
>Obsesses over a single warrior
>Unnecessarily antagonizes his subordinates
>Almost never keeps his hand of a bargain
>Orders hitmen through a pizza place

A prime example of stupid-Evil?


>Epic level shapeshifting badass
>Planned his ascension to godhood so well there is only one true way to defeat him
>Epic level manipulator, who understands that some deals should be forfeited.


Aku has more or less already won everything by the time Jack goes to the future.
He's the only thing left he really has to fight.


Maybe he comes off as incompetent because he doesn't want to face the boredom of absolute victory.

He DOES look pretty fucking bored whenever he's not dealing with Jack.

The series shows us that he sits around not doing much of anything besides being a dick to everyone around him when Jack's not around.
Imagine having all that power and nothing to do with it.

He's the BBEG you wish you could make work for your games.

I mean, he's not shown to be especially clever, but nobody aside from Jack poses any sort of threat to him, so he gets away with being a backstabber. Hey, at least he's the entertaining kind of Stupid Evil.

But he understands that you need minions that are EXTRA THICK

Yeah, he's pretty clearly enjoying the whole "screw with Jack" thing, but beyond that he just kinda hangs out in his lair, watching shit on his TV.

He's explicitly come out and said that Jack's sword is the only thing left that can hurt him, so he's got good reason to obsess over what Jack's doing, but deep down, I don't think he really wants it to be over, and to have to go back to there being nothing to worry about, either.
I gather he's done that the past thousand years or so, and he's relishing the excitement of having a nemesis.

These. As far as we can tell from the trailers for this season, he's at the top of the food pyramid-- the pyramid consisting of mounds of murdered foes. He has complete dominance over the entire world, AND worlds beyond Earth if the presence of all the mutant freaks seen in the series are anything to go off of. He's even gone so far as to secure his legacy down the line, with a cadre of assassin daughters waiting for the throne he built. Even if he dies, his one opponent in all of existence (besides any stray gods he hasn't gotten around to killing yet) will STILL be stuck in the past, unable to return to his home and outlasting any friends he makes. He has WON.

So: what do you get the (immortal shapeshifting omniscient) man who has everything? Entertainment. He is, at his core, Capital-E Evil. He wipes out villages. He sends robot armies and mercenary death squads out to eliminate dissenters. He is into subjugation and pain and sadism on a MASSIVE level. At this point, keeping his nemesis alive is a game. "How long can he keep up before I slaughter him?" "How many of his friends can I kill before he snaps, and becomes the monster he's always trained to fight?"

This is the stupidest excuse ever. Aku is just incompetent as fuck.

Dude, in Jack Learns to Jump Good, Jack discovers there's a time portal, guarded by Aku's minions, and he fights his way through all the way, only to find Aku has been sitting there behind the portal the whole time, waiting to jump out and snatch it away and tease him and play keep-away. He could have gotten rid of it long before, but he specifically waited for Jack so he could laugh at him for shits and giggles.
Then he does the whole thing AGAIN, only to find that his keep-away fails because Jack has gained some new jumping abilities, and we fade out. Since Jack doesn't return to the past, we're left to surmise that Jack subsequently finds out that this "time portal" was a complete fabrication Aku made up for no other reason than to screw with Jack, just because he could.
Aku is clearly conflicted on the "kill Jack" idea.

Yes, but at some point logic must give way to suspension of disbelief, otherwise you might as well not watch the damn thing. If it were just one season before Jack was merc'd by a robot ambush, it wouldn't be very worth watching, at least not with Jack as the main focus. You watch action entertainment with the prior knowledge and foresight that a savvy viewer has: The Hero is probably going to Win, or at least Get His Revenge, by the end of it all. And nine times out of ten, guess what? That's exactly what happens. Sometimes, for the whole thing to work, the antagonist just needs to be stupid/foolish/ignorant/selfish in the ONE aspect where the hero could maybe (JUUUUUST maybe) hit him where it hurts most, and end him rightly.

>Jack was merc'd by a robot ambush

Well see the thing about is that Aku has tried it. Several times. Jack cannot take a single step without walking into a robot ambush, ninja ambush, bounty hunter ambush, or all of the above at the same time.

It doesn't fucking work on him.

160x120 and no sound is major injustice to that scene.

Stab the baby

Remember that time he turned into a women got jack to almost fall in love with him after spending weeks traveling together just to LOL TROLL


aku is the most hilarious of villains

>despite all these instances of stupid-evil is still decisively victorious over his foe
>is safe and secure and has ruled for hundreds of years, and maintains control even after the one destined to destroy him has been running around for 50 years
if anything he is a case of apparently stupid-evil but has a lot more going under the hood