Malifaux General: Merc edition


Through the Breach:!Z9sVSYTS!U2J243KhVsUuOqAnsqTj4A

Book 1 - Basic Rules and first wave of updated (from 1st edition of Malifaux) models
Book 2 - Second wave of updated models and scenarios
Book 3 - Campaign system and new M2E models
Book 4 - Entirely new models and scenarios

Discord voice chat for Malifaux chat and memery:

Through the Breach Fated Almanac - Basic rules for the RPG set in Malifaux
Through the Breach Fatemaster Almanac - GM stuff for the RPG

>What is Malifaux?
Malifaux is a 32mm Skirmish Tabletop game, with a focus on completing several different objectives, while denying your opponent their objectives.

Gaining Grounds Tournament Rules:

Discussion Topic: Favorite Mercenaries

Performers, but only bacuse I play Colette and technically blah blah.

Probably Trappers, because I fukken love me some area denial and minion deletion.

Are the crossroads 7 worth getting?
Do you think they'll make another box in a similar style for the new book?

I play outcasts and I have all the crews except daw and shill (and Parker). I'm going to be so happy once I get a trapper

I'm really tempted to pick up Lazarus though, because he's a pretty cool model.
With Colette, Doves can all but guarantee mega blasts off shit.
With Mei, he's a beefy construct that will benefit from Vent Steam.

But my other Master is Lucius, so I'd only be able to run the two as Neverborn, with Laz as list padding.

>Are the crossroads 7 worth getting?
Game-wise I'd say no, unless you have specific plans or really want to try them out.

Model-wise - not so much either.
I got a box recently from the summer campaign, and Wrath and Envy are pretty cool, but the rest aren't so much something to write about.
They've done a fairly decent job theming them aesthetically to their home Factions though, for the most part.

I might use Lust and/or Greed as spare Performers if I want to run loads of them.

Lucius can't hire lazarus in neverborn, he's still a guild master.

Best Merc hands down

Oh, good point.

Well, he doesn't show up fucking everywhere for no reason, that's true.

Isn't his yell quite expensive though?

>Posting bestMerc.

I really want to run a Levi list with Johan, joss and Howard. Does that make me a bad person?

Looking at the Starter Pack, Angel Eyes seemed like a cool unit, is there anyway to pick her up outside of the starter box?

Yes. I only ever use lust be she is useful to the point where it is wortwhile. If you play Daw then they are a must buy.

>Isn't his yell quite expensive though?
4+ of Rams

A few of us at my LGS are thinking of getting some Malifaux starter sets to play as a distraction from Warmahordes. I assume buying a starter box and just playing small games is the best way to begin, right? We all picked different factions, I chose Neverborn with the Titania box but only just found out it isn't out yet ;~;

Gadzooks Games

Well that'd be a no then, I withdraw my challenge.

Why with Levi?
Why Johan with that crew specifically?

Prime excuse to repost pic related.

I'm an outcast player and joss and Howard are m&su, plus all 3 are 6+ stones for waifs

Yes. They are generally at about 35SS each, at about 50 needed for full sized games. While a few boxes like Kirai's are not recommended, the vast majority should be fine.

Can McMourning Focus his Expunge?

>joss and Howard are m&su
>(2) Open Revolt
>Friendly M&SU in 6" heal 1/2/3

I see the synergy now.
Handy to pull Joss off H2K too.

Also a scary brick to trudge up the middle as well as a cruise missile.

What are your auto pick models when someone declares a faction against you?

I play as outcasts

Ressers : Taylor. Fuck summons
Arcanists : Ronin. Fuck armor
Neverborn : Sue. Kills huggy d and no terror checks
Guild/gremlins: Lots of Friekcorp models or nix with Hollow. Don't want blast damage.
Gremlins : trapper. No more slop hauler

Not enough ten thunders or outcasts in my meta to have any plans against them



So if I can get a Miss Terious, is it worth the $30?

It's up to you. Do you actually like the model? If not then just get regular Death Marshalls. I was fortunate enough to net mine at a tournament for $0.00.

Can someone explain to me how exactly the wastrel trick with Yan Lo is supposed to work?

If you want to play Jack Daw, absolutely.

If you play Arcanists or TT, maybe. Envy and Lust are nice when you're not paying a merc tax.

Otherwise... eh. Greed's probably the third best, she's fast and her aura is really punishing against models that can't stone. Sloth, Wrath, and Gluttony are nothing special. Pride is just kinda bad.

Wastrel Swaggers up the board to get Devensive stance - allowing him to cheat his Df, but maximising the chance you'll pull a low Weak that Yan Lo can easily cheat above to get positives to damage.
Yan Lo charges and cheats to get the Severes on Spirit Barrage twice to get 2 Chi first turn, and leave a corpse for Toshiro to summon off.

You get 2 Chi, one corpse and Yan Lo futher up the board for 4ss.

You're paying that much for a reasonably nice model. Hell, wyrd is likely to have it available for Easter shortly.

Many better things you could get for that price, but if you like it, sure.

Look up Henchman hardcore (google that shit). Start with a game of that, should be about an hourish, and requires less investment.

Henchman and 3 models keeps it purchase manageable, can play it with many crew boxes.

Henchamn Harcore is great for getting in two or three fast and mentally easy games a night, rather than one big mental effort.
Tracking the interactions and Rube-Goldbergs of four models for three games is orders of magnitude easier on my brain than tracking six to ten models' abilities and optimal positionings.

It's part of the reason I'm thinking about using hyper-elite crews for the next couple of games - I'm still mentally fresh on turn four and five.
Not only do I play better more consistently, but I'm not just playing turn five to finish the game.