Warhammer 40,000 General

Stop falling for such obvious fucking bait edition

>previous thread
>Dank Daily Duncan is dead and you fuckers killed him. Those of you who actually want his videos, go here

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android.

>40k rules reference in wiki format. 300% organized, apparently.

>Latest GW teases

>Latest GW FAQs. They're really fired up!

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>List organizer picture book, please ask us about it anyway

>Offline list builder

>Forge World Book Index:

>The Black Library (Now with more daemons)

Other urls found in this thread:


Do your duty and vote today!


Nth for I just want Tyranids to be mediocre at least again.

after 8 years of cruddance they deserve better than mediocre

Where's the option for 'People that bring up Carnac'?

Should I give scourges Blasters or Haywire Blasters?


Presumably bundled in with Carnac, since at least half of them at any given time are Carnac

Look mom I posted it again

>it's a "let's start the new thread off completely horribly" episode
guys please

40kg needs to be shattered and rebuilt from the ground up. Meme-free 40kg exodus when?

Haywire, you don't want them close to anything that might short them back

Much like 40k itself. Fitting, really.

So what's the deal with Cypher and his sword now? Can we trust them or are they planning something hetetically dangerous?

How easy are Tzaangors and Rubric Marines to paint for a beginner? I've always been interested in a 40k army and I kind of want a Tzeentch based one.

I'd argue it's more expensive to collect Templars, given that their thing is large (16-20) man squads armed with boltpistols and chainswords either footslogging or riding in an LRC.

The cost of all those neophytes and boltpistol and chainsword bits adds up.

>since at least half of them at any given time are Carnac

Got proof for that?

It's Anathme aka the Murder Sword. A weapon that can kill a god.

Apparently I posted just as the last thread was dying so I'll link this here.

>I was just going to dump them in a Tupperware container stuffed with toilet paper

He stood within spitting distance of the golden throne, if he was going to make a move it would have happened

>lets take the best and make the marines
>then take best and make the veterans
>then the bestest into the deathwatch
>but wait the custodes are even more best
>and the grey knight forevermore bestest
>so lets make guillimarines the bestest to ever best a best

Girlyman had him arrested before he could do anything


Take them anyway, they'll still do better than shitty termagants and warriors. Purestrains have a 5+ invulnerable save and stealth, if you're playing them right you won't have that much trouble with Overwatch.

To be fair, I'm behind Dark Angels because I got them when I split Dark Vengance.

And I guess a little cause of gay-ness.

I trust Rowboat and think Cypher wanted to kill Emps, the problem is he is free on Terra while its defenders are busy dealing with genestealers.

you should take a grey knights strike squad using the imperial agents GK detachment so that your ork or nid playing friend can have a beefier warlord.

>mfw Cypher kills emperor
>triggers "time of ending" in 40k

>Azrael and the other paranoid fucks were right all along.

>Cypher was the greatest threat to the galaxy all along

As it stands he's the greatest threat to my wallet if I have to buy a bunch of shit after he pulls his shenanigans

How does this list look?
Im so used to playing Eldar I have no idea how to DE

Looks like Dark Eldar to me.

>playing Ynnari


Cut Hellions

Split Reavers into multiple smaller units with caltrops.

I assume you're using the Archon to Portal in the Wraithguard? If so, you need the upgrade to Scythes.

I had a similar idea, but an icecream container and stuffed with a tea towel. I'm guessing it's not a go, then?


As long as you fold it and cover your minis properly it should be safe
>tfw broke as fuck and my carry case was tupperware lined with foam from blister packs

Holy shit are you a gayer me?

You forgot one

>thinking gays who start Dark Angels just because they split DV with someone is a rare occurrence

Holy shit, really? Got a source, because if so then Cypher being loose on Terra is a major threat

Is there anything from the Eldar and Harliquin book that can make Helions remotely playable? These guys are absolute dogshit and I have like 20 of them because they were great in 5th edition

>people who read 1d4chan don't feel the need to lurk more

>Tfw actually gay
>Dork Angles are my favorite chapter
>Favorite factions are Nids and Tau though
I think I'm gayer than both of you.


Literally the worst unit in the codex. If you already have the models then at least run them as Beastmasters, they're fast and 3 points cheaper (plus can all take power weapons if you feel like making a hilariously pointless suicide anti-marine squad). Beastmaster units can be upgraded to include Khymerae and Razorwing flocks and therefore to actually be good, unlike Hellions, which are doomed to be shit forever.

Incubi don't have grenades and so are really at their best as super-killy ablative wounds for a character.

10 man raider squads should have splinter racks

WWP Spooky D Ghosts should have the cheeseflamer

tl;dr cut the Hellions, spend 50 points on Spooky D flamers and 45 points on 3x Splinter Racks, use last 65 points to make the Hellion unit into a smaller 6 man beastmaster unit or something idk

If you can't take Beastmasters as Ynnari then just pick something else, fuck Hellions are terrible

How the hell do I make Alpha Legion work? Is it even worth taking the detatchment?

Call them Beastmasters and give a few of them Power Swords for the lulz. Otherwise no.

wait for the super space marines coming this year
build an army around these units
paint them with the alpha legion colors

you are playing alpha legion now

Well I guess it's true that I've never kissed a girl. I should start collecting dark angels

Stop giving this faggot (You)s, he l i t e r a l l y asked in one of these threads what triggers 1d4 haters the most and has been shitposting it in every thread since.

>tfw >I2 is quality pasta by comparison

Why aren't riptides allowed in killteam?

What type of bases look the best in anyone's opinion? I'm starting a new army and I'm tired of just boring bases with a couple of skulls or shells here and there

snow covered bases look really nice imo

Pick something that compliments and contrasts your paint scheme and as such makes both the model and the base stand out. Snowy bases are popular but if you put White Scars on them they'll look bland, whereas Blood Angels actually looks decent on snow. Though here when I say snow I mean "a base with snow on it" and now "a base painted white with white flock".

tl;dr it's subjective.


Hey anybody have a scan of gathering storm 2, I checked the databases in op and I could not find it

Its in third link.


1850 Renegades & Heretics: Vraks Renegade Unending Host

Renegade Command Squad
Arch Demagogue
master of the horde, covenant of nurgle, 4x Disciples, Chimera

Renegade Infantry Platoon
20x PCS, Demagogue, x3 melta guns, chaos sigil, militia training, meltabombs
20x Infantry Squad, x3 plasma guns, chaos sigil, militia training
20x Infantry Squad, x3 plasma guns, chaos sigil, militia training

Renegade Infantry Platoon
20x PCS, Demagogue, x3 melta guns, chaos sigil, militia training, meltabombs
20x Infantry Squad, x3 plasma guns, chaos sigil, militia training
20x Infantry Squad, x3 plasma guns, chaos sigil, militia training

Renegade Infantry Platoon
20x PCS, Demagogue, x3 melta guns, chaos sigil, militia training, meltabombs
15x Infantry Squad, flamer
15x Infantry Squad, flamer

Fast Attack__
6x Renegade Sentinels
autocannons, camo netting, militia training

Heavy Support__
3x Rapier Lasers
extra crew, militia training

Lords of War__
Renegade Baneblade

The baneblade is bubblewrapped by fearless renegades that provide anything behind each individual squad an improvable 3+ cover save. Each infantry squad comes back onto the board outflanking when they die on the roll of a 2+

Because you touch yourself at night.

well fuck me I didnt even see it,
thank you

Anyone actually play Eternal Crusade?

I got a free key and there are no fucking games...

>utility blades
am i autistic if i found that mildly entertaining?

You probably don't have 90 cultists/10

I don't know about Tzaangors but Rubrics are moderately difficult to paint and have them look good as opposed to being shit. It also depends on your skill though. I jumped on Tzeentch straight from Necrons so it took me somewhere around 4 hours to get myself satisfied with my first rubric, and even now I still find some things on him that make me want to touch him up.

Most of your time painting Tzeentch will be incredibly minute touch-ups

>play Eternal Crusade

>tzeentch models constantly being changed
just as planned

>not playing a free game because you can

Got into the beta but haven't found the time.

>tfw dead on arrival
Damn I was hoping for another Space Marine

>Grey knights over fucking custodes

Anything liker this where a bias is expressed is guaranteed to be shit, and look. It is

It might be funny if it wasn't horrifically outdated

The only way to find a game is to constantly faction hop.

How To Fix Tyranids:

>Cannibalize: At the beginning of each round, roll two dice to determine how many units you have to remove from your army.

What happened to Free2Waagh?

Scrapped. The first team consisted of fucking idea guys who can't make shit happen. Then another company took over and tried to salvage this shit project. Orks and Eldar were added later.

Emperor's body die and he reborns as Ynnead (because skulls everywhere in the Imperium)

They're going to make the Lion a traitor, aren't they.

>tfw loyalty is its own reward.


They scrapped it because of how the game changed and decided to try giving out free keys instead and giving them 1/3rd XP but otherwise the full game.

Pic related

If only to see the rage in my Dark Angels playing friend's face after all his years of loyalist dogma, I hope so


and this rule only applies to the tyranid player

he sure has a hungry army that eats itself!

>various chapters has various bottle cries or even don't silent
>for teh enpra

Hydra Dominatus!
Hydra Dpminatus

Now I want to see an army of nids made of various foods.

Meatbreadfex when?

Then tyranids destroy all enemy units, they should start cannibal party.
Tyranids loses because all dead.

Here's your >>(you) cunt.

>that one hive fleet that was empty as fuck and they couldn't reach their destination

I'm painting Emperor's Children, post heresy. I just finished painting my first model, and it came out looking atrocious. Beyond thinning my paints, what advice can you give me before I start my second model?


Prime in grey.

Trying to make a unit of Power nail bullgryns work. This is what I have at the moment.
>3 Bullgryn
>ML2 Biomancy Psyker

I'm thinking about getting Karamazov for 2+ saves without giving up the units T5.

>ships ate each other

Trueborn aren't on the list of units you can take for Ynnari.

Q: In the Reborn Warhost, can you pick a Kabalite Warrior
unit (Troops), and upgrade it to Kabalite Trueborn (Elites),
using an Elites slot of the Detachment while doing so?
A: Yes. The same is true of Wyches/Bloodbrides. A unit
upgraded in this way no longer qualifies as one of your
minimum two Troops choices.

It's literally the same thing for the Start Collecting box, too.

I'm a bit thick in the head, but would that kind of purple work for post-heresy?
I'm sorry, but what could you specify what you mean?

How do fix Ynnari?

>they get their own units
>they are just the grey knight versions for Eldar and get a billion buffs when dealing against Daemons