Good or bad campaign idea: a reverse Harry Potter world where everyone is a wizard, and technologically advanced, but magically impaired humans hide from them and live in a small parallel society.
Good or bad campaign idea: a reverse Harry Potter world where everyone is a wizard, and technologically advanced...
Gave me a mind boner.
So the non-magic humans are basically the orcs of your setting then?
Wizards can hide from muggles because wizards can use magic.
Do muggles hide from wizards by using logic exploits, like living in a house with a single door to the outside that's marked "OUT ONLY", so wizards never realize that people can actually go inside that building?
Same way the NSA agents hide from humans.
By pretending to be retarded for 10 years?
I'm not sure what exactly it entails, but I appreciate the clear juxtaposition between the NSA agents and humans.
The way this is phrased makes it seem like NSA Agents aren't human. They are... right?
Would probably have better writing than Harry Potter.
>Religions that specifically ban witchcraft or sorcery are completely fine with witches and wizards, except Wicca. There's no such thing as a Wiccan witch.
>Despite the fact that North America had almost no witches or wizards as a result of Salem, there somehow was enough that they made made Magical Congress which was way cooler and more efficient than regular Congress.
>The right to own firearms is sacred and protected in America, but wand owning is strictly regulated.
>Dementors love to serve Dark Lords and joined Voldemort the second they had the chance, so let's have them guard all of the evil wizards that he wants to break out of jail.
>Lucius Malfoy tries to kill a young girl and defame a Ministry employee using a dangerous magical artifact, but doesn't ever see any consequences for it.
What if the technology users had advanced sci-fi technology like cloaking devices instead of modern-day stuff?
You could also keep the idea of technology keeping magic from working, and say that it means carrying anything really advanced (including said cloaking device) also protects against magic.
>There's no such thing as a Wiccan witch.
This is correct. It is hard to bit a witch when you are using stuff made up in the 50s by bored English.
>Despite the fact that North America had almost no witches or wizards as a result of Salem
Anything that pretends that Salem was about actual witchcraft and not the christian version of ISIS being insane against itself kinda sucks.
>guns and wands
The smart magic user obviously goes for magic revolvers over magic wands.
I don't actually care about the other two, I just wanted to be a bastard.
>Anything that pretends that Salem was about actual witchcraft and not the christian version of ISIS being insane against itself kinda sucks.
In the Harry Potter verse, Salem was a bunch of dickbag wizards tricking Christian ISIS into killing off their political and magical rivals. Then they went Full Retard and taught their kids that magic was evil so that the douchebaggery could continue on for the next couple hundred years.
I mean, it could just be that the only non-magic using humans are just IMMUNE to magic; effectively making them completely and entirely invisible to a magic-based society, not only that, but a genuine horrendous, destructive, threat to their way of life and society through just existing.
And by that I mean not cutting corners at all: they're entirely 100% immune to everything magical.
Their very presence saps and diffuses the magic around them and reverts it into the mundane: Unicorns turn back into horses, golems crumble, elves fucking wither up, you try to hit them with a magic missile and before your very eyes it just ceases to exist as it hits some 10ft invisible barrier surrounding them.
It's in the future and everybody is magical as shit, but they're still out there- just a boogie man at this point while they wallow around in their own pocket world, bermuda triangle, bullshit, where even to this day there's a well-versed public hysteria that if you "don't believe in magic it stops working".
>In the Harry Potter verse, Salem was a bunch of dickbag wizards tricking Christian ISIS into killing off their political and magical rivals. Then they went Full Retard and taught their kids that magic was evil so that the douchebaggery could continue on for the next couple hundred years.
I feel like Rowling is trying to say something about the US.
Sounds like they're witches or something.
>"Look, I know Magical Britain is kinda shitty and filled with retards that had to rely on a single teenager to prevent a loser with no nose from conquering the entirety of Western Europe, b-but America is so much worse, guys!"
Don't forget flawless truth potions that are not used to see if the members of the terrorist group were actually mind controlled.
Magic users have a kind of second sight that works by sensing the inherent magic in another human. Non-magic humans don't have this and therefore are less noticeable. Not very, but since magic users are so used to perceiving another person's magic they tend to take their normal eyesight for granted and a non-magic can slip by them a bit easier or hide more easily since magics search for people by looking for their "magic signature".
Honestly, it doesn't even have to involve anything super fancy technological speaking. Wizards don't walk. They flu, or fly, or teleport, or take magical trains. Something as simple as a false wall on a balanced swivel would be completely alien to them.
>Cast de-illusion spell! Nothing.
>Cast SUPER de-illusion spell just in case! Nothing
>Bu-but I saw them go this way! There must be a hidden port key around here somewhere!
>Cast super-duper DE-ILLUSION SPELL where's-that-portkey?! Nothing! DARK LORDS ABOUND, WE MUST WARN THE MINISTRY.
>Complaint is quietly rerouted because all the flying paper birds eventually wind up in the hands of an unassuming clerk somewhere. Who's non-magical and makes it disappear. He just has a pocket watch so he's always on time.
I mean, wizards are freaked out by the idea of washing machines. They're so busy looking for the glittery they'll never even notice the mundane.
This. It's far more interesting to see a community of effectively stage magicians and people quietly studying science or maybe even just trying to survive in a magic-filled world without being outed as second-class citizens who shouldn't be trusted with even desk jobs.
Magic-less people help each other cross over borders and get jobs in other cities, help them to pretend to have magic and what kind of excuses or clubs to join for "just wanting to exercise" or whatnot.
Meanwhile they wind up making some of the best equipment and gear for this sort of thing available, because they actually bother forging their equipment instead of just magically creating things and then magically making them sharper / harder / etc. But that's probably some special snowflake shit by that point.
This is a good way of going about it if you want to preserve some of that absurd the book was going for.
I also like the sci-fi tech idea with anti-magic muggles. Then you'd get them using cool gadgets and with the world saturated in magic, they only really work for them. Teleporters, neuralisers, sonic screwdrivers, thinking with portals, robo-pals, etc, and all of this with mad-scientists, Indiana-Jones explorers and MIB-like spooks running around trying to both ignore or study the parallel magical (real)world while protecting, preserving and living in their own hidden societies.
>Unicorns turn back into horses
I'd like to see a unicorn with a telescopic horn that retracts back into its brain whenever a Muggle approaches.
MiB is exactly what I was thinking about. A parallel hi-tech society.
Secret super-tech society living in hidden societies in an open magical world sounds baller as fuck. Being completely anti-magic means there'd still be the hilarious disconnect and lack of a single fuck between most muggles and wizard society and culture. Imagine an average muggle trying to pass for a wizard for a bit, all the while wearing hilariously out-of-date robes, messing up and dropping strange dr-who-esk words in conversations, getting normal everyday magical things wrong and having to use gadgets to get by, going back home and having a laugh about those kooky wizards and their strange ways.
How about a world that is technologically primitive from reliance on magic with a secret technologically advanced muggle world?
Maybe only muggles can utilize science while wizards fail to utilize technology past the dark ages. For example, it would be impossible for a wizard to build or use a gun because they lack the "mundanity" muggles have.
>the students have Desert Eagles instead of wands
>when they carry one to the outside world, people think it IS a weirdly-shaped wand
>Headicus Explodicus
> a reverse Harry Potter world where everyone is a wizard, and technologically advanced, but magically impaired humans hide from them and live in a small parallel society.
The weak point of any magic is that it requires a wizard to do any actual magic. Meanwhile, what are the wonders of automation for 200$, Alex?
>what are the wonders of automation for 200$, Alex?
More time to jack off to porn?
>>Headicus Explodicus
But one exceptional boy can survive this, right? How?
He has another head
this isn't even getting into her blunt disrespect for Native American culture.
Well after the rise of the search engine no less.
We were talking about a Desert Eagle user, not a Magnum.
Did you have ideas to use that for? The wizards-muggles distinction is only to justify HP's setting and as a plot device.
non magic humans live in spaceships and laugh at skirt wearing monkeys down there.
Isn't the original wizarding world extremely technologically primitive?
>Space stations as the hidden world
That might be a little too technologically advanced. Rockets are kind of hard to hide from the wider wizard world
Bioshock/Bioshock Infinite style hidden cities.
Sure, a player requested an HP campaign, but I didn't want to make the extensive research that it would require.
>Something as simple as a false wall on a balanced swivel would be completely alien to them.
lel. And when they find out about it, they spend years (YEARS) trying to figure out the "verbal password" that gets it to open.
So it's basically cyberpunk Harry potter then
So, Stage Magicians versus Arcanists?