when overloaded.

Don't know who the fuck this is though

I'm not him, but which Ezuri? For the other question [WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE].

n-no bully

「 D O T H E E V O L U T I O N 」

「 W I L D T H I N G 」


no u

You forgot the part where a thread title is productive to the general, and that clearly the last thread was a booty blasted shitpost marathon thanks to the shit op, who in turn is sperging out in this thread.

You forgot the part where you're not helping. Shut the fuck up and stop the meta shitposting.

Stop shitposting.

Is this a viable commander?

>look at me meta shitposting about meta shitposting
I bet your the type of person who plays Iona is underrated.

Only if your group lets you use custom cards

I want to build a Lands Matter deck, with all sorts of stupid combos. I know Gruul/Jund is the best starting ground due to the Gruul lands commanders, and splashing the Gitrog Monster (not to mention a plethora of black tutors). But there's also the Blue effects with Patron of the Moon and other associated land bounce / landfall abuse, which knocks it to 4 colors.

Am I better off just pushing to 5-color and playing Child of Alara lands, is 4-color acceptable (and if so, lead by whom?), or is Jund the true calling (lead by Adun Oakenshield or Xira Arien)?

Will you guys stop jacking this dude off? He's posted this "le randumb fun orkz!!!11!1!!" list every fucking thread. He probably made the OP question just so he could shoehorne it in here again.

>In every thread
I made it literally a week ago.

I advise for Jund. There's a few neat blue things from Kamigawa, but I don't think they're worth diluting the deck. You'll get plenty of support in Jund as it is.

One guy asked for the list, so he posted it. No harm in that, honestly.

In the meantime, post em

claw of progress. good name for marath though


I've played Soraya bird populate deck. It's like Birdemic or The Birds, just make birds and swarm the enemy.

>one guy
He asked himself for the list. More than likely you asked yourself for the list.

Fair point, although I'm really only considering adding like 2 blue guys, and they combo with stuff I already have (Amulet of Vigor, Stone-Seeder, Storm Cauldron). But definitely a great point, the theme will probably be all over the place if I try to force more colors.


You can keep calling samefag all you want, it's only making you look stupid.


Naw, I don't really care about that list. I never played WH40K so I don't really get the attraction. But other people do, so there's not really any harm in it.

Do you still have your slobad list? I got invited to a more competitive group, so I want to have a deck that can take it when I play with them.

This is the first post I've made in this thread.

Hey did Kozilek always had those eyes in his armpits?

Also nice design, seems viable. Just beware of the people who can't even see a custom card without sperging like a motherfucker

I never put the thing on tappedout, but I remember most of the strong interactions I had in the deck. I can type all that up if you like, like a mini-primer or something. Otherwise, a lot of my deck was inspired by these two lists:



And here's the second guy's followup to his own deck:


I've got plenty of partially built ideas but these are either playing or soon to join the rotation.

That's pretty funny, how viable is it though?

When do you think we'll see 4-color generals again? What do you think they'll do?

>0 Boros commanders

hopefully never

Currently brewing Brion Stoutarm actually! That and Dralnu, since I don't play Blue/Dimir at all.

And yeah, until I looked more into Brion, I never really saw the Boros folks as interesting. Everything is combat or a meme (see: Depala, Brion), but I'm learning to love Brion so we'll see if that changes.

Current rotation:
Swings hard and fast. Resource denial isn't implemented until late game.
Very rarely wins, or even aims to win. Designed to regulate larger or simply more unruly tables.
It's Ghave.
>Charge Counters
Creatures are +1/+1 counter centric, but it's rare for Atraxa to win using creatures. Darksteel Reactor and Magistrate's Scepter are MVPs.

*floats mana*

Boros makes for terrible EDH decks.


I don't know about proper 4C. Their 'best foot forward' was already full of stapled or dull effects, even though some were quite potent. If they do go there, I'd want to see legendary named Nephilim with callbacks to their originals (so, "Whatshisface, Dune-Brood Progenitor" would make Sand) and a UBRG omnidisciplinary mad scientist. Maybe it's the thread edition but I think of UBRG and I want to use my Simic, Izzet, and Skaberen together.

I'm looking forward to getting a few more partners, though. Hopefully the next batch will be, say, one of each allied pair and two of each monocolor. The former of which would open up more 4c options. They have to be careful expanding that mechanic, though.

>he doesn't know the joy of crushing a t1 Manacrypt, mana vault MonoU deck with commander damage


I wish they would do stuff like pic related, there's a cycle someone made before C16 with very good card design.

Probably would be better with Convoke and Conspire, replicate just pushes it over the top into downright silly.

You still need to pay for the extra replicate copies, I think it's p fair. Between trying to generate a lot of tokens and casting big spells you will need to pay mana for whatever degenerate thing you wanted.

>Have you ever designed a deck around a theme tangentally related to Magic (like "Mad Scientist") or even totally unrelated (like a tribute to another franchise)? If so, what was it and how did it play?

Chicago Bears tribute deck.

Bear tribal.

It's awful and bearly playable