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DR with Force Field and maybe (Semi) Ablative is the most straightforward to make force shield.
Active version just adds Directional.
I don't quite remember how RPM handles maintained spells, my guts say it won't worth it for short duration.
What level of Delusion would be "Believe that GURPS is a good RPG."?
How wide point gap is acceptable for generation based on random professional templates with some free points as finisher?
Like you get rat catcher [30] and village guard [50] and [20] free, while another player get pit fighter [70] and [20] free.
It really depends on what kind of game you are doing. Think about competency level and spotlight time that those templates would provide in your campaign, not their point cost.
But more points means more competence and/or spotlight
To the guy from the previous thread:
If you're stalling, maybe come at it from a fresh angle ? Rather than trying to work out what's going on, and then building npcs to fit, start by creating a handful of strong characters to introduce to your players at each of your levels.
Great bit of advice I saw as the basis of all narrative: someone wants something badly but is having trouble getting it.
Once you have characters with meaningful goals you can come up with ideas about how they're going to achieve them. Keep it basic to start with.
The relationships between the different npcs and way they bounce off each other (and the players) will quickly build a web of intrigue and you can add detail to the areas the players find interesting.
Think Terminator, but grimdark and no time travell bullshit.
Oh, and there is no resistance whatsoever.
Mostly because there are barely any humans left at this point.
It's 1000x better than it sounds and is by far the most unique GURPS setting. Mostly because it doesn't fuck around about being some sort of asymetric warfare or trying to win a war with machines.
The machines already won. 15 years ago. Now they are just mopping out.
Wow. Such grimdark. Very hopeless.
I assume Stubborn is mandatory trait for humans?
Nope. But if you come from one of those contaminated zones, you probably should start with some serious ailment, like for example 3rd stage cancer.
And the game is fun to play, even if its grimdark extreme. Mostly because it never goes over the top, but simply stays grimdark.
I mean original, first Terminator was grimdark too and this was created pretty much as Terminator rip-off, by guys who were disgusted by how cheerful and gleefully optimistic T2 was.
But why?
It's a game about dying, not surviving.
Also to the guy from.the previous thread:
Have a look at TechNoir. It's a narrative cyberpunk/noir RPG where you generate plot "webs" by connecting different types (people, factions, items, events, places, etc.) of "nodes" and then deciding what those connections mean.
For example, you roll up a pair of hitmen, a gang, and a particular gun. You decide that the gun belongs to one of the gang members, but was stolen by the hitmen and used to murder someone, pinning it on the gang.
What sourcebooks etc would you want to run a fantasy/medieval setting game that has characters plucked from the past 2000 years?
High Tech, Low Tech, Basic Set.
After that you've got options. Fantasy is a good book to read to help nail down the setting, though you won't have to refer to it much in play.
You can also just set up two people in conflict then "yes, and.." yourself into a setting.
Let's sway we start with two powerful crime bosses in a city. One can import drugs, one can sell them. They each covet the other's operation.
And they can't just go to war over it because they work/pay tribute to a higher authority, as barons under the king of the city. They have to work subtily.
You can come out with a dozen different complications, stemming naturally from their personalities.
>Bare Basics
Basic Set, Low Tech, High Tech, duh
>If magic is involved
Sorcery and/or Ritual Path Magic
>Militarised theme
Tactical Shooting (even if there won't be shooting in your game)
>Support material
Infinite Worlds, since this very closely corelates with the premise you give
Dungeon can be helpful if you want to run it adventure style
And most definitely read Low Tech companions, since they cover a LOT of important things regarding running such setting and getting gear.
Happy gurpsday!
Thanks, I'll probably just have to homebrew some shit about maintaining spells of I can't find anything.
Is there any way to make tech-related changes described in Infinite Worlds cheaper? Dunno, where you bring tools with yourself or specific diagrams or even instructors with all the materials, so you can easily spread your inventions? I'm not talking about cultural changes, that obviously is harder, but what about know-how and applications of it?
Because the prices get pretty absurd after certain point, while they should start IMHO dropping after certain threshold, due to the sheer scale of things involved.
And adding to this - shouldn't you actually MAKE money rather than SPEND it?
I need this for very specific, particular case. Watermills and waterwheels. It's TL2 tech, but extremely inefficient. TL6 waterwheels are pretty much the maximum efficiency you can push from such source of energy, so obviously it should be also profitable to BUILD them, after all there are all those miller that would gladly use your skills as a constructor, even more so if you could provide them with much more efficent mill.
My GM says I should still pay for this regardless, even if my PC is technically building them, coming with all the required skills AND tools.
What disads define "Tsundere"?
Odious Personal Habit
More seriously though, it's probably just a perk.
What are the best setting books for GURPS? Any edition
You already asked it in the previous thread
Might be a bit of an odd question, but where would I look to find rules for managing a town/city, or playing as a landed lord?
There's a 3rd ed book called Warriors that has a bunch of templates which might be useful for you. You'd need to convert them to 4th ed by hand but yeah
Pyramid #3/52 Low Tech II's "Lord of the Manor" takes an in-depth look at being a landed lord; it looks at the lord's total lands, land quality, taxation, and what luxury crops the lord dedicates a portion of their land too to find your total monthly income.
Pyramid #3/54 Social Engineering's "City Management" gives some rules that work alongside City Stats.
Social Engineering: Boardroom and Curia lets PCs build/run organizations. If your chosen "organization" has the Governing tag, you're founding/running a city.
I know there are more, but I can't think of them at the moment. At it's most basic, it's a monthly job roll to not fuck things up.
I.O.U is #0 (it's one better than #1!).
An obsession coupled with a specific distasteful hatred/intolerance of one person.
Intolerance (All; Accessibility, Only to people the character rolled Very Good reaction against).
Thanks, this is just the kind of thing I was looking for.
What if you make it to the sector of an AI that likes humans or doesn't mind them as long as they don't touch its toys?
Wow. The blog scene is not very prolific since Pseudoboo left the scene.
He left?
I stopped doing any writing about GURPS because of his clique. Good to know.
Yes. He stopped posting, seemed to be very burned out in his last post. He even left the Discord server.
Who? What?
Pseudo was too intense. Likely bipolar
Minor drama. Author of Let's GURPS, Pseudboo, published a post every day for months. Then he started crashing hard, which you could see on the Discord because the dude's got some serious issues (prolly bipolar as said), then left. AFAIK nobody's seen hide or hair of him since.
>to the sector of an AI that likes humans
No such Zone exists. Unless you mean Washington, London and Caracas. In case of Washington, it's just using humans as a cheap susbstitute for massive robot army it would have to make otherwise, but it don't need more than... can't recall if it was 30 or 40 millions and anything above that number is deemed pointless. And it's not accepting refugees, since that would mean going against other Zoneminds.
London doesn't hunt people, as long as they stay away from its installations, but it's like sitting in a cage with hungry, completely wild predator that is currently asleep - you have no fucking clue when it will wake up and decide the cage is too small.
Caracas won't try to kill you in an active or passive way, as long as you are at hunter-gatherer tier, don't use fire and generally don't reproduce or make settlements.
Oh, and there is Moscow, which technically can... hire you, but it's a deal with a devil and you are going to die in the end of your asignment or the first second you will try to go against it.
I'm still really baffled by the fact that we have an official template for fucking strike witches
His clique?
Yeah, he was pretty awful. The discord is much better without him.
Creating a TL 6 watermill with TL 2-3 tools and infrastructure would be a tremendous investment of time and resources. You'd need a giant outlay of capital.
Once the mill was operational you'd have a much greater output then any TL 3 watermill, but you'd need years to see a return on your investment.
Ie: Your watermill cost $14,000,000 and will generate $1,000,000 in profit per year of operation. It will make money, but it's going to spend most of twenty years in the red before it does.
If you can get paid to build a watermill for people, and bill them for the cost of it, then you can make immediate profit being a watermill builder. You can't make immediate profit building a watermill for yourself.
>His clique?
Pseudo and a handful of the other writers on the server, including Ghost (or whatever the one Pyramid writer's name was). Most of them were, to say the least, unpleasant to read or listen to, much less actually engage with. Pseudo wasn't the worst, but he was the one that was *always* there and acting as a focal point.
>I have no idea about watermills, but I know GURPS rules: The Post
It's like I was talking with my GM right now.
Let's put that into perspective, shall we?
The three major differences between TL2 and TL6 watermill:
>understanding of fluid mechanics
>overshot instead of undershot
>use of better tools
Now, I've specified that the tools and proper skills and knowledge are in place. So the entire point is about building an overshot waterwheel.
We need for that
>waterwheel with TL6 know-how
that covers proper number of fins, their shape, alignment etc, but it's still a pretty normal waterwheel
>a mill pound or any similar infrastructure
so we basically need a 2 meter high mini-dam to store water behind it
And you act like this is rocket science, while ignoring the stuff I've mentioned already. I have PC with proper tools. I have a PC with proper skills. And I'm building a waterwheel that happens to use actual physics rather than random trial-and-error of TL2.
But in the end it's still a wooden-made wheel turning under the pressure of flowing water.
I'm not building water turbine nor water engine.
Water wheel.
Your post is almost word-by-word what my GM told me already, without even listening to my arguments.
Sorry if this came out angry, but I feel like I'm hitting a wall with this with my GM. I guess this is what you get when your new GM is an English major. Great stories, but shit gets confusing even with game rules themselves and bringing any form of technical stuff ends up with situations like this.
You argument is bad and you should feel bad.
It comes down to convincing your GM, not us. We aren't min readers, and neither is he. Get better at putting a cross your salient points. If they aren't made, they don't exist, no matter how good you think your argument is.
Fuck off pharmacy-fag.
And the best part is how due to the angry ranting I've totally missed the most important part
>If you can get paid to build a watermill for people, and bill them for the cost of it, then you can make immediate profit being a watermill builder.
This is all I've needed.
Nah, we ended up as entire group showing him diagrams and expalining all the technical differences and he still was "Nope, that's TL6, and you are in wrong TL to do that, you can't make profit on it". Even if the point wasn't about building a mill for ourselves (what use does it have for bunch of Patrolmen on vacation), but to make a pretty penny on selling those, buy local stuff and sell it upon hitting home to cover for everything and bribe dispatch officer to cover for our stints.
And the GM basically decided the best way to screw us would be to say "nope, you need to put your funds for that, rather than making them off your skills". And he made a fucking argument that the LTC rules for artisians don't apply, because our PCs aren't from Low Tech setting, but operate in one.
>Have a look at TechNoir. It's a narrative cyberpunk/noir RPG where you generate plot "webs" by connecting different types (people, factions, items, events, places, etc.) of "nodes" and then deciding what those connections mean.
THANK YOU, This is basically what I was looking for!
Oh yeah. He also wasted a ton of time on that useless pseudobot and the automatic CER calculations on the GCalc. Glad he's gone. He was probably a furry or something too.
Is there any good repositories/sources of fan made stuff, specifically sci fi? I just went to try to look up Icelanders ultratech weapon variants but it's apparently 404 now, and I'd like to have some premade options to consult
A TL 6 Mill is going to use a steel overshot wheel and toothed gears for most power transmission. It's going to more efficiently use energy, and it's going to harvest a whole fuck of a lot more. A whole textile, sugar, flour, wood or rice factory can be run of a mill wheel that can turn out 150 kilowatts. They can also power drop hammers, blast furnaces or other industrial equipment.
A TL 3 Mill will use an undershot or weird sideways wheel, unless it's trying to use a small amount of water with plenty of head. In that case, it can be made at TL 3 in an overshot design. The wheel will be made from wood and power will be transmitted by ropes or leather belts.
It's going to use the water less efficiently, though not much if it's a good overshot design, but the real difference is that it's going to harvest far less energy. A "big" mill might make 3 kilowatts. Damn rare to see them used for anything but milling grain.
Without steel in amounts no TL 3 system could produce economically you simply can't build a TL 6 mill, full stop.
Why I can't replace steel with iron/bronze/copper to get lesser output than TL6 but still being more effective than TL3?
You can make it out of styrofoam if you are willing to make it much smaller. Steel is because it's strong as fuck and can handle the energy involved in the transmission. Really is wrong, in that if you are willing to make a watermill that only produces 5 kW you don't need steel gears.
Same fag
>Without steel in amounts no TL 3 system could produce economically you simply can't build a TL 6 mill, full stop.
This is not your everyday wrong
You can use bronze and/or cast iron, both being accessable AND well-suited for this shit with TL3
And he's wrong. You can use nothing but wood and brass and you will get easily 20 kilowatts, which is much more than you are going to need with just about any TL3 contraption.
In fact, just making it overshot wheel with properly shaped paddles you can increase the efficiency almost threefold against the exact same design, but undershot.
>Yeah, he was pretty awful.
>The discord is much better without him.
It's still a TL 3 watermill if you just make it overshot. Overshot wheels aren't really more advanced then undershot or sideways wheels. Just different. If you have minimal head and just wanna use current to drive a wheel it isn't as useful.
Kinda gets to the nature of skilled labor. You are adding value to raw materials and a bit of land if you are a skilled builder.
>Overshot wheels aren't really more advanced then undershot or sideways wheels
Why you keep being wrong?
How many point I would get from Delusion: "Believe that GURPS is a good RPG."?
t. Ghostdancer
Firefly: The Verse tonight!
We've had a shuffle and the player who opted to ingame captain needs to bow out due to scheduling conflicts.
Now begins his dramatic exit stage left ingame as well. Luckily he took weirdness magnet, so writing him out might rely on entirely plausible Deus ex machina.
Are there any GURPS books which detail adventuring in cities like DF 16: Wilderness does with the outdoors?
Yup. What specifics do you have? Or just city life as such?
I dont really have anything specific in mind. I already have City Stats but thats more for building up cities than adventurinig through them.
I guess I like how DF16 expands on the survival skill and maybe if something similar is done for urban survival that would be what I am looking for
Oh Jesus... I'm 100% sure it was somewhere in Pyramid, but I have no clue which issue.
If I have a reach 1 weapon, and I declare a Wait to do an Attack that triggers when a horseman gets within Step and Attack range, but the horseman has a range 2 weapon, do I still get to interrupt his turn?
On a similar note, how does the "range affects vertical distance" rules work? Does it mean that if I'm 3 feet higher than my opponent, and I have a range 2 weapon, my opponent still has all his penalties, and I still enjoy the benefits and none of the penalties for height?
Shouldn't your range be within that height, thus making it a moot point? So... yeah, you have all the pros without cons
Can somebody give me a quick rundown on what settings GURPS runs best in? I saw the book at a LGS and I almost picked it up just because I'd seen it on here so many times, but I'd like to hear some pros and cons first.
Also, I was thinking of running a Fallout game, would this be a good book to use?
GURPS is good at human beings, being shot, and encountering real hazards. It can also do supernatural stuff, but it can be a bit wonky in super futures.
I'd say Skyrim to fallout to Harry dresden
That's what I was thinking.
Pretty much anything. No, really. The game only has issues if you want to run Ultra-Tech (so all sort of sci-fi stuff), since it was the only series of books that weren't really generic and instead focused on specific possibility of tech development.
Sure, Basic Set should be enough, but if you are planning to run it for a loooong while, hefty helping from following can be applied:
Tactical Shooting (duh), High Tech, Low Tech and Powers. Martial Arts might be useful if you seriously want to incorporate extensive melee, since it's what? TL9 guns vs fists and improvised swords?
GURPS was originally intended for Fallout, so it's a good fit. After the End 1 & 2 are the post-apocalypse books you'll want. How to be a GURPS GM and Action 2 are both really good books for advice on how to tackle GURPS.
GURPS works best with games that aren't more unrealistic/cinematic than, say, Mission Impossible, or the X-Men. It excels at doing modern day games, and I think it excels at low-tech games as well (think middle ages, with or without magic). It'll certainly do Fallout well, especially with the AtE books.
Are there any NON-cinematic rules for whips?
hey gurps general I need some advice for running a game.
It's gonna like a very anime style fantasy game with magitech over like a more traditional medieval fantasy setting. Like any good battle shonen players are gonna start with some of their weeb fighting moves and inmprove or pull new moves out their ass.
Right so what books should I get? I'm thinking maybe the powers one, martial arts, and the book for the faster more cinematic combat. Any books that would be good for letting me design all sorts of monsters especially big ones?
GURPS came out WAY before Fallout, buddy.
Just Powers, really. At your level of cinematic, techniques kind of fall by the wayside in favor of advantages, and extra combat option (while fun) can slow games down and it sounds like you're planning on going superfast, so Martial Arts will be of limited use at best. Action 2/3 is the go-to for out-of-the-box fast action and combat.
Monster Design can be done entirely from the Basic Set (plus Powers if you're already using that book).
I think he meant to say GUPRS was originally intended to be used in Fallout before the devs scrapped it in favor of SPECIAL.
What he means is "fallout 1 would run on GURPS, until the game studio pulled out of the agreement and built special instead"
Guess what you awful little dweebs GURPS IS STUPID!!!!
Powers + Martial Arts and you should be good.
Ian get the fuck out your shitposting is trash.
Power ups:Imbuments might also be good.
It let's your hero's use powers on their equipment, and swap out equipment without having to rebuild powers. Great for paladin smites, flaming kensai, and shadow ninja warrior blades, etc
Ahh but doesn't martial arts let you build your own special techniques/maneuvers which I could then mash up with powers for special moves nonsense that is native to the genre?
Like say a player wants a move that's allows him to like throw semi-homing energy draggers that explode into ice or something.
Like if it will help the way the magic/powers work in this setting is that you have like 4 canon applications as recognized in the game lore: Imbuement via special weapons, "Zapping" (which is a like cousin of construction as they both harnass the raw energy), buffing yourself, and what's called construction. Construction being creating stuff like say a lightsaber of the energy or making constructs to fight on your behalf.
Also what does the extra combat option do?
Construction sounds like Control/Create from powers
>extra combat option
Martial arts opens up a bunch of little things to do in Melee that are fun, but can be a bit technical after awhile
Have any of you played this?
Your example ability is Cutting Attack (Guided; Explosive) and does not require MA to be built or function; ultimately, though, it's your call to include Martial Arts or not. I don't think it will be that useful, but I'm not the one GMing the game.
I'd go with a (somewhat) limited Modular Abilities that grants advantages that *have* to have Gadget limitations (for creating objects) or Ally (for creating energy constructs). Imbuement are, well, Imbuements, with the special weapon acting as either a Gadgetized Imbue advantage or some trigger for Imbue's Accessibility limitation. Zapping is various flavors of Innate Attack, and buffs are all self-targeting beneficial Afflictions.
I've ran all my fallout games in GURPS, and it's worked great for that.
I see
But anyway if I want to like flashy attack moves that do a bunch of stuff would just the powers book and the imbuments book work?
Also what is martial arts good for? I assumed to toss that for technique building cuz techniques are anime as fuck and I'd figure one guy would want to do sword tricks.
I'm using it as inspiration for my Fallout campaign i'm working on.
Wait. Are you implying that height difference accounts towards range?
So what is the martial arts technique creation thing good for?
"Creating techniques is primarily for GMs" though your GM could allow you to create your own techniques.
You might be meaning Styles, which is a template of skills, techniques, and perks (on top of allowing you to buy a combat perk for every 10 points spent on a Style's skills and techniques, instead of just one perk every 20 points spent on any combat skills)
If you DO mean technique creation, then it's good for creating any sort of technique that isn't in Martial Arts. Like if a race of people have four arms instead of two, there might be new techniques that require four arms.
There doesn't seem to be a Game Finder thread up. Anyone running a GURPS game, and wants another player? I'm not picky about style or genre; I'll play almost anything