Where All Da Elf Wimmin At? edition
>General's Handbook pdf
>army builder
>Current Rumors
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Where All Da Elf Wimmin At? edition
>General's Handbook pdf
>army builder
>Current Rumors
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Part of me feels like ye olde elves are going to be progressively replaced by armies similar to the Sylvaneth, in that there will be not!elves that share a history with ye olde elves, but aren't actually them, or are evolved forms of them. Like, we have Sylvaneth as the "new" wood elves, eventually Malerion's shadow elves will be a thing and act as the "new" dark elves, as well as Tyrion and Teclis' light elves that will take the place as the "new" high elves. I don't think GW will actively shun the usage of the OG elves, but it's difficult for me to see them getting any real support.
But at the same time, they have been dotting OG elves here and there, such as the elf characters in the Warhammer Quest games, and the Scourge Privateers making an appearance in City of Secrets. I can only assume the reason for that is GW isn't done with them *just yet*. Whether the same can be said a few years from now or not? Who knows?
Basically, elves are in a weird spot, and I can see them going in either direction. Personally, I'd like to see some Wanderer action, but my Stormcast and Death are enough to occupy me for the time being.
who dis nikka?????
It Nagash.
The real thing that I find interesting is who one might tease with a defaced Nagash.
God, I fucking hate Elves and their fans so much.
Would be amazing. Need more Settra in my life.
If it was that, and they brought out redesigned Tomb Kings, I would be pleasantly surprised, to say the least. I may even but an army for this game.
It's got the same hat things that Nagash's hat has, but the nasal cavity there in the skull is off. I think it's death related but not sure what it would be
Lord of Chaos or Lord of Chaos on Daemonic Mount for a 1000 point STD list?
Well, I think we see a Dank Aelves but I wish you deathfags something Nagash-related or maybe even a new death faction
Are you mostly infantry or cavalry? Ideally you want your Lord to be able to keep pace with the bulk of your troops to better buff them. Alternatively, if you're primarily infantry-based, having a mounted general can be good for grabbing objectives.
Death needs more shit before they start adding stuff to the other alliances
Fuck elves and fuck order
Archaon is now and forever replaced with Seto Kaiba. How do you feel about this?
Oh, and Dorghar is now the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
It's 50/50
At this point, basic list is two 10 man Warrior units, a 5 man Knight unit and a Sorcerer
If I get the foot dude, I can afford another 200 points of stuff, if I get the mounted guy my options are more limited down to 160
I'd call that an improvement.
Especially if he gets a rule to use extra points to buy back wounds.
Well memed, would play trap card again
>God, I fucking hate Elves and their fans so much.
still bitter about them being OP in WHFB? or was there someone you met in real life in particular who played them that you didn't like?
Did you just summon a bunch of daemons in one turn?
Yeah? So?
That's against the General's Handbook!
Is there any reason I shouldn't run 3x30 handgunners in my empire list
>I play Unbound
>I don't think GW will actively shun the usage of the OG elves, but it's difficult for me to see them getting any real support.
as much as it would be awesome for the old lines of elves to see updates I think you're 100% right about that being unlikely.
you nailed it about the new "evolved" elves probably being the focus moving forward.
although the fact that the Tenebrael Shard from Silver Tower looks exactly like a male Witch Elf does leave open the door for some hope.
Might dip my toe into AoS. I've had my eye on Slaanesh for a while. I like the idea of being a fast glass cannon and some of the abilities sound fun, like Keeper of Secret's Dark Temptations.
So two questions. One, is this army a good starting point as a Daemon Cohort (+40 points not shown)? And two, how likely is it that a Slaanesh Start Collecting set will be released soon?
How big are the shields of the Sigmarines, and could an Ironjawz Megaboss comfortably hold one to convert him to a Black Orruk Large Leader?
Do you realize how big Megabosses are?
Yes, but I don't know how big Sigmarines are. I've only played with rats and orruks.
The shield looks big for the human dude, so I was wondering if it'd be too small for da boss.
How good are beasts of Nurgle?
Liberators are something like a 1,5cm higher than clanrats
It looks like a cardboard tile for a game.
I have a feeling it will be for a death themed warhammer quest game. Although that would be pretty soon after the last one, even if the last one was all made from existing models.
Hating elves irrationally is a meme.
How about a shield from a Venerable Dreadnought from 40k? Is that the size I should aim for?
Well, fuck me running - I'm not playing 40k m8. I wish I could help you but I can't. Liberator's shild is not this huge - it's only a little bit wider than spireguard shield
Damn. Thanks though, at least I know not to waste my time with Lib shields.
Okay, I managed to dig out one of my liberators - shield is ~2,6cm long and ~1,4cm wide.
Well, so the good list for vanguard games with objectives should look like this? With additional two boxes of Brutes and box of Ardboys it will not be as budget as I wanted but I can always buy SC! + two boxes of Arboys to run 4 units of them
Allegiance: Destruction
Orruk Warchanter (80)
- General
Orruk Megaboss (140)
10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
- 4x Pair of Choppas or Smashas
- 2x Choppa or Smasha & Shields
- 4x Big Choppas
- Ironjawz Battleline
10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
- 4x Pair of Choppas or Smashas
- 2x Choppa or Smasha & Shields
- 4x Big Choppas
- Ironjawz Battleline
5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
- Pair of Brute Choppas
- 1x Gore Choppa
- Ironjawz Battleline
5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
- Pair of Brute Choppas
- 1x Gore Choppa
- Ironjawz Battleline
Ironfist (60)
Total: 1000/1000
- Don't mix weapons on the 'ard boys. Not for any practical reasons, but because you'll get annoyed by that very quickly. I speak from experience.
- Why is the warchanter your general?
- Give your brute bosses the klaw+smasha.
- Relics and traits?
fuck this gay aelf faggotry
lets get some sweaty naked muscled duardin in here to counter it!
Reminder to never mention Elves in these threads, because they start spamming their nonsence
>sweaty naked muscled duardin
that would be a hilarious awesome subject for the next op
What the fuck is that?!?
I agree, this needs to be countered by something more tasteful.
there is more but I think I have satisfied the thread OP request.
>Don't mix weapons on the 'ard boys. Not for any practical reasons, but because you'll get annoyed by that very quickly. I speak from experience
What about shields? Are they even useful?
>Why is the warchanter your general?
>Relics and traits?
I'm toying with points and cash right now so it's not a "serious" list right now. Which one would you recommend if I'm gonna run 4x ardboys?
It's sheer ballbusting testosterone raisin' manliness. What's the matter? You don't see it when you look in the mirror?
>fuck this gay aelf faggotrylets get some sweaty naked muscled duardin in here to counter it!
>calls pictures of attractive female elves gay
>insists hoarding mostly naked sweaty male midget pics is not gay
>does not even realize the level of ironic going on
more power to you man. You're awesome and your fyreslayers rock.
We know who has the best thighs but what about boobs_______?
That's the joke.
>That's the joke
it is a great joke. I like it very much
Ghurk Glottkin
Yeah im pretty sure he is very well aware of the irony and that was the joke
Is it better to summon a Bloodthirster or start in play with it?
someone should post this on TGA and time how long it takes for the mods to ban them. They get super touchy about their SC over there.
Ah yes so this is the AoS fanbase
>Ah yes so this is the AoS fanbase
so long as it confirms whatever preconceived notions you had then I say run with it. gota make the most of those sorts of opportunities
>best thighs
No, this is Veeky Forums.
It's 1 AM m8 - it's a shitposting time
Although I guess having a corset is cheating.
Welp, it would be great to run an army of 3rd party nearly nsfw models but I would also feel like an idiot
Is a Pyrofane Cult a good thing to shoot for if i'm starting AoS? very tentatively interested and swarming people with fireball cultists seems like good fun
Where can I get medieval helmet bits to convert my stormcast eternals? Im looking for either a 15th century armet or crusade great helm look
You called OwO???? 8=======€>