About to dump 10k in req

about to dump 10k in req

Am i gonna make it?

I was thinking of REQ, but i went with XLM instead

Hell yea. Q2 of 2018 youll be driving the new SUV Lambo

Can't go wrong with REQ. Going to be absolutely huge. Better in long term IMO

REQ will reach $1
the team is too experienced and they have too many connections for it to fail

Both are good picks, xlm will explode after req does tho

Prove this you fucking lying piece of shit. They're fucking French graduates WITH NO CRYPTO EXPERIENCE TO THEIR FUCKING NAME

Whoah, someone hasn't gotten laid in a while. All that anger. Make a bad investment recently?

Anyway, asking for proof for an investment being a good idea is a fallacy. It's like asking for someone to prove they don't fuck horses; you can't. Investments are based on opinions. Do you even know how investing works?

Y Combinator muthafucka, google it

Well, someone's never played the market or Googled. Take a deep breath before you stroke out; you're so sensitive. You know what they say, trade with logic, not emotions. You must be menstruating.

he didnt ask for proof if it was a good investment, he asked you to back up your claims about req's team reputation and connections, can you do that user?

I didn't make a claim about the team's reputation. I just said you can't go wrong with it. But seriously, weak hands should stay off my crypto anyway. If you're too lazy to research your investment, don't invest.
This guy even told you what to google. If you can't figure that out, just go to their website and read.

I wonder if that guy is ever going to take down that 14 BTC wall

i have it lists req in a massive list of thousands of other nameless ico

Wow, you are literally an idiot lmao

Only in this NEET crypto-currency world can this kind of logic be applied and people believe it

I'll never understand how someone could be so clueless and have money to invest. You seriously don't get what Y Combinator is?

And I just realized I'm being trolled. Nice bait. kys

And on the off chance that you're not, just go to their website, look at the creators. Their credentials are public. Now go think for yourself.

Can you prove any investment is a good investment in that case? Obviously not or you'd be filthy rich.

Try actually disputing my statement.

I have done research, desu doesnt seem like you've looked much deeper than a superficial level

You forgot to reply to anyone specific.


And aside from that, I don't see you providing evidence that the creators wouldn't be competent.

I think you're sewing fuckery for fucks sake. Obviously a troll.

has anyone tried out Colossus yet/

naw trying to stir up a real conversation other than hype and memes, thats all


No link
No evidence
No argument at all
No value to this thread

I tried. Entered two randomly generated wallets into it to generate a request for 1ETH. It was not exciting. But then again, it did work...

After using it I think what the devs created was essentially a fancy diorama of what it will be. I'm very excited for the project and will hodl til it's worth nothing or everything, but the request "simulator" isn't very exciting.

I'll have to look and see what else came with the Colossus package. It also needs to become wayyyyy more easy to use to be adopted by normies as law

as long as it works it's a starting point
compared to the way you normally have to jump around with crypto transactions making it any simpler will be good for the normies