Alright Veeky Forums, I might as well tell someone this story.
>be me
>have D&D 5e starter set since Christmas
>never use it up until this day because lack of people
>friend arrives for a sleepover
>brother insists we use the set, and that he would be DM
>see a catastrophe coming from a mile away, considering only 2 PCs
>roll with it anyways because why not
>we are asked to name our characters
>friend chooses Titan, and does a weird, indescribable accent when in character
>think for a while, but eventually settle on... Joji.
>friend and brother chuckle under their breath
>unleash top-notch Papa Franku impersonation
>friend and brother laugh their asses off
>with that all set, we were ready to get our asses handed to us
>mfw brother let me be Papa Franku
>we are on a caravan...
Story time: first D&D campaign
>be me
Who else would you be moron?
Shut up, there isn't enough storyline on to nowadays
people like you are why people use it you buttweasel
>posting on Veeky Forums when you're still a newfag
Lurk moar.
how you settling in round here?
>Tfw I realized I got baited and was followed by even more people
>>be me
Nvm there are idiots who don't know green text format
>still lurking in the thread waiting for replies
You probably didn't get baited. Some newfags think
>be me
originated on reddit because that's where they first saw it.
This is bait, right?
OP what the fuck?
I'm guessing you DIDN'T get the pussy that night.
Damn straight I'll take that fucking low hanging fruit.
How did the campaign go from there
>be me
>playing 5th edition
>sleepovers? (i'm assuming you at least 16)
>papa franku
You have to be 18 to post here.
>they don't organize grown ass men sleepovers to play a long ass session
I'd argue that only newfags still use it.
>Be me
Was out of style in most boards four years ago.
Hi Facebook. Not even reddit is that stupid.
I can't speak for other people, but I've definitely used it as bait before.
You're not wrong, but pointing out it doesn't make sense is even less hip than using it.
Implanting the idea that "getting (you)s means you're trolling even if you act like a retard!" is the greatest trolling of our time, as it has led thousands on the path of making fools of themselves.
Think about it this way: Our society conditions people to call out other people when they perform a socially unacceptable action, this in turn makes the ones called out become self conscious and thus desist their foolish behavior. This also applies to to other social gatherings, such as image boards, where you often learn your etiquette by observing which kinds of posts are ridiculed.
Now, comes the good part. By implanting the idea that you're doing a right thing ("trolling") when people tell you that you are acting foolish or outside the expected etiquette, you will continue to act like a retard regardless of the negative feedback; this leads to the affected party becoming more and more of a fool as time goes on and he refuses to acknowledge the expectations of others.
Truly some elder god tier trolling. Where did it even start?
>"papa franku"
This HAS to be bait
[s] Please be bait [/s]
The ol' "Haha I was only pretending to be a retard" bit
>unleash top-notch Papa Franku impersonation
cringy af, and he definitely would not be a fighter
>New to 4e
>dragged into it with a friend
>skimmed over the books
>Think monks are pretty cool since they don't need no weapons
>Previously played 5e so assumed hp are the same
>Look around and realize that I have 12 hp, the wizard has 22 hp
>Figure I just didn't put enough in cont and roll with it, also did not want to hold the game up too much asking others
>we start with no equipment and in a cage
>thief breaks us out
>orcs that were transporting us tries to stop us from getting to our equipment
>Bitch I am a fucking monk I dont need no equipment
>go ham on them
>we by the river
>jump into the river
>dragons tail that ass of an orc
>now it is he who falls into the river
> flurry of bows bitches slide the other orc into the river
>DM reveals the river was crocodile infested
>orcs in the river dead as fuk
>rest of the party get their shit together
>have gone through three orcs already by kiting them to the river
>one left and some tribesmen
>encounter ends
>cleric ask who needs heals
>I do
>they then tell me I have to low of an HP
>they tell me that I should have gotten 26 hp
>dispute that
>Realize I am an idiot, and the DM punishes me by keeping my HP at 12
>such is life in the zone
> go on to die the next session because I wouldn't give rope to my friend
>crie every tiem