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First for: can you guys please scan Shadows over Hammerhal short story that comes in the box??
The salt is real
I come completely wasted from a gym and the first thing I see is this. What a joke.
Death > Order > Destruction > Chaos
Nagash go and stay go
Yeah, it's normal that you start with Death or Order (they are cheap) then go with Ironjawz or Claws only to finally run a Nurgle army
Just finishen my bestigors, What do you think? I am not a pro painter, and I wanted them to be atleast table top standard
I was going to start with a Nurgle Army because the battlebox looked simple and kinda cool.
Here is another pic of them
Tabletop standard is very low. Your bestigors look fine.
Horns look somehow bland - maybe more wash? But the rest is 10/10 for me
Nurgle Start Collecting has 500 points of models so you can pick two and run a 1000 pts legal list. They are idiot-proof, newbie friendly and have easy to manage synergy. If you like their lore, models and shit then you should grab at least one Start Collecting to have fun with painting minis and run small games
Thanks! Well, time to start working on my balewind vortex
Well i mostly want them for 40k but there was some guys playing Age of Sigmar in the store the other day and i do know someone with some old skaven.
Then you should definitely pick them if you want to kill two birds with one stone m8. Also you can always use some nurgle mortals models in 40k - I know a guy using ironjawz models in 40k
The Nurgle SC is also just enough to field a small allied detachment in 40k if you have some other chaos 40k stuff then I would say go for it, and have fun in both games
I don't really need any mortals but i do want to get a Great Unclean One. What's a sensible way to make one that looks like shit (in the good nurgle way of course) and doesn't cost as much as the forge world one?
Do a lot of nurglings under a coat pretending to be a great unclean one
I'm running a 500 pt per person free for all/allies/intro games. Was planning on just using the GBH Multiplayer rules + Points but not battlefield roles.
Anyone have some good tips? 4x4 table, with some scenery (Garden of Morr+Citadel wood+Homemade tower and barn)/
I uh, I'd have to play at an actual GW store sometimes so I'm not sure how that would go down.
Sounds solid to me.
I'd not add any more wash to the horns. If anything, I'd add extreme highlights. But that isn't necessary.
Well, for me both GUO models are terrible shit aesthetic-wise. Other big Nurgle models cost more than GW GUO so I don't really know
I am terrible at highlighting, any tips you can give me for my future models?
Ladies and gentlement, today's a great day:
We are the fourth best selling game in the USA. Next privateer press. Then 40k. And last we shall break the winds and take the x.
> thin your paint, and don't take too much on your brush
> try edges and other 'ridges'ridges first
> for the first few times, try using the side of your brush on the extreme edges of the miniature
> multiple thin highlights is better than trying to it all in 1 go.
Put on the highlights in quick streaks, use the side of your brush whenever possible, don't overdo it: save the brightest paint for the sharp tips.
Ok, thanks for the help
The hilt looks like a dick in the thumbnail.
If I get a start collecting ironjawz, a megaboss, and 2 squads of brutes this comes to nearly 1k points according to scrollbuilder, if I run this to play casually at my local gw will I get stomped all the time or do I have a decent chance? I just love the big armoured orcs and there's not too many of them that I'll get burnt out with painting!
Hi mike
Casually speaking you'll do well, but be ready if you do the jump to competitive, where you'll have mores struggles.
Which is better? Necropolis Knights or Sepulchral Stalkers? They both look cool as fuck but which one is better to actually use in your army?
There isn't a competitive scene at all here, the store has a heap of tables upstairs and opens late every Thursday, it's got a big range of all players and I have used a borrowed flesh eater army and played 4 games, 2 of which I won! It was really fun to be honest
Necropolis Knights are the best unit in the game
You have a legit 1000 list with ironfist battalion
Allegiance: Destruction
Orruk Megaboss (140)
- General
Orruk Warchanter (80)
10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
- Pair of Brute Choppas
5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
- Pair of Brute Choppas
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (180)
- Pig Iron Choppas
Ironfist (60)
Total: 1000/1000
> I just love the big armoured orcs and there's not too many of them that I'll get burnt out with painting!
If you want more big orcs to paint then look for blood bowl league at your area
Played death and want an army of great green hooligans? I can totally identify with it.
Ironjawz do fairly well in casual, though as a recommendation you should always run your army in an ironfist batallion (basically it covers up your lack of speed), sometimes a weirdfist if you want to buy a shaman. If you do that you're golden.
What's the pros and cons of using them over Sepulchral Stalkers? SS burrowing ability seems super useful
Oh wow they look really really nice! That is the absolute perfect aesthetic for orcs I think
This is exactly all the units I have so that'll be perfect, I'll run this when I finish painting all my guys thank you! Handy that I built them all with the 2 weapons cus they look cooler I thought
I had a terrorghiest with a ghoul king on top, 2 units of horrors and 3 units of ghouls, with a varghulf, everything died so easily, the ghouls died to a stiff breeze the horrors lived a bit more but not much at all really! These ironjawz just look so cool especially the brutes
Necropolis Knights do insane damage and ressurect models every turn
Settra is +1 hit and +1 wound
Settra also gives them double movement + flying
Necrotect gives them an extra 3" move (6" after it gets doubled with settras ability)
Liche Priest spell makes them generate attacks on hit6+
Necromancer spell makes them pile in and attack twice
The end result is:
Move 22" and a guaranteed 6" charge
Hit on 2+, generate attacks on 4+
Wound on 2+, reroll wound 1
Both attacks are Rend-1
Bite attack causes mortal wounds on wound5+ and does D3 damage
Pile in and attack twice with a 2" reach on every weapon
A squad of 6 Necropolis Knights can fly across the board on turn 1 and murder everything in their path. You cripple your opponent past the point of no return. 9 NK can destroy an entire 2000 point army.
If they somehow manage to kill some NK you ressurect 3 models per turn (1 from icon, 1 from Tomb Herald, 1 from Death Wizard spell)
>Handy that I built them all with the 2 weapons cus they look cooler I thought
Well I'm not sure what weapons should your orruks grab - I just posted this list with deflaut setting in warscroll builder. You should wait for more experienced user to recommend you a good build for each unit I think
Remember to give your brute bosses the klaw+smasha
I would have built them with 2 weapons regardless I think, I read fury of gork and gordrak states that 2 weapons are chopper than one, which makes great sense ork wise!
Each squad of 5 has one guy with the greatsword, and one guy with a klaw again cus they looked super cool!
FW daemon prince of nurgle if it ever gets back in stock
Well, that's cool you build a fluffy army and have fun. Remember to use a proper names of the weapons (greatsword is a Gore-choppa) so other Anons could help you with your lists and armies.
As you can see it's important to give your brute bosses a klaw and smasha so they can use their extra ability. I hope you managed to download all important warscrolls from GW site or you downloaded AoS APP - they are extra useful for you
JESUS fuck
Well I don't have a Settra so I can abuse it to its full extent
Jesus fuckin Christ, this is literally rape
Yes the NK are the reason that 4 of the top 8 lists from the masters tournament were tomb kings
Anyone saying Death is bad is a fucking retard, Death is objectively the strongest right now
So how do you fight against them, tarpitting? Sounds kinda hard though against flying enemies.
I have the app on my phone and got all the scrolls off there and its really handy, especially now cus it has point on it! I have the iron fist battalion but can It be used to with destruction abilities for 2d6 moment? Cus that's pretty crazy with a normal move also
Hitting them with the nerf bat. The next GHB II is going hard on them apparently.
So chaos is the bottom?
Well, Tzeentch and Nurgle not really. IMO only Khorne Mortals are bottom-tier right now
Why are they so bad? I had a look at wrath monger rules and they look incredible!
slow melee army that relies on heroes that are vulnerable to being sniped
Some dude in WIP made this, I think he did a great job.
Is that not a lot of armies though? There's not much answer go shooting at all
some armies are fast or have special movement/deployment options, or shooting of their own
khorne mortals have none of these, needing to rely on support from Slaves to Darkness.
khorne is the worst at everything
>a pure melee army that has low rend
>prayers are unreliable mortal wound output
>best units are slow as shit
>no shooting
>no spells
>no mobility abilities like teleporting, run+charge
every other faction is better
So they are literally just slow moving with good melee lacking any sort of tricks, it's a shame cus they have really nice models
That's a very concise list of why they are bad, hopefully this changes cus the models are very nice, they could use some love similar to what stormcast are getting
Do people really use the Blood Boil most of the time? Blood Bind seems better at a first reading.
It wouldnt be hard to fix khorne, honestly
Release a Disciples of Khorne battletome that has demons and mortals together in a single KHORNE allegiance
Battle trait:
Khorne units can run and charge, but cannot retreat
Artifacts for mortals:
Enemy units have -2 to hit in the shooting phase against this model
Ignore mortal wounds on 4+
New prayers:
Set up a Khorne Daemon unit within 16", more than 9" away from an enemy
All Khorne units within 12" of the priest that take a battleshock test can choose to automatically roll a 1 instead of rolling normally
Deal D3 mortal wounds to an enemy unit within 16" and heal D3 wounds from a friendly unit within 8"
Bam, problems solved
Wonder how he did it, thats what i need to know. Looks like a squig face?
>tfw Queen Neferata was the one who started the abhorrent ghoul curse, according to the FEC battletome
>And she executed a Prince related to Ushoran
Fuck this girl
Almost entirely GS'd face, with a Giant's head deep in there. Extensive GSing and the Glottkin kit, scratchbuilt sword.
I don't even want to start an Ironjawz army for now but WAAAGH! drummer is so fuckin cute. I'm thinking about buying this single model just to have a pet-orruk on my desk
As if Nef Nef could do such a thing, she almost got rekt by Slaanashi jobber, whose god is dead in a ditch somewhere in Hysh
I was curious what people think about the balance of the game.
Do you think the game is well balanced?
What methods are used to balance the game?
Are their good examples of things that aren't balanced?
What does "balance" mean to you?
if you had your way, how would you go about making the game balanced?
>Do you think the game is well balanced?
Yes between new releases, no with some shonky points values that are due to be fixed
>What methods are used to balance the game?
How the hell do us mortals know
>Are their good examples of things that aren't balanced?
Tomb Kangz, Beastclaw
>What does "balance" mean to you?
Mathfaggot please go
>if you had your way, how would you go about making the game balanced?
I swear to god if anyone says a solution that involves a spreadsheet I'll be mad
>not wanting a spreadsheet.
This is why we AoS players will never be on the same level as our glorious 9th age superiors, We simply fail to grasp the tactical depth and joyfull gameplay of two fiscally managed armies clashing together on a blank table of absolute balance.
We just have to make do with our scrub level fun while the true masters of games enjor their bulimic number crunching.
Sad times.
Oh my, kek'd. Here is your (you), salty comedian
>fiscally managed
my sides went to the moon
were good, final destination, no items
R8 my Spikey Dorfs boys.
Praise Hashut
Thinking of swapping a unit of Fireglaves for some K'daai.
I approve brother, PRAISE HASHUT
Not a fan of Deathshriekers?
I like em, I'm just running a themed list with my dudes
Dude can you finish painting those before you post them again like it's some great achievement? At least another color.
Please, paint at least one more detail before posting them again
Sorry, I'm working on em tonight and posting from my phone again while at work. I got one of em almost done now so I'll have something to show soon I promise
Another week of 40k crap? Where are my dorfs
Follow up question, anyone have any suggestions on a paint scheme for the FW Chaos Dwarfs?
Not sure how to make them stand out really.
Another 2 weeks of 40k at least.
This weekend is preorders for some of the BoP kits
Next weekend opens preorders for custodes and SoS kits. Probably another 40k thing after that.
So we probably likely won't see preorders for our dorfs until the first of april
White. Pure ceramic white, with black iron and pale gold pot colour.
What paints would you suggest for that? Sounds like an interesting concept.
There's also the reveal of what that mask is at Adepticon, which I want to say is March 26th.
The reveal would be wednesday the 23rd, and it likely will be for future stuff because i still stand by that mask isnt duardin.
I just mean that we'll be getting more AoS news by then.
This month will probably be the last 40k focus for a little while, since Gathering Storm is ending. April and on will most likely give AoS the primary spotlight.
White undercoat.Agrax earthshade wash all over. Then bleached bone(or closest in the new range) then a highlight of pure white.
Iron I'd do a basecoat of black, Then leadbelcher mixed with black, then nuln oil, then a cheerleader highlight.
Gold I'd use Vallejo old gold on top of something like tin bitz, with a wash of reikland and a final highlight of old gold again.
(If it isn't obvious i use a bit of a mish mash of paint. I'm only saying leadbelcher cus i know it's meant to replace boltgun metal, But Really I'm still using boltgun.)
Leadbelcher, not cheerleader. Not yet anyway....
Thanks bud. Quick questions.
Would Redistributor Armor be a decent substitute for the old gold? And would Abaddon Black be decent for the base coat on the iron?
Black yes.
Retributor armour is quie a strong gold If I'm thinking right. Try toning it down with some light silver until you get something with a little less brightness.
Dude, Why so savage?
>Guy posts his unfinished models.
Calm your autism, fucknut. At least he's contributing to the thread beyond bitching about how GW isn't focusing on X army or just being salty for no reason like you.
Read as "I haven't cum in 3 years!"
now you know why the blood elf guy doesn't post anymore