What are some series/settings that would make for a decent tabletop?
Pic semi related
What are some series/settings that would make for a decent tabletop?
Pic semi related
I'm quite fond of PA's The Eyrewood and its inhabitants.
Good thing the game is on it's way, looking forward to it!
I think a good Elder Scrolls RPG would be fun, it done well.
Go play D&D, then. It's where all the slobbering Skyrim fans go, thinking that D&D is a way for them to let out their autistic video game tendencies on a DM's world and plot and fuck up the game for everyone else playing by doing "LMAO I rob the guard natural 20 NATURAL 20" shenanigans.
Skyrim players are among the worst D&D players I've ever encountered, closely followed by Dark Scrolls faggots. Really, any video-game-playing twat who comes to RPGs because he thinks it's going to be like Diablo, needs to get fucked. They come in with this mindset that it's going to be just as fast and entertaining as their video game and also centered around them. These fuckers are usually the type to bring their phones and play stupid-ass meme videos while I am trying to talk. They also have motherfucking ADHD and cannot shut the fuck up for more than two minutes without mentioning some anime or making a reference to the latest episode of whatever, completely ignoring the fact that the DM is talking. You know why? Because these twits sit in front of a computer 10 hours a day, jamming their keyboard and drinking Mountain Dew until their fucking hearts explode. Then they come to RPGs and expect the same fucking type of mental stimulation, and when they don't get it they become a fucking menace to the entire table. And you can say "well just make a no phones rule" or "be a more assertive speaker" or some other bullshit nonce advice for pussies with confrontation issues. When in reality what you need to start doing is outright removing these people from your playgroup. Take them aside and give them one warning: this isn't motherfucking Oblivion, this isn't motherfucking Diablo, this isn't motherfucking Dark Soul, this isn't motherfucking World of War-Crap. This is a TTRPG. And if they have an issue with it, and play their stupid skyrim meme videos again, you kick them out of your house and don't give them a ride home like you promised to earlier.
did someone piss on your cheerios user holy shit
check out they have an unofficial system
i think it's unfinished but who gives a shit
Is this a new pasta
Are you describing 2015 me?
Because it sounds like you're describing 2015 me.
>One Piece
>Hunter X Hunter
>Wonderful 101
Samurai Jack
Fucking Deltora.
>original races and monsters
>all-martial parties
>arbitrary amount of long-forgotten dungeons
>weird eldritch magic system
>main villain established as loving both fiendishly complicated plans-within-plans and random trappery
Maybe I could steal someone's OSRPG to run it.
holy shit kek
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Bards College of Skyrim, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Stormcloacks, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in Destruction magic and I’m the top companion in all of Jorvasker. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with Thums the likes of which has never been seen before in Tamriel, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Thalmor spies across Tamriel and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the scroll, maggot. The elder scroll that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I have shouts that can put me anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you with over seven hundred perks, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the smithing and enchanting constellation and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you from the ALMIGHTY TALOS, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn milk drinker. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Put me in the screencap.
What screencap? Is that what is screencap worthy now? Making a post calling out the blatantly shitty players that are being absorbed into the RPG community these days? I'm sorry but if you actually think it's okay that our fanbase is being filled with roasties who can't figure out which die is the d8 after eight months in the campaign, autistics who try to inject stuff they learned from Critical Roll into every campaign, and vidya autistics who build characters based off of their character in Dark Scrolls, then proceed to play D&D like it's a video game and make constant references to said video game, in-game and sometimes even in-charcter, then you are literally insane. And no, "it doesn't happen in MY game" is not an excuse, Chamberlain, because the entire hobby being laid to waste because you are too much of a pussy to stand up for what RPGs are about, is not a desirable or acceptable outcome.
Veeky Forums has declined
Someone's mad.
If your players can't tell which dice they need to use then maybe you've failed as a teacher. Take a look at yourself, someone who comes off as 'That GM' pretty quickly, and see if maybe you're the one ruining things.
Veeky Forums has changed.
>If your players can't tell which dice they need to use then maybe you've failed as a teacher.
I'm not the DM, fuckface. This is something I observe on a daily basis at my local game store. Chicks with Bazinga T-shirts and dudes talking about microbrews. They play Cards Against Humanity one table down from D&D and the playgroups mingle. That's how we end up with stupid ridiculous shit in our D&D campagns because these ADHD fucktards think that that is the point of the game: to laugh hysterically at stupid bullshit. They don't care about creating a story. They don't care about the game. They don't care about the chargen metagame (which has been removed from D&D 5e by Merals because he wants people posting their latest epic nat20 story online, rather than discussing interesting character builds). They don't care about anything except hijacking your game for fun. And you welcome them with open arms, because you are too scared not to and you think any form of exclusion is evil, pursuant to #2 of the geek social fallacies that are proving more and more damningly true with every passing day.
Thu'um is singular. Thu'umme is plural.
Pretty stoked about that.
Then don't play it with them? There's absolutely nothing forcing you to let them join, or have you play a game with them. Nothing but you.
no need to thank me
The entire point of literally any game is to have fun.
If you don't have fun with them, get some friends together and play a super serious rules lawyer hardcore game, you fucking sperg.
People having fun in a way you don't like sure does piss you off.
>The entire point of literally any game is to have fun.
> If you don't have fun with them, get some friends together and play a super serious rules lawyer hardcore game, you fucking sperg.
False dichotomy.
> People having fun in a way you don't like sure does piss you off.
False classification.
No, faggot, there's more to games than just having fun. If the only point of TTRPGs was fun, no one would play them, because there are dozens of things to do instead that are a lot more "fun" than TTRPGs. But, you're a fucking normie hipster who can't understand why anyone would do anything for any reason but pure pleasure and hedonism, so I guess explaining it to you would be a waste of time.
deus vult
Yep. Looks like Dungeons and Dragons has finally cemented its place as a containment RPG.
It's not like this wasn't already a thing. Ever since third edition came out the trend was already starting. Fourth edition came with the popularity surge of The Big Bang Theory which resulted in a spike in sales, which was not enough to save 4e's badly-written mechanics.
Fifth edition was specifically watered down to be palatable both to grognards (who do not rely on the active D&D community nor do they need a new ruleset, thus this pandering was stupid) and to normies, who flocked to the game in great masses thanks to the game's appearance on two terrible TV shows (Stranger Things and Big Bang Theory). Also, the prevalence of Critical Role podcast created quite a lot of love for D&D, which found itself inundated by waves of new players. Wizards of the Coast saw sales skyrocketing, giving them the false message that dumbing down the game represented an improvement in game design (though they did streamline many of the mechanics, which *was* a good thing). As a result, Wizards is very happy with this diluting of the Dungeons and Dragons fanbase. Veeky Forums has also deluded itself into thinking this influx of players is a good thing. This lack of foresight is to be expected.
D&D is now the containment RPG. It keeps the dumb-ass Skyrim addicts and the brain-dead hipster roasties who can't even figure out which die to roll, out of the good RPGs. Which is sad, because D&D, despite being shit in many small ways, was overall a very fun and enjoyable roleplaying game. It was structured that way. However, the fanbase it is now attracting is making it intolerable, and the way said fanbase is guiding the mechanics is a direction that would make a game like Dungeon World seem sophisticated.
So, in short, D&D is dead, but thank god for its existence.
Tell me, my son, what is your ideal group, setting and campaign? Assuming this is D&D also state your preferred edition.
Pic related would be amazing
The better webcomics would probably work
I.E. Kill six billions demons; paranatural; Stand still, Stay Silent
"Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon" would be a great one....provided you were only able to play as a god.
I don't know when the style came about to make half the characters look like rudolf the very alcoholic rednosed reindeer, but it looks so fucking stupid and can't go away soon enough.
Have a reaction image you tremendous faggot you.
>save 4e's badly-written mechanics.
That couldn't be possibly be more wrong.
4e had very simple and well written mechanics that are easy to explain and understand. That was actually the problem. The game was written with the player in mind instead of the character. 98% of the game was just mechanics and gamist and there was zero assumption of not playing a tacticool perfectly balanced boardgame. It was also supposed to come out with a virtual tabletop system that never materialized. Those are the reasons why it flopped, and no other.
That person is completely right, though.
"Fun" doesn't mean anything because it is so vague and subjective, it's like someone asking about why they should play D&D and you jsut say "it's fun."
Well so what? It doesn't mean shit.
i bet your popular at parties you complete ass.
not everyone is going to be able to eloquently describe why they enjoy a game, if it's fun it's fun, there doesn't need to be any more to it.
The Witcher.
Song of ice and fire.
Star wars.
Mass effect.
Assassin's Creed.
5th century Britain.
9th century Scandinavia.
15th century Italy.
17th century France.
>Muh Vidya players killing the hobby
So much paranoid butthurt nonsense.
This pasta has never been funny.
Dude where you getting these pastas?
Butthurt grog with a phobia of women confirmed.
Well memed, my good sir or madam.
>He plays with rando casual lulzgamers.
There's your problem.
>Make friends with people you like.
>Game with them.
>Meet many gamers.
>Hang onto the ones you actually like, and game with them.
>He goes out of his way to play games he doesn't enjoy
Really? For what purpose?
Did I accidentally get linked to an archive or time machine?
Because this feels like a good ol' fashion Virt thread, minus the tripcode floating above the wall of sperg text
Also, bad initial PR, alienating their For customers (who bought a lot of shit and played dnd largely as the "forgotten realms rpg"), and pissing off a bunch ore players by revoking access to all purchased RPG PDFs on dtrpg.
I thought captchas were supposed to stop these guys.
>Dark Scrolls
oh fuck this is a great post
Ignoring the autistic screeching...
I'm not talking about the video games faggot, I'm talking about the setting. I'm not talking about playing the Nereverine, or Dragonborn. I'm talking about playing an orc priest of Stendarr, a dunmer ashland scout, an oimperial battlemage & an argonian shadowscale, getting paid to fuck off to loot a dwemer ruin or some shit. Just because it's a game doesn't mean it can't be a setting as well.
If i mentioned Wheel of Time would you shitpost about everyone expecting to be the Dragon Reborn?
Or how about X-COM? Would you sit & screech about how people would want to follow asinine tech trees instead of just handling equipment like a traditional ttrpgs? Cause thats not how things work. I suggested a fucking setting, not rules. I never stated one fucking opinion on mechanics, or system. Look at 40 fucking K do you think it would have made sense to make the rpgs just like the wargame? Hell fucking no. Only a fucking retard would think that. You adapt the setting material to reflect general ideas of RPG design.
So maybe calm the fuck down.
The Witcher doesn't have an RPG based on it? Weird.
You know what, I can totally see this working -- it's essentially Mouse Guard, but EVEN SMALLER (and far grimmer.)
Dogscape could be interesting on tabletop.
Except it's not nonsense, these twats are infesting the hobby and corrupting it.
The difference is that Skyrim players are known for being Mtn Dew chugging ADHD morons because of how popular Skyrim is compared to XCOM. And what the fuck does Wheel of Time have to do with it?
Skyrim is a terrible fucking setting and if you made an RPG for it of course the Skyrim players would flood it with their autism so what I said is relevant.
Name one single thing good or unique about the Skyrim setting. I'll wait.
Not him, but the Elder Scrolls universe has all sorts of heinous gnostic fuckery. Just take a look at any of the stuff involving the Dunmer cosmology or the Dwemer.
First off, it's the Elderscrolls. Secondly, if you actually played any other game in the series or read the lore, you could point out numerous unique things. One example, an elven race having two different cultures. These would be the dunmer, who have the Ashlanders and the house elves, which are ruled by Hlaalu, Redoran, and Telvani.
confirmed to have never played any of the games
Not fucking Skyrim. I actually hate most of that Nord crap. I'm talking about the Elder Scrolls more along the lines of old school Morrowind or Arena, just the lore of the Elves is cool. You have them all starting out as one race but then some get fucked into being orcs because the Elven god of strength & war was literally eaten & shat out by another godlike being. Then the Dwemer (my favorite) invent all this suedo-magical steampunk stuff then tinker with the remains of a dead god & just fucking vanish. The entire race not just the ones fucking with shit. You have weird lizardfolk who may or may not come from swamp trees. Silent gods & powerful demonic princes. Disappearing islands, unknown gods, civilization surounded by wilderness full of the ruins of several old empires/nations/cultures. It has a world that actually has migration of different peoples & culture instead of, This is the human land, it has always been human, this is the elf forest that has always been elven. Humans thankfully come in different flavors other than just skintone. All kinds of stuff.
It sounds like your games are shitty because you're an autist with no friends lol
>The entire point of literally any game is to have fun.
kek stopped reading there.
I like your autism.
Read it in Kiefer Sutherland's voice
Id love to play some sort of game as Knights Radiant of the Stormlight Archive books
Seconding that idea.
Charter Magic seems to be perfect for a system in a tabletop or video game, chaining words together to write out your spells.
Free Magic is a lot of 'fuck you i do what i want' dice that you spend and then hope you recover or don't burn yourself too badly with.
Necromancy bells are just awesome, awesome, awesome.
It does, I've seen it make the rounds here I think.
I'm definitely saving it.
The Witcher, ASOIAF, Star Wars, Azeroth have RPG's, even multiple editions and games. The historical settings do as well.
I can see this being fun from a min-maxing standpoint, building up your armor and the like. But in practice? Lots of book keeping, mapping out things, tons of DM work for possibly little follow through.
It has potential, but it would take a lot. Though you can do awesome things with storytelling in any format, pic related. Which I would play the fuck out of.
I am aware of them, not all the historical times do have games.
But yes. Some of the franchises on the list have RPGs.
The Witcher RPG is not available in English (there's an unfinished fan translation). There is one forthcoming, but it's not out yet.
The others you listed all have actual games to back them up.
It has one. It's Polish only. Some people attempted a fan translation, but they abandoned the project.
CD projekt red contracted one out to R. Talsorian games, but it's not out yet.
Well it's CDPR, it'll be a while but it'll be amazing.
Pic related is the most obvious.
I can't tell if this a joke or for real autistic screeching, but holy shit I laughed hard as fuck anyway.
We'll see. CDPR is generally amazing, Talsorian not necessarily.
Isn't Abaddon from Kill Six Billion Demons working on an RPG to go with the comic? I wish I had an image of the art but I'd really like that as a setting, preferably before the War and preferably when the demiurges start showing up. Also nowhere near Allison and her troupe.
>not everyone is going to be able to eloquently describe why they enjoy things
These people should be killed off for failing the education system then.
The Dark Tower, unfortunately it's a little too obscure to run it with just anyone, and it's a weird setting so I find it hard to sell people on it.
>tfw you will never venture through the ruins of Gilead that was
>tfw you will never take what seems to be your final stand against a horde of slow mutants in a dim cave, back to back with your ka-tet
>tfw you will never meet a recurring npc, sometimes villain, sometimes trickster ally, a dark man that darkles and tincts.
Shame on you all for forgetting something with the most potential.
Killing Floor
Don't you like LOADSA EMONE?