/swg/ Star Wars General

Sith did NOTHING wrong edition

Previous thread: Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada Miniatures Games

Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)

Shipfag's Starship Combat Fixes for EotE/AoR/FaD

Other Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Tabletop (Imperial Assault, Star Wars: Destiny and the Star Wars LCG)

Fantasy Flight Games Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the Star Wars RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older Star Wars Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)

Reference Materials & Misc. Resources

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)

Just What IS Canon Anyways?

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide


Shipfag's hangar


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Inspired by the autism in the last thread: what's the best, worst, or craziest character someone in your game played (or tried to play)?

For me, best was the chainsaw-toting ewok, and worst was the cannibal sex slave for customers with a vore fetish.

Best: Jedi Toshiro Mifune
Worst: Twi'lek grey jedi who seduces her way out of literally everything because muh no attachment means I don't care (pitched in an online game, thrown in the trash)
Funny how that goes

Just read the pic about clone wars and I feel like watching it. Should I?

Yes. It's very hit or miss. But if you've seen the guide, follow it and give it a go. It's well worth it in the end.

Yes it's good. I was put off by the animation style and loyalty to the 2003 one but once I started watching it it was really great.

I only just picked it up a couple of weeks back for that exact reason.
Basically, yeah, go for it. It's pretty good stuff. Some episodes are duds and probably worth skipping, but I've been watching it all and Im enjoying the experience all told.

That said, Jar-jar episodes get a hard skip.

>skip Shadow Warrior and The Disappeared

Why would yousa do thissen to youself?

Clone episodes are great, Bounty Hunter episodes are great, Ventress episodes are great, Plo Koon episodes are amazing, Ahsoka episodes are kinda meh early but really good by the end, Obi Wan and Anakin episodes are hit and miss, Padme and Jar Jar episodes are all trash.

I get too annoyed by him going full 'do something retarded but its magically useful and perfect for the situation!'.

It really bugs me.

The only good things in those episodes were a couple scenes with Mace and the part where Jar Jar just runs up and clotheslines a kid.

Clone episodes are easily the best. Especially the final arc in the sixth season with Fives.

Shadow Warrior figured out how to make Jar Jar funny: have him bug the shit out of General Grievous.

Also, Tarpals being a fucking badass.


>It really bugs me.
It bugs everyone

Also, wew. Open-world star wars space sim when. Also, what does everyone think about Quinlan Vos?

Quinlan Vos sucked

What are your X-wing predictions for wave 11?

Since Disney is fully in control, i'm not sure what sources they can draw from still.

I know we will be getting First Order TIE Advanced, Bombers, and Interceptors, along with Resistance A-wings after episode 8 though.

>Open-world star wars space sim when
When the very concept of an open-world space sim becomes feasible beyond over-scoped disappointment. Alternately, whenever Chris Roberts gets done with Star Citizen. If it's anything like Wing Commander, it'll be Star Wars with the serial numbers filed off.

No he didn't. He is probably one of my favorite jedi though.

New E-wing, Rebel Y-wing, and Rebel Z-95 upgrades/pilots
Something to make T-65 generics worth the price
Sienar Fleet Systems Build-a-TIE box

Hope they introduce thrawn maybe, and the yuzhaan vong.

>Also, what does everyone think about Quinlan Vos?

Topkek. I don't understand the hate for him. Also, does anyone remember how everybody was all riled up because of finn. Topkek.

Most of XWM's tech hasn't even moved out of the GCW. The T-70 is considered outdated by sequel era standards, too. How would you even balance the Vong and their black hole bullshit against GCW-era stat lines?

What will the T-65 fix be? My guess is free/discounted torpedoes, and access to Not-A-Wing-Test-Pilot

>I don't understand the hate for him
It's really for John Ostrander

A relatively cheap generic with a fancy-sounding name like "Rogue Squadron Pilot" and a native EPT, maybe? Chaardan-esque point discount? Free improvement to movement dial/action options?

24 point PS 5 elite generic is a given.

Will their Torp slot be a Refit or give a free Torp?

What properties do they even have to work with for ships now? Rogue 1 and Rebels I guess?

Rebels had an Interceptor and a Defender, who is ready for Imperal Veterans-2? Comes with Royal-er guard TIE, TIE/E and TIE/x8 titles.

There are some meh and trash episodes but on the whole TCW is top tier. Ignore any retard who tells you to use a viewing guide. Only guide you need is the chronological guide since the series was released out of order.

If past Scum releases are any indication, then Legends is still a valid source. It would be financially unwise for Disney and FFG to completely bin Legends anyway--it's an easy source of free starships, pilots, names, and tech.

Wave 9 was when disney fully took over.

From that point onward, no legends stuff.

No. The Vong are dead and should fucking well stay that way.

From the looks of it, it's less legends is 100% gone and more like it allows new writers book and film to steal from and make reference to.

What are your hopes or guesses for the next X-Wing kits?

That was literally what they said on the day they announced the Legends split, that the material and content of Legends was still there to be used as a resource and as inspiration for writers for new material.

Fuck the Vong. They're the worst thing to happen to Star Wars since Jar-Jar Binks.

>Also, what does everyone think about Quinlan Vos?
I liked his The Dude take in TCW, all his other appearances made him to serious and angry.

TIE Defender Turr Phennir
TIE Defender Darth Vader
Yavin Y-wing Keyan Farlander
Tierfon Y-wing Wes
Native EPT Hobbie
Native EPT Salm
StealthX with PS10 Luke and Wedge
Bacta War Rogue Squadron box
Wraith Squadron box
T-65 Baron Fel
Hawkbat TIE Interceptors
YT-2000 with Otana and Ace Azzameen cards
Rebel and Scum Mara Jade
Raven's Claw Kyle Katarn/Jan Ors

>Rebel and Scum Mara Jade
Yes please

It would be nice to finally get Nym.

it'd be nice to get Nym and his ship is the only one in armada and not in X-wing. I figure he's got to be soon.

>TIE Defender Darth Vader

Jesus Christ

>T-65 Baron Fel

Sure, if he can be an Imperial ship. Its only fair considering Rebs already get our icon.

While we're at it I'd like to see the rest of the Sienar circus

>if he can be an Imperial ship
Man, have I got some bad news for you, user. Look on the bright side. Instead of stolen Rebel craft, Impside gets crazy shit like Missile Boats, Scimitars, and experimental TIEs.

I've read the comic, I don't give a fuck.

Imperials need to shit on the Rebel parade once in a while.

Maybe we can get a Wedge TIE fighter (it was also in rebels after all)

>Wedge TIE fighter
I think you mean "Kettch TIE Interceptor."

Which it is. Rebels brought back Thrawn. And he's getting a novel by Timothy Zahn very soon.

X-Wing has released canon stuff in the last few waves, sure. There's a lot of high-profile canon stuff to get through. People are more likely to buy shit if they just saw it in a movie or on TV. But we've gotten through most of the Rebels-exclusive ships now, so they're out of those and will have to go for Legends stuff. This year, The Last Jedi is coming out, which will probably just use all the same ships from The Force Awakens, so FFG will have room to use Legends stuff (unless The Last Jedi isn't creatively bankrupt like TFA and gives them more ships to work with).

At the same time, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that they've done an incredible number of Legends ships already. They're scraping the bottom of the barrel for this era so hard they found the K-Wing and the TIE Punisher. The only Legends ships from this era that I can even think of that they need to release and haven't yet are the assault gunboat and the missile boat, and I'm sure they're on the way.

The Last Jedi has First order versions of the

TIE Bomber
TIE Interceptor
TIE Advamced

And a Resistance A-wing.

do they at least look different or is it literally just the same lazy color swapping?

Here's the First Order Tie Advanced.

Next Pic is the interceptor.

No idea what the Bomber will look like.

There are photos of the A-wing in both comics and one of Prince Harry sitting in a prop one on set.

And the Interceptor, this one has multiple photos, but this angle/lack of background are the clearest.

That image has been reposted multiple times in these threads, and not always designated as a TIE Advanced knock-off. What evidence is there that this is FO's real superfighter and not just fanart/headcanon?


As clarification, it's concept art that was leaked alongside an image that turned out to be of Ello Atsy,

So if the source is still good, it's a FO TIE Advanced. The Interceptor is concept art of TFA, and the bomber is a leak from some toy fairs.

If these are legit then it's nice that they at least look different but I kinda hope they don't get fast laned into X-wing since they don't look different enough to not just be +1 shield, tech slot and t-rolls/sloops that the FO fighter was.

Does Armada see reasonable levels of play, or is it pretty much dead since it's almost directly competing with X-Wing?

Do we have a photo of the bomber?

Its pretty dead. It still exists and I've seen some games at the local store but nothing like x-wing

at least these are actually different and not just repaints.

I'm not an armada player, but from what I've heard, people grumble about it taking up too much space - not every FLGS has tables big enough, leading to it not catching on everywhere.

Real talk?

I love this design.
It's like a beautiful love child between a interceptor and a Defender.

Really hope FO design starts pushing for the opposite theme than Empire. Given their reduced man power, resources and training from birth they probably need to switch roles with the NR (being an efficient, elite strike force outmaneuvering their larger clumsier opponent).

Really too much to ask though, because they don't ever want the "good guys" to not be the underdogs.

So text roleplay voice OOC games seem to be the preference for FFG. How do I manage a text roleplay game though? I've only ever run voice campaigns for FFG, and I'm confused as to how to properly do text for RP, though I can see that it would provide a lot more depth to the environment and fix the issue of trying to do voices for aliens and shit for muh immersion.

You type stuff instead of saying it out loud...?

Dead, partly because of competition from X wing and partly because of problems with the game itself (steeper learning curve, higher initial cost, requires more space, longer games, less model variety, fewer factions). All this is ignoring the balance issues and rebel bias that has saturated the game for a while now.

How do we go about the party taking turns to interact with things?

Would they get bored?

I adopted x-wing, my friend adopted Armada.

Feels good to be on the right side of history, for once.
That's why I play Imperials

Here you go!

It's really just the same as voice my dude except you don't have to do accents and shit. They shouldn't get bored (unless they would be getting bored in a voice game as well).

Do you think the G-1A is a good ship for a hick sheriff that lives in a swamp town?
I'm divided between that, Z-95 Headhunter, Kihraxz Fighter, and Y-Wing.

>mfw those are my ships

oh and here is a striker repaint i did

Oh really! Could you take another group photo with the FO Striker?
These are my color-coded BroBots.

It's pretty fitting, and it's a very good ship to boot.

Of those options, I'd pick the G-1A.

Have it be in the condition of, and painted like, the stereotypical hick Sheriff's 4x4.

I also do custom cards.


>Ignore any retard who tells you to use a viewing guide
Yeah disagreed, hard. The viewing guides miss a few good eps but overall I didn't gain too much more by going back and watching arcs I'd missed.


Roll until you get a character.
This is now your next character.
How fucked are you?


I know I'm late with this but HOLY SHIT THAT REBELS EPISODE.

You can really tell they saved a lot of budget for this one, the particles and effects were great. Mon Mothma was great. Gold 5 is a goddamn hero. The only flaw was having Gold Leader be completely subordinate to Ezra and Hera, he never showed any confidence in himself or gave orders, and hesitated about possibly shooting Ezra when he'd seen three other fighters get murdered. It seems inconsistent with his(limited) portrayal in ANH and R1, where he reacted completely calmly even when shit hit the fan.

But hey, we got Y-Wing action and Ion cannons are canon again.

Literally who

love the bro-bots, very simple yet effective.

I can't take one right now but I can tomorrow.

Thanks dude.
Also, TIE Shuttle. I drilled some holes, glued some magnets, and now the bomb chute is re-attachable.

Nice looking paintjob, the simpler schemes stand out better


Its good to be the king!

Hmm, what do we have here...


>Custom species.
>Fanon home planet.
>Unpronounceable name.
>Rubbed elbows with Sora Bulq, Quinlan Vos, Coleman Trebor, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu.
>Had dual lightsabers in special colors - dark green and amber.
>His combat abilities were the impetus for the creation of Separatist Commando Droids.
>Led an ARC squad and trained multiple padawans. Mastered Vaapad.
>Fell to the Dark Side and created a new "Rule of Five" to replace the famed Rule of Two.
>Added Maul, PROXY, Quinlan Vos, and some other (fanon?) character to his "Five," with him as the leader.
>Returned to the light side after surviving Order 66.
>Was the sole survivor of a later Imperial ambush.
>Inexplicably both survived and died of a "Death Plague."
>Multiple spelling errors.

I'm not fucked at all. I'm a Mary Sue.

I think I just found an article parodying the Mary Sue fanon characters everywhere on that wiki. Or... maybe this is the worst of them all. Behold!: swfanon.wikia.com/wiki/Sawafao


this bitch was born and is so special that she was fully developed within a single day.

...why is your OP image from League of Legends instead of Star Wars? That's Forsaken Jayce.


At least I'm not a Gungan

Does anyone have any good art for a mercenary/ bounty hunter?


This was probably my favorite episode of rebels, so good. Yeah it would've been nice to have Dutch be a bit more independent but I think it all worked out in the end.

Now I want more nebula X-wing maps and a way to run the Y-wing that isnt just TLTs








>X-Wing Ace
>GCW veteran
>Bacta Allergy
>Survived the vong

possibly fucked, I'd be able to handle myself in space combat, but If I'm injured to a degree that requires treatment the bacta allergy could mean big trouble

all same artist, name in filename

He's one of the Star Wars skins

Yeah Brain's great