Stat me.
Stat me
Tell us who he is, nigger.
Satou, from Ajin
Yeah that says nothing m8
Guess you're too retarded to use google, m8
Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 5d10+25 (52 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+14
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+5) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab
Special Qualities: Scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Track
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3-8)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: —
>Owlbear statblock isnt in the first post
I do my best, but I can't always be watching.
I still love how weirdly accurate it seemed for Chris-Chan.
Not sure about right now, but it looks to me like he's about to fall into negative HP and soon expire.
High level military operative and weapons expert. Closest to chaotic / selfish evil you can get within your setting possibly just run his as straight up insane.
With insane regeneration that kicks in after death, and make him fight like he knows how to use it. (Landed some CC on me? Time to pull the pins on all the grenades i have on me, to reset this bullshit.)
You will probably have to stat his ghost separately and play them as two NPC's that act as one. Standard stuff Satos ghost is very dense but basically typical otherwise, its Satos extensive combat training and his ghosts density that makes it such a blender.
Id give it a massive resilience and hand to hand combat bonus, can only make a couple back to back at most.
-10 penis points
Id say after death wipe all status ailments and make him regenerate 10% hp a second until reformed.
Mostly though its all in how Sato fights hes one of the few Aijin that really uses his powers well and creatively coupled with his ghost and extensive military experience hes basically a one man battalion.
That version of him doesn't have his hat, nor does he immediately put his hat on like after he crashed a fucking airliner into a building and walked out of the wreck, so 0/10.
Also Satos ghost stays up and active after he suffers CC, death/ regen, or gets knocked out as its completely subservient but otherwise independent.
Ah, weeaboo bullshit. Got it.
Its more /k/ desu
so basically gurps unkillable 3 with a bit of tinkering and some DR or injury tolerance, maybe regeneration and regrowth too.
>tfw still want the original image for that, without the text
>animal life was ended for the sake of advertising a device that swallows up human shit
This isn't helping my depression.
epic, upvoted, thanks for your contributions
(stat x threads suck but people like you drag the whole mood down)
>caring about chickens, the willfully cannibalistic even in ideal settings asshole dinosaurs
I also though exactly that. I can't help but think that Media and the higher corporation powers want secretly to break people's souls user. Not sarcasm or anything
corporations don't want your soul broken, they want you to buy their fucking toilet.
Corporations are in fact huge pussies about anything that might break the soul, like nerve stapling. They will instead use third world workers because they haven't the stomach to do the real shit.
Nobody cared until he put on the hat
Stat me
It's funny cause Aijin is pretty westaboo. I was in the Marines and I would have been pretty freaked out if I had a guy named Samuel T. Owens in my platoon after reading Aijin.
Is it weeb or anti-weeb when satou only agreed to train people because it'd be in japan, the gaming center of the world at the time?
I guess it's technically weeb but back in those days he wasn't interested in Japan or Japanese culture, he only agreed to go to Japan because all the old school arcade games and Nintendo came from there. It's not like the weeaboos these days.
Satou is a funaboo.
So you're saying he moved to a country become a mercenary over the Nintendo?
Isn't that literally what happened? Sato only moves when it's fun and game-like.
Thats exactly the case
He confirmed over 300 kills all for the sake of getting a gameboy
Hes a very bored neigh sociopath immortal super solder that only finds games fun.
Ajin is basically all about Sato getting to the point where he starts playing for real for the thrill of it.
>calling sato a sociopath when kei is a literal sociopath
That sounds close except Sato will always come back after death, even if you sever his head he will grow a new one from scratch, though there will be some short term memory loss. (Normally you cut an Aijins head off and you can almost rework its personality, when they did it to Sato he came back the same with no memory of the last little while.)
He also has a completely invisible ghost thats strong enough to throw cars around and casually bisect people, leap around like spiderman, and tank point blank gunshots with little to no effect.
I always thought the point is theyre both sociopaths.
Kei is more a comfort seeker and Sato a thrill seeker, but they definitely have parallels with how cold and fucked up they can both be.
Kei did nothing wrong
Nobody wants dead weight dragging you down in a career
Sato has the usual abilities any Ajin has.
◾ Immortality - Like all Ajin, Satō is completely immortal. He is unable to die under any circumstances such as being completely crushed, decapitated, or even due to malnutrition.
◾ Paralysis Scream - While he has never been witnessed to use this, it can be assumed that he can paralyze others around him by screaming, as all Ajins possess this capability. The immobility can range from seconds to minutes. However, this is easily countered by wearing ear plugs/noise dampeners.
◾ IBM - Like most Ajin, Satō possesses IBM and can also manifest a Black Ghost. His Black Ghost's defining feature is its half-head - the shape of the head looks like a triangle when viewed from above while it looks flat when viewed in a third person view. Sato can completely control his Ghost to the point where he can make his Ghost mimic his voice (but has difficulty doing so)[1] and share its field of vision while being able to command it to attack with caution. Satō's IBM is able to work independently from his user, being able to work after Satō has been incapacitated. It has the ability of judge a situation as it will kill Satō himself in order for him to revive with the effects of the tranquilizers gone.
◾ Fighting skills- Even without his Ajin abilities Satō has shown to be an extremely capable fighter and tactician. When he was in the army he was quickly recruited into an ultra elite team despite his young age. Even after losing a leg he was able to take down a group of gunmen on his own. It took over 5 years for his enemies to capture and execute him despite his physical handicap during which he killed hundreds of people and angered countless of organizations in the underworld.
If it helps, you can remember that they were going to end up there anyways. It was their destiny, determined since before they were born, by beings far more advanced than they.
Not to mention his sheer wit and capacity for unusual but effective tactics
That gif is just impressive
Not even slightly
That story became a shitty parody of itself after the author died. The artist simply could not write.
woodchipper scene was neat tho
The hell's an IBM?
IBM stands for Invisible Black Matter. It's the mysterious substance that ressurects and repairs the ajin when they die, and is what the black ghost is comprised of. Different individuals have a different amount of IBM they can release, and that amount is also altered by two factors: Emotional state, and death. When an ajin experiencing extreme emotion dies, they trigger a rare event called a Flood, which manifests multiple black ghosts and may or may not trigger humans to develop into at least partial ajin.
IBM particles are typically only visible to ajin. They can be disrupted through things such as rain, making it an effective tool against black ghosts.
Spoopy ectoplasm
>Miura only authored volume 1
>the most boring fucking volume
You can find tons of cringey faggot teenager protagonist mangas everywhere, why the fuck would you want to go back to that.
>Implying Chris-chan has anything higher than a 3 in wisdom
He's socially retarded bro, thats charisma
Could you immobilize Satou with a shit ton of adhesives and then just encase him in cement or something?
Yes, but good luck getting him into such a trap.
Irresistable Black Men
Goodness: 1
Do it yourself.
dick game: negatives
Name ONE system with this