Lucius Nacht
Hoo lord
>Be born human
>but you’re better!
>wait what harpies?
>what the fuck do… Someone fucked a harpy and that makes you better
>suddenly wings from the back, even though the rest of your family doesn’t have them
>now I fuck off to Longacre for my family
Oh jeez. This one
This one is rough. I got problems with you my dude
I got so many problems.
Alright let’s start.
Bitch why you be using a Nodachi
You’re chelish, not Tian. Where the fuck did you even get that shit. What the fuck. Justify this shit. I know it’s for mechanical reasons but fuck it’s lazy. Where the fuck did you get a nodachi
Whats with the weird harpy shit? Where the fuck? It just sort of shows up out of nowhere. It just seems misplaced. It also feels like something that would get you shunned as fuck in cheliax. Like It just doesn’t seem to fit.
His personality is pretty bland. He’s just a knight. A stubborn, pretty emotionless knight. I don’t get it.
Appeal 1/5 – Honestly this guy just seems like a boring guy. He’s not a hardliner, his art and appearance are relatively uninteresting. I just… No appeal at all to me.
Backstory 1/5 – This looks like a character built around mechanics and a haphazard backstory thrown around it. Apply yourself my dude
Compatibility 1/5 – Frontline striker. He uses the word ‘tank’. Claims to have face potential and he has a decent diplo score but… I don’t want my party face being an emotionless hunk of steel
Evilosity 0/5 – Not even evil. Not even Lawful and hardline enough to have it make sense that he would ally with some truly awful people.
Shlock Factor 0/5 – WHERE’S THE SHLOCK. It’s not even there. If this guy was in a pulpy movie or a shitty action anime he’d be a rando that gets cut in half, not a character.
If I seem harsh, its because I care. This is a -bad- app. It needs serious work. So. Cont.