Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Tyranids are shit, edition.

>Dank Daily Duncan is not dead, the meme will live on

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android.

>40k rules reference in wiki format. 300% organized, apparently.

>Latest GW teases

>Latest GW FAQs. They're really fired up!

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>List organizer picture book, please ask us about it anyway

>Offline list builder

>Forge World Book Index:

>The Black Library (Now with more daemons)

Other urls found in this thread:


I want tau players to stop posting lists that are meant to be triggering but always overload on giant suits and don't give them the markerlight support they want.

First for the valhallan ice warriors regiment

1st for Neo-Shooter

First for retcons in the new Age of Emprah.

>inb4 reborn emperor and a secret army of millions of his new sigmarin...I mean custodes will be the new standard Imperial force and tabletop meta.

We still have no legit information about the new edition yet, right? Is it even confirmed for the summer or just rumor?

I want 8e and new rules so I can start a Nids army and play Kill Team


SoB Represent!

That sounds badass honestly, and the best part is whfb still isn't ever coming back

Nice tailored anti-grav list, fucking powergaming taufaggot.

>tfw Krootox autocannons kill Goatse Dragons

you're not as funny as you think you are and we're looking forward to another thread of your epic dank meme

There's an all-managers meeting in early May, and staff aren't allowed to book holidayes for the first few weeks of June. Last time that happened was 7th ed launch.

Many signs point to June this year

So you're right, I did post this last thread. But that's because the list is something I've had for a while. It's a blast to play. I don't care much for suits.

I like muh boids.

i hate myself and want to die

but especially want the daemons to die

We had 5 tables:
1 footslogging csm vs footslogging imperium, was pretty fluffy and friendly. Abaddon our warlord survived.
2 necrons vs bt and sisters. Their warlord Celestine fucking died, guy ragequited turn 3.
3 daemons and warhound titans vs 30k marines, marines got raped.
4 tau and ig vs wolf power player(its always fucking wolfs) i got hit bad, because i was fighting 30k marines and wolfs, but held the fucking line. We threw everything we got at cavalry, and he couldn't get to our surges and taunar.
5 tau tyranids vs space marines. I don't know what sm was doing. He bought a lot buildings, and tried to hide from tau, but still got fucked hard.
We won turn 4.

>get fed up with playing Orks in 40k
>play them in AoS
>get btfo'd by naked orks

Why the fuck is this allowed?

Too bad fielding Grey Knights buffs your opponent, now.

GW are fucks.


Orks in AoS seem decent though


Still look cool though

>he has more than 5 krootox and kroot hounds

Post pic

Seconding this. I would love to see them. I'm a huge Kroot fan ever since the Chapter Approved army.

Kroot are the dumbest sub faction. People only like them because they're not Tau.


But they are Tau. Any member of the empire is Tau

Sicarian infiltrators or 5 vanguard with an arc rifle and 5 rangers with an arquebus for killteam. It'll be my first few 40k games by the way,

It's an optional rule both players need to agree upon.


New rules that turns the opponents warlord into a fuckmachine killertron mark X demon so you can actually use your demonbane crap

What fucknuts failed to mention is this rule is only in effect if both players agree on it

f magnus removes robs last wound on a six, then rupert rolls a 4 on his next turn and comes back to life, can rowboat googleyeyes fight his own spawn?

Does anyone have a link to the Traitor Legions supplement PDF?

These rumors have been confirmed by the most reliable rumor mongers

Ghoulman blood "bigger"marines in MK10 armor - 40K Stormcast Eternals

And empyric storms ruined the whole game because they're mandatory and you have to use them in every game now right?


wait did they skip a mark?

>ignoring green exorcist

Guilliman confirmed for Tau



Imperium: IG, Ordo Shit, Grey Knights, Space Marines, Sisters, Blood Angels, Black Templars, Dark Angels, Space Wolves, AdMech, Death Watch *NEW FACTIONS: Ultramarines, Iron Hands*

Aeldari: Eldar, Dark Eldar, Harlequins, Ynarri

Xenos: Tau, Orks, Necrons, Tyranids, Genestealer Cult *NEW FACTIONS: Snakebitez Klan, Fire Caste*

Chaos: Khorne (World Eaters), Nurgle (Death Guard), Tzeentch (Thousand Sons), Slaanesh (Emperor's Children), Chaos Space Marines, Daemons of Chaos *NEW FACTIONS: Abaddon's 13th Crusade, Iron Warriors, Night Lords*

Probably because Mk X looks better for marketing than Mk IX....because 'X's are cool..I guess.

Same reason we got two 13th Black Crusades instead of a 14th.

>New uber-marines


So... Sigmarines...

Oh sweet jesus this is gonna be so fucking bad.

Had a game today, 2150pts 2v2. Our Eldar vs Black Templars and Grey Knights. Needless to say, we kerbstomped the Marines, my Striking Scorpions alone solo'd a TH/SS termie squad with attached Chaplain. Is there a fixed Eldar fandex, like there is for Orks by SpaceOdin? Sick of winning so easily, I want a fun narrative game where both sides can win equally. I was originally going to buy my next units based on the outcome of the battle, but because I win everytime there's no real choice involved. And I'm a newbie player, and was playing against 2 guys that had 4+ years experience on me each, what the fuck. I knew the balance was bad, but this bad? Jesus christ, I feel guilty as hell whenever I play. Would allying in a weaker army even things up a bit? Any suggestions for houserules? D weapons seem utterly broken, I just delete stuff off the board, is there some rule I'm missing where they aren't as good as they seem? Why can I shoot then assualt but no-one else can?


Got a slow grow league coming up. How does this look? I know there's not much that can be done for 500 points, but at least being NL I get some raptors as troops. I'm hoping my Autocannons show up in time for the next bump to 750. Otherwise, I can use Missiles from HH.

They're not doing this.

First of all, it doesn't even make sense, because Aeldari ARE Xenos, and secondly, even GW is not retarded enough to make Tyranids ally with other races that aren't GSC, or have Necron Genestealer Cults, or any of that dumb shit.

Are there rumours of new Astra Militarum stuff along with 8th ed?

Wondering if I should hold off buying stuff at the moment, maybe just stick to kill team games.

>>Dank Daily Duncan is not dead, the meme will live on

Fuck you. :/

>Veeky Forums have been asking for more diverse marine models for years
>act pissed when it's confirmed that a new type of marine army is coming.

Even if that were all true, would it really prevent you from having fun with your little plastic toy soldiers?

gw shill force is here

>Veeky Forums
>liking anything
With the amount of bitching over nothing on this website, I would have to assume that at least half the posters here are women

There is a difference between some new armor and a model that pushes the scale up further with some added mary sue bullshit on top.

I would probably quit 40k if they turned Tyranids into Zerg, yeah.

>There is a difference between some new armor and a model that pushes the scale up further

Deathwatch and Rubric Marines are already taller than regular Marines.

Kek, poorfag/10. Fucking 50% of that photo is unpainted too, holy shit. If I had a Cheetah image, I'd post it.

>more diverse marine models

I want more diverse models/armies.

There are enough marines. If you disagree, there is an entire game system in the form of 30k specifically for people who want the entire setting to be SPEHS MUHREENS

Having the hive mind ally with anybody not a tyrannid or genestealer would be the worst.

It would be like adepta soriritas helping nurgle.

No. 30k is not enough.

>that absolutely dire rock scenery peice

>oto is un
gochu covered senpai

30k is actually going to keep the current 30k rules while 40k goes into the direction of an AoS style of game.

Well we know how GW will handle things thanks to AoS.

Sure the old Empire stuff is "there" but all the focus is on the gold armored faggots

Yeah, fuck 'em.
Custodes came out and suddenly Marines were manlets.

But would it be an insurpassable mountain that physically prevents you from rolling dice and pretending little painted toys are killing each other?

I mean, Custodes were always greater in the fluff though.

So what will happen to the guard?

Sometimes I feel like GW decision makers don't understand their fanbase at all.


>Cutting stuff of the sprues
>A piece pings off and flies away onto the floor
>my room has a dark grey carpet
>mfw I play Dark Eldar

I...it's fine, I love wearing shoes indoors..

Manlets. When will they learn?

I haven't heard any. I'll be honest, I highly doubt they'll get anything new beyond one new miniature and maybe a formation. They didn't even get anything when their iconic planet fell in Fall of Cadia. They don't sell well and are expensive to buy, monotonous to paint, and they aren't great on the tabletop. They are the imperial NPC race that are only there to be saved by superhumans and angels.

>setting already has Grey Knights
>setting already has Custodes
>Marines are already supposed to be far more elite compared to normal humans than they are modelled or statted as
>but no, we have to literally invent another, even more uber, type of marine
>Imperium somehow always had the capability to just suddenly do this, Guilliman was in stasis and they could have taken samples at any time, but they didn't
>Meanwhile Imperial Guard still need to be updated badly
>Deathwatch were just released but will be immediately forgotten
>Chaos are going to get shafted and get nothing like this
>Existing Space Marines that have been lovingly collected for decades and have roots in the lore going back to the earliest editions are now going to be an afterthought

I'm trying not to jump the gun here before we learn more but GWs track record is pretty goddamn awful and this looks like it could quite honestly be the worst thing to ever happen to this franchise.

Why not just make a 40K Custodes army instead of Girlyman's semen marines
They are even gold

Power from pain, dude. You aren't some sort of craftworlder bitch are you?

Because they're so top-heavy?

>Why not just make a 40K Custodes army

Custodes are gay as fuck.

Incorporated into the Guillimarines codex as disposable cannon fodder.

>Sometimes I feel like GW decision makers don't understand their fanbase at all.

the fanbase will eat these up

just like they did Dreadknights, Centurions and everything else the people online thought was silly

Don't worry.

Draigo will be promoted to Warp Emperor and Primarch of the new Grey Knights Legion and the Reborn Emperor/Star Child can rediscover how to make Custodes or Valdor clones (and maybe make Valdor T6 or T7).

If the Guilly Marines get boring and they need more mary sue snowflakes to sell.

>They are the imperial NPC race that are only there to be saved by superhumans and angels.

It would create a massive rift in the community between newfags who the old guard want nothing to do with and the people like me trying to figure out which edition we should play now. It would be a disaster. You can argue with whatever "reason" you want but yes there are people, a lot of them, who would utterly reject this sort of change.

In a aeldari force, can I choose what transport things can have? I wanna stick howling banshees in a raider.

Sounds perfect then

>>Chaos are going to get shafted and get nothing like this

Actually, the rumormongers say that Chaos gonna get the new marines too.

Also you got to realise that it makes since to create those new marines. For the past few decades the normal marines kept failing in protecting the Imperium (See Kauyon/Mont'ka, Shield of Baal, Fall of Cadia, etc). The Imperium continued to get pushed back and the setting entered into what we can call a second Old Night. Now Girlyman seeing the failing of the Imperium and its marines declares a new Great Crusade and a new crusade needs new super troopers.

See thats what i'm afraid of too, I painstakingly made a homebrew chapter and painted them tenderly and lovingly and i'm afraid that GW will now make them obsolete completely.

FFS mk 8 armor is only for sergeants yet this new MK 10 crap will be available for a new legion of guillimarines?

You're ready a fag for playing marines lol
Who gives a shit if your little mary sues eat a magic mushroom and grow bigger

>reducing a hobby with this much history and involvement to "little painted toys killing each other"
When you put it that way you're basically asking people why they even play 40k when there are much cheaper games out there that do the same thing. It's a completely retarded argument.

Or they squatted Cadia because they're clearing old stock ready for 8th edition guardsmen?

Guard are still a popular army, if only for the tanks.

Cawl has been busy making it for 10k years.

The NU-MARINES ARE COMING! They are going to SOB current marines for marines born of gullimans blood and cawls technology. Better in every way they make space marines look like sigmarines make empire soldiers look. Gullimarines are coming. This comes from hastings on war for sigmar. Check the comments. He has an 80% accuracy rating with over 100 confirmed rumors over the years and is the 40k communities most reliable rumor monger.

>Not scytheguard
Fucking pleb

>Actually, the rumormongers say that Chaos gonna get the new marines too.
How the fuck is this going to happen?

How do we fix IG?

>busy making it

Dude the lore videos show that he just started on it again after shelfing it millennia ago

Better than orks at being orks.