Why does your character run around in a skimpy outfit, Veeky Forums? No dissertations on the hows and whys of fanservice in 21st century entertainment, just why does your particular character do it?
Why does your character run around in a skimpy outfit, Veeky Forums...
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I haven't ever had a character in a skimpy outfit. If I wanted to fantasize about my character, I'd commission slutty fanart and fap to it on my own. I come to the table to play and have fun, not creep people out with mouthbreathing pervertedness.
I do however collect art of sexy female fantasy characters. Shame about the artist that did yours; Dead Man has serious sameface/samebod syndrome.
Intimidation tactics. Walking into a fight without armor or even a shirt demonstrates that he's not afraid of his enemy. The fact that he actually is durable enough that he doesn't need armor does help, makes it even better when they do land a hit and it does nothing.
Yes, because it is fun and my table enjoy having fun.
Because it's the iron age and it's summer.
Dressing up is for meeting the chief and traveling on dangerous roads.
>I haven't ever had a character in a skimpy outfit.
I didn't have her run around in one either but I didn't not NOT have her do it too.
I don't really ever go into much detail about my clothing so I really couldn't be held responsible for other players imaginations
He was a "monk". So he started the game with boots, some clothes and knuckle-dusters.
He ended the game in short pants and a tattered sleeveless shirt that he never bothered to button up. Considering his abilities at this point he didn't give a shit about weather, armor or even steel spikes under his bare feet.
The fact that he had enough influence to barge on many important meetings in such getup was a bonus that he really liked.
Do skintight spacesuits count as skimpy?
He's a feral worlder.
She breathes through her skin
Be ashamed of your words and deeds
She overheats in anything considered modest due to being hot blooded.
Also drops dead in tropical or desert regions.
Because as a God-Empress, she can.
No, because that would imply he is wearing anything at all.
Because he fucking can and it scares the neighbors that no one can stop him.
Because she is a flamboyant noble diplomancer with enough money to access basic magical physical and environmental protection allowing her to normally interact in the everyday 'Rio Carnival' that is the emperor's court.
Because it's the deep desert and simple but covering robes are really comfy. Also you can just yank them open when you want to bugger your first wife (male), and that's just convenient, by Allah
> Bitch, I'm fabulous.
Nothing intimidates the enemy like a naked screaming man covered in blood and sporting a massive battle boner.
First post best post
My Shadowrun character did so because she'd paid a lot for her cyberlegs and wanted to show them off.
She was also INT2, and someone had convinced her that corps can spy on people through RFID tags in underwear, so she didn't wear any.
>I do however collect art of sexy female fantasy characters.
Do share.
This thread seems appropriate enough for it.
Shadowrunner. Ginger, svelte, light muscle definition esp. her abs. wears her hair like Iria from Zeiram the Animation. Close Combat specialist with hand razors, and a cyber spike in her right knee. First worked as a stripper, got those enhancments as soon as she could afford them so she wouldn't need to wait for the bouncer to move if some ass got to handsy.
Wears a second skin line body suit. Supliments her shadowrun income with work at the club AND a matrix cam.
Why, you ask? youtube.com
Because he is a skeleton and doesn't give a shit about the sensibilities of fleshbags. The hat is stylich, and the shorts are enchanted with flight. That suffices.
Because that low-cut backless dress gives negative social dice when coupled with the right pheromones. Attraction is a biological thing you know.
Skimpy clothes have their use to destabilize or show self-confidence.
Not him, but here you go.
>The hat is stylich
Was that deliberate?
He comes from a race of crustaceans with basically no sexual dismorphism and no taboo against nudity.
He's also a cyborg and his new shell is thick enough that you need anti-tank weapons to hurt him, so he has no need to wear armor.
Gods created his body as perfect and he maintains it this way. It would be a blasphemy to cover too much of it with garments.
She's a hero and that's what heroes do.
Because she was a nezumi with barely enough material to her name to fashion rudimentary body coverings, and her only other possessions were an old katana and a propaganda picture-book about how samurai were there to protect the people.
>playing female characters as a male
>Playing anything but a straight white male human
Yeah, fuck imagination
Only tangentially related, but who does the design of those skimpy outfits? Do the heroes themselves come up with all those thongs and open vests and such? Does the blacksmith work with the local fashionista to make the most daring spiked pasties? Is there a council that decides on the most appropriate pauldron size?
Don't get me wrong, I love these kinds of getup, but after a recent discussion at the gaming table I can't help but wonder...
She doesn't. She's a Khajiit alchemist and is dressed in a heavy robe because winter in Leyawiin is fucking cold compared to Elsweyr
It's Exalted, everybody's downright invincible enough that they only need to be FABULOUS
If left to their own devices, women naturally dress like sluts. Obviously men don't really complain much
>implying male mind in female body isn't GOAT
it was a gift from her sensei Not!MasterRoshi. Also she likes how it gives her full range of motion.
Have you looked at the art for Cthulhutech? Everybody, of both genders, dresses like a slut
Because if he were back home, he'd be naked, but if he's going to make the concession of not eating people, he might as well make a few other minor concessions too.
Because I play in Scarred Lands where using Arcane magic generates significant heat. My character has a heavy overcoat that is easily shed, with significantly less covering "casting" clothes beneath.
She's a pit fighter, so it's a performance thing. In-universe fanservice, if you will.
Obviously women themselves does by cutting and sewing shapes out of their own wardrobe to give themselves a unique fashion.
He doesn't, but by god I'd love to have him to. Trying to keep the game's magical parameters to a minimum. :
There's nothing wrong with being white you fucking racist.
Because she likes to make dicks hard and show off hers
My character is literally a seductress. High cha ninja/mesmerist, my looks are another weapon.
please stay in a burqa and meld it to your skin
There's nothing wrong with being straight, asshole
>Implying that this isn't true.
>Implying shadow runners don't yank out any and all RFID's the moment they get their hands on any legal gear.
Because no one is willing to tell a Sorcerer that he can't wear what he wants.
Wizard or Druid, no question.
Because she's promiscuous, but most of my rolwplaying is done on F chat anyway
Who's the artist of these?
Because fellow party members were giving me too much shit for running around without it.
Dick Status: Muh
>Why does your character run around in a skimpy outfit, Veeky Forums? No dissertations on the hows and whys of fanservice in 21st century entertainment, just why does your particular character do it?
He likes the attention he gets
Despite always complaining about being mistaken for a girl
because its a bard / prostitute
her musical instrument is the skin flute
>Suspicious Bulge
There's nothing wrong with an attractive guy wanting to flaunt what he has anons
Because I'm an actual faggot who likes dudes.
Because her role model did it, and she wants to be just like her hero.
I don't, plate mail and full face helms are my fetish.
You know that's literally Link from Zelda, right? He gets a Gerudo outfit at one point in the latest game.
user pls
>implying that's not why he said "Dick Status: Muh"
There's nothing wrong with being male, cunt.
She likes freedom of movement without too much clothes so she wears lightweight skinbreathing revealing clothes charmed for damage resistance.
He's ripped as fuck cuz
My character is a pit fighter too, but now he's top level, so he wears a white and extravagant skin coat
What's the matter user?
Got a source on these?
Mine doesn't. It's stark naked.
Because it's my Male Power Fantasy.
it's in the file names
Is that the Blue Water?
It's 2017, user.
Being a gay is fashionable now.
I mean, sometimes she covers up. Depends on where they are. But her armor is kinda literally chainmail bikini tier. Still better than it used to be.
>playing athlete as a skinny
>playing non-human as a human
>playing someone with different appearance/status/traits than you as a yourself
>Why does your character run around in a skimpy outfit, Veeky Forums?
Because she was captured by slavers, and when her party rescued her, they decided to leave her shock collar on.
Skin is too constricting
ranger a best.
Danbooru, under the tag gerudo link
MFW there is actually a tag for just this
That blonde chick is THUUUUUUUURSTY
Wew user, thanks.
You're surprised that a specific outfit/look has a specific tag?
It's either the best or second best thing (just behind muscleGerudos) to come out of that game, I'm not sure which
>not showing your wealth and self confidence by dressing in the most expensive fabric, and using an excess of that fabric
>because you can
Are men really so stupid that showing a boob or a thigh is going to sway them into favoring your new ideas for the kingdom more?
Also, there's plenty of covering clothing that offers 'freedom of movement'. They're called pants and a shirt. And they're great for keeping dirt and grime out of your vagina/out from under your no doubt heaving tits.
I'm the GM, and all of my NPCs are naked under their clothes.
>body is sinful
>excess of fabric as good taste
>mostly ugly and (ultra)uncomfortable clothes
Ancient Egiptyans don't know about "you must cover you body" and have over ways to show the power.
Greeks believed "Beatiful = good"
Also some barbarians don't bother about "mud on my ponos".
I'm a Forever DM but the last character with skimpy clothing was a male blue dragon with a bunch of bangles and magic jewelry attached. Not a lewd thing, it's just a way to wear human sized magical trinkets. Can't wear non-conductive materials for long, or the blue dragon's natural electricity will burn them.
because as the fighter in the party, I am the one who gets into melee range, and I'm the one who gets eaten by the big nasty whatever we are fighting this week. And while _I_ may be able to survive being swallowed whole, my clothing can not. The less I wear, the less I have to replace.
And it makes me feel pretty.
>And while _I_ may be able to survive being swallowed whole, my clothing can not.
Is this a common occurrence or something?