To all the doubters from two months ago
piic for attention
To all the doubters from two months ago
piic for attention
Yep, 40k is gonna get sigmar'd alright.
Guess it's time to start looking for a different hobby
I've been saying this twice so far.
It's happening boys.
Just because you spam the same rumour everywhere doesn't make it true.
Ah, no I'm the guy that has posted about it in 2 other threads.
OP is a different bloke.
I don't really give a shit as long as my armies are still around and get something. I couldn't care less about what happens to marines.
B-but I just started collecting Space Marines again. Does this also mean Rhinos and Land Raiders will be scaled up (assuming the new marines will be 'truescale'/bigger)?
Should I go ahead and stop collecting until this happens?
Rumours say these will be a new thing separate from existing marines rather than an updated model for marines. So it's probably safe to collect, but you may be outshone in the future.
Personally I think if that rumor is true it's the most retarded thing in the universe. Making new sculpts for marines and giving them an update I can understand, but that article claims itll be an entirely knew thing and they won't be part of any existing chapter. Which is just balls. See these guys who've been the heroes for decades? Fuck them we've got new uber ubermench for you to use. Forget space marines, space green beret are here! I don't even play marines, don't even like them very much, but if that's the way they do it that is absolute horse shit.
>Which is just balls.
>like GW never did the same
This isn't fantasy battles mate. This IP actually matters.
>This IP actually matters.
What's about IP they didn't kill 40k like Fantasy
They're not replacing them so far.
They're just slightly more elite marines.
>replacing and squatting fucking space marines
>not destroying the IP
It is like you never heard of the Grey Knights.
That... is actually a valid point. I dislike GK though.
None going to squat them.
>>not destroying the IP
Nope since people loved Ultramarines, so everyone would love Ultracasts
Going to laugh my ass off if these are nothing more than regular Marines in Mk X armor who only appear different because they've been scaled to the size of Stormcast Eternals and supposedly even some of the Thousand Sons models.
It doesn't make sense because Hastings could very well be talking out of his ass. He makes the comparison of Stormcast to the Empire, seemingly unaware that such a thing already exists with Space Marine to Imperial Guard and Custodes to Space Marine.
The Grey Knights aren't really the same because the only thing about them that stands out is being psykers and having access to among the highest levels of technology. Whereas these rumors would imply Space Marines that have been biologically enhanced in addition to new technology.
It's a new adeptus faction for a new 40k. It does not replace current Space Marines.
They are the result of failed attempts to create new custodes, guilliman secretly order Cawl to create an elite army using guilliman geneseed but the project was interrupted when Guilliman was mortally wounded.
Cawl working secretly for thousands of years, and how to give back to life the primarch.
>He makes the comparison of Stormcast to the Empire, seemingly unaware that such a thing already exists with Space Marine to Imperial Guard and Custodes to Space Marine.
And what's wrong here?
I hope this is false. Just once I want Veeky Forums's doomsayers to be wrong about GW.
Because he is acting like this is some new thing that didn't already exist and is happening because of AoS.
It really sounds like he saw or heard a few things and is extrapolating out the ass. Even more so when more credible sources like Atia have been silent or SadPanda have been vague outside of a reference to Mk X armor, which as I said could just as easily mean these supposed new Marines are just additions to the existing ranges, either taking the place of current kits or as a new unit along the lines of Veterans and Terminators.
>Because he is acting like this is some new thing that didn't already exist and is happening because of AoS.
Nope most likely he trying to imply that new marines will be more closer to sigmarines (like ultimate anti-Chaos weapon) and will make other marines totally irrelevant in setting like it happened with mortals in AoS
So... more Grey Knights? Honestly not sure how you go up from Grey Knights while in the Imperium's technological state without the Big E or one of the engineer Primarch helping.
>So... more Grey Knights?
More powerful Grey Knights, like Sigmarines were much more powerful regular Warriors of Chaos.
>More powerful Grey Knights
But in the Imperium's current state, without a technically proficient Primarch, where do you go from burning-daemons-with-the-presence-of-the-Emperor's-genetics, infallible, all-psychic space marines?
burning-daemons-with-the-presence-of-the-Emperor's-genetics, infallible, all-psychic Custodes?
To be fair, it's not impossible to do minute biological improvements, Fabius Bile went so far as to clone Horus. It's more a problem of what makes this thing so different that it takes the spotlight off of SM. Which again raises the possibility that Hastings doesn't know what he is really talking about.
Stormcast are on the same level as Chaos Warriors.
>Stormcast are on the same level as Chaos Warriors.
Nope they are muchy stronger.
I'll believe it when I see pics, until then fuck off
They are not. The battletome only says they have an advantage on the WoC because they fight as organised army. They are not stronger than the WoC.
More like .....Wardmarines
Can someone give me alink to the mega folder or to the 40k thread? I can't find either.
This is your proof? A rumor from that faggot?
If you have pics you can try again.
>Bell of Lost Souls
Not disagreeing, but BoLS as a source is like using Buzzfeed as a news source. Theyre shit tier rumormongers with 5% accuracy rate
>…New marines will make old marines seem like empire now seem to sigmarines ……
what the fuck? whats the fucking in that. we already have that situation with IG and current SM, what the fuuuck
Don't they just mean this ?
>New marines will make old marines seem like empire now seem to sigmarines
>mfw they will still die to lasguns and Eldar.
Are you sure they aren't more like Centurions?
It's probably Booby G looked at what he had done to the space marine chapters and knew he fucked up and is going to try and salvage the situation
>New marines will make old marines seem like empire now seem to sigmarines
Ultras get cucked by their own Primarch
>It stands about two head taller than a guardsman, give or take.
>One knee-piece is oddly similar to a stormcast eternal grieve/knee piece.
>The marine has some weird wrist piece? Looking sort of like some data-device.
>New looking bolter pattern that loos more like a long assault rifle and an updated bolt pistol/auto pistol mix.
Oh boy it's time for the second great grognard purge!
>inb4 they're only available for armies with the Ultramarines chapter tactics
>They are not.
They fight in 1k chapters against gorrillions of WoC (since even border-cities in Mortal Realms are larger than Tokyo I gues there is shitton of WoC).
As long as they don't look like shit like Eternal Stormcast Sigmarines, and the fluff allows me to field them in my chapter/mix their armor bits around then I'm fine.
If they're a whole new faction or are too unique to integrate like the Custodes or Guilliman are, I'll be pissed.
B-B-buuuut GW promised on their facebook page that they wouldn't age of sigmar 40k !!!!1!
please believe me senpai !!
That's what they said about jews.
Then about blacks
Then about Bretonnians
Wood elves
tomb kings
so who u gon turn to when they come for your favourite army?
>B-B-buuuut GW promised on their facebook page that they wouldn't age of sigmar 40k !!!!1!
Nope. they promised not ETd 40k, and they held this promises, setting wasn't destroyed, but none asked them about Age of...
golden land raider
so glorious
so homoerotic
end times has already been mentioned several times in official 40k fluff.
in death masque for example.
So not what they used to be. GW even featured a "Custodes" conversion army on their website ages ago with red rhinos and land raiders.
Also, I thought the Custodes adopted a black colour after the Heresy to mourn the passing of the Emperor and their failure to protect him. Am I wrong or did GW do another "Dark Angels Green"?
Well, that's it then.
Time to open the fanfic gates and have Veeky Forums start writing our own canon now, because the GW ship is sinking and all that is left is our own thoughts as the world burns.
Gentlemen it's been an honor serving with you, and I pray that some of you rise to the challenge and create a brighter future.
>Also, I thought the Custodes adopted a black colour after the Heresy to mourn the passing of the Emperor and their failure to protect him.
That's very old fluff from when Custodes were supposed to be like this.
>because the GW ship is sinking
Have fun with the 9th age fags
>The boat floats well, but all aboard her are dead and damned
Of course GW is fine monetarily, they're a large company in the modern era they have a thousand tools to milk money and dodge bankruptcy through legal holes if they so choose.
That ain't what I meant, bro.
Yeah, even GW thought they'd got a bit too close to someone else's IP with that... Even though Citadel were producing 2000AD miniatures at the time. Pic only semi-related, but O'Neill did draw terminators with bare chests, pointy masks and halbards.
>the fluff allows me to field them in my chapter/mix their armor bits around
>a whole new faction or are too unique to integrate
Which of these would generate the most new money for GW, that is the one they will choose.
It's mentioned in Collected Visions that after the Heresy the red was changed to black. So they should be gold with black, rather than gold with red.
>New Marines.
Fucking WHY?
>Fucking WHY?
Because none cares about usual mortals.
>we want the age of signmar audience
"Ultimate anti-chaos weapons"? But those are the regular human warpriests, not stormcasts. Stormcasts are just there to safely crack chaos warriors skulls.
>1k chapters. False, they either fight in stormhosts which are LEGION sized or warrior-chambers which would be 300-600 warriors. Plus fucking cultitsts kill them. Time and time again.
Also, the only city on par with Tokyo in the realms (barring azyr) is Hammerhal, which is anything but a border city.
They are a patently better audience
>So it's probably safe to collect, but you may be outshone in the future.
I hear the free people in AoS are pretty badass on the tabletop, hopefully they remember that.
>Orks still I2
Awaken, my masters! Aiaiaiaiiiiiiiiiii
>why spend millions to make new products to cater to your vast majority of customers that are guaranteed to sell so well next quarters target will get blown away and stock prices will soar just like it did last quarter due to prospero box set
>instead let's spend millions updating unpopular models that the non players hate and the players would've bought anyway even if they weren't updated because they're cheesy faggots
You stupid? You're literally asking why fast food restaurants spend money on making burgers instead of developing new LGBT SJW friendly salads
The former. Yet GW insists on the latter. See Deathwatch Marines. Barely compatible, over scaled parts with one single theme. They could have spent DW money making generic marine shit like BaC and BoP and made way more money
GW is too stupid to do that so they just make triumvirates and roll factions together like ynnari
So what, is Rowboat Girlyman the new emperor or something?
>super Space Marines
Maybe they'll be really limited in number, because if you could spam them why have regular Space Marines?
They'll be like what the Scions are to the Guard.
Can we not post "News" from clickbait sites?
>what are Grey Knights
Oh well, I still like to think of Space Marines as they originally were, freakish fuckups upholding the law on the fringes of the galaxy.
Terribly overspecialized and on an entirely different chain of command.
So, Arbites on roids?
Space Marines were never like that though.
They've always been super human warrior brotherhoods and respected as Angels of Death.
They were to an extent, they weren't as perfect though. They even had to have Field Police.
>TFW you've been telling some autist in nottingham about space marine space marines for a year and turns out hes been posting it as rumors.
Absolutely unreal, I thought the joke had gone too far but holy shit people will believe anything if you imply theres some end times mk2 going on.
Hastings is normally pretty solid, he called Age of Sigmarines a year out.
Yeah, the free-guilds are mid tier, certainly they are better in a better condition than guard, with them being the only ones being able to overwatch (and by overwatch I mean rolling UNAFFECTE/ FULL "BS") and having the tau's ability (though nerfed down).
No one ever picks up on the fact Eldar are space kkk.
>unpopular models
>Plus fucking cultitsts kill them.
Yeah that's why they are literally unstoppable and only guys like Archaon and his new MLP riders could fight against them
Nope, they aren't even one army anymore (so no more common buffs and synergies)
>Wardmarines are real
I knew something was up when that pile of shit returned to GW, god damn it.
Its not sigmaring, it is total retardation though.
>random finecast aspect shrines
>more popular than marines
Like the post says, the popular Eldar models get purchased regardless of how old they are so why update them. Warp Spiders are guaranteed to be higher selling than other aspect shrines. Even tomb blades sold out when the decurion first came out after being a model that never saw play. Plastic doesn't mean shit.
once they rehired Ward, we should have all begun preparing for 40k to die a slow, agonizing death of mediocrity.
More like half-eldar marines.
they couldn't just have made a plastic version of the gorgeous FW custodes contemptor?
>Space Marine Marines
Sir. With honors.
guys, they are going to use ogryns and implant them with the muhrine gene seed!
Someone post the MARINES LOL picture
>tfw it will be fanfiction of the level where the OCs will obtain the best things from the main cast
>mars weaponry
>astartes training
>primarch geneseed
>celestial blessings
>fast terminator-tier armor with jetpacks and servos mounted heavy weapons
>jump terminators
You need to go even further.
I imagine the 8th Edition starter will be Gullimarines vs. updated Chaos Marine models?