Listening to David Bowie while writing a campaign setting.
Any tips for how to handle an emotional story with human PC's and truly "alien" extraterrestrials?
Listening to David Bowie while writing a campaign setting.
Any tips for how to handle an emotional story with human PC's and truly "alien" extraterrestrials?
Other urls found in this thread:
District 9
District 9
District 9
District 9
The Ninth District
Step 1: Give aliens some human qualities
Step 2: Give them unsettling, freakish qualities that are odd to almost every human culture on the planet
Step 3: Divide humans based on their treatment of the aliens, this creates conflict
Step 4: District 9
Story of your life.
District 9
Watch The Man Who Fell To Earth
Read Perdido Street Station
Quartier Neuf
The most hilarious thing about all the district nine replies is that i'm pretty sure none of them are repeat comments.
Also watch district 9, user.
>david bowie
they kill each other since both races are truly 'alien' to each other and hence can't understand each other.
There is a very early Terry Pratchett novel (pre-discworld) called Strata, about a human that goes on an adventure with two aliens. There's a bit in there that leads the human character to realise that while the aliens can approximate an understanding of human concepts, and vice versa, no matter how superficially similar they can pretend to be under the surface there is a vast, unbridgeable gulf of understanding.
also District 9.
The aliens and the humans can't communicate on any level except for one: it's clear that the aliens are in extreme pain due to some strange malady. The humans, in an attempt to establish a symbiotic relationship, try to treat the aliens for this malady to no avail. The humans take the aliens docility towards their experimental treatments as consent, when really it is an alien defense mechanism- they shut down when they are threatened, then retaliate when they feel they no longer are.
The aliens then are led to believe that it's the humans and their treatments that are causing the illness, and they wage war against the humans- except for those who already being held "captive". The humans do not understand why until they put two and two together, and are divided between factions that want to exterminate the aliens and those who put up minimal resistance to the aliens' attacks and continue to attempt to establish peaceful contact. The peaceful faction is further divided between those who release the "captive" aliens in order to establish peaceful intent, and those who continue to conduct experiments on them for "the greater good", in a feverish attempt to find a cure so that they can prove to the aliens once and for all that they're trying to help them.
Either the aliens win, and humanity is wiped out, the reactionary humans win, and the aliens are wiped out, the "releaser" subdivision of the peaceful faction manages to establish communication, and perhaps find a cure via that communication, or the "experimenter" subdivision of the peaceful faction manages to find a cure and help all of the aliens so we can be friends.
Such autism
Bowie wasn't even truly gay, he considered himself a "closet heterosexual" in his later years.
There is a starman in the sky
Try this user
Its called "Alive In Joburg" It's made by Neil Blomkamp
Nice triple
Gonna post some human starfish alien friendship
ok this is seriously cute
This is adorable, and its really gets the old synapses firing.
Wouldn't it be cool if there was a setting where humans and "squid aliens" (or whatever you call that creature) live together. PC's are all human teenagers who have squid counterpart friends/allies when their Seed Spaceship gets attacked and lost in "uninhabited" space.
Cue a quest for survival with two different species that can only communicate through mental images transmitted via brain-hat things.
Would you exclude Freddie Mercury or Tchaikovsky to /lgbt/?
If so I'm sorry you're missing out on some pretty great music.
Or, alternatively
>aliens and humans are raised together in pairs since childhood, and through some sciency technique they gain a telepathic link that allows them to communicate
>these pairs prove immensely helpful to both the human governments and the alien worlds, as now you have an entire population of human/alien groups that can translate for either side and make serious progress in interspecies cooperation
And in good time too, because there is an outside threat that is ready to destroy both species. Maybe machines or some other alien species or something
Adding to this, the human-alien pairs develop such a deep mental and social link from birth that they eventually become mutually attracted during their adolescent phase and fuck each others brains out
David Bowie might be gay, but you're a faggot.
Wait no
I don't know if I'd go that far. But I could definitely see cross species sexual urges as a side effect of the"telepathy"
>Human has an incredible urge to suck on some antennae
>Alien really wants to bury it's muzzle in some human tits.
Would be pretty hilarious if the pair is not physically compatible whatsoever, so the heroes are all permanently sexually frustrated
>"squid aliens"
They are called Birrin
Whey is the xeno-baby nude and why is the doll not a hybrid doll?
No one can stop me
To be honest, if they are alien aliens, that's how it should be. Humans can't really have mutually satisfactory sex with most of the animals on earth. The chances of having interlocking genitals with an alien species is very low.
Human imperialism.
>CIS White Males still fucking it up for everybody.
Does someone have more picture with the same theme?
I mean, I guess the humans could just sorta... I dunno, rub themselves on them. The aliens cold do whatever their equivalent of that would be.
You underestimate my power
Depending on just how weird the genitals are you could always have simulated strapon/fleshlight sex.
It's up to you if you make the setting.
Personally if you're going to throw out realism, I'd just go for sexy green girls with huge gravity defying tits.
I really like this pic, because it makes me picture a lovecraftian story like the mountains of madness seventy to one hundred years down the line having followed the same arc as the science that lovecraft was inspired by. They learned that the incomprehensible horrors from beyond the stars, innumerable and vast, were only incomprehensible because we didn't know what was going on, and now we see shoggoths in nature documentaries.
No. More starfish alien-human friendship. Some good scenes with human and really alien-aliens.
gays are faggots, the subhuman type of fags that need to be sent to death camps
im pretty confident that all "evidence" of tchaikovski being gay is forged
Well posthuman.
Fucking awesome comeback.
Did that alien appear in anything else? Or did 343 just forget about him?
You know mentally challenged people were sent to the camps too? So you'll be there before any gay.
Go back to user, you're drunk.
>anything I don't like is /pol/
>saying certain groups of people need to be sent to death camps is not politically incorrect
Good double.
Engineers were in Reach too, but I don't remember them in 4. Waste of a good design imo
why are the barrels gone
That film that they scrapped a Halo adaptation to make
District 9
Arby's. Roast beef sale.
My favorite depiction of aliens is the "The Gods Themselves" of Isaac Asimov. Not saying it's the best, just my favorite.
This might be more helpful though. Basket skeletons, electric senses, magnetic organs producing iron pincers, gravity-powered lifeforms, self-cloning with mutations derived from digested material, the whole chapters 20 and 22.
>self-cloning with mutations derived from digested material
Actually scratch that, it already happens on Earth.
Have some of mine.
>The cosmic Slav
The recent film arrival touches on this. It's a pretty dam good film.
Drop what you're doing and go read Solaris now.
His son made the Warcraft Movie, remember?
It's just a damn good sci-fi in general. Really like the focus on communication over action in a first contact movie.
I think in lore he was one of the main engineers behind the infinty's engines but he hasn't appeared again in the games to my knowledge
>man who fell to earth
Added bonus: you get to see Rip Torn's penis
>Listening to David Bowie while writing a campaign setting.
I don't have anything to contribute, but I congratulate your musical tastes.
Didn't his son also made "Moon"?
>Anything I don't like
>Saying gays should be sent to death camps.
You went full hilter, user. Never go full hitler.
Generally speaking, what are some things that Veeky Forums anons should be encouraged to go full?
Not full hitler, obviously, but tell me what full ____'s I should go.
Go full loyal