Cliches that you never get tired of.
>the generic grunt character that survives something no one else did and ends up becoming a tacturn/crazy badass hero because of that
Cliches that you never get tired of.
>the generic grunt character that survives something no one else did and ends up becoming a tacturn/crazy badass hero because of that
>The evil dude not being totally evil
>Edgy assassin that stalks the party the entire campaign, keeps getting rezzed/patched up/rebuilt/cloned every time they kill him.
>Person is raised by members of a different race, who found them abandoned as a child in mysterious circumstances
>The race of insect people that breed in huge numbers and often have a warrior sub-species that dies in short order, so they have no compunctions about sending enormous waves of them on suicide missions.
>The one kingdom that is socially perfect in all respects in comparison to the opposing kingdom that does stupid shit on purpose
>Little girl with huge weapon
>Hulking silent badass with a heart of gold
>The good guy being nice, polite, never shooting in the back, but also not being stupid or gullible
>the stoic assassin/rogue who simply does his job
>the jaded paladin who hates people, but can't stop himself from saving them
>>the jaded paladin who hates people, but can't stop himself from saving them
>Guy is absolutely incompetent, but succeeds through sheer luck and misunderstandings.
>tsundere paladin
I have a new thing
>Hates people
Literally pick one
Over the years this shit get so fucking rare it's just amazing. I mean it used to be THE most cliche good guy imaginable. Cue 90s and their antiheroes and now you can count characters falling into this bad on your fingers.
>A 'hero' who is a deformed mutant retard baby born out of his mother's anus and who is useless and unpleasant to be around, but tries anyway, only to fail in a humiliating and degrading fashion.
>all prison guards are assholes
>old men are ridiculously hard of hearing
>the farmers act like rednecks, up to and including barbecues and sitting on the porch with a crossbow across their lap
>"I heard there's some kind of monster in that lake."
>"Which lake?"
>Villian is entertaining, but still a cunt of the highest order
>80+ Year old veteran that everyone thinks it's crazy grabs a totally normal set of equipment and wipes the floor with some prettyboy villain that has a bunch of high tech weaponry/all enchanted equipment because he's just that badass
>He goes back to being a crotchety old hermit again afterward.
>the prophet/clairvoyant is blind
>Yandere Paladin
>"It was necessary to kill that succubus. She would have tempted you to evil, and I cannot allow that to happen. What's that? Was disemboweling her and carving out her womb necessary? Of course it is, Asmodeus' whores are dull of wit and require warning of the consequences that will befall them should they attempt to approach my beloved."
>"Please stay behind me and avoid combat. I won't allow any harm to befall you, and it would be shameful for you to be sullied by being forced to take a life."
>"Bard, do not touch my beloved so casually. I fear that contact with your wanton personality and your tainted body, which cavorts with all that breathes, may negatively affect such a kind and just person. I will not forgive you if you attempt anything untoward."
I have a new thing.
What's wrong with a BBQ?
Evil wizard in tower
>the otherwise-intolerable coward is the only one who knows where the IMPORTANT THING is
>he's actually happy about being the most important person in the world for once
>this ends up causing him to grow as a person without ever really meaning to
I played a swashbuckler once and kept dying until I leveled to like 3 or something and became the strongest member of my group. The worst part was that the DM quit after we leveled.
>BBEG is actually just misunderstood
>The stoic armored guard sacrifices his life to save the little girl
>rushing to his side the girl finds out the guard was a skelleton, driven on by his vow to guard the little girl and her family beyond the grave.
>nobody ever saw the man without the armor on.
>Lucky idiot or skillful genius? We just don't know.
>post apocalyptic setting with forgotten technology used for different reasons than previously designed
Originality is overrated. Execution is what truly matters.
When a group of heroes are split up and/or retired and it's been years since their glory days but someone has to get the band back together again to save the day.
>droid decides to try and find his emotions, 'become the real boy'.
>through interaction with the world and the people in it he slowly finds out what the emotions mean and how the play out.
>hangs around a group of people that call him friend, laugh and cry with him, joke and care for him.
>Tin Man now realizes he still does not feel the emotions the fleshbags do, and probably never will.
>also realizes that, though he might not be able to feel the emotions, he can act them out and the people around him react to his acting as if he felt it.
>"perhaps there is no difference between feeling emotion since birth, or to master them through great effort."
The dudes pretty much a full on misanthrope
>huge burly man faces another huge burly man
>they both flex for several minutes
>incident is resolved, burly men are now the best of friends. not a blow exchanged.
That shit is my jam! I commend your good tastes user.
>You'll never have a yandere paladin waifu
>single (very specific) purpose character
>gets all giggly and hyped the very moment it's so much as hinted that her skill 'might' be usefull for this situation.
>Genuinely despicable villain joins the side of the good guys, stays in the foreground of the story and slowly but surely becomes one of them.
Thousands of innocent people died in that Explosion spell. Someone has to take the blame, Megumin.
Who's it gonna be?
>Someone who had zero interest in becoming a hero becomes to most valuable of them all
Jack Sparrow: The Character
Wow, what the fuck. I never even realized this until now, but I can't think of a single person in my games who was just a nice guy.
Stealing this. Got any other peasant tropes?
>BBEG or somesuch has a family and quiet life the group happens to stumble upon.
>bonus points if the BBEG is not at home and they meet his wife and kids, who welcome them in their house and with hospitality and kindness.
>extra bonus points if the party kills the family and the BBEG only finds out later when he stands in the ruins of his old home, over the charred bodies of his daughter and wife.
Oh man, I never knew how much I loved this. I might make a character inspired by this someday.
>Character thought dead comes back to save the party one last time
>Murderhoboing makes the situation worse
>extremely rich character (npc or pc) who also acts and dresses extravagantly rich.
>he's not arrogant or pompous, but just not afraid to show that he got the dosh.
I love this, especially when an unflappable badass is left confused by it
>the bugs involved are not only unconcerned with Their fate, they're ecstatic they have the chance to do their duty
Mad max?
well yeah kinda, but the best part is if ya make em feel bad about it later.
maybe even make a point of the BBEG not doing it to their families even though he could and is clearly evil, just not so evil as to murderhobo someone's innocent family.
No, I meant that that was a cliche I never get tired of.
Holy shit, it took me a second to get that.
>BBEG or somesuch has a family and quiet life the group happens to stumble upon.
>Party ensures safe passage for his wife and children away from the fighting so that they are not endangered.
>Not out of fear for the BBEG's retribution, but out of respect that the wife is the descendant of a legendary hero.
I read this as "incest people" and it totally changes the imagery
aww yeah man, thats the stuff
>ITT: People who don't know the difference between a trope and cliche
>The A.I/Robot/Golem which is dedicated to defending and protecting a single individual or a family of individuals.
>bonus points for little girl running around with a giant golem bodyguard
edgy asshole with a heart of gold (preferably antagonist) who redeems himself through sacrificing himself
>A boy fall in love with a girl unable to confess he is gifted with unlimited cantrip call spell to talk to her.
>Playing a nobleman PC with a ridiculously long name that he states nonchalantly at every first meeting as more of a formality than anything else.
Ghost Slide at least was decent.
>evil in love
>villian + hero team up
Cant get enough
Yeah, it's easy to screw someone else over. It takes a dedicated roleplayer to take an action they know is going to come back to bite them in the ass just because it's in their character.
>Quiet and shy character who turns out to be a thermonuclear weapon when the chips are down
Pretty much, but for some of these it's actually difficult to tell the first from the latter.
>edgy assassin joins the party and provides copius fapbait for 15 year old me
>long-running characters have built up a pretty massive reputation
>go to a new area where no one knows who they are
>proceed to curbstomp shit-tier mooks
>villains collectively shit themselves when they realize who they're dealing with
I actually wrote a short thing here about pretty much that exact thing, for this picture. Really wish I'd saved it.
>>Not out of fear for the BBEG's retribution, but out of respect that the wife is the descendant of a legendary hero.
Not because they are overall innocent with whatever the fuck is going on ?
Duane is my favorite example of this.
> Only the rightful King can put the world to rights.
> Noble blood and proper breeding is the most powerful force in the world.
The guy that is with the party for the longest time doing good deeds and generally helping out. They get apprehensive at going to a certain place and cover up. It is revealed that they were a huge scumbag and that they were doing right by the world with the party as penance.
>BBEG who just can't help but do good things every now and then
>BBEG: everyone should be like me!
nobody cared who he was until he put on the armour
Also any villain with a semi-ridiculous/pants on head retarded master plan.
>Extremely powerful forces of good and evil are lying dormant and forgotten
>whenever the forgotten evil rises up, the forgotten good returns to kick its ass
see: The Truth
>"they say a lie can run around the world before the truth has got its boots on. Well the truth has got its boots on now, and it's about to start kicking"
see: Godzilla 2014
>"the arrogance of man is thinking nature is in our control, and not the other way around. Let them fight."
Gave me a boner
Best character development coming through
Elder deafness is mostly a result of hearing damage caused by war
Duane is a very well done character, especially once his backstory is understood.
i'll give jack this: he is disgustingly good at sword fighting and especially shipboard combat. it's just everything else he is horrible at
He's so fucking good, everything down to his country of origin feels original and fresh. But I mean, I could jack off Unsounded all night.
>The giant muscular dude whose fighting style involves yelling loudly, punching things, using random objects or people, as weapons, and running through walls
Iirc he's actually supposed to be the worst sword fighter in the series, he's just great at cheating
>This villain
>Literally wealthy beyond compare and totally amoral
>Robot developes emotions and feelings and betrays its robot brethren in their quest to kill off man
R66-Y will always be my robro.
>Enemy has antagonistic tendencies and goals but a strict code of ethics which push him to become an ally when another villain violates that code.
Source for this interesting comic?
Literally in the past couple of posts. It's called Unsounded, site is called casualvillain. Go and enjoy.
Fighting for your life isnt meant to be fair.
But continuing the jack sparrow stuff:
>the comically bad guy thats really arogant/snide but works with the heroes because he really needs the help
>needs help because of negative reprocussions to a positive act he commited in his past.
>really has a heart of gold that he has learned to hide with nastiness because of the lowball crap life keeps slinging at him
The fact that Sparow was hunted by jones for souls was apparently because his act of "Piracy" was to steal and hijak a slave ship, freeing the cargo. Thus the brits hate him because hes the 'worst pirate ever' for never pirating wealth, the pirates hate him for being the 'worst pirate ever' because he isnt interested in gold or wealth beyond paying for his drinking problem.
>Robots were pretty damn justified in wing out their creators
The geth were right.