Roll 1d100 to see which Chaos God our Regiment follows!
Other urls found in this thread:
Rolled 2 (1d100)
15 odd minutes has passed with no replies! I shall roll!
> We follow Chaos Undivided!
Roll 1d10 to determine our Regiment's Former Classification!
What if we didn't, and you fucked off with this shit?
Rolled 6 (1d10)
Friend, you must put the dice+1d100 in the options field.
And what if you ignored a traditional homebrew thread because it triggers you instead of shitposting?
Rolled 10 (1d10)
We were once a
> Planetary Defense Force: Former defenders of an Imperial world but having realized truths they never considered that have freed them from Imperial rule!
Roll 1d100 to determine our Regiment's Recruitment Criteria!
ooo interesting
I regret everything
Rolled 47 (1d100)
It's too late, we've gone too far to turn back now!
Our Regiment is made up of
> Tribespeople: All you have to do is teach them which way the gun points and the falsehoods of the Imperium!
Roll 1d10 to determine our Regiment's Nature of Recruitment!
Rolled 2 (1d10)
Our Regiment recruits via an
> Elite tithe: The best of the best of the planet were recruited for this regiment!
Roll 1d100 to determine the Regiment's Homeworld!
Rolled 96 (1d100)
> Home World Lost: Ghosts do not fear death, but they seek life with a terrible fury!
It appears our Regiments Homeworld was destroyed in a catastrophe of unimaginable scale! An Exterminatus, Warp Storm, or good old Supernova mayhap?
Roll 1d100 to determine what our Homeworld's Predominant Terrain once was!
> *Regiment's
I may worship Chaos, but that's no excuse for poor grammar!
Rolled 34 (1d100)
Our Homeworld was once
> Desert: Our men are at home in sun, sand, and wind!
Roll 1d100 to determine our Regiment's Core Units!
Rolled 95 (1d100)
Our Regiment's Core Units are designed to
> Siege!
I suppose that implies Artillery, Engineers or Sappers...
Roll 1d10 to determine our Regiment's Specialization!
chaos for chaos sake...tribesmen...elite...lost homeworld...was desert...siege experts
Rolled 9 (1d10)
It's shaping up to be quite interesting so far!
Apparently our Regiment Specializes in
> Guerilla Warfare!
Interesting, interesting indeed...
Roll 1d10 to determine our Regiments Loyalty to the Dark Gods!
Rolled 4 (1d10)
Rolled 4 (1d10)
Let's see that 10!
> *Regiment's
Again, Chaos Worship is no excuse!
> DOUBLE-TROUBLE, WHAT'RE THE ODDS!?! (Don't tell me the odds...)
Our Regiment is
> Adherent: It holds fast to the Word and the Dark Gods' will!
Roll 1d100 to determine our Regiment's Special Equipment!
Rolled 46 (1d100)
Our Regiment possesses
> Rare Heavy Weapons!
Roll 1d100 to determine our Regiment's Creed!
Rolled 26 (1d100)
Rolled 74 (1d100)
>desert homeworld
>rare heavy weapons
Could it be?
Also, rolling
> For The Homeworld: This regiment's mission is to demonstrate the skill and steel of the homeworld to the Galaxy, woe unto them!
Apparently our Regiment fights in the memory of its forever destroyed homeworld. Grimdark.
Roll 1d100 to determine who supports our Regiment!
Rolled 17 (1d100)
Perhaps it could...
Our Regiment is allied with a
> Chaos warband or specific Chaos Lord!
I'm thinking the Word Bearers Legionor the Iron Hands Legion, they've got a long track record of using mortal cannon fodder.
Roll 1d100 to determine our Regiment's Enemies!
Rolled 36 (1d100)
Our Regiment is Enemies with a
> Specific Necron Tomb World!
And that's it for the Roll Taable! I'm going to bed, tomorrow we can flesh this out if the thread is still up. If anyone doesn't know about he 1d4chan Roll Tables, here's a link:
Interest bump for Chaos.
Rolled 93 (1d100)
Blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne
Those kind of threads should stop existing. OP got the fuck out as soon as rollan was ended. Fuck this shit.