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What do suppose is going to happen to the minor splats in the upcoming One world?
/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
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What's so bad about We Eat Blood? I've never read it.
If a werewolf was shot with a silver bullet, but a bulletproof vest reduced all the damage to bashing, would they still take Aggravated damage from the bullet being silver?
Are mages actually the strongest things playable?
Or is this just meme talk?
>Trans vampire who kills trump supporters and jerk offs non trump supporters
>written by Zak.s (who is dick supposedly)
>something about elder leaving for the east and leaving the thinbloods in charge to go full retard
They are indeed.
>Masquerade violations
>Thinblood transexual who kills guys who voted for Trump
>Vegan thinblood who feeds exclusively on vegans
Does the bullet actually touch their skin? If no then it doesn't.
It's not just a meme, Mages are widely agreed to be the strongest splat.
>oWoD = The Terminator
>nWoD/CofD = The Sarah Connor Chronicles
>WoD20 = Terminator 2
>nu-oWoD = Genisys
Agree or disagree?
At equal experience, at the mid and higher levels, mages versatility and raw power outclass most everyone else. Mages' power curve certainly is steepest.
Thinking of taking madness realms as an obsession for my mastigos therapist. This will surely never backfire right?
Fuck you.
>oWoD = Predator 1 / Predator 2
>nWoD/CofD = Alien vs. Predator / Alien vs. Predator: Requiem
>WoD20 = Predators
>nu-oWod = The Predator (?)
Ask yourself how it impacts you and why it bothers you.
Does everything need to be the same? Why aren't you concerned about Prometheans not being able to outbox a war form werewolf?
No. Stop.
Fuck you.
Can't have a cross over in oWoD so it's more like
oWoD: Theodore Rex, the most expensive straight to video of all time.
It's absolutely horribly written. Disregarding the complete P.O.S. that Zak S. IS, it's just a terrible direction of cWoD.
Beast is even worse
>Vegan thinblood who feeds exclusively on vegans
Duel the Arcane is the gayest most unused thing in WoD.
They wanted a beef between wizards to be resolved a la Harry Potter so badly.
It's just a pokemon battle where no one gets hurt.
Dave B were you even awake when you wrote this?
Why should vampires, werewolves, fairies etc be stronger than wizards?
Mages are the fucking scientists of the supernatural, they deserve the power.
It makes complete sense to me, just look at D&D.
>Get sniped
>Gonna stop that bullet guys.
>Gonna disintegrate it with my mind xD
>Now to declare my target...
>Oh wait what do you mean I need to see the bullet? It's flying right at my head
>I want to change my action ST! No! NooooooooooAAUAUUUGHG
To be more precise, it's a black trans vegan thinblood who feeds exclusively on vegans.
It's jealousy. Mages not only have the raw power and versatility, they're also still basically human, and don't have horrific inherent weakness (e.g., sunlight, death rages and frenzy, etc.) or horrible backgrounds (e.g., kidnap victim, constantly hunted, etc.)
There's almost nothing about the WoD in it, a lot of 'token minority characters' that aren't fleshed out at all, and the few WoD stuff is shit, like the black trans vegan thinblood saying that its sire thinks that Caine and the Antes are bullshit fabricated by the Elders.
Now it would be also with the new session.
Go ahead, I'm interested.
Nah. I disagree. Beast is a playable game and it's actually quite interesting with a strong ST. I will admit, some of the mechanics can be confusing, however, that depends on how the ST and players steer the direction of the story.
I will write everything later on, it's quite late where I live right now and there is a lot to write, thank you for being interested.
Considering a real battle between wizards ends with one of them unwritten from reality I think it makes sense.
This. People shit on the game all the time but I bet few of those shitposters have even tried it.
Take your time.
What is a "fun" game of Beast supposed to look like?
Why can't you change into your monster?
Only cucks resort to 2e stuff.
Real OGs keep it interesting.
Did he write that godawful shit-pie? Centamani are better at fulfilling the "NWoD Bygone equivalent" role than beasts are ffs.
To be fair, half of the Camarilla thinks that.
Now, mind you, why would we ever pay attention to thinbloods
They're vermin. Someone needs to fire the Scourge of that city. Or call in the Sabbat.
Beast is shit.
So mages are just privileged and hated because of it?
Nah m8
>oWoD = DBZ
>nWoD/CofD = American DB movie
>WoD20 = DBS
>nu-oWoD = GT
>It makes complete sense to me, just look at D&D.
F+ apply yourself.
Painfully accurate, not trolling.
I'd say oWod is DB, and CoD is DBZ. Makes more sense then
Simply being a mage is EXTRAORDINARILY dangerous. Most other supernaturals can remove themselves from the danger they face, but in the case of a mage, it comes looking for you.
... so owod is still superior to nwod/cofd
>Most other supernaturals can remove themselves from the danger they face, but in the case of a mage, it comes looking for you.
I could say that about literally every other splat. Stop making vague blanket statements you imbecile.
Centimani should have been emphasized more than Jew Golem, one of the many shortcomings of Promethean.
Not an argument.
most supernaturals can "opt-out" in some fashion or another. Mages don't have that luxury, even if they swear off magic.
Well yeah, but in the right porportions, rather than the retarded meme hate wanking ways of the original .
>tfw used the image I made
Praise it.
Beast is playable but so is Inferno. If you really like the concept, you can make it work, but it is a barely usable mess out of the box. That it reads AND plays like a fansplat is troubling.
>mages have danger look for them!
You're an idiot. Mages face by far the least external danger of any splat besides vampire, who arguably still have more danger to deal with as the act of feeding is compulsory and drama creating. Werewolves are dragged into trouble by spirits if they aren't being killed by Pure. Changelings and demons are actively hunted. Prometheans must interact with people and risk disquiet. The only supernatural that easily removes itself from danger is a sin-eater.
Every game is playable with a good ST. Beast is a mess. For a game where you play the baddies, it takes an awful lot of time to describe Heroes as psychopaths.
It should have embraced the "evil" part and portrayed the heroes as righteous vigilantes, among other things.
Are you fucking retarded?
Hell is other Mages.
>Mages face by far the least external danger of any splat
They also deal with arguably the strongest antagonists in the entire setting.
Some new CofD info:
>Rose Bailey is now the Changeling: the Lost developer, replacing David Hill in the interim between finding a new developer for the line.
Oh, also:
>Matt McFarland had submitted an outline for a new Demon: the Descent book
A win. Rose is a good dev.
I doubt much will change for the corebook or game itself, though Rose mentions having a section on Informed Consent in the Changeling 2e Storytelling chapter being necessary in a thread on RPGnet.
Nice. Beast may have turned out to be a hot mess, but Demon is good.
Anybody got a pdf copy of M20 they'd be willing to send my way?
look in the pastebin
I'm an idiot. lmao
inb4 Thyrus
I'm trying to de-weeb a Legacy. Can someone tell me what the heck Akuma no Ken means?
"Demon sword"
How big of a no-no is animal sacrifice? I'm drafting a voodoo inspired legacy that'll use sacrifice of animals like chickens or goats as a legacy yantra. Would any reasonable councilia brand me as left-handed?
As long as you arent gutting sleepers and living in a region dominated by PETA mages you should be fine. Theres a legacy that raise the dead as their speciality and they arent left handed.
Since the ruling Arcana is Life, it's going to be a Moros legacy, would it be better or worse if you sacrifice animals you create with a Life making spell?
What is beyond the Supernal Realms? I thought the Supernal Realms were the "beyond"
In 2e the Supernal realms operate more like clusters of related concepts that tend to aggregate somewhere between the rest of the supernal and the abyss. The 5 major groupings are known as the supernal realm of each path.
The raw unfiltered infinite possibility of the supernal lays 'above'. As for what if anything exists beyond that you'd have to ascend to find out.
>Are mages actually the strongest things playable?
If you include Archmages as playable characters (which is like deciding that every character can play as an Antedeluvian if they want to), then yes. It's a horrible idea and so full of cringe that it's impossible to take seriously, but yes.
If you *dont* include Archmages (which is what any rational or sane person would do), then... well, then it depends on the mage's personal intellect and how creative they can be with their powers, but at least they won't unmake the universe by belching.
They're flat-out stronger than everything else in terms of potential.
In terms of what can be done and the raw potential? Yes, absolutely. Forces 5 and Prime can be used to level city blocks... at great personal expense and time. Fast casting is... rather a more small scale affair but still flexible and powerful.
I... why are we even talking about this? The splats were never meant to be balanced against one another. I'm a magefag and I would still be a magefag if they were one of the weakest splats because I like the theme of the game that much. After that, I'm a vampfag and a wolffag at a close third. I love all of these games and I don't care how they balance against each other because I'm not stupid enough to try a crossover.
>level city blocks
They can do much more than that.
>at great personal expense and time
It really depends on how they go about it.
>Fast casting is rather more a more small scale affair
Are you still playing 1e?
I have played in a Beast game, but only in agreement to play a standard Nos Vampire. I was dealing with losing my moral compass to the survival instincts and saving the day. Multiple times. While the rest of party did fuck all counter intuitive bullshit. JUST FUCKING OPEN THE DOOR STEVEN. Yes we might just MIGHT have to hurt someone to get what we need, but you literally tortured a guy for ratting us out two sessions, get over yourself and play the damn game
I'm an oWoD fag. I don't care about your soon to be discontinued game.
>I'm an oWoD fag
Well good news, Ascension mages are even more broken.
In comparison to your currently discontinued game?
OWoD Mage is only truly broken once you can start holding spells, which is around 3-4 Arete.
With more dropping this year and an IP resurrection already in progress.
Enjoy your bland.
Yeah, it sucked but Dad's home. Deal.
Dads become a heroin junkie on his way home apparently..
Is that the best you can do?
What the truth isnt painful enough for you? M20 is fucking garbage.
Didn't I say that it sucked?
And despite it's massive suck, my currently discontinued game isn't so discontinued, is it unicycle fag?
I will admit I considered M20 to be nothing but a rehash of already printed material to suck up as much nostalgia bux as humanely possible but its definitely possible I was wrong.
But I hope you werent this guy because if you are I feel nothing but pity for you over your belief that one world of darkness is going to be good.
Yeah, but their super strong antagonist is perfectly okay with the status quo. They will just sit in their other dimension and ignore reality as long as you don't mess with them.
Well, One WoD has yet to suck. Yours has been a bland suck fest for thirteen years.
Advantage? Me.
>soon to be discontinued
Oh no, what stupid rumors are going around now?
Let's be serious
CofD > OWoD
They've settled on the oWoD in order to go forward. Do you really think that they're going to allow a self-competing game-line to exist for long?
Well yeah, everyone knows that. I honestly don't know why they bothered to try to bring back oWoD. It was dead and buried.