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>How to Jumpchain
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Jumpers! Give me your warcry!
Updated jumps killed my grampa.
Rot in hell you old cranky bastard.
>Civil War II
What? They're doing that same shit over again?
user, they've already done it.
I don't have one of those. Unprofessional and very easy to give your position away when surprise is required. Those few seconds of confusion in the enemy can make or break a sortie.
Still, a little war music can be inspirational to the troops.
Well updated jumps shat on my mother's grave. They do no good for society, just coming in and stealing everybody's jobs.
True Grandfather Clause
Updated jumps poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses!
No, that was the Norse.
And even then they were polite about it.
Hey, Street Fighter.
What the No Sell drawback does is make it so you can't kill your enemies and they'll always come back, right? And it takes time for them to get back up, right? Because I was looking at it and I was afraid that it would make every fight literally unwinnable because they'd just immediately get back up after you defeated them.
It's done and dusted bruh, shit went down and nothing will ever be the same again...
...until the few next issues of course.
You know what? I'm just going to adopt a policy of non-surpirise regarding Marvel's shit.
Was it actually the same thing as before but with a Nazi Cap this time?
Worm sort of retcon #?:
Las Vegas
24 years old
Rogue 100
Outside Context Problem
Leave Me Alone
Enlightened Self Interest 400
Best in the Business 700
Little Black Book
Corona Stimulants 1000
Cape 1200
Leeroy: Villain, Tooth and Nail, Grit Your Teeth, Outside Context Problem, Bolstering the Boardwalk 300, Assimilation
Nuala: Hero, What I Fight For, No Such Thing as Collateral, Dimensional Breach Controller 300, Relationship Modification
Enhanced Mastery
Case-53+ 1000
Sort of reredoing my chain. Pretty similar to before but instead of having one companion I import and another companion I usually forget about I'm trying to import them both more. Mostly just lifting builds from my old chain, doing some re-ordering and altering some builds here and there. Also changed where I got both of my companions so now my bodyguard actually starts as a bodyguard and my OC waifu as a waifu (from Venture Bros and the Overlord games respectively).
The build is different in a few places, primarily because I realised I could just get Nuala to buy the Dimensional Breach Controller at a discount if I made her a Hero so I freed up 600 CP for myself. I dropped Munchkin to free up the whole 600 as I had to pay for the import and spent it on Enlightened Self Interest which makes dealing with me more profitable than it should be for others which is nice and the Corona Stimulants which boost non-magic powers by 50% for several hours and can be used once every 12 hours.
Enlightened Self Interest is a great way of securing the hyper competent workforce that Best In the Business grants.
The Corona Stimulants notably boost Enhanced Mastery by 50% meaning if I take one before I start practicing something it amounts to 1080 effective hours per hour of practise which means if I'm willing to inject myself regularly I can be lazier and more skilled than ever.
Nuala rolled Relationship Modification which is handy if a little troubling.
"My hat is cooler than yours!"
Don't forget Marvel is also killing off all the mutants this time.
Cenanon I have questions! Questions about Injustice gods among us!
1.was it intentional that imported companions cannot spend points on races or powers, or are you trying to get us to Import them as humans for the power stipend?
2. Does Preventing the death of Lois,the baby and metropolis Satisfy the conditions necessary To progress for An age of order?
You can thank Fox for that one. They've got such a double-fisted grip on the movie rights - and have declined the possibility of X-Men and Mutants showing up in ANY of the MCU - that Marvel's pretty much given up on them.
No, they ripped off Minority Report instead. An Inhuman gets future vision powers and everyone spazzes out about whether they should use him or not.
I heard they're replacing them with Inhumans because of the movies, yeah. Aren't Inhumans like actual super nazi supremacists, though?
...But... But there are hundreds of mutants with powers like that. And there's tons of mages and seers who can do it with magic. There's also literal time travellers.
They are. Marvel is killing the minorities in favor of nazi race supremecists.
Fortunately due to my intense paranoia I tend to get a lot of perks/origins that guarantee my companion's loyalty so having a waifu with Relationship Modification should be much more of a help than a hindrance.
It also means I'll probably have an easier time with my plans for Worm as she'll be able to endear me to some of the Tinkers running around Vegas and this'll help me convince them to make videogames for the arcade extension for my bar.
In the comics, yes. Stupid thing is, they're fully acknowledging that the Inhumans are in the wrong with this.
You can take my attention span, but you'll never take my warcry!
Because I don't have one. Not unless FUS ROH DAH counts because of dovah cultural differences making saying hello and a punch to the face indistuinguishable.
Or Judgement cultural differences making the conceptual manipulation of war and actually saying "I am expressing machismo and elan for the purposes of instigating this conflict" indistinguishable.
I have yet to adopt one to DC despite slow, steady trucking through the surreal mindscrew that is Hellblazer.
Apparently all Constantines throughout time and space are connected to a gothic dream world called Ravenscar where they enact their morbidly romantic, self-righteous fantasies, and canon!Constantine could get out of there by doing a fusion-ha with his unborn twin brother after being sucked into that world by tripping balls and walking into a cave that symbolises his mom's womb.
I'm pretty sure Marvel's been in the mutant-killing game way before Fox.
Also, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. They just had to trade their background and super origin story, but hey-they kept the names! Maybe one day they might even resemble the actual characters!
he dead bro.
I'm pretty sure he posts in the irc sometimes
>Also, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. They just had to trade their background and super origin story, but hey-they kept the names! Maybe one day they might even resemble the actual characters!
Actually, they're not even mutants in the comics now. They're actually genetic experiments by the High Evolutionary. And they have a sister who has both their powers – but better!
Also, Magneto isn't their father anymore. They originally thought the people who raised them were their parents, only to discover it was actually Magneto, but now they've discovered the original couple was their parents this whole time!
Isn't there a recent comic showing Magneto on Red Skull's side as well?
Dunno mang.
That's fucking stupid.
Was he mind controlled, cause Eric hates Nazis more than he hates humans(and actually has good reason for hating Nazis)
I just want you to know this.
After Overwatch, literally all of my non-martial-arts-y shit is now dragons. Between Dragonstrike, Temple of Thought, and Smite's Theming, I can't cast so much as a Greater Revive or a Teraflare without Dragons being involved.
Resurrection? The spell's a dragon now.
Kamehameha? It's now dragonbeams.
Kikoho? It's now triangles making dragons instead of squares.
What did you do to me.
The same could be said about most comics. I really don't know what people see in them. The abilities are interesting sometimes, but the stories are just pure bullshit 99% of the time.
I'm sure there's a dick joke in there somewhere.
I'm kind of curious to see what your Harem Perks look like now.
Love you to anons.
Bolts similar to lightning bolts. And let's just say that you get a non shitty version of the rifle.
Updated. I completely forgot about that.
...the fact that I'm planning to update MCU1 with some changes will not go over well, then.
>pic related
Mm. Let me clarify.
I do not know, let me think on that.
Will the artifact section let us make a knockoff Mjolnir or is that too "magitek-y"?
It's more that Mjolnir is far and beyond just about all the other Relics we've seen, barring the Eye of Agamotto. IF I put in enough effects to let one create their own version, it would take a fair amount more Relic Points than what the budget initially gives. You'd basically be blowing the majority of your points.
Alright, then.
Kinda wondering how you're going the artifact section anyway, seeing how we've only seen a couple minor and a couple extremely major ones. Unless there's more in the TV shows?
what kind of artifacts will we be able to create with the relic section and what will they be comparable to?
Are there any perks that ensure the loyalty of your creations (automata or otherwise), or at least make them invested in your safety and protection? I'm fully aware 'don't be an asshole or set them up for an existential crisis' is a big one, but after my last jaunt with playing God a few chains back, I'd like an insurance policy.
That seems fair.
I request an option that allows you to import more than one weapon to be combined with your Relic please.
I'm admittedly going more off of what we've seen in the Strange movie, and there's been a fair amount more. They're just background stuff or only pop up in one scene. There was also an occasional few in the MCU comics so I'm going off of them too.
Bunch of cheap little options, some more moderate options with what we see in the minor Relics, then the big effects which will be fairly expensive so only 1-2 effects can be purchased (unless you dump a shitton of points into the conversion option, anyway). So you can have a fairly strong Relic, but unless you dump the points in (or import it) it's not going to be a complete freak of nature.
Probably not as high as you're hoping, tera.
Make it so they physically cannot live without you being alive.
There's the obvious way that fails with "Okay, we just need him alive. He doesn't need to be able to move or have an intact brain, right?"
I'm not hoping for anything And I'm not asking for anything more than a benchmark. and a vague kind of category/set of categories
hive queen quest has something like that in the hive queen perk line I think.
One Dr Strange comic has the cure for all illness. Just saying. Its a potion.
Is there any way if we buy the training ground with wifi that we can have the door room (the teleport door room) be able to open into our warehouse? I need more back doors.
Alice and ambulatory?*
I don't see why not.
I'll probably be putting in a option to combine something with the Relic, yes. But like with the powered armor, it can only be done once. So choose wisely.
Would I be able to learn how to make my own magical relics If I buy Enlightenment?
Check out EVO and Dragonball Multiverse.
Thanks red, loving the wip so far!
Prrrreeeetty much. One of the capstone boost effects will be having a much greater effectiveness with relic crafting right off the bat.
You're welcome. I'm trying to burn through the Powered Armor/Shared section of the first table so that way I can start on the Relic section itself.
Cool. Really loving the crazy amount of options and customization in this jump.
Bro did you forget about the perk from one of your jumps the name escapes me right now but it had super powerful psychics with horns on their head but anyway it had a perk that allowed you to install directives into our creations
Can we see a wip? Its ok if no.
If I'm referencing something, I sure don't know it. I was just playing Devil's Advocate/Evil Genie and showing the worst possible way that suggestion could go.
Are there any jumps that let me buy a abused little girl to give love and headpats?
Let me finish the armor section first before I post the WIP. I didn't get a lot of feedback on the armor section so rather than post it right now, I'd rather have more to show.
Well, I try. I don't necessarily do a good job at times, but I like to think I at least try.
If you don't mind them technically being zombies, that's basically Nechronica in a nutshell. Post-jump they get normal little girl forms.
Elfen Lied, probably?
how does this look?
Technically speaking, Captain. -200 discount Smart space monkey
your mastery of concepts and linguistics has improved greatly, allowing you to distill even the most advanced of scientific principles into rather accurate metaphors understandable and comprehensible by anyone , even the simplest minded of Uplifted gorillas , excellent as both a way to communicate concepts and as a teaching device.
>Elfen Lied, probably?
That's it thanks user
Seems great to me bancho
do you Think it's worth 200? I'm a little iffy on that part.
Black Bullet?
Those who took broken pedestal in the Generic parenting jump, how did you deal with it?
>Needs more feedback
I really like everything so far. Thank you for doing such a good job!
For Love Sandwich, do we need to take Call Trisha first? (i.e. Does using Love Sandwich count as taking two armours through the table or just one?)
Is it possible to control whether or not the Svartálfar Enhancement has a chance of imbuing attacks with dark matter? Also, does this mean the wearer can accidentally get infected with their own dark matter armour? If this option makes the armour risky to use or prevents it from being used in a non-lethal manner, I feel like it may be a tiny bit too expensive for what benefits it brings.
If I take the Swapping Upgrade, can I use Love Sandwich to combine a regular armour with a power armour?
Also, I'm really, really excited to see the options in the Shared Section, especially what the Device Integration Slot and Power Integration Slot let me do.
>For Love Sandwich, do we need to take Call Trisha first? (i.e. Does using Love Sandwich count as taking two armours through the table or just one?)
You need to take Call Trisha first, and Love Sandwich makes two armors into one.
>Is it possible to control whether or not the Svartálfar Enhancement has a chance of imbuing attacks with dark matter?
>Also, does this mean the wearer can accidentally get infected with their own dark matter armour?
Nope, you are protected from it.
>If I take the Swapping Upgrade, can I use Love Sandwich to combine a regular armour with a power armour?
You know, I'm still not sure yet. I'm kind of leaning towards 'yes' if only because it'd bring some interesting combinations.
>Also, I'm really, really excited to see the options in the Shared Section, especially what the Device Integration Slot and Power Integration Slot let me do.
You ever have an item you really wanted to shove in an armor? Like a custom jetpack, or a particular handheld power source, or a transformation trinket? Those options will let you effectively merge the item in question into the armor as though it were a primary design function.
>do you Think it's worth 200? I'm a little iffy on that part.
It looks like a decent 200 cp perk to me man
Jumpers! Those of you who took Gamer's Skills in The Gamer, have you created any neat skills through the prestige system? The idea of your skills not just growing stronger, but transforming into overall better techniques is a pretty neat one, I'd love to hear what people have done with it.
I dont know if I took that perk, whats the name? I went in for the other stuff though. Like the perk to buy property metaphysically from gaia? Better damn believe I took that.
It just goes so well for things like the perk from one of the SMT jumps that lets you make or alter leylines.
The perk's name is Gamer's Skills, all the ones that give the Gamer powers are pretty straight forward in their naming.
Jumper-mongous-300 discounted for big space monkey
you've been forever altered by bizarre alien isotopes! Granting you a strange new power. Choose a basic emotion , this emotion now unconsciously channel mass into your body from an extra dimensional source, making you grow bigger and stronger in proportion to the intensity of that your emotional state in direct violation of the square cube law. it will never make you lose more mass than you normally have But it quickly and safely returns from whence it came as you calm down. The amount you grow is directly proportional to the amount of this emotion you feel. For example, if you chose anger and are reasonably disciplined person, you might only grow a few inches from being insulted , but spring up a full 3 feet in height from being insulted and slapped by someone you hate. This does not have an upper limit beyond the level of anger you are physically and mentally capable of experiencing
there is a Guilty Gear jumpchain cyoa?
how does that look.
I haven't found any on the Drive
Well then. Darn. I did buy that buy in the 20 or so jumps since I had not paid attention to it.
I mean my spells are typically used in enchanting or potionmaking with occasional blasty magic. I dont go into summoning and I am not sure how enchanting or potionmaking could really be improved with it other than the magic effects being greater. And with my combo thats hard enough to imagine as is.
Unholy Heights has a perk where you can stack similar/identical items to have one item with doubled/halved specs, depending on what is better. So take 3 identical hammers and merge them into one hammer with twice the hardness, that does twice the damage and weighs half as much.
Gamer treated it as a skill, and maxing it let you choose what parameter was 'best' according to the needs of the moment. So you can shrink that hammer in half for carrying/storage, but make it normal size or double size for attacking.
Or have a sword be heaver/more blade heavy midswing for better hits, but lighter on the recovery.
Or adjust the velocity of shot bullets in a enhanced gun ti be more or less lethal.
Mastering that skill let you make this part of the item anyone wielding the item could do instead of something only you could do.
>hundreds of mutants with powers like that
Would you trust a fucking mutie to predict the future accurately? They're a menace.
Inhumans have been nothing but benevolent.
But arent the inhumans basically exactly the same as mutants?
Inhumans are the same as mutants except their genetic fuckery is shoddier and weaker because they were made to be slave soldiers by an intergalactic empire instead of by reality warping space gods.
I'd take Magneto over fucking Black Bolt any day.
No. Mutants arise from within a human population. Inhumans are, well, inhuman. They're a different species entirely, that just happens to look like humans.
Kind of but not really.
Celestials popped up a few million years ago invested 'genetic potential' in the early humans they found, and one of those investments eventually became the mutant gene.
Kree stopped by a few hundred thousand years later, saw the 'genetic potential' and did their own experiments, creating the Inhumans. Some went into space, some stayed behind.
Later, the Inhumans discovered the Terrigen Mists which give them superpowers, but also mutate the shit out of them. So they did a whole bunch of eugenics and caste society shit to get rid of the physical aberrations.
Or something like that. Shit's complicated.
Your average Mutant is probably way more powerful than the average Inhuman, just going by the ones I know of.
I know. I was pretending to be infected by Sublime.
Me too. Magneto did nothing wrong. Black Bolt and Medusa need to go and stay go. Karnak can stay, though.
Not him, but I imagine you'd have developed a skills specifically for putting your potions into use, or buffing your potion creation in game-y ways. Like, "Potioneer's Trick" would take your ordinary enchanting and let you just blast your mixes with spells, and have their effects add to the potions even if that shouldn't work. Like you cast fireball into your cauldron (or your beaker, or whatever you use to make stuff) and now the potion is on fire. Except the fire doesn't actually affect the thing (unless you want it to) and if it's a harmful potion, it explodes like a molotov, spreading the effects around without diffusing it. If it's a beneficial one, then maybe whoever uses it gets a fire in their heart for extra courage, or they just get set on fire harmlessly to fuck up anyone trying to fight them, or they get something like Dark Souls' Flash Sweat. Or maybe you get special ways to use your potions. "Instant Cloud" would let you boil your potions until they're a gas, even if that shouldn't work, in order to spread their effects around. "Emergency Potion" would you invert the effects of any potion you have, so even if all you have are buff or healing potions you can use them to fuck up enemies, or turn a poison potion into an antidote in a pinch.
I'm gonna feel like such a dingus if you can already do all of this through other means.
>Kree stopped by a few hundred thousand years later, saw the 'genetic potential' and did their own experiments, creating the Inhumans. Some went into space, some stayed behind.
Wait, Inhuman genes are literally mutant genes kick-started by Terrigen mist?
Black Bolt is such an annoying twat. "Boo hoo, I can't talk or I'll blow stuff up." You know who else can't talk? Mute people. And they don't get fucking superpowers out of it.
Wait, wait, they're actually admitting that what the Inhumans are doing is wrong? I thought they were being portrayed as good guys? Is...Is anyone actually doing anything to stop them?
Not sure if it's as clear cut as that.
IIRC, Terrigen Mists actually inhibit X-gene activation. It also sterilizes and kills active Mutants.
You can see how this would be a problem from the Mutant point of view.
Isn't minor diversity for the sake of being diverse FUN?
Not quite. They're mutant genes enhanced with Eternal genes, then kickstarted by Terrigen mist. Mutant genes on their own are actually inhibited by Terrigen, that's why the mutants are at odds with the Inhumans in the current storyline. Spreading Terrigen mist over the planet means sterilizing mutants.
Although I dont have the potion reversal thing, thanks to DnD master alchemist I can already directly turn my spells into potions. It is very very useful.
Rolled 4 (1d8)
Jump 163 Lyrical Nanoha
Highlights include a lot of companions being imported. Getting caught in a befriending blast. Yoinking a stable Jewel Seed. Orbital Befriendings. Absorbing various criminals Linker Cores. Geneforged mage clones linker cores being used to stabilize Darkness. Shenanigans.
1 F.E.A.R.
2 SimAnt
3 Warframe
4 Sekirei
5 Castlevania
6 XMen Movies
7 Worm
8 Dragonball
Sekirei, I'll need a new 4.