Daughter of Janus edition
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This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Are any of the [City] By Night books good?
Daughter of Janus edition
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This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Are any of the [City] By Night books good?
How come no one made a new general before the last one 404'd?
Did WW announce any WoD vidya aside of Werewolf?
Which splat has a transgender professor and a passive-agressive textbox with "If you are distrubed by that, but not by vampires, you are the problem"?
But it's known that Leonard Boyarsky and Tim Cain are working on some secret project that has nothing to do with PoE 2. A lot of people are speculating that's actually another Vampire game, given how weird it would be for Paradox to get a Werewolf game, but not a Vampire one.
Mummy ? Hunter : Mortal Remains ? I remember both of them having patronizing sidebars, but I don't remember what they were about, probably some xir bullshit.
For the merits boxing and kung fu, which fighting styles would be which? It's obvious boxing and kung fu would be in their respective categories, but what about karate, judo, krav maga, muay thai, and all the other martial arts that aren't really either?
The Mummy section in Mortal Remains.
Do it for her.
Are you talking about the Hurt Locker fighting style classification system?
Is there aN archery fighting style?
There was one in the old Arrow book, but I don't know about Chronicles.
>passive-agressive textbox
Do you guys think now that David hill is gone we gonna see less of the passive aggressive sidebars?
Oldfag ST here, started with Masquerade and such. Right now I'm starting a noob in what is turning him into a ST himself, but he has some wayward ideas, and not the properly good wayward ones, but simply wrong, albeit slightly, yet still wrong.
I'm going to join him soon to actually ST for him (give him some tips for STing too) and his own character too and I was wondering if I could get some recs on plots or ways to show him WOD proper so he can get over his own ass and let him know what good old WOD is about.
Thanks beforehand.
I've heard very good things about Mexico City By Night, and New York By Night. LA By Night was pretty good, though way less interesting Anarch politics than I expected, and New Orleans by night seems okay- it has certainly gotten me interested in games set in cities with 20-40 vampires.
I'm talking about the two fighting styles in the merits section of the core rulebook
>it has certainly gotten me interested in games set in cities with 20-40 vampires
Do you mean that you usually run games with more or less vampires? What changed after you read the book?
I usually go for bigger cities with 100+ vampires- New York, LA, so on. Large enviros in which anonymity is possible and conflict between groups is the rule. Nothing has changed so to speak, but I am somewhat interested in doing something with a more intimate, small scale court.
Downside of New Orleans by Night- it's really big on splat integration- werewolves and mages get mentioned constantly, and are presented as major antagonist forces. Which, you know, is great for a city of 20 vampires, when your main rivals are oWoD Werewolves (and not just one pack- at least two, one normal and one Black Spiral Dancers), and a coven of oMages.
No, you're still going to find new things to get miffed about and argue over, no matter who is writing anything.
That's the speculation, but there's been rumors flying around that Obsidian might have been scared off such a project because White Wolf would want more creative control over the game than they're comfortable with.
It's all just hearsay, but I think We Eat Blood is pretty much all we're getting for a while, Vampire wise.
>I think We Eat Blood is pretty much all we're getting for a while, Vampire wise.
In that case, could you point me to a place where I could find out the current address of the person who wrote that piece of shit? I want to give him a stern talking.
If you're OK with his fans trying to stalk you and steal your identity, you can probably yell at him on his social media or something.
I have no social media presence whatsoever.
You literally can't find me via the internet.
And I'd feel much better if I could express my discontent with the content he has produced in person.
Well, google Zak Sabbath and see what you get, though I assume he hides his address since he's supposed to be an actual famous artist and all.
Hmm, thanks, I'll look him up.
Doesn't he work with porn stars? Don't they get super doxxed all the time? Just stalk one he works with and follow them to him then back to his house. #problemsolved
What's the difference between gluttony and lust as vices? Both seem to be the same thing with a different name
Should prob toss greed into that list too.
Chicago by Night is pretty classic
You mean this thing?
May as well toss everything in except pride and wrath. The differences between them are strenuous at best
Asked this right at last thread was choking on its last breath:
Have any of you read the Wraith 20 drafts? Is there a verdict?
It's too early for a real verdict but the previews look good.
The 21st century was a mistake
I don't find the Demon one on the same level, it's pretty logical that sexless spirits don't care about gender.
But that zher shit ...
Nope. As long as McFarland is at OPP the sidebars will stay.
Looks good for now, Dansky's the guy that did most of Wraith, and even trolled Crazy Uncle Phil at some time iirc ("The Gods of the Nephandi are the Dreams of the Neverborn"), so he's the best we could have hoped for to write it.
yeah I'm on the same page. Nothing damning. maybe vaguely transformation Magical realm in the first two. but that last one, Specifically the last few lines are a real dagger aimed at the reader.
Even if he left right now, you'd find someone else to get mad at.
>not "annoyed"
Fuckers just don't get it.
>The differences between them are strenuous at best
You have to take Biblical concepts with a grain assault.
Its an even worse text then even the most poorly edited White Wolf tomes. And its too long.
When you have an unhealthy desire for food, like you love eating and eat it all the time because you love it, that's lust.
When you compulsively overindulge in food because it's a habit and not because you desire it, that's gluttony.
When you want food just to have it, not even to necessarily eat it, just because you wanted to own it, that's greed.
So I'm not gluttonous, I'm lustful. Huh. Need to put that on my tinder account!
This Sunday I am going to be in a game of Vampire: The Masquerade. I have never played a Vampire session or a WoD game. The only RP experience I have is a few sessions of DnD 5e.
What should I expect? Any advices for a newcomer? I dont know shit about the rules, where should I start reading? Any cool videos in youtube that makes things easier to understand?
Get yourself the VtM: Bloodlines videogame and the 9.whatever patch, and play as much as you can. It's a good game for what you'll be able to experience (the late game is boring since it was rushed) and you'll get a good idea of what the fuck VtM is about
My computer isnt made to run games. Fuck.
Thanks anyway.
Pls respond. ; ;
You think anyone here has every actually played these games? Hah! This is a place of wank and shit, not petty playing!
The game is VtM, right? Something simple, almost street level involving neonates or fledgelings investigating the murder or disappearance of a friendly ghoul is often a good place to start. I'd avoid involving other supernaturals, and instead focus on low-level struggles between vampires close to their age and power and introducing the larger Camarilla society throw some officials like the sheriff and the primogen.
No joke your computer only needs to be less than 10 years old and able to run Excel in order to play Bloodlines. It came out in 2004
What said. Another good idea is to put them against regular humans. Low-level vamps need to be mindful of the Masquerade too. If he tried to go all super sayan, you could show him the consequences. Like a sheriff coming to kick his ass. or the ass of his sire if he has not yet been officially released from him and is still a fledgling.
I started my first game with the disappearing mortals plot. Worked quite well, because you're focusing more on normal investigation and with little to no supernatural stuff in it. And social interactions too, like persuading a bouncer to let the pc into the club where the character was last seen. Or lying about what he's now if he runs into any old friends.
And of course the beast and the lust for blood should be very prominent. Mentioning how the pc could hear the heartbeats if he's hungry, how humans with exposed skin were making him focued on it. In fact, I would suggest you start him with half his blood pool. Say the sire fed him some blood packs and maybe showed how to hunt once or twice but now he's on his own.
Another thing I do is I roleplay the prelude for the character. Describe how maybe he's being followed by someone or maybe he gets attacked. The player can still roll dice to resist but in the end the vampire will be stronger and drain him. I find thatdescribing the prelude establishes a connection between the sire and the childe that can be a good foundation for later. Because after all this is a person who killed you - you either hate them or you like them
Okay, I'm some late 20s 'kid' that didn't get into the game until nWoD, but something about VtM has never made sense to me; Generation. Do oWoDfags genuinely believe that Generation is a better system than Blood Potency? It seems like an awful system game design wise to have a power stat that can only be raised by what the narrative wants you to believe is such a heinous sin. Granted, I've not read much of VtM as I enjoy the toolkit nature of VtR so I may be missing some other way of advancement. Still, just curious.
>My computer isnt made to run games
...If you're playing a relatively recent PC, then it should be more than capable of running VtM:Bloodlines.
The actual requirements are *really* not high. Give it a shot. If it doesn't work, then you didn't lose anything.
If it *DOES* work, congrats, you're now addicted to VtM: Bloodlines and you will be forced to re-play it every year or so.
Oh, and you'll learn more about the setting as well.
But, failing that...
>What should I expect?
A downwards spiral, showcasing just how low humanity can fall, both with and without supernatural assistance.
Assuming you've got a competent GM/Storyteller who knows what they're doing, any World of Darkness game is going to be... well, dark. It's a bleak setting, and one where tragedy is always going to be present in some form.
It's a game less about "lawl, killin' mobs and getting xp", because the GM/Storyteller decides how much xp to give you, and the way to getting more xp isn't "kill more dudes", but rather "play true to your character and help develop the story further, and you'll be rewarded for it".
Now, this doesn't mean you can't make a full-out combat character... but be aware that a lot of the game will be spent outside of combat, and in many cases it may be imperative to NOT engage in combat.
Social and mental skills are just as important as physical ones.
>I dont know shit about the rules, where should I start reading?
Go to this mega, and look in the "20th Vampire" folder, and download "Core Rules". It should help you a great deal in getting a grasp on the world and the setting as well as the rules.
>Do oWoDfags genuinely believe that Generation is a better system than Blood Potency?
It *is* a better system in that it's a perfect fit for the lore and the setting, yes. That does *not* mean it's a better system for a game like Requiem which does not share the same lore and background.
>I may be missing some other way of advancement
There are several ways to temporarily lower a character's generation, though the clans and vampires who hold that knowledge guard it jealously, and even then it's not an "I WIN" button, far from it.
There are also ways to lower generation without resorting to diablerie, though it's still fraught with peril.
And finally, the game doesn't always recognise it as some "heinous sin". That all depends on what kind of game you're playing. In a humane Camarilla setting, it's regarded as an awful practice, yes... but in the Sabbat (or some Anarch communities) it's not just allowed, it's even considered an honored practice.
>wants you to believe is such a heinous sin
It's not something the narrative wants you to believe, it really is one of the worst crimes imaginable. It is he deliberate destruction of a soul for the sole reason of gaining more power or a twisted addiction (except for the Salubri, but they are complete nutjobs anyway), and it should be a great burden to the diablerist under all circumstances. I think it's a neat mechanic, but it could give some advantages to the higher-generation vampires, like being slightly less flammable in sunlight and waking up more easily without breaking the game. The major beef I have with Generation is that Dominate never works if the target's is lowers than yours, which makes any spineless 9th gen embraced last week able to resist a strong-willed century old 10th gen. I think it should provide a nice bonus to resist instead.
This, indeed. He'll start as a fledgling as he's still under the tutelage and responsibility of his sire. In fact I was thinking of focusing heavily (but not plot-hoggingly) on said sire since I've always thought it's an important aspect of VtM.
He'll be Toreador. Should I make him focus during hunger or for hunger-moments on those necks he fins particularly beautiful/sexy/attractive, as if combining the Beast with his Clan Flaw?
As my previous quoted user said, perhaps I could throw him some rival or simply some dude who doesn't like him, classic bully who dislikes the new kid in the block because fuck it. Threats and shit? The classic brick with a message made of newspaper scraps? (He's a writer too so it'd make it extra ironic/funny, I think).
If you say he should be outright attacked in some point then the Sire (who I mentioned will be very relevant here) saves his ass should I make this a point? Perhaps it was a cruel and kind of dick-moveish test, as in: "These are the waters you're in now, kiddo"? Or you're telling me the sire should show himself to have been the threatener all along?
Is this the Chronicles of Fagness?
no, this is totally heterosexual
If a lupus Red Talon bangs a homid while in lupus what is the baby?
Homid. It depends on the mother.
The magefags have succesfully ruined these threads.
It's a ghost town in here.
You're a ghost town.
its friday evening, people are probably out or otherwise participating in their weekly games
that, or else yall niggas need to learn the other splats outside of mage
Why learn a splat outside of mage when mages do every splat other than mage better than that splat themselves?
because role playing is fun
>Now, this doesn't mean you can't make a full-out combat character... but be aware that a lot of the game will be spent outside of combat, and in many cases it may be imperative to NOT engage in combat.
>Social and mental skills are just as important as physical ones.
This, you can play a combat character but be sure that you don't make them all chainsaw and no mouth.
Oh for fuck's sake.
Good job, David Hill.
It's like you can taste the self-righteousness and sense of unearned moral superiority.
I know. I love the 'people who are not monsters' angle, it REALLY sells the sanctimoniousness of it all.
This is going to be hilarious.
Impressive. I almost see him patting himself on the back and trying to suck his own dick after being so proud of being a "better person" by writing that.
I'm tempted to create a dummy account just to ask him if he's finally see star wars, and if yes, does he still thinks it's a right wing power fantasy (or whatever patchwork of words he used that time).
I swear, you people need to let him go. Fuck off with this unrelated bullshit.
It's funny.
Sorry, I have difficulties with sanctimonious self righteous assholes.
Also, it's a previous OPP writer, so there's a possibility his work won't be shit (it will probably be), and more than anything, it's funny. Enjoy the Schadenfreude.
Then go start another thread, some of us just want to talk about WoD, not read a bunch of people circlejerking about some writer they don't like who won't even write for the games anymore. For fuck's sake, there's not even an actual game to look at yet, come back when there's something to share if you really have to.
I'd rather have a whole thread of Mage supremacy as the Archmage created God intended instead of the same boring points and being offended every few threads. Mage Supremacy's stale but at least it's about an actual game.
You see, it added 5 posts in the thread with tangential related content, and it made some Anons laugh.
Your complaining added 4 posts (5 with this one) just by "don't beat a dead horse, stay on topic".
While you're right (it's not about a game, and we mock the sad fuck almost daily) it pollutes the thread just as much.
Back to the games , what's your typical group size ?
I've got a few friends interested to have a WoD or CofD game, and we might end up at five players, which seems a bit much to me (I'm more used to groups of three to four).
What's the coolest thing you've done with the astral?
>Tu quoque!
Nah, ya'll just don't want to start a new thread. If you want to get back on topic, though, let's do so.
My games are usually groups of five with an ST. It's a big group to be sure, but we usually end up with a pretty well-rounded party, since we don't normally double up with X or Y splats, for games with a 5x5 setup.
Hm, there's not too much mess when talking to multiple NPC, or players wanting to do their own things ?
I guess it mostly depends on your kind of players, I'll see how it goes. We'll probably end up with CofD, as only two of them know the oWoD and none of us have played the 2e (and VtR and MtAw seems to interest them).
I'm starting a Vampires:Dark Ages 20th edition game, is a Brujah minor nobility, here to suck the blood of the heathen and get rich, a good concept?
Surprisingly no! Our STs are pretty good at juggling players doing their own things, and doing multiple NPC interaction. Though, if we're blessed with time during the week, we try to do one-to-one or one-to-two or three mini-sessions that we can keep logs or summaries of to ease some of the workload.
>mage supremacy
>mage supremacy
>mage supremacy
>Obrimos Supremacy
stahp pls
Four to five. I hate to go over five.
Shut the fuck up. The Mockery of pretentious retards is a fine old /wodg/ tradition. Before DavidH, it was ZakS and before ZakS, it was Dracula. Just because your pet content creator is throwing a hissy fit, doesn't mean you have to step in for him.
>Mage jealousy
If you're going to "mock" (read: post the same old shit and then talk about how much it ruffles your feathers), you can at least use stuff actually related to the game, instead of clinging to a heartbreaker that's just some Google Docs and a Facebook page.
Have your grudge all you like, but at least do something related to the thread and with more content with it for crying out loud. At least Dracula's an endless source of fresh edge.
Bumpardo. These guys had good ideas. If anyone else has them too, they're welcome.
I'd say it is. Being a noble is never a bad character concept in Dark Ages: Vampire.
The only one who seems triggered here is you, friendo.
but you can role play as whatever you want while being a mage
unless you mean to say that there's no roleplaying involved in being a mage and it's just a power wank fest?
I'm not the one who'll do stuff like bring up a writer's dumb shit on twitter that doesn't even have to do with the game, just cause.
It's not even the cringy pretend Vampire twitter that exists, it's just their regular, boring twitter. I'm just saying, if you gotta, just stick to the games and keep it fresh.
That shit would have already petered out for this thread if you hadn't started spilling your salt everywhere.
Report and ignore, faggot.
Get some better material next time.
What material?
I appreciate Dave's dedication to Open Devving the Crossover Chronicle so early.