Modern General

5 days edition



What does control need to be more viable in the format?

Do you think we can safely unban one of the cantrips or is that too crazy?

Do you think DSJ is just fotm or do you think it has a place to stay in the formt? DO you think the results it's been putting up have been because of the people playing it or because it's tier 0?

Opinions on the attempted price spikes on cards that aren't getting reprinted?

Current Modern Metagame


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Well, still looking for feedbacks

>Opinions on the attempted price spikes on cards that aren't getting reprinted?

Well, I'm disgusted. When Wizards finally get their shits together and reprint key cards some fuckers artificially make other cards more expensive so that the format stays pricy and they can keep making money out of it.

There's not that much to say, other than the Primus and Angers which could be Chalice or Lightning Bolt it's a stock hurr prime time valakut list. If it works for you, great.

I see taxes decks have been doing fairly well and they look like the kind of deck I'd enjoy.

Which is better? Regular white weenie taxes or eldrazi n taxes?

R8 my spicy brew lads.

Eldrazi and taxes is more prevalent, so I can assume it's the better of the two.

Yes, that is, in fact, a deck. Congratulations.

reposting because noone commented on my OC that took 10 mins to make..

It's very nice user :)

I have brewed with Serum Powder + Eternal Scourge myself and can attest to the experience.

I felt like a genius for the feelgood valuetown of Serum Powder into turn two THREE THREE FROM EXILE BAYBAY

Until I realized a 3/3 on turn 2 + CA is not necessarily that gamebreaking, especially for the cost of potential dead draws thanks to the Serum Powders remaining in your deck.

but the synergy is so fun I don't want to dismantle the deck.

Hello everyone

I've been playing 8 Rack for a month now and I think I got the hang of it.

My meta consists of Creature base decks and BGX decks, I have no affinity and only budget eldrazi tron builds (none use Karn and one uses O stone). Which I found that Ensnaring Bridge toppled them.

My issues, which I need advice about, is how to fight Grixis and Jeskai control. More importantly, what's the best way to fight decks that 4 of Ancestral Visions? Is there any sideboard cards and/or play styles that can beat these control decks?

What about suggested sideboard cards for my meta, which consists of:

Abzan chord
Grixis Control
Eldrazi Tron
Bant Eldrazi
Naya company
B/W Tokens
Jeskai Control
Jeskai Nahiri (who barely comes but still count as the meta)

>8 rack

>it might go somewhere
If it ever finishes in the top 8 of a GP, WOTC will ban Grape Shot. They hate the deck with a remarkable passion.

This, desu.

How is it any worse than ad nauseum

Heres my list i made with the general idea.. im kind of poor at this moment in time so i used what i had and bought what i could. I like creatures that take over the game, and i like cheating them into play so this version is a fun brew for me.

oops lol

Eldrazi Tron
>What does control need to be more viable in the format?
Decent card selection
>Do you think we can safely unban one of the cantrips or is that too crazy?
Probably, if Wizards are that scared of muh combo they need to finally bite the bullet and ban Grapeshot
>Do you think DSJ is just fotm or do you think it has a place to stay in the formt? DO you think the results it's been putting up have been because of the people playing it or because it's tier 0?
Not a clue, my feeling is probably flavour fo the month but it's hard to tell yet, Push probably offers a decent out against it but people are still fiddling with their removal.
>Opinions on the attempted price spikes on cards that aren't getting reprinted?
Pretty disgusting, I hate the financial side of Magic

>It's a chalice deck

You fiend.

Looks close enough to a Legacy Eldarzi Stompy skeleton that I'd just play it there and enjoy the obnoxious stuff that really get Endless One consistently huge.

How are you finding:
>Smuggler's Copter
>Pack Rat

What did he mean by this?

fuck off (((rudytor)))

i just need a set that is completly illustrated by rebecca guay, terese nielsen and greg staples.
20/10 if is a angel themed set and makes angel tribal a viable deck in modern

I nominate this post for most autistic post of 2017

pack rat is good when you t1 it in with gemstone caverns. its also great in the lategame when your opponent has spent all their removal getting rid of your eldrazi and you can keep up the 3 mana to replace it, or alternatively when you have a spellskite down.

copter is good when you t1 it in and also have a manland to get it swinging. dat card advantage.


Looking for feedback on my budget list. I'll probably adapt the deck to be G/B before too long, but this has been performing well at FNMs and so on.

Should I replace 1 of each Elvish Mystic and Llanowar Elves for Boreal Druid maybe? Maelstrom Pulse isn't super popular, but it might be a good plan that doesn't actually cost me anything

Also looking for general upgrades, and especially sideboard options. If i ever take this to a GP or something I'd like to have a sideboard more turned for a 'real' meta.

Someone in the last thread recommended Westvale Abbey, so I might experiment with one of them, but I'm not sold entirely.

Should I buy into dredge or eldrazi and taxes?

My meta is almost entirely midrange, control with tron

I'd settle for FTVs being entirely comprised of one well known mtg artist doing the new art for all the cards printed



I don't know yet. Might build DSJ. Might build burn. Might build grixis control.

Tron decks. Eldrazi decks.

>What does control need to be more viable in the format?
Not Counterspell, JTMS or Ponder.
Control needs a couple more cards like Fatal Push, Kolaghan's Command and Cryptic Command, especially in Dimir and Simic color combinations.
Strong planeswalkers that aren't Liliana or Jace subtyped, and control planeswalkers that aren't in RW like Ajani Vengeant and Nahiri.
Lightning Helix, or close to, in mono black.
Reprints like Absorb or Undermine instead of Counterspell. They don't need to be broken, they just need to have better strategic variety to make them more difficult to prepare against.

>Do you think we can safely unban one of the cantrips or is that too crazy?
The only thing it helps is the fledgling noninteractive combos that remain in the format. No. Control wants interesting Anticipate variants for instant speed card quality control.

>Do you think DSJ is just fotm or here to stay?
It's here to stay, I think. But it's not tier 0. Also difficult to pilot and easy to btfo with surprise tech. It has very constrained lines of play when it does seek to win that can be exploited. It's also a cool deck.

>Opinions on the attempted price spikes that aren't getting reprinted?
I checked Mishra's Bauble as soon as I read that out lo and behold it's $40 on scg over the $17 it was what feels like days ago.
Attempted? I'd say successful.
Bauble is nice but I'm not convinced it's essential to the DSJ deck.
Bauble and a good number of other cards certainly are in great demand for reprinting though. MM2018 should strive for that.

Manlands and Smuggler's Copter eh? Hmm.

>Maelstrom Pulse trickery
Start with replacing a single Llanowar Elves for the lelz and see how you do.

+1/2 Chameleon Colossus in SB if you anticipate Abzan. They pack Path to Exile which Colossus is a Lightning Rod for, but that will feed your additional copies and it's nice to continue saying FUCKING NOPE to Fatal Push.

Otherwise the Chord of Calling creature Toolbox thing is nice. Don't bother with Fracturing Gust, as nice as it is. Have a second Kataki instead, since Affinity often has removal for the first.

I enjoy watching booster box openings as well as card discussion. I don't play the game much, other than duels quests.


how is that relevant to the modern thread timmy?

Is that r/u kiln fiend TITI deck still a thing? Or did the probe ban kill it?

Probe ban killed it. I had a friend who was playing it for a while and tried replacing Probes with Surgical Extraction but it didn't really work out.

Damn. I've wanted to build it and thought maybe slip through space would help but oh whale

I saw a pretty spicy Coco Walls list a while back that you might want to check out

I've been running GW Taxes for access to Scooze, Loxodon Smiter, Wilt-Leaf Liege and Gaddock Teeg; it's really fun.

What's up with you and other autists playing hatebears lately? What did the deck get? As far as I recall it was draw your arbiter and gq/path or lose

mind posting a link? I love jank.

Probe banning and push getting printed pretty much neutered it.

All very good suggestions. Chameleon definitely seems good!

As for chord targets, you're probably right. Maybe a couple Kataki just to break their back if they can deal with the first.

You can have after I get a set illustrated by Wayne Reynolds

I dunno man, I built mine pre-Eldrazi winter. Adding green makes it easier to just win via creature beats if your hate gets killed.

Please no

As long as it's not Kev Walker I'm good.

Why isn't painted bellower a deck at all? I feel like a couple birds and hierarchs to ramp your shit out and then the bellower package is pretty good, phantasmagoric image is good on its own, and bellower is a 6 mana green sun zenith and a 6/5 for 2. Only combo card is painters servant

seems pretty stock, but I think the woodfall primus should be a one of. It's cute, but I think it would be better to focus on titaning out some value lands as well as kessing wolf run


>he doesn't want to play pathfinder the gathering

Bant Eldrazi > E&T

I can't express how much better Shaman of the Pack makes Elves.

bant eldrazi > e&t
Tron eldrazi > bant eldrazi
E&T > Tron eldrazi

do it for the dubs


>trondrazi>bantdrazi>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>you>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Eldrazi and """""""Taxes"""""""""

Standard thread is down the road to the left

hey I think you got thewrong thread buddy, standard thread is two block down

I hate even looking at this deck.

>disregarding Westvale Abbey in elves
>the card costs pennies so it's even good for budget build


Why would you run a card that kills all your cards for a guy that eats a nice path?

Excuse me sir, why do you run 4 of that card that is a trash 1/4 without flash for 4 mana?

It blinks a permanent for value. Please don't bully the cat.

>trading 5 creatures going wide with lords pumping them to 3/3 or 4/4 and tge capability to overrun
>for a path target that will be a fucking 6 for 1
>on a land that doesn't even tap for green.
Don't try to go big as well as wide. You're only getting a half measure of both.

but it's cool you retard

I'd rather be good than cool.

This shit legit happened on me at the GP. The elves guy had 5 dudes including ezuri. I have a sakura tribe on the field. He sacs all his elves for ormendahl and hits me for 9. I went off back to back breach primetime. This was the 3-0 bracket but still.. wtf man

your pro tour record sure is stunning

Not true

is eldrazi and taxes the same as heartless summoning eldrazi? the deck sure was a meme

Retard and gay

No it's nothing alike

You must be 18 years old to post here

You're honestly trying to tell me, Eldrazi and less than .5% of the meta is better than 2 of the top tier 1 decks right now?

What does control need to be more viable in the format?

Control doesn't do too bad against most types of combo in the format. Hyper-aggro kills it. I'd imagine something as effective as top-terminus would give control legs. Even if top were unbanned though it wouldn't be too bad as there aren't any good brainstorm effects in modern but it''s just that playing on paper takes so much time.

I'm definitely sure that putting turn clocks like in chess would improve the game and get ride of bullshit bans like top

No you illiterate mongoloid, I'm telling you it's better than shit.

>Modern Pro Tours
What a story, Mark.

Abbey is an out from a board wipe (and elves fold like toilet paper to wrath effects). You activate it in response to anger/wrath. If they tapped out to wipe you, you get one extra huge attack that helps to put you back on track (lifelink).

People have gone over this dozens and dozens of times, chess clocks just don't work in paper magic. Priority is passed around so frequently that there would be more time spent clock slapping than fucking shuffling

>didn't get a pro-tour invite before they scrapped modern PT

are you even trying?

Yeah and it'll force the strong to survive. If you're literally ritard then you'll end up with a draw.

Just let them have Preordain

Or literally anything not named Splinter Twin

>folds like toilet paper
who even says that

but yeah I guess that's elves' only out to wrath unless they run some dank shit like selfless spirit

It would also slow down game play even for fast decks. Burn could no longer turn 1 fetch shock guide swing pass after trigger all in one motion and finish shuffling on the opponents turn because of the required clock slapping for each action of that sequence. And "literally ritard" isn't a very good argument

get heavy duty clocks user

chess, not checkers

>people who use fetchlands or use lantern control start getting draws for half the matches they play
>meta shifts towards decks who don't use the stack 10x a turn
>fetchland prices go down + no more slow play problems

how is this a problem?

External factors that inhibit certain properties of the game should be limited as much as possible and definitely never introduced on purpose. I'm aware this has already happened with the 50 minute but when it's unpreventable it is preferable that the effect (and response) favor faster game play rather than slower game play

It always comes down to shitty little poorfags

Twin is the obvious unban. Step up your game, senpai.


>waaaah twin has too many variants

Meanwhile we have countless eldrazi, tron and gbx variants running around.
Just unban twin already. I wouldn't even play but come the fuck on

>boohoo I don't like lantern or fetchlands ;_;
>d-don't use the stack guys my mono G stompy deck can;t interact with it
>I can't afford fetchlands and don't know what slow play is

kys retard

Make a collage of your favorite cards. Drag the template up to stretch and get full cards in there. Grab art from

lantern player pls stop being slow

Or you could kill yourself

I honestly think reality smasher and thought knot are fucking cancer, being colorless, they're essentially just 3 and 4 mana respectively, they're just bullshit overpowered cheap ass creature tappening cards. Literally just "oh the creature decks are losing to combo? Let's give new creatures thought seize, and a 5/5 trample haste with protection while we're at it"

Not respectively, in retarded, I thought I said thought knot first