Lets discuss sex with slaaneshi demons

Lets discuss sex with slaaneshi demons.
>tears off dick
>crushes shaft like playdoh
>suction too strong, removes kebab
>muscular serpentine tongue performs indian burn X100
>horns get in the fucking way, puncture abdomen
>clamps down thighs=game over
>orgasms=game over
>rides you=game over
*eating her out*
>implying vag doesn't eat you
Remember, Chaos is bullshit and no matter what it WILL fuck you over.

That leaves boobjob open and safe

Fuck the demonette between the tits and you're grand

Have fun getting scratches all over your pingy from the fucking chitin plates.

>implying multiple

But you're forgetting, only those who have achieved perfection are worthy of mating with the creations of Slaanesh. To one whose body has achieved perfection at Slaanesh's sculpting touch and has tasted the intoxicating aroma of the Warp first-hand, none but a Daemonette is able to provide satisfaction.

Besides, I'm sure as an incarnation of Pleasure, you'd have a great time regardless of what happens.

Mount stomach
Put peener between the soft bits
Hump carefully
Don't get cocky
Jizz on neck
Willy intact
If she wants more let her finger herself instead


Sometimes as many as six.

Sounds like the most awkward sex ever.

>sex with slaaneshi demons.

>Her touch was so light that she made you cum before you even noticed that the claw was on your dick.
>You nutted but she still sucking
>Serpentine tongue is sliding its way up your vas defrens to get every last sperm cell out of your balls
>You probably shouldn't try to stick it in.
>No, really. You'll refuse to come back out of it after experiencing it.
>Do you really want the Daemonette to be going into battle with you still inside of her, attached to her as the only clothing or armour she has on?
>She fucks you in the ass.

Never said it was good sex. But at least your cockadoodlepenis remains intact

>Grievous, irreparable bodily harm isn't his idea of a good time.
Git lewd, normie faggot.

>Touching a disgusting warp-whore.
I'll stay in the trenches

>Lets discuss sex with slaaneshi demons.
Let's not.

>Your penis must level up before you can have sex with daemonettes
>Level 36 Mighty Diamondine Demon-Infused Hardened Scaly Tri-Penis of Rock-Breaking Penetration awaits thee


>Pfft, that's crazy, I could totally fuck her right now.
>>No, I'm telling you you can't.
>Bitch, my body is ready
>>No it isn't, you wouldn't survive more than ten seconds. Your body is definitely not ready.


What in the fuck

Eh... I'd tap that.

I miss them.


I am okay will all the pussy outcomes

I always wondered how a Slanesshi daemon would take tickling or itching far.

Would it be absolute non stop insanity that never ends and gets worse and worse?


I wonder how hard it would be to convince a Slaaneshi Daemonette to sleep with you, would it be ridiculously easy, or would you have to be some kind of high-ranking Priest, Warlord, or Sorceror?

It would be easy to get them to commit horrifying and possibly fatal sex acts on you for their own enjoyment, but would take some status to get a daemonette waifu.

>Don't get cocky
What's the point, then?

Said no soldier in the history of ever

teeth are pretty cool

What is it with Slaanesh and the right breast?

>Do you really want the Daemonette to be going into battle with you still inside of her, attached to her as the only clothing or armour she has on?
Yes. Yes I do.

Supposed to be an androgynous dickgirl. Often depicted as having only one right boob.

>sex with slaaneshi demons.

>Chitin plates
You only know the new demonette miniatures do you?


I think its an allogory towards amazons. They cut one breast off in myths to be better srchers.
And this evolved in this herm forms.

I guess either you have a status or magic to have a demonette harem.
Or you are so low that you are a slave to demonettes.

Guess first is pleasure
Second is horror because you have to satisry their needs.

you should have done what I did and buy 5 boxes of them when they came in made to order

this heretic gets it, the 6 proves it.

Could increase sensitivity until it becomes tolerable, than increase it again.

How can i have sex with a Keeper of Secrets?

I have to say I'm proud to share a board with such classy gentlemen as yourselves.

Finally someone brings important topics to discuss.

Well you start by sacrificing six virgin goats on all hallow's eve and I forget most of the rest but if you manage to not get burned alive for heresy you should get visited by a Keeper in a decade or two.


They would tease you like hell.

Slaanesh demonette would give you the best blowjobs and hand jobs you have ever had but stopping just before you cum, giving you blue balls.

And you in your weak mind would be making their biding for just a few second more of that amazing sensation.


That's a Slaaneshi Sorceress, not a Slaaneshi Daemonette, and as for sleeping with it, I doubt I'd get that far.

....what in the name of the Almighty...

They sometimes just null the sensation altogether and after the person gets used to it they put it on the last high and then tease abotu how she was used to it before

>Repentia squad
>"So what did you do?"
>"I don't want to talk about it."


Were you actually hoping to accomplish something with this thread?

That pic is an edit of a warlock in T6 armour.

And it triggers me.

Would you like to talk about it user?

>implying it wouldn't sculpt itself to conform to the viewer's deepest desires

Pic related

>Pic related
You have garbage tastes in women.

He says as he beats off to Margaret Thatcher

Nah, When it comes to heads of state, there's only one Prime Minister who can abuse her power over me.

This is the second time I've seen Veeky Forums call Kate Upton ugly. She's not a perfect 10/10 but she is attractive.



She has a good body, but either she's not particularly photogenic or she has the most garbage photographers in history. Look at her in that picture. The angle she has her head at makes her look disoriented or slightly buzzed, and her smile doesn't even come close to reaching her eyes. Her tan isn't even (Most noticeable on her arms) and whatever the hell she's doing with her left hand makes it look like she has fat rolls, even though she doesn't.

She primarily wears bikinis that accentuates her thighs when her tits are her only good feature, makes weird and unattractive faces in most photoshoots of her, and is constantly in poses that range from questionable decision making to "Why hasn't anyone fired the idiots who keep approving these?"

All exasperated by idiots who uphold her as an immaculate paragon of perfection, and happily eat up every photo of her, even when it's clear that neither her, nor the photographer, nor her manager can be arsed to make sure the pictures are any good.

the idiots approving those pictures are making millions of dollars selling those pictures so you know...do better or talk about space marines.

That's a pretty neat idea, really mix in the psychology.

I'm actually surprised I don't recall Repentia ever coming to mind at the time this was done.

This thread is /degenerate... PURGE AND SCOURGE IN THE EMPEROR'S NAME!

I wanna say that this was fake story but holy god that was so vividly detailed that it much have been first hand experience

Those slight imperfections are probably her marketable niche. She is a hot, curvy American chick and not a rail-thin Euro import.

Personally, if she showed up in power armor playing an Inquisitor's flunky in a Deathwatch movie, I would repent. Dunno about you.

Back to Slaanesh's tricks.


You're years late to that party. The 'Radical Inquisitor' pasta beat you to the punch.

That image deeply distubs me, can I get a sauce?

Are Khornite Daemons able to feel sensations beyond bloodlust and rage?

Probably yes. Even if not all of them. They are supposedly all represent some aspects of Khorne and while bloodlust and rage is his more prominent features he has also other sides.

Those who spend too much time in Materium also could become "tainted" by experience and develop their personalities further. They still will kill and maim but may become a little more sophisticated about it.

Quite the opposite, no dream is remembered that well.

Oh, like you've never done that.

>>Do you really want the Daemonette to be going into battle with you still inside of her, attached to her as the only clothing or armour she has on?