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Connected to Shadowlands BBS (Archive)...
>Welcome back to /srg/, chummer
>Last Viewed Files:
>Names in the Shadows - Who is who.edf
>I am Legend (Spinrad Ver.).trid
>Believe in yourself.pfix5
>The crew.jpeg
Personal Alerts
* Your Current Rep Score: - (-% Positive)
* You have 1 new private message, titled 'Thank you for that save, I know it's a bit rash but I wanna be someone like you and really...'
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* Cloud File Storage: pastebin.com
* Running Teacher Millions.BTL
>Shoot straight
>Conserve ammo
>And never, ever cut a deal with a dragon
Inspiration edition
What inspires you chummer? What moves you through the shadows and what do you follow behind?
What are some great sources of inspiration when you need to get a feel of something in the setting?